Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇

Last Updated on 2019-11-11 by Foodelicious

鴻寶港式海鮮餐廳是台北家庭聚餐推薦之一, 除了鴻寶招牌生抽蝦外, 也有XO 醬百花油條與其他好吃的料理.
Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant is one of the recommended family gathering restaurants. Besides seafood, there are other dishes as well.

鴻寶港式海鮮 菜單在文末 Hon Buo Seafood Restaurant Menu is at the end of article


鴻寶港式海鮮餐廳最靠近中山國小站4號出口, 從行天宮捷運站也可走到餐廳,若不是因為吉林路的牆邊招牌, 鴻寶餐廳算是低調, 除了街邊停車位外, 附近也有停車場 (圖一), 餐廳內裝潢很簡樸,有 “家”的感覺, 桌椅並不會像 “明福台菜”如此擁擠, 也比 “金獅大酒樓”乾淨非常多, 除了大圓桌外, 也有位於窗邊的兩人與四人座位, 很適合小家庭聚餐. 很值得一提的是服務相當親切, 會與客人討論菜單內容. 饕客們都說鴻寶港式海鮮主廚/老闆是另一家名為香港九記海鮮餐廳的廚師出來開的餐廳, 我沒吃過九記, 也無從比較兩家的差別. 請注意餐廳只收現金.我會從我當天用餐最喜歡的料理開始寫.
Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant is located near Zhongshan Elementary School MRT station Exit 4. Besides parking space near the street, there are other parking lots around the area as well (Picture 1). The interior design is simple. The chairs and tables are not as crowded as at “Taiwan Ming Fu Restaurant”. And it has better dining environment than “Golden Lion Cantonese Restaurant”. Besides large round table, there are also 2-people and 4-people seats near the window. The service is very friendly. Foodie mentions that the chef/owner is from another famous Cantonese restaurant. Please note that the restaurant only accepts cash. I would start my favorite dish.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin 》在明福台菜海鮮餐廳除了點佛跳牆也要點糯米雞

延伸閱讀: 金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心 | Taipei Ximending Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 其他中山國小捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Zhongshang Elementary School MRT station

延伸閱讀: 其他行天宮站餐廳 》 Other restaurants near Xingtian Temple MRT station


鴻寶招牌生抽蝦 (九隻)

Fried Shrimp with Light Soy Sauce ( 9 units)
Price: NTD $495
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍

我們用餐人數為九人, 一人一隻蝦, 平均時價 NTD $55/一隻. 可以先跟店員/老闆娘說一人一隻蝦. 在港式餐廳最常聽到生抽和老抽, 生抽顏色較淡, 味道只有單純的鹹味, 老抽是生抽發酵再放置 2 ~ 3 個月, 會有鹹甜味. 這道生抽蝦看似油亮與堅硬, 實際上蝦肉連殼一起吃有酥脆甚至有 ㄎㄠˇㄧ聲, 少許生抽賦予Q彈蝦肉微鹹風味, 並沒有印象中地港式餐廳菜餚的死鹹, 這是一道來鴻寶港式海鮮餐廳必點的菜餚.
We have nine people. Each person has one shrimp, which average price is NTD $55/unit. Even though the appearance of the shrimp is shiny and hard, but in fact, the shrimps tastes crispy with hints of salty flavor. You can eat the shrimp meat with shrimp shells. I would agree that this dish is a must-order dish in this restaurant.



價格: 時價
Steamed Fish
Price: Price maybe be various
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍

魚是以時價計算, 圖片裡“應該是” NTD $850 ~ NTD $950, 我不太確定. 我上次吃龍膽石斑是在 “富 四季割烹日本料理餐廳”, 很難想像鴻寶港式海鮮餐廳的清蒸龍膽石斑魚吃起來竟有日本料理海鮮的細緻, 魚皮的豐富油脂讓每一口魚肉非常鮮嫩, 青蔥與淡醬油的提香更讓鴻寶餐廳穩固海鮮餐廳的招牌. 若是點了蝦, 想點別的海鮮, 我會建議點清蒸魚, 建議訂位時先預約這一道料理.
There is no fixed price of the seafood. This particular fish is NTD $850 ~ $950. Last time I tasted the similar fish is at “Fu Kappo Japanese Restaurant”. Surprisingly, this restaurant’s particular dish is as delicate as Japanese cuisine. The fats at the fish skin makes the meat very tender. If you already ordered the shrimp, I would suggest to order their steamed fish too. Remember to reserve this fish dish.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Restaurant 》富 四季割烹同時有日本料理職人水準與親民價格


XO 醬百花油條

Fried Chinese Donut with Shrimp Paste Filling
Price: NTD $370
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍
圖片中是九人份, 價格是 NTD $370, 菜餚名稱 “百花”的意思是蝦漿. 不同於其他餐廳的XO 醬百花油條, 油條表層並沒有ㄍㄡˇㄍㄡˇ , 鴻寶港式海鮮將XO 醬分開放, 非常替客人著想, 像我就是不愛沾醬, 比較喜歡油條的酥脆. 至於鑲入油條的蝦漿, 請想像比蝦丸更有層次分明的口感. 我會建議每人點一塊油條來品嚐
The dish in the picture is for 9 people, which the price is NTD $370. The chef separates the sauce and the fried Chinese donut. I like the crispy taste of Chinese donut. The shrimp paste filling is quite tasty as well. Since it is quite special, I would suggest each person to order one unit.


