Hatsuume Taipei 》在台北味処初梅餐廳品嚐甲魚宴
Last Updated on 2023-11-05 by Foodelicious
台北 味処初梅 ( Hatsuume ) 是許多饕客心目中的台北日料餐廳推薦, 味処初梅訂位皆是包場方式 – 一桌八位. 這次則是因為朋友生日品嚐初梅甲魚宴.
Hatsuume restaurant is one of the Taipei Japanese restaurant recommendations. Hatsuume reservation policy is to reserve one table for 6-8 people . This time, we had soft-shelled turtle feast for my friend’s birthday.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐
我對日本料理不太懂, 尤其味処初梅 (Hatsuume) 提供的是無菜單日本會席與懷石料理. 我目前只在台北的 “辰壽司割烹會席”吃過會席料理. 這一篇文章的類似偏紀錄的文章.照片沒有多做編輯, 在此感謝朋友幫忙紀錄菜餚名稱與詢問細節.
I am not familiar with Japanese cuisine. So, this article is more like documenting instead of review what I ate. I didnt even edit the pictures. Thanks to my friend for taking notes regarding the dishes.
延伸閱讀: 辰壽司割烹會席 Sushi Kappou 》二訪吃雙活蟹會席料理
Hatsuume Taipei Reservation
味処初梅日式餐廳的地址是台北市中山區松江路362巷57號 , 離行天宮捷運站約 5 ~ 10 分鐘路程. 味処初梅餐廳不大, 因此皆是以一桌 6 ~ 8 位包場方式,提供料理是無菜單日本會席與懷石料理. 味処初梅 social media 有寫訂位方式, 用 LINE: irokami 聯繫. 訂金與菜單內容部分請自行與餐廳討論.
Hatsuume restaurant address is No. 27, No. 362 Lane, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. It is about 5 ~ 10 walking distance from Xingtian Temple Metro Station. The restaurant is not large. So, they only have one table for 6 ~ 8 people in the middle of restaurant. They offer Kappou and Kaiseki Japanese cuisine. They state their reservation method at the social media. You will need to reserve via LINE ID: irokami . However, you will need to ask the restaurant about the menu and downpayment details.
About Soft-Shelled Turtle Feast
味処初梅早餐非常有名. 這次我們吃的是甲魚宴. 我朋友去過初梅很多次, 所以訂得到甲魚宴. 我目前只在 “請客樓” 吃過甲魚湯.
Hatsuume breakfast is very famous. This time, we had soft-shelled turtle feast. My friend had been to Hatsuume restaurant for many times, so, she can reserve this type of unique feast. I only tasted the soft-shelled turtle soup at “The Guest House”.
延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
Hatsuume Soft-Shelled Turtle Feast Menu
✅ 八寸
✅ 甲魚酒
✅ 向付造里
✅ 甲魚火鍋
✅ 揚物
✅ 甲魚茶碗蒸
✅ 炸甲魚 & 紅