L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點
Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious
(2022. 8 更新) 侯布雄法式餐廳 是 新進榜的2021 台北米其林二星餐廳之ㄧ, 主廚將 侯布雄菜單 設計為有單點菜餚也有套餐, 以商業午餐最為出名.
(2022. 8 Update) Taipei L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon is one of the new 2021 Taipei Michelin Two Star restaurants at Xinyi District. Its business lunch set is quite famous.
侯布雄法式餐廳菜單 在文末 》 L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei Menu is at the end of Article
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目錄 / Table of Contents
侯布雄 訂位
Taipei L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Reservation
侯布雄法式餐廳位於台北信義區 Bellavita 百貨的五樓, 若是從地下室直接坐電梯即可抵達, 若是從市政府捷運站3號出口走2樓天橋, 請記得 Bellavita 3 F 是侯布雄法式茶點沙龍, 必須坐電梯至5樓才能到餐廳. 侯布雄法式餐廳訂位方式有兩種, 第一種是透過 Bellavita inline ( https://inline.app/groups/bellavita ) , 另一個方式是透過電話 (02-8729-2628 ), 兩個方式皆可選擇座位區 – 吧台, 高腳椅 或 沙發. 由於我們有八位, 有要求坐在餐廳最後方的沙發長桌座位.
L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei is located at Bellavita Mall 5 F. It would be better to take the elevator instead of escalator. Please note that 3rd floor is SALON DE THE da Joël Robuchon, not the restaurant. There are two ways to make reservation. First method is to book via Bellavita inline ( https://inline.app/groups/bellavita ). The other one is through phone (02-8729-2628 ). You can select seats in both reservation methods. There are bar seats, high chair seats and soft seats. Since we have 8 people, we selected at the restaurant sofa seats at the back of restaurant.
延伸閱讀: SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon 》關於侯布雄下午茶的五件事
延伸閱讀: 台北法式餐廳列表 》Taipei French Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
Taipei L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Minimum Charge & Seating Area
侯布雄午餐低消為 NTD $1500/人 , 晚餐低消 NTD $2500/人 , 台北侯布雄法式餐廳有分三個區域, 整排吧台座位如同”草頭西餐廳”, 可看到開放式廚房, 靠背高腳座位區比 “Luigi 路易奇洗衣公司” 高級許多, 沙發區有較常見的長型桌椅, 另一種是圓形桌椅 (無圖).
The minimum charge for lunch is NTD $1500/per person. The dinner minimum charge is NTD $2500/per person. There are three seating areas. The bar seating area is similar with “Catouxi Bistro”, which you can see the kitchen staffs working. The high chair seating area is way better than “Luigi Restaurant”. There are long table seating and round table seating (no picture).
延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》訂位困難的 草頭西 餐酒館值得再訪
延伸閱讀: Luigi 路易奇洗衣公司 》菜單價位適合每道料理都想嚐一口的人
Taipei L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Business Lunch Price
基本上是有分四種價格 (如圖)
套餐 A NTD $1680 – 週一至週五商業午餐
套餐 B NTD $2380 – 午晚皆有
套餐 C NTD $3380 – 午晚皆有
套餐 Deluxe NTD $6880
There are four types of set price (see picture)
Set A NTD $1680: Monday – Friday Business Lunch.
Set B NTD $2380 – Both lunch and Dinner
Set C NTD $3380 – Both Lunch and Dinner
Set Deluxe NTD $6880
侯布雄法式餐廳 菜餚
Taipei L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Dishes
這次我們有八位, 在平日午餐時間用餐, 謝謝主揪人有選擇單點菜單, 也將套餐組合全制霸.
Since we have 8 people that dine during lunch time, we basically order almost all the dishes at the menu.
Set Appetizer (Cold)
生食紅魽魚佐酪梨及番茄水冰沙 ( + NTD $280)
Hamachi Carpaccio on delicate sour tomato water jelly and spicy guacamole ( + NTD $280)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道需要另加 + NTD $280, 整體視覺感是日式風格, 用的卻是歐美食材, 新鮮紅魽魚切為晶瑩剔透薄片, 調味後有微醋香, 再將酪梨醬替代壽司飯, 有如一貫壽司, 最讓我驚艷地莫過於盤子裡黑色鏡面竟然是 “番茄水 Jelly”, 至於為何是黑色, 店員並沒有解釋地很清楚. 以美感與美味來說, 這道冷盤不錯吃.
