Taipei Hotel 》入住 HOTEL COZZI 和逸飯店的景隅客房 Review

Last Updated on 2023-04-18 by Foodelicious

和逸飯店 HOTEL COZZI台北飯店之一 , 這篇文章會著重在 和逸飯店‧台北民生館 景隅客房 評價 , 也包括優惠, 停車等重點.
HOTEL COZZI is one of the Taipei Hotels. This article will focus on Cozzi Corner King Room Review at Hotel Cozzi Mingshen Branch. It will also include the promotion, parking.. etc.

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About HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch

和逸飯店在台灣有許多分館 , 台北有忠孝館與民生館. 我這次住的是和逸飯店‧台北民生館 , 地址為台北市中山區民生東路二段178號, 離橘線行天宮捷運站 2 號出口 與1 號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘路程, 週邊除了行天宮景點與濱江市場外, 也有許多美食選擇. 在飯店櫃檯 Check-In 後會有 Key Card , 電梯與房門都需要感應 Key Card, 房客比較會有安全感. 目前只有 HOTEL COZZI 民生館 與 COZZI Blu 桃園館有「 智能機器人 COZZI 將 」, Room Service 通常是智能機器人運送.
There are quite a few HOTEL COZZI branches in Taiwan. I lived in Hotel Cozzi Mingshen Branch. The address is No. 178, 2 Section, Mingshen East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10~ 15 minutes walking distance from Exit 1 and Exit 2 of Orange Line Xingtian Temple MRT Station. There are several restaurant options near the area. After chek-in, the staff will hand you Key Card, which are used to open the room and operate the elevator. Now, only Hotel Cozzi Mingshen and Cozzi Blu Taoyuan has COZZI AI robot, which is mostly used for room service.

✅ 和逸飯店‧台北民生館 網站 (中文):
✅ Hotel Cozzi Mingshen Website (English) :

延伸閱讀: 台北濱江市場美食懶人包 》2023 Taipei Binjiang Market Food Guide

延伸閱讀: 行天宮美食列表 》Restaurant near Xingtian Temple MRT


HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch – Room Price

可以直接上他們的網站查詢價格, 網站有中文,日文,與英文. 這次我入住的房型是「⠀和逸飯店 台北民生館 – 景隅客房⠀」, 入住日期是 4/12/2023, 兩天一夜, 價格是 NTD $6500 (圖一). 下一段會介紹我住的景隅客房. 若是 Late Chek-In 或是 Late Check-Out, 只需在訂房時備註說明即可.
You can check the room price at their website, which has Chinese, English and Japanese. I live at Cozzi Corner King Room on 4/12/2023. The price is NTD $6500. I will introduce more at the next section. If it is Late Check-In or Late Check-Out, you can just the remark while reserving the room.

✅ Room Guide (English):
✅ 房型導覽 (中文):


2F Lounge

2F 的 Lounge 是房客免費使用. 佔地比預期地大, 值得一提的是「非房客」前來使用咖啡/點心需額外支付 NTD $150 + 10%= NT$165/位 , 身為房客的我約朋友就不用再去吵雜的星巴克, 這裡的座位頗隱密, 談公事也很適合.

✅ 6:30 AM ~ 10 AM : 早餐 Buffet 用餐區
✅ 10AM ~ 10PM: 免費小點心、咖啡、冷熱飲可以使用
✅ 有午餐時段

2F Lounge is Free of Charge for the room customers. The lounge is bigger than expected. If it is only the guest of the room customers, the guest will need to pay NTD $150 +10% = NTD $165/per person. So, I don’t need to discuss business or private matters at noisy Starbucks. The seating area here is quite private.

✅ 6:30 AM ~ 10 AM: Breakfast Buffet
✅ 10AM ~ 10PM: Free of Charge Snack, Coffee, Hot Drink/Cold Drink for Room Customers.
✅ They have Lunch Time too


2F 健身房

2F Gym

開放時間: 6AM ~ 10PM.
Open Time: 6AM ~ 10PM



HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch – Parking

停車場採先到先停, 停車位只有八個. 房客可免費停車, 若當天停滿須引導至其他停車場, 將會提供 NTD $200 /日現金補助.
The room customers is free of charge of Hotel parking spaces. However, there are only 8 Parking Spaces, which cannot be reserved. If the parking spaces are all full, the staff will guide the guests to the nearby parking and offer NTD $200/day cash back.


景隅客房 Review ⭐

HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch – Cozzi Corner King Room

每一層皆有兩間景隅客房, 一間是靠近建國高架橋, 我住的是另一側, 可以看到民生東路二段. 早上起床能看到圖二的街景也是不錯.
Every floor has Two Corner King Rooms. One side is near Jianguo Highway. I live at the other side, which you can see the 2nd Section of Mingshen East Road. It is quite nice to see the street view after waking up (Pic 2).



