LA PHO 越南美食餐廳 》信義區 Neo 19 越南河粉 | Taipei Pho

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) 台北信義區 Neo 19 近期開了一家越南餐廳, 名稱為 LA PHO, 除了經典越南牛肉河粉外, 也有越南三明治.
(Closed Down ) Newly-opened LA PHO restaurant is located at Neo 19 at Xinyi District. Besides Beef Pho, they also offer Bánh Mì.


LA Pho 菜單在文末 LA Pho Menu is at the end of article

餐廳位於松仁路與松壽路的路口, 我是直接從Neo 19 松壽路門口走進去, 鮮豔的門外塗鴉牆有種 French Quarter 風情, 室內裝潢則是偏南洋風情, 尤其是仿竹天花板, 此外, 店家將紅色公雞醬 (Sriracha sauce) 排得跟 “Bluesky Hotel 藍天飯店”的行李箱排到天花板. 餐廳佔地大, 但座位稍微擁擠, 用餐顧客有年輕人也有上班族, 唯一相同的地方就是多少會有英文穿插在對話中.
The restaurant is located at the interaction of SongRen Road and Songshun Road. I entered the restaurant through Songshun Road entrance. The restaurant outside design is more like French quarter, which is more colorful. The inner design is more like tropical design. Also, they piling up the Sriracha sauce like “Bluesky Hotel” piling up the old suitcases. The restaurant is large but the seats are a bit crowded. Customers, who speak with each other in English, include young generation and also white collars.

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

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English Name: Beef Pho
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

LA PHO 越南美食餐廳 跟 “District One Tpe 越南河粉”一樣美式越南河粉, 點菜完之後, 服務生會端上羅勒葉, 豆芽, 辣椒, 檸檬片. 按自己想要的程度而調味, 這家的越南河粉湯頭顏色較信義誠品的“越粉舖”淺與清爽,店長提到他們是用牛膝骨來熬湯, 骨髓較少因此湯頭較淺. 但牛肉與洋蔥風味依舊明顯, 湯頭算是不錯.
LA PHO’s type is similar with “District One Tpe”, which is more like American-Vietnamese Pho style. After ordering, the waitress would serve basil, bean sprout, hot pepper, and sliced lemon. LA PHO ’s soup broth is lighter and refreshing than the “Eslite Pho Shop”. Their manager mentioned that they use calf knees, which has less bone marrow. But the beef and onion flavors are still noticeable. The broth is above average.



LA PHO 越南美食餐廳的河粉比 “鼎越豐越南麵食館” 較細, 店家採用的牛肉部位是較少見的牛頰肉, 肉質較為細緻, 口感不會過於嚼勁, 比信義誠品 “越粉舖”的肉片好吃.
The pho itself is thinner than “Ding-Yuan-Fong Vietnamese Pho Restaurant”. LA PHO uses beef cheek, which is more tender. It tastes better than “Eslite Pho Shop”.




English Name: Vietnamese Fried Roll
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

店家將三條春捲切成六塊炸春捲放在小藤竹籃裡, 再附酸辣沾醬,炸春捲內餡飽滿, 春捲外皮採用名符其實的米紙, 炸得並不夠脆, 反而有點黏牙, 吃得較不習慣,店長後來解釋市面上用的都是泰式春捲皮, 這道料理未來會再跟主廚溝通改進.
There are 6 pcs Vietnamese Fried Roll placing at the bamboo basket along with sweet and sour dip sauce. The filling is delicious. But the fried rice paper roll is not crispy enough, instead, it is a bit sticky. The manager mentioned that they might readjust their spring roll recipe in the future.


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Restaurant Name 店名: LA PHO 越南美食餐廳
Address: 1F, No. 30, Songshun Road, Taipei City 台北市松壽路30號(Neo19 1F) (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Elephant Mountain MRT station 象山捷運站
電話:02- 2722-8770
營業時間: Everyday 11:30am ~ 10:30pm