You would need to pay extra + NTD $280. The overall appearance looks like Japanese nigiri. It has fair amount of acidity. It is better to eat the fish and green guacamole all together. Overall, It is quite yummy. The most surprisingly part would be that the tomato water jelly at the plate bottom. Sadly, The staff didn’t explain clearly why the tomato water jelly color is black though.
Green Mustard Sorbet on Beetroot, Apple and Fresh Herbs Salad
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
台北侯布雄法式餐廳於 2019 年底換為新任女主廚 Florence Dalia, 菜單裡依舊有台北侯布雄的經典菜餚 -甜菜根鮮果沙拉搭配芥末冰沙. 擺盤達到精緻法式料理水準, 甜菜根的紅搭配芥末冰沙的綠, 冰沙完全就如 Gelato 呈現光滑的亮面. 主角甜菜根微甜, 微辛芥末風味刺激著味蕾. 吃起來美味程度中上, 但不會是我的首選.
Chef Florence Dalia is the new chef at Taipei L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon since 2019. This particular classic dish is still on the menu. French display is quite elegant. The red color sweet beetroot pairs with green color spicy mustard. The sorbet is as smooth as gelato. It is definitely above average, but it won’t be my first choice though.
法式傳統肉派 (含台灣豬肉)
Traditiona Pie Pate with Bitter Salad (Taiwanese Pork Include)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這是冷前菜, 並不是你們想的熱前菜, 因為是冷菜, 派皮顯得頗為難切, 店員解釋這道法式傳統肉派的內餡裡有牛肉, 鴨肉, 鴨肝與開心果. 至於所謂的 ”晶凍“ 在許多國外法式料理餐廳都有見過, “台北逗號洋行私廚”則是將東方美人茶做成晶凍當作噱頭. 可惜我沒有聽到店員解釋晶凍是哪些食材製作. 內餡一入口, 遇熱散發出更濃郁鹹肉香與辛香料風味, 我個人是覺得有點偏重口味, 這份量其實夠兩人分享.
Please not that it is cold dish instead of hot. Since the pie is cold, it is a bit difficult to cut. The staff mentioned that the filling includes beef, duck, duck liver and pistachio. As for the “jelly”, you can see this technique at lots of French restaurants. For example, “Curio Comma Taipei” made “tea jelly” for sort of fancy display. However, I didn’t hear the staff explaining the jelly is made with which ingredients. At my first bite, the pie filling has strong salty and meaty flavor along with spicy flavor. I personally consider this dish heavy flavor. The quantity is suitable for 2 people to share.
延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理
Set Appetizer (Hot)
Green Asparagus Veloute With Ricotta Tortellini
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
店員將濃稠綠蘆筍湯注入盤裡, 綠蘆筍清脆口感與濃稠湯頭成為明顯對比, 除了薄片起司外, 義大利餃內餡是瑞可達起司,蘆筍濃湯風味並沒有覆蓋住瑞可達起司的乳香風味, 反而成為兩層風味, 有趣的是我在 “樓上見” 也吃過瑞可達起司義大利餃. 這道整體不錯吃.
The staff pours the green asparagus soup into the plate. The crisp texture of asparagus and thick broth is an interesting combination. Besides the cheese slice, the tortellini filling is ricotta cheese. The asparagus flavor doesn’t cover the cheese flavor. It becomes two layers of flavors. Interesting enough, I also ate risotto cheese filling at “See You Bar & Restaurant”. Overall, this dish tastes quite good.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》在台北新開幕樓上見餐酒館菜單點了哪些菜餚
太陽蛋襯菠菜起司米餅 (含西班牙火腿)
Organic Egg on Golden Seared Rice Cake (Spanish Iberico Ham Include)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
侯布雄主廚置放菠菜起司米餅於盤底, 堆疊上有機太陽蛋, 再將薄片西班牙火腿作為裝飾, 切開太陽蛋時, 蛋黃汁流至酥脆米餅上, 建議將全部食材一起入口, 有著酥脆口感與濃稠蛋汁, 火腿肉香與起司香完全是經典組合. 此外, 侯布雄也準備金箔雞湯 (圖四) 搭配這道料理.
The Chef places the golden-seared rice cake at the bottom along with organic sunny side-up egg. The Spanish Iberico ham slices are for decoration. I would suggest to eat all the ingredients together. You can taste the smooth texture from the egg and crispy texture from the rice cake. The cheese flavor pairs great with the ham flavor. Chef also prepares the chicken soup with golden foil (pic 4) with this dish.
