Les Tables par Réel 》台北法式餐廳推薦 (內有菜單推薦排行榜)

Last Updated on 2024-12-09 by Foodelicious

Les Tables par Réel 是知名的台北法式餐廳法式餐酒館, 也是大稻埕美食推薦之一. Les Tables 菜單最有名的菜餚是羅馬脆皮豬肉卷.
Les Tables par Réel is famous Taipei French Restaurant and French Bistro. It is also one of the Taipei Dadaocheng Restaurant recommendation. Its signature dish is Porchetta.

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延伸閱讀: 台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)


Les Tables par Réel 訂位與低消

Les Tables par Réel Reservation and Minimum Charge

Les Tables par Réel 搬家後的新地址是台北市大同區貴德街75-2號1樓. 位於大稻埕碼頭與迪化街商圈附近. 但是離雙連捷運站 與 北門捷運站都有一些距離. Les Tables 訂位用 inline ( link ) . 低消是 NTD $1300/人 . 請自行注意營業時間. 那一天我跟朋友是平日 2pm – 4pm 用餐 , 餐廳是全滿狀態, 非常受歡迎.
The new restaurant address is 1F, No. 75-2 , Gui-De Street, Datong District, Taipei City. It is right across the Dadaocheng wharf and near Dihua Street. However, it is a bit far from Shuanglian Station & Beimen Station. You would need to use inline to reserve seats (Link). The minimum charge is NTD $1300/person. Please note carefully about the Operation Hour. My friend and I went there during weekday afternoon 2pm~4pm. The restaurant is full.

延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳懶人包 2024 》Taipei Dating Restaurants Guide

延伸閱讀: 大稻埕美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Dadaocheng Restaurant Guide


Les Tables par Réel 菜單推薦排行榜

Les Tables par Réel Menu Dish Recommendation Rank

我依照我喜歡菜餚順序撰寫 , 請注意有一些菜餚是小黑板菜餚 , 不定期更新.
I have written this based on the order of my favorite dishes. Please note that some dishes are from the black board and are updated from time to time.



Price: NTD $960
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我在台灣沒吃過羅馬豬肉卷 . Les Tables 以歐陸料理為主 , 主廚做得出費時費工且美味的義大利羅馬脆皮豬肉卷. 豬五花的乾燥外皮口感非常地酥脆. 入口時搭配得脆聲響 . 油脂與香料賦予豬肉嫩度與鹹香, 讓人吃了有罪惡感. 搭配的不同沾醬讓整道菜餚更豐富. 我推薦四人點這一道菜餚.
I’ve never had Roman-style porchetta in Taiwan before. Les Tables, specializing in European cuisine, serves a time and labor consuming -yet delicious Italian Roman crispy pork roll. The dried outer layer of pork belly is incredibly crispy, offering a satisfying crunch with each bite. The pork’s tenderness and savory flavor are elevated by the infusion of fat and herbs, delivering a delightful, guilt-inducing indulgence. The accompanying variety of dipping sauces adds even more depth to the dish. Personally, I recommend ordering this dish for a group of four.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Galantine de canard
Price: NTD $750
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

主廚願意做出台北 Fine Dining 餐廳不常見的歐式經典菜餚 – 例如 鴨肉鴨肝卷 , 羅馬豬肉卷 . 這次朋友與我並沒有點法式酥皮肉派 ( Pâté en Croûte) , 而是點饕客們推薦的鴨肉鴨肝卷. 端上桌時, 鴨油脂外層呈現誘人的乳白色. 濃郁飽滿鴨肝裹在鴨肉卷裡. 建議搭配一旁的第戎芥末醬 , 不僅有顆粒口感, 也增加些許辛香. 我個人推薦四人點這一道菜餚 , 因為有些人不太吃鴨肝.
The chef is willing to create classic European dishes that are rarely seen in Taipei’s fine dining restaurants, such as Duck and Foie Gras Roulade and Roman Porchetta. This time, my friends and I didn’t order the French Pâté en Croûte but instead chose the highly recommended Duck and Foie Gras Roulade. When served, the outer layer of duck fat showcased an enticing creamy white sheen, while the rich and flavorful duck liver was wrapped inside the duck roll. It’s best enjoyed with the accompanying Dijon Whole Grain Mustard sauce, which adds both a grainy texture and a touch of spice. I personally recommend this dish for a group of four, as not everyone might be a fan of duck liver.




French Sausage
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我在台北的 “布夫 La Bonne Bouffe “ 有吃過店家自製的瑞士小牛香腸. 也很期待在 Les Tables par Réel 點香料法式手工腸. 一刀切下, 滿滿肉汁如預期地噴出. 兩款手工腸是不同風味. 這次吃到的分別是普羅旺斯與孜然兩種風味, 我兩款都很喜歡. 這一道菜餚兩人分享剛剛好, 推薦點.
I’ve had the pleasure of tasting the house-made Swiss veal Bratwurst at “La Bonne Bouffe” in Taipei. So, I was excited to try the spiced French handmade sausages at the restaurant. As expected, with just one cut, the sausages burst with flavorful juices. These handmade sausages showcased two distinct flavors this time: Provençal and Cumin. I thoroughly enjoyed both variations. This dish is perfectly portioned for two people to share, and I highly recommend ordering it.

延伸閱讀: 布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 》沒去過瑞士也要在台北吃瑞士美食



Sourdough Bread
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

很多台北歐式餐廳主廚都會自製麵包 , 例如 “FRASSI 餐廳 “ 與 “蘭 Orchid “ . Les Tables par Réel 自製酸種麵包有附奶油. 而且十分搭配店內的各種菜餚. 此為單點, 並不是附送. 如果你不計畫點其他澱粉類, 我會建議你們點酸種麵包.
Many European-style restaurants in Taipei have chefs who make their own bread, such as “FRASSI” and “Orchid”. At Les Tables par Réel, the house-made sourdough bread is served with butter and pairs wonderfully with the various dishes on the menu. It is an à la carte item, not a complimentary offering. If you’re not planning to order other starchy dishes, I highly recommend getting the sourdough bread.

延伸閱讀: FRASSI 》關於這一家台北大直義大利餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Orchid 蘭餐廳 》再次品嚐新主廚的日法風格晚餐菜單




Maple Syrup Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

許多台北西式餐廳通常不會將孢子甘藍加很多調味 , 通常都是維持微苦與脆爽. 例如 “ Foldie蔬食餐酒館 “ 只是將孢子甘藍與蘆筍清炒. 之前在 “Pizza Has A Face” , 也吃過直接將孢子甘藍作為 Pizza 配料. Les Tables par Réel 主廚將孢子甘藍與厚培根油炸到微焦 , 再加楓糖漿. 孢子甘藍經典苦味消失, 取而代之的是鹹香肉味與微甜在味蕾散開. 此道也是 Les Tables par Réel 的招牌經典菜餚.
Many Western-style restaurants in Taipei typically avoid heavily seasoning Brussels sprouts, opting instead to preserve their slight bitterness and crisp texture. For example, at “Foldie Bistro“, brussels sprouts are simply sautéed with asparagus. At “Pizza Has A Face”, I’ve tried Brussels sprouts used directly as a pizza topping. At Les Tables par Réel, the chef takes a different approach by frying Brussels sprouts with thick-cut bacon until slightly charred, then adding maple syrup. The classic bitterness of the Brussels sprouts is replaced by a delightful blend of savory bacon flavor and a touch of sweetness that unfolds on the palate. This dish is also one of the signature classics at Les Tables par Réel.

延伸閱讀: foldie 蔬食餐酒館 》菜單除了松露百花臭豆腐還推薦點什麼

延伸閱讀: Pizza Has A Face 》披薩有張臉是台北大稻埕披薩餐廳推薦





Escargot with Herbs
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我很久沒吃到有殼的法式烤田螺. 之前在其他台北西式餐廳 “a poet “ 與 ”空盤 Komboi“ 吃到的都是去殼田螺. 雖然這一道需要自己動手, 得到的收穫則是美味田螺肉搭配麵包. 如果可以接受田螺 (蝸牛) , 我會推薦點.
It has been a long time since I’ve had French-style baked escargot served in their shells. At other Western-style restaurants in Taipei, such as “a poet” and ”Komboi restaurant“, I’ve only encountered escargot without the shells. Although this dish requires some hands-on effort, the reward is savoring the delicious snail meat paired with bread. If you’re open to trying escargot (snails), I would recommend ordering this dish.

延伸閱讀: 信義安和餐酒館 》a poet 菜單四人輕鬆吃歐陸料理

延伸閱讀: 空盤 Komboi 》在台北法式餐廳吃午餐套餐菜單美食



Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台灣比較少看到這一款法國傳統甜點. 冰涼香草冰淇淋搭配熱騰騰甜點, 莓果與櫻桃內餡入口酸甜得宜.
This traditional French dessert is rarely seen in Taiwan. The pairing of chilled vanilla ice cream with the warm dessert creates a delightful contrast, while the berry and cherry filling strikes a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness.



Risotto Bianco with 10-years Parmigiano Reggiano and Black Truffle
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Les Tables 的 social media 提到這款乳酪是 Modena名廚 Massimo Bottura 的御用乳酪. 如果對 10年帕瑪森乳酪與松露的搭配有興趣, 我會建議點這一道燉飯.
The restaurant social media mentioned that this cheese is used by Modena Chef Massimo Bottura. If you are interested in the pairing of 10-years Parmigiano Reggiano and black truffle, I would suggest you to order this dish.



Grilled Great Barracuda
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

現流海鮮都會出現在餐廳黑板菜單. 尖梭魚 Size 頗大, 外皮微焦脆, 肉嫩鮮.
Seafood dish always appear on the blackboard menu. Grilled Great Barracuda appearance is crispy and the fish meat is tender.



Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店員先將整顆朝天薊端上桌讓客人看. 之後端上桌則是朝天薊的菜心與佐醬. 能在台灣吃到朝天薊是很有趣的經驗.
The staff would put the whole artichoke on the table for customers to take a look. Then, they will grill the center of artichoke and put the creamy sauce aside. It is an interesting experience to taste the artichoke in Taiwan.


MENU (2024.11)


Les Tables par Réel 資訊

Les Tables par Réel Information

餐廳: Les Tables par Réel
地址: 台北市大同區貴德街75-2號 (Map)
捷運站: 雙連站或是北門站
電話: 02-2550-5651
inline: https://inline.app/booking/reel/reel
Restaurant: Les Tables par Réel
Address: 1F, No. 75-2 , Gui-De Street, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shuanglian Station & Beimen Station
Tel: 02-2550-5651



