MyCroissant by Guillaume 》 N訪後的台北吉可頌推薦排行榜
Last Updated on 2023-05-04 by Foodelicious
( 2023.5 更新) 法國籍主廚新開幕的吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店 在我的台北可頌推薦名單裡. 除了信義安和店外. 近期吉可頌又多了統一時代櫃位, 除了吉可頌之外, 我還吃過哪些可頌!
(2023.5 Update ) If anyone ask me where in Taipei sells delicious Croissant, I would say MyCroissant by Guillaume near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. Besides G-Croissant, what else do I purchase?!
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目錄 / Table of Contents
MyCroissant by Guillaume Traffic
2019 新開幕吉可頌位於信義安和捷運站三號出口附近, 並不是往 “Logy”的方向, 而是往 “星高湯廚房”的方向, 附近並不容易找停車位. 麵包店位於 “後院 l’arrière-cour”的下一條巷子. 不得不說, 法籍主廚/老闆 Guillaume Pedron 選了一個極佳的地點, 因為附近有私立立人小學和仁愛國小, 附近只有路邊停車, 很像當年 “哈肯舖” 新開幕許多名貴車主停路邊買麵包的情況相似.
The 2019 newly-opened MyCroissant by Guillaume is located near Exit 3 of Xinyi Anhe MRT station. You would need to walk toward “Soupstar The Kitchen” instead of “Logy”. The bakery is at the next lane of “l’arrière-cour”. Chef Guillaume Pedron picks a great location for bakery because it is near private and public elementary schools. There isn’t any parking lot nearby. The parking situation is a bit similar with “Hoganbakery” – cars park at the street side to purchase breads.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林一星 logy 餐廳美食
延伸閱讀: 星高湯廚房 Soupstar The Kitchen 》信義安和捷運站餐廳 | 夜晚蛻變成餐酒館
延伸閱讀: 信義安和附近的餐廳 》 Restaurant near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
MyCroissant by Guillaume Fresh-From-The-Oven Time
吉可頌店員說即使各種麵包出爐的時間固定, 客人買的數量也不一定, 無法保證出爐時間就代表一定有麵包, 最好的方法就是若是特地要來買, 建議事先打電話確認與預訂, 若是要大量訂購, 盡量 2 ~ 3 天前預訂. 吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店的門口有戶外休息區, 客人們在戶外坐著聊天吃可頌和喝吉可頌的咖啡. 店內寬敞,挑選麵包沒壓力. 櫃檯後方就是製作可頌的區域, 烤箱出乎預料地設在麵包區後方, 並無隔著玻璃, 與市面上的麵包店不太一樣, 麵包出爐時, 整家吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店充滿了麵包香氣.
The fresh from the oven time might be the same everyday, however, customers might purchase more than expected. Therefore, it would be better to pre-order prior arriving. If you want to order large quantity, it would be better to pre-order 2 ~ 3 days in advance. There are outdoor seats. Customers can sit outside enjoy Croissant and coffee from the shop. The indoor has lots of spaces. Surprisingly, the baking oven is right behind the bread area.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
MyCroissant by Guillaume Recommendation Rank List
Price: NTD $55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
招牌吉可頌可以說是店內銷售第一的產品, 比起其他歐美麵包, 這款可頌的Size非常迷你, 我大概四口可以吃完一個. 外層頂部並不是珍珠糖, 而是海鹽, 間接帶給味蕾些許鹹味, 間接讓可頌的奶油香更明顯. 隔天吃時, 不用烤就已經外脆內軟, 主廚有提到這款麵包是結合可頌與法國長棍麵包的概念. 可惜這次的招牌吉可頌的頂部有點烤焦黑. 但是我依舊推薦這款招牌吉可頌.
G-Croissant is their No. 1 selling item. Comparing with other European breads, G-Croissant size is quite mini. I can probably finish this bread in 4 bites. The top is not pearl sugar, instead, it is sea salt. It brings the salty flavor to the tastebuds. It also enhances the buttery flavor from the croissant’s classic flavor. Overall, it is crispy on the outside and soft inside. However, this time, the top is a bit burned. But, I still recommend this G-Croissant.