嫩煎鮑魚與油封甜椒 ( + NTD $380)
Abalone seared with garlic and parsley, smoked bell peppers confit, coral juice (+NTD $380)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
新鮮鮑魚並不是只有在“大三元” 中式餐廳才有, 在西式餐廳也很常看見, 新鮮鮑魚切片以嫩煎烹調方式, 吃起來有微韌口感, 溫熱焦香風味與油封甜椒讓這道菜餚反而有點像下酒菜.
Eating fresh abalone is not the privilege of eating at Chinese restaurant, such as “Taipei Three Coins Restaurant”. You can also eat fresh abalone at Western Restaurants. The fresh abalone is pan-seared and sliced nicely. It is not as tender as expected. Along the bell peppers confit, it is a bit similar as the dish that can pair with alcohols in a bistro.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
Main Course
Verjuice and ginger glazed duck with winter spices and roots vegetables
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
台北法式餐廳 – 例如 “Chou Chou 法式餐廳“ 與 “長春藤法式餐廳” 的菜單上都有鴨作為主菜之一, 切一塊鴨肉入口, 酥脆鴨皮口感搭配嫩鴨肉, 酸葡萄醬汁與常見經典黑李醬一樣皆有酸度, 多了微甜葡萄風味. 整體比預期地不錯吃.
Most Taipei French Restaurants, such as “Chou Chou French Restaurant” and “Long Well French restaurant”, have duck as one of the main courses. The crispy duck skin texture pairs great with the tender duck meat texture. The verjuice has fair amount of acidity just like the classic plum sauce. The small amount of sweetness flavor is from the verjuice. This dish is quite delicious, a bit above of my expectation.
延伸閱讀: Chou Chou Taipei 》台北東區法式餐酒館重新裝潢推出新菜單
延伸閱讀: Long Wall 長春藤法式餐廳 》台北永康街餐廳 | Taipei French Restaurant
波士頓龍蝦義大利麵 (+NTD $880)
Boston Lobster Pasta (+ NTD $880)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我上次單純吃波士頓龍蝦是在 “ SEA TO SKY” , 在侯布雄法式餐廳點龍蝦義大利麵很奇怪嗎? 我個人覺得不會, 請注意這款波士頓龍蝦義大利麵需要再加價 NTD $880, 不是單價NTD $880. , 侯布雄的龍蝦份量目測是切半的龍蝦(?!), 龍蝦肉吃起來頗鮮美, 建議將義大利麵攪拌, 將泡沫裡的濃縮鮮味釋出, 可惜麵的部分偏軟, 吸收濃醇龍蝦汁精華有限, 以額外加價 NTD $880, 我會期待更 al dente 的義大利麵.
Last time I had Boston Lobster was at “SEA TO SKY”. Is it weird to order lobster pasta at L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei? Nope, I don’t mind. Please not that you will need to pay “Extra” + NTD $880. The lobster quantity is half lobster (?!). The lobster meat is quite fresh. I would suggest to mix the pasta and the foam fast. The foam would release thick seafood flavor. It is quite disappointed that the pasta itself is not al dente. With extra +NTD $880, I would expect better quality.
延伸閱讀: SEA TO SKY 台北 》 菜單除了點巨大藍絲絨蛋糕還能點哪些菜餚? (非業配)
Pan Seared Taiwan black pork chop served with smooth polenta, confit lemon and sour condiments
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
每一位外籍主廚選台灣食材皆有自己的喜好, “logy” 主廚採用台灣屏東東寶豬,侯布雄主廚採用南投黑豬, 每片豬肉厚度都幾乎ㄧ致, 慢燉再煎鎖住肉汁, 嫩度高, 上方的酥脆豬皮跟 “山男”的豬皮小菜一樣好吃, 盤底玉米泥非常綿密, 此道不錯吃!
Each foreign chef has his/her preference at Taiwanese ingredients. “Logy” chef uses the black pig from Pintong. Chef L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon uses the black pig from Nantou. Each pork slice is similar. The chef slowly stewed first and pan-seared. The pork is quite tender. The pig skin is crispy and tasty, just as the crispy pig skin at “Yamasan Taipei”. The polenta at the bottom is quite creamy. Overall, it is delicious.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2020 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食
延伸閱讀: YAMASAN TAIPEI 》山男菜單料理可獨享也可多人刷菜單
Spelt in Risotto Styled with glazed spring garden vegetables
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
主廚用小麥的概念與 當初 “ULV 餐廳” 用燕麥的概念類似, 都是想做 “非義式燉飯”, 自家風格明顯. 小麥燉飯吃起來比平常吃到的義式燉飯更有口感,可惜我個人對素食比較沒有感覺, 吃素食的人可嘗試.
