Herbivore 》 新光三越A4餐廳 | Taipei Vegan Restaurant

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

新開幕 Herbivore 餐廳位於信義新光三越A4 二樓, 是台北素食餐廳之一, 特色為各國全素 (Vegan) 料理.
Newly- opened Herbivore restaurant is located at second floor of Xinyi Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department store. It is one of the vegetarian restaurants that offer vegan cuisine at Taipei City.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


市政府捷運站3號出口往101方向走, Herbivore 餐廳位於A4二樓, 也就 Jo Malone 香水的對面, 餐廳四周環繞著高級服飾店, 可惜每家放的音樂都不一樣, 顯得吵雜. 牆柱上草綠色裝飾相當吸引人注目, 不仔細看會以為直接種蔬菜在牆柱上. 店員親切地介紹他們是 ”Miacucina ” 旗下的餐廳之一, 菜單不再是沙拉與三明治, 而是有包括南洋咖哩, 素食漢堡和全素蛋糕甜點.
Walking out of No.3 exit of City Hall MRT station and then walk toward Taipei 101. Herbivore is located at the second floor of A4 Department store, which is near Jo Malone store. The restaurant is surrounded by various high-end clothing stores. This  restaurant is one of the restaurants that belong to “Miacucina“.  The menu now includes curry, vegan burger, and desserts.

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

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English Name: Philly Cheese Vurger
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

全素 (Vegan) 不吃含有魚,肉,蛋,蜂蜜,奶製品等傷害動物的食物, 點這道純粹是對沙拉和南洋咖哩較沒有興趣. 店員端上木盤, 除了全素漢堡 (Vurger)與薯條外, 餐廳也有準備塑膠手套, 讓客人不會沾到手. 廚師將帶有甜味的素BBQ醬抹在兩片漢堡上, 與其說是加強風味, 倒不如說是讓漢堡麵包不會過乾. 將漢堡扶正一口咬下, 有青椒與洋蔥的脆口感, 也有餐廳自製全素 Mozarella 的綿密口感. 店員說漢堡肉食材是蘑菇與洋蔥, 並沒有豆腐, 蘑菇風味皆被甜醬蓋住, 並沒有預期的菌菇味, 若是換成美國 Shake Shack 的炸牛肝菌漢堡 (Shroom Burger), 我相信會更受歡迎, 至於薯條部分則是過鹹.
Vegan doest not eat fish, meat, egg, honey or diary. I ordered this dish because I wasn’t interested in salad and curry. Besides the vurger and fries, the restaurant also prepares the transparent plastic gloves for the customers. Sweet BBQ sauce are spread all over the burger bread to avoid the dry taste. I can taste the pepper, onion, and also the mozarella. The vurger patty is made with mushroom and onion. But the sweet BBQ sauce covers the mushroom flavor. If they change this dish into Shroom Burger (which is with fried portobello mushroom), it would be more popular. As for the fries, it is too salty for me.


延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide





Restaurant Name 店名: Herbivore Restaurant
Address: 2F, No. 19, Songgao Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區松高路19號2F (信義新光三越 A4) (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Herbivoretaipei/
Nearby MRT station: City Hall MRT station 市政府捷運站
電話: 02-2723-5368
營業時間: Check Department Store Operation Hour