招牌脆皮雞 (全隻)

Crispy Chicken
Price: NTD $760
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜單裡半隻雞是 NTD $380,圖片裡的全隻是 NTD $760. 因為我們有九個人, 所以點全隻雞. 我一度以為端上桌的是像 “香宮”吃到的烤鴨, 焦糖色的脆皮雞看起來頗為油亮, 也名符其實地脆, 雞肉並沒有到多汁程度, 但是口感蠻扎實. 若是用餐超過六人, 可點半隻雞搭配其他海鮮料理.
The menu stated Half Chicken is NTD $380. The picture is one whole chicken, which is NTD $760. I once thought this dish is roasted duck that I ate at “Shang Palace”. The crispy chicken skin is quite oily and shiny. It in fact tastes very crispy but not juicy nor tender though. If there are 6 people dining in, you can order half chicken to pair with seafood.

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼



Mixed Seafood Stew with Vegetable
Price: NTD $570
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜單裡的海鮮煲寫著 NTD $380, 圖片裡是九人份, 價格為 NTD $570. 中式菜餚免不了煲類, 老闆娘/店員將熱騰騰砂鍋端至桌上, 我吃過的煲類海鮮幾乎都是頗硬, 但是這道裡的海鮮 (鮮蝦仁 ,魷魚, 海參) 口感皆恰到好處, 鮮蔬吃起來不會軟爛, 六人以上點會比較適合點這道.
The picture is for 9 people, therefore, the price is NTD $570. In other Chinese restaurant, this type of pot dish’s ingredients are quite in hard texture. But, in this restaurant, the seafood and vegetables are quite fresh and tender. If there are more than 6 people dining, you can order this dish.



Pork Rib with Salty Egg Flavor
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道沒有在菜單上, 金沙就是鹹蛋風味, 我上次吃到鹹蛋風味是在 “南村 私廚‧小酒棧” 的金沙裹大蝦, 鹹蛋將排骨裹得緊緊, 可惜肉質吃起來並沒有預期地嫩.
This is not at the menu. Last time I have salty egg flavor is at “44 SV Bistro”. Even though it is full of salty egg flavor, the meat texture is not as tender as expected.

延伸閱讀: 南村 私廚‧小酒棧 》忠孝敦化捷運站眷村菜美食 | 44 SV Bistro


上湯焗草蝦+ 麵

Shrimp with Noodle
Price: NTD $640
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

全名應該是上湯焗草蝦佐伊麵, 價格是 NTD $640 因為是九人份, 可惜菜餚隨著圓桌轉到我面前時, 伊麵已稍微降溫, 依舊可吸收綿密奶味醬汁, 讓整體稍微膩一點. 若已經有點鴻寶招牌生抽蝦, 這道可省略.
The picture is for 9 people, which price is NTD $640. The noodle absorbs lots of creamy sauce. After cooling down, the noodle becomes too mushy. If you already ordered shrimp with light soy sauce, you can skip this dish.



Beef Stew
Price: NTD $570
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片裡是九人份, 價格是 NTD $570, 剛端上桌時, 砂鍋裡的湯汁還在沸騰著, 牛筋和牛腩皆相當入味, 鍋裡的豆皮食材吃起來類似軟嫩腐皮卷, 整道菜餚非常下飯.
The picture is for 9 people, which is NTD $570. The broth/sauce is still stewing while serving. The meat texture is tender. The tofu sheet absorbs fair amount of the broth. This dish would be great to pair with the rice.



Fried Squid with Salt and Pepper
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片為 NTD $480 是九人份. 與其他料理相比, 也許是因為降溫, 這道料理感覺並沒有很出色.
The dish picture is NTD $480, which is for 9 people. Comparing with other dishes, this dish is not outstanding.



Steamed Daikon Cake
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店家有自製的蘿蔔糕, 圖片裡是兩塊, 總價為 NTD $200. 聽說鴻寶餐廳的蘿蔔糕在過農曆新年時非常受歡迎, 因為可以吃到少許蘿蔔絲.
They have their custom-made Daikon Cake, which is very popular during Chinese New Year. The picture shows 2 units, which total is NTD $200.



Fried Squid
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

I didn’t eat this dish.



台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


店名: 鴻寶港式海鮮
地址: 台北市中山區吉林路321號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國小捷運站
電話: 02-2585-5368
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Hon Buo Hong Kong Restaurant
Address: No. 321, Ji-Lin Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Elementary School MRT station
Tel: : 02-2585-5368
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


鴻寶港式海鮮 菜單 》 Hon Buo Seafood Restaurant Menu