Bed & TV

A. 房間為 8 坪 ( 28 Square Feet ) , 空間大.
B. 有 L 型沙發,可以讓朋友們坐在沙發聊天
C. AMAZZING CLUB 榮耀會員以上會有迎賓水果
D. King Size 床不會過軟, 非常好睡
E. 床邊就可以關掉主電源, 不用再起身關燈, 摸黑回到床上

電視的節目頻道多, 可惜「 電影專區 」的電影偏舊,「 Netflix 專區 」也需要 login 自己的 Netflix 帳號.

Selling Points:
A. The room is 8 Ping ( 28 Square Feet )
B. It has L Shapre Sofa. There are spare spaces for friends to sit on the sofa to chat.
C. AMAZZING CLUB Honored Members will have Fresh Fruits as Welcome Gift.
D. King Size Bed is not too soft, which is quite comfortable to sleep in.
E. I can switch off all of the lights on bed. I don’t need to get up and turn off the lights, and get back to bed when it is all dark.

There are many TV channels. But, the movies at Movie Section is out-of-date. And I will need to log in my own Netflix account.




A.很滿意浴室的良好採光與窗外景觀, 隔音也不錯
B.浴缸乾淨, 而且設計符合人體工學, 背部可以完全放鬆, 我早晚各泡一次澡
C. 浴缸底部有防滑條
D. 浴室有椅子與桌型化妝鏡, 給不習慣站著化妝的人
E. 浴室有可以鎖的拉門, 燈光也有暖燈, 不用怕從泡澡出來會冷
F. 蓮蓬頭淋浴水壓充足

若是將浴室”完全“拉門關上, 泡澡的時候會顯得悶, 建議拉門留縫隙

Selling Points:
A. I am satisfied with the light and outside view.
B. The bathtub is clean. And my back can be relaxed entirely due to the great bathtub design. I take baths two times – night and morning.
There are antislip strip at the bottom of bathtub
D. There are a chair and vanity mirror. It is for people who are not used to putting makeup while standing.
E. You can lock the door. There is warm bathroom light switch. You won’t get cold after taking the bath or shower.
F. There is enough water pressures while taking the shower

If closing off the bathroom door completely, it will become too stuffy and heat. I would suggest to leave a bit spaces between bedroom door.



Room Amenity

A.洗髮與護髮的備品是分開, 我個人比較喜歡洗護分開
B.其實當天我忘記帶牙膏牙刷, 還好備品有牙膏牙刷

Selling Points:
A.They offer shampoo and conditioner separately.
B.The room amenity includes tooth brush and tooth paste. I forgot my tooth brush and tooth paste that day.





B.浴袍需要在訂房間時需要備註, 穿起來很舒服, 不會粗糙
C.冰箱的 Coke 與 雪碧是免費, 水也是免費.

Selling Points:
A.The slipper is comfortable
B.The bathrobe is quite comfortable. You will need to inform the hotel while reserving the room.
C.The Coke, Sprite, and Water are all free.


早餐 Review

Cozzi Hotel Breakfast Review

2 F Lounge 是吃早餐的地方, 需要報房間號碼, 再由店員帶位. 我選擇靠窗的座位, 光線充足.和逸飯店 HOTEL COZZI 的早餐是 Buffet , 有主廚現做的Omelete, 也有中式稀飯加肉鬆. 自助式咖啡機也好操作. 和逸飯店‧台北民生館 早餐吃起來蠻舒適且不錯吃.
You can eat the breakfast on 2F Lounge. You will need to tell the staff your room number and let the staff guide you to the table. I choose the seat near the window. The breakfast is buffet. They offer omelete. They also has porridge with dried pork floss. It is easy to operate the coffee machine as well. Overall, the breakfast is quite worth it and delicious.



HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch Promotion

飯店有會員制度,加入AMAZZING CLUB可享有會員專屬優惠價,除了全台和逸可以通用,住房專案和用餐可以累積點數、延遲退房、還可以兌換住房升等券或是換餐點,生日還可享有生日升等券.
Joining the Hotel Cozzi AMAZZING CLUB has exclusive membership privilege. You can use the membership card in ALL Hotel Cozzi in Taiwan. You can accumulate the reward points by living and dining.  You can also have late checkout privilege. You can redeem reward points by upgrading the room or in exchange dining. You can also have upgrade the room at your birthday.

最新優惠資訊皆在以下連結 Link:台北民生館/最新優惠/

Updated Promotion is at the following Link:台北民生館/最新優惠/

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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和逸飯店‧台北民生館 資訊

HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch Information

飯店名稱: 和逸飯店‧台北民生館
地址: 台北市中山區民生東路二段178號
捷運站: 行天宮捷運站

網站 (中文):
Website (English) :

Hotel Name: HOTEL COZZI Mingshen Branch
Address: No. 178, 2 Section, Mingshen East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Nearby MRT station: Xingtian Temple MRT Station
Tel: 02-7706-3399



