MASA TACO 》會再訪的信義安和美食推薦 (內有菜單)
Last Updated on 2021-07-07 by Foodelicious
新開幕的 Masa Taco 中山店 與 Masa Taco 信義安和店 皆是台北自製新鮮塔可玉米餅的專賣店. 文內有提到 MASA TACO 菜單 特色推薦有哪些.
New Masa Zhongshan store and Masa Taco Xinyi Anhe store is one of a few fresh-made Tortilla Taipei restaurants. I would also list out the popular items of MASA Taipei Menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
MASA TACO 外帶外送訂餐
MASA TACO To-Go and Delivery
大安區 Masa Taco 專賣店離信義安和捷運站3 號出口只有三分鐘路程, 通安街上 也有 “李氏香拌”, “通庵熟成咖喱”, “Lay back Burger “. 落地窗的裝潢一目瞭然, 餐廳內除了有少數座位區外, 沒座位時, 也可站著在窗邊吃. MASA TACO 無法訂位, 只接受 Walk-In. Masa 可外帶, Masa Taco 外送系統是 (Link: ), 並不是 Uber Eats 或是 Food Panda.
Masa Taco restaurant is only 3 minutes walking from Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 3. There are also “Tongan Curry “ and “Lay Back Burger” at the same street. Besides a few seats, there are also stand-to-eat area as well. Masa Taco does not accept reservation. They accept pick-up. However, They do not use Uber Eats nor Food Panda. Masa Taco uses Oddle.Me delivery system ( Link: )
延伸閱讀: 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
延伸閱讀: 信義安和站美食推薦 》 Lay Back 餐廳的花生醬培根牛肉漢堡與義大利麵不錯吃
延伸閱讀: Tongan Curry 通庵熟成咖喱 》台北最受饕客歡迎的咖哩飯專賣店 (內含菜單)
MASA 塔可專賣店是目前 “Salt & Stone” 主廚與 “山男 ” 共同創造, 我會把 MASA TACO 歸類於 “美式”墨西哥塔可專賣店, 這裡的 Taco 菜色眾多, 除了點菜櫃檯後的牆上有英文菜單外, 櫃檯也有提供一目瞭然的中英文菜單.
Masa Taipei menu is created by “Salt & Stone” chef and “Yamasan Taipei” chef. I would categorized Masa Taco as American Mexican Taco restaurant. There are various Taco flavors. Besides the English menu on the wall, they also place menu at the counter table.
延伸閱讀: Taipei 101 Salt & Stone 》台北 101 4樓義大利餐廳值得品嚐
延伸閱讀: YAMASAN TAIPEI 》山男菜單料理可獨享也可多人刷菜單
這裡可以選要“軟玉米餅皮”或是“脆玉米餅皮”, 在櫃檯點好餐, 付完錢, 這裡不收服務費, 即可找位子坐, 到自助區拿餐具,水, 與各種辣醬, 吃完請自行回收.
You can choose soft Tortilla or deep-fried crispy Tortilla. You would need to order at the counter and pay prior seating. They do not charge serve fee here. So, you would need to get the utensils, water, and hot sauces by yourself. You would need to throw the trash and recycle after eating.
Masa Taco Dishes
油封豬肉 Soft Taco
Carnitas Braised Pork Soft Taco
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
網路上提到 MASA 塔可專賣店跟 “Salotto 19 食酒客廳” 一樣是採用高價位的花田喜彘豬肉. MASA 菜單英文介紹是此款 Taco 有包括 豬腳肉?! (Pork Hock ), 莎莎醬, 墨西哥辣椒, 洋蔥, 香菜. 將軟玉米餅皮捲起, 一口咬下, 雖然莎莎醬有點偏多, 味蕾依舊可以感受到軟嫩油封豬肉切丁的鹹肉香, 吃小辣的我是可以接受, 我個人覺得不錯吃.
The website stated that Masa Taipei restaurant uses the same high-end pork as “Salotto 19”. The English menu stated that the ingredients include pork hock (?!), Salsa, Pork Hock, Red Salsa, Jalapeno, Onion, and Cilantro. You can roll up the soft taco and eat. The salsa is a bit much, but the tastebuds can still sense the salty and meaty flavor from the pork cubes. I can accept the mild spicy level. The overall is quite good.
延伸閱讀: Salotto 19 食酒客廳 》菜單沒有 Pizza 也沒有義大利麵
煎牛舌 Soft Taco
Lengua OX Tongue Soft Taco
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
初次看到這款 Taco 的時候, 我還以為是用 Ricotta Cheese, 孰不知其實是墨西哥新鮮軟質乳酪 (Queso Fresco ), 常常在拉丁菜系看到. 我上次吃牛舌是在 “餵公子吃咖哩” , Masa 這款煎牛舌是薄切, 有適量嫩度, 鹹香很適合搭配微有奶香的軟乳酪, 我個人也蠻喜歡他們的新鮮酪梨. 整體不錯吃.
Honestly, I thought that it was Ricotta cheese on the top. it turns out to be Mexican soft cheese (Queso Fresco) , which is quite common at Latino cuisines. Last time I had Ox Tongue was at “Feed the Curry Restaurant”. Masa Ox tongue is slimmer but with tender texture. The salty and meaty flavor pair well with the soft cheese. I personally like their fresh avocado. I honestly think that this dish is quite good as well.
延伸閱讀:Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚
烤牛排 Puff Taco
Carne Asada Grilled Steak Puff Taco
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
MASA Taco 專賣店可選軟玉米餅或是脆玉米餅, 這次我烤牛排 Taco 是選油炸脆玉米餅皮. 這款 Taco 有酪梨莎莎醬與以番茄為基底的莎莎醬, 烤牛排吃起來不會過乾硬, 而是偏嫩口, 有著鹹香與微辣風味, 我個人蠻推薦這一款烤牛排Taco, 這一款是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
I selected Puff Crispy Tortilla for my steak taco. This taco has two salsa sauces – avocado and tomato-based. The grilled steak is not too dry nor hard texture. Instead, the steak is quite tender along with salty flavor and hints of spicy flavor. I would definitely recommend this steak puff taco. This is my favorite dish of the day.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
結論 Conclusion
我會二訪, 我推薦 MASA Taco 專賣店的原因有三個:
1. 採用台灣有機農場栽種的硬質玉米(明豐三號)製作新鮮塔可玉米餅
2. 可以只買一款塔可玉米餅先試試口味
3. 以小辣為主, 需要更辣可以自己隨意加辣醬
I will re-visit again soon. There are three reasons that I recommend Masa Taco:
1.They use corns from Taiwan Organic Farm for the Tortilla
2.You can just purchase one taco to do trial-taste
3. The spicy level is mild. You can add more hot sauces based on your preference.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
MASA 塔可專賣店資訊
餐廳: MASA 塔可專賣店
信義安和店地址: 台北市大安區通安街48號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和站
電話: 02-2709-0603
中山店地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段 140 巷9號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山站
Xinyi Anhe Store Address: No. 48, Tong-An Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe Street
Tel: 02-2709-0603
Zhongshan Store: No. 9 , 140th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan Station
Tel: :02-2522-2737