The chef uses spelt grain instead of imported rice. This method is quite similar with “ULV Restaurant” chef uses oats instead of rice. Maybe they both want to make “non-Italian risotto”. The spelt grain taste quite hard. However, I am not a vegetarian person. If you are a vegetarian, you might want to try.
延伸閱讀: ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei 》台北餐酒館 | 法式料理與北歐料理之邂逅
Sea Bass cooked in “a la plancha” served with dill virgin sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道菜餚的英文名稱翻譯裡有 “a la plancha ” 這個名詞, a la plancha 是指高溫與少油煙的烹調方式, 通常不會添加複雜辛香料, 侯布雄主廚則是採用海鱸魚菲力魚排, 簡單油醋與檸檬汁更凸顯出魚的鮮度.
The english name has “a la plancha ”, which means high temperature but less smoke cooking method. Usually, the chef won’t add complicate spices. Chef uses Sea Bass fillet. The acidity from sauce and lemon juice can enhance the freshness from the fish.
澳洲菲力牛排 ( +NTD $880)
Australian Wagyu Beef Tenderloin With Eggplants (+NTD $880)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
菜餚英文名稱有Wagyu (和牛) , 中文名稱上卻沒有提到是澳洲“和牛”菲力牛排, 我並沒有與店員確認哪個才是正確. 牛排旁的薄切茄子刀工細緻, 帶有些許法式優雅風格, 完全不會像 “Salotto 19 食酒客廳” 直接將半個茄子置放於盤上. 牛排易切嫩度高, 肉味不會特別重, 搭配黑胡椒是最基本簡單的方式, 畢竟這裡不是 “A Cut Steak House” , 以“非”牛排餐廳標準來說, 侯布雄法式餐廳將牛排做得不錯吃.
The english name has Wagyu Beef, however, not in dish name Chinese translation. I didn’t double check with the staff that if the beef is Wagyu or not. Unlike “Salotto 19”, the eggplants is cut nicely and display well at the plate. The steak is easy to cut and tastes tender. The meaty flavor is not strong. Pairing with black peppers is basic. Overall, the steak is executed quite delicious since L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon is not a steak house, like “A Cut Steak House”
延伸閱讀: Salotto 19 食酒客廳 》菜單沒有 Pizza 也沒有義大利麵
延伸閱讀: A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse
Grouper Fish in Herb Ravioli and Broth Infused with Iberian flavors
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
以伊比利火腿與大骨熬制的高湯顏色像極法式澄清湯, 看似清澈卻喝起來頗濃醇. 麵皮下的石斑魚吃起來也頗為細緻, 也間接吸收了些湯汁. 我個人喜歡湯多過於魚.
The soup is stewed with Iberian Ham and pork bone. The broth seemed clear but has thick flavor. The grouper fish under the ravioli is very delicate. I personally like soup more than the fish.
St. Honore Cake with Chestnut, Mandarin Mousse and light grand-mariner cream
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道甜點用的盤子是侯布雄經典招牌盤子, 若是喜歡拍照, 可先詢問甜點是不是用這款盤子. 侯布雄的千層蛋糕並不是像 “時飴 approprié”, 而是像 “Yu Chocolatier 畬室”, 切的時候頗為酥脆, 栗子香氣足夠, 並沒有被橙酒慕斯風味蓋住. 整體吃起來比 “TK Seafood & Steak” 套餐甜點更好吃!
The plate itself is L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon’s signature plate. If you like taking pictures, you can ask the staff if your dessert is placed this particular plate. The texture is quite crispy. The mandarin mousse didn’t cover the chestnut flavor. This dessert is better than “TK Seafood & Steak”.
延伸閱讀: 時飴 approprié 》會想再訪的台北千層蛋糕推薦
延伸閱讀: Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點
延伸閱讀: TK Seafood & Steak 》TK 牛排餐廳是較少人知道的台北東區約會餐廳
Cherry Confit Mousse and Strawberry Coulis with White Chocolate Sorbet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
外型鏡面光滑完美, 第一口草莓慕斯非常甜美, 微甜酸櫻桃內餡隨後蓋住了草莓. 這道甜點外型勝過於風味.
The first bite of the strawberry mouse is sweet and quite delicious. The acidity and sweetness from the cherry filling covers the strawberry flavor though. The appearance is better than the flavor.