杏薀 (杏仁可頌)
Almond Croissant
Price: NTD $85
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
這款杏仁可頌可以說是 Ugly Delicious 的最佳例子, 比起有著美美外型的原味可頌, 杏薀外型可以說是崩壞或是沒發酵好的可頌, 在紮實口感裡還是可以感受到經典可頌層次. 除了外層的杏仁片外, 內餡的杏仁醬也是非常地綿密, 撒上的些許糖粉還是會讓我有罪惡感, 但是好吃的程度讓我很甘願一次又一次的購買. 如果怕甜, 推薦買來與別人分享.
This almond croissant is the best example of Ugly Delicious. Unlike other croissants, Almond Croissant appearance is not the most appealing. While tasting the firm texture, you can still sense the multi-layers from the classic croissant. The almond paste is also very delicious and creamy at the same time. The sugar at the appearance makes me feel quite guilty. I still purchase it whenever I saw it on the shelf. If you are afraid of sweet bread, I still recommend you to share with others though.
Original Croissant
Price: NTD $55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
我常買可頌/丹麥麵包的地方不外乎有 “耶里”, “天母野上麵包”, “山崎” , “哈肯舖“.. etc. 台北麵包店的可頌平均價格大約在 NTD $45 ~ NTD $60, 吉可頌的“就是可頌”價格意想不到只有 NTD $55, 法籍主廚/老闆 Guillaume Pedron 則是採用法國依思尼Isigny 無鹽發酵奶油與法國麵粉. 也有提供特別裝可頌的黑色盒子. 請記得將可頌包裝好, 盡量不要接觸到空氣, 隔天吃吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店的可頌, 不用烤過就已聞到濃郁奶油香, 常溫下的可頌表層依舊酥脆且有響亮的ㄎㄠˇ一聲, 入口後奶油風味立刻在口裡散開, 意猶未盡大概是我吃完的感想. 以 NTD $55 的價格, 我覺得非常值得也很推薦, 我甚至買來當作禮物送人. 此外, “Les Africot” 也是用吉可頌的可頌來當作主餐的一部分
I usually purchase danish and croissant at “Elite Bakery”, “Boulangerie Nogami” , “Yamasaki”, “Hogan Bakery”. The average price of croissant is between NTD $45 ~ NTD$60. I am surprised to see their price is only NTD $55. Chef Guillaume Pedron uses Isigny butter and French brand flour. The bakery also prepares a special black box for croissant. The croissant still has the incredible crispy texture without baking when I eat the next day. The buttery flavor fulfill the mouth right after tasting it. “Can’t have enough” is the best description that I can find for this croissant. With the price NTD $55, I would definitely recommend their croissant. I even purchased as a gift for my friends. Also, “Les Africot ” also uses MyCroissant by Guillaume’s croissant as part of their dish ingredients.
延伸閱讀: Les Africot 》有著北非摩洛哥裝潢風格的台北永康街早午餐 (內有菜單)
Cinnamon Cronut
Price: NTD $55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
最近吃 Cronut 是在 Vice Versa 餐廳吃他們的不酥脆可頌多拿滋. 相較之下, 我認證吉可頌的肉桂可頌多拿滋非常好吃, 冷著吃也是酥脆, 肉桂風味不會過重, 也不會過甜或是炸甜圈圈炸過頭, 沒吃過 Cronut 可品嚐.
Lately, I tried the soft texture of cronut at Vice Versa Restaurant. After comparison, I would prefer MyCroissant by Guillaume’s cinnamon cronut. It is crispy and yummy even when it is cold. The cinnamon flavor is not too strong. And overall, it is not over-baked or over-fried. If you never try a cronut before, you should buy it.