Chocolate Fondant and Light Chantilly Cream With Tahiti Vanilla Ice Cream
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
甜點名字看似簡單頗家常, 原本以為像 “ La Mole 義大利餐廳”的熔岩巧克力, 甜點擺盤有法式優雅風格, 濃郁巧克力搭配香草冰淇淋是經典.
The dessert name is simple. I thought that it is similar “La Mole Restaurant” chocolate cake. Instead, the dessert display is quite elegant. The thick chocolate flavor and vanilla ice cream is a classic combination.
延伸閱讀: La Mole Taipei 》饕客們心目中的台北義大利餐廳推薦
Cheese Platter
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
I didn’t taste this one.
Single Order dish
French Imperial Caviar and King Crab with crustacean jelly and lightly cauliflower
Price: NTD $1980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
經典蟹肉魚子醬可以單點 NTD $1980, 也在 NTD $6880套餐菜單裡. 這道料理是台北侯布雄法式餐廳招牌且經典料理. 主廚將知名法國魚子醬與金箔鋪好鋪滿於蟹肉上, 花椰菜鮮奶油整齊地裝飾在龍蝦高湯凍, 魚子醬鮮味完全征服我, 建議蟹肉, 魚子醬與高湯凍一起吃, 這道料理值得單點!
You can order NTD $1980 for this dish. However, this dish is also at NTD $6880. This dish is the most famous dish at L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei. The chef places the caviar on the king crab meat. The cauliflower cream is placed evenly at the crustacean jelly (lobster broth jelly). I like the caviar. I would suggest all ingredients together. This dish is worth ordering.
Bread Basket & Set Drink
跟 “歐華酒店地中海牛排館” 一樣皆是有很多款麵包, 也有提供奶油.
It has various breads, which is similar with “Mediterranean Steak House” at The Riviera Hotel.
Free Petit Dessert – Depends on the dining situation daily
其實幾乎每桌都會有免費招待小點心 (如圖) , 但是款式與份量看當天用餐情況, 我們有八位, 相對招待小點心也比較多, 值得一提的是馬鈴薯泥非常好吃.
Almost every table has some free petit dessert (as pictures) based on the dining circumstance. We have eight people, so, we have more free petit desserts. The mashed potato is quite delicious!
結論 Conclusion
侯布雄法式餐廳是台北米其林一星餐廳, 套餐菜單是季節性, 只有少數經典單點菜餚還是會在菜單上, 侯布雄午餐低消為 NTD $1500/人 , 晚餐 NTD $2500/人, 重點是不需要每個人都點套餐. 如果沒有預算,當然可以每人一份套餐加一份單點經典蟹肉魚子醬.
我直接用兩人來建議可點菜餚, 最省錢的方式我會建議午餐用餐, 低消 NTD $1500/人
✅ 一份套餐即可
👉 套餐A $1680 ( 週一至週五商業午餐 ) 或是 套餐 B $2380 ( 午晚皆有), 前提是兩人可以分食一份套餐
✅ 單點一份經典蟹肉魚子醬
👉 價格 NTD $1980, 單點是因為它只在 NTD $6880的套餐.
L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon is one of the Taipei Michelin One Star restaurants. The menu is seasonal and only a few single order classic dishes will stay on the menu. The minimum charge for lunch is NTD $1500/per person. The minimum charge for dinner is NTD $2500/per person. The important remark is that not everyone needs to order set. If you don’t have a budget, you can of course one set per person and add one French Imperial Caviar and King Crab with crustacean jelly dish.
The following suggestion is for two people. The best saving money method is to dine here during lunch. The minimum charge is NTD $1500/ person. However, you and your friend would need to share the set together.
✅ One Set
👉 Set A NTD $1680 ( Only Monday ~ Friday Lunch ) Or Set B $2380 ( Both offer at Lunch and Dinner ). However, your friend need to agree to share the set with you.
✅ Single Order French Imperial Caviar and King Crab with crustacean jelly and lightly cauliflower
👉 The single order price is NTD $1980. The dish is also at NTD $6880 set.
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侯布雄 短秒影片
侯布雄 資訊
L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon TaipeiInformation
餐廳: 侯布雄法式餐廳
地址:台北市信義區松仁路28號5 F Bellavita 5F (Map)
捷運站: 市政府站
電話: 02-8729-2628
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LatelierdeJoelRobuchonTaipei/
Restaurant: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon
Address: 5F, No 28, Songren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City Bellavita 5F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei City Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-8729-2628
侯布雄法式餐廳 菜單
L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Menu
Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/LatelierdeJoelRobuchonTaipei/menu/