Croissant with Lemon Cream
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我二訪則是買檸香可頌, 外型與原味可頌外型有些許不同, 比較特別的是檸香奶油是在櫃檯結帳時才注入, 我到家時先將這款麵包冰起來, 隔天吃時, 冰涼檸香奶油的酸甜喚醒早晨的味蕾, 吃起來很像我在 “OZ Cafe & Bistro” 的檸檬塔. 我問過櫃檯這款是不是季節商品, 店家回覆有時檸香口味會與柚香口味輪流販售. 若是覺得原味可頌單調, 可試這款.
On my second visit, I purchased Croissant with Lemon Cream. The interesting part would be the lemon cream is inserted right after paying at the cashier counter. I refrigerated this croissant and tasted next day. The ice lemon cream’s acidity and sweet awakes the morning tastebuds. It tastes like the lemon tart that I had at “OZ Cafe & Bistro”. This item is not seasonal However, they also have grapefruit flavor sometimes if the lemon flavor is sold out. But if you are tired of eating plain croissant, you can try this one.
延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采
Galettes des rois Croissant
Price: NTD $120 or NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
吃完的感想就是希望杏仁奶油內餡可以多一點, 我吃第二口才吃到. 外層是國王派的派皮. 整體還是很好吃, 沒吃過國王派的人可以買來吃.
I sincerely wish that there could be more crème d’amande filling. The appearance tastes like pie crust. If you never try Galette des Rois.
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
Croissant with Apple paste filling
Price: NTD $80
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我在台北吃到的蘋果派幾乎都是焦糖蘋果切塊, 這款則是偏酸甜的果泥.
Most apple croissant in Taipei are caramelized apple slice or cube. The filling in this croissant is apple paste, which tastes more sweet than acidity.
Croissant brioche
Price: NTD $80
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
店內最受歡迎的是一款名為吉可頌 (G-Croissant), 我則是買另一款可頌布里歐. 上次吃到布里歐麵包是在 “Smith & Wollensky Taipei”, 這款麵包剛開始有可頌的酥脆, 但大部分都是布里歐的鬆軟口感.
The most popular croissant is called “G-Croissant”. However, I purchase another croissant brioche. Last time I taste brioche is at “Smith & Wollensky Taipei” . This croissant at the beginning has crispy texture. However, most of the time is fluffy texture.
延伸閱讀: Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單
Green Onion Croissant
Price: NTD $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
青蔥可頌外型看起來有許多層, 可惜青蔥有點太濕潤, 反而沒有酥脆的口感. 主廚採用鵝油, 而不是傳統的豬油, 我個人還是比較喜歡用豬油的古早味中式蔥餅.
The green onion croissant appearance is quite charming and appears to have many layers. However, the green onion is a bit too moist. It turns out that the whole croissant is not crispy at all. The chef uses goose oil instead of lard. I still prefer the old-fashion green onion Chinese pastry.
Price: NTD $75
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
吉可頌的可麗露並不會過硬或是一咬碎滿桌, 口感頗扎實, 吃起來微苦, 甜度則是中等. 因為價格 NTD $75 , 我個人覺得還好.
MyCroissant by Guillaume canelé texture is not too hard nor soft. It doesnt break easily. I personally think that the overall taste is average since the price is NTD $75/unit.
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
Cream Cheese Bread
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
MyCroissant by Guillaume Coffee
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我曾經有提到總有一天我會坐在吉可頌戶外座位喝咖啡, 那天終於有機會點杯咖啡坐在戶外座位,就像之前在 “Little Sprout” 坐在戶外一樣,吉可頌拿鐵咖啡還好, 畢竟這是一間可頌專賣店, 而不是標榜咖啡店.
I once mentioned that I would one day sit outside and drink a cup of coffee. I like sitting outside to enjoy coffee or meal (just like at “Little Sprout” ). The coffee is average. After all, it is a Croissant shop instead of coffee shop.
延伸閱讀: Little Sprout Taipei 》小初芽餐廳是內湖早午餐推薦首選
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
餐廳: 吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段35巷5號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2325-0324
營業時間: 打電話確認
Restaurant: MyCroissant by Guillaume
Address: No.5, 35th Lane, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2325-0324
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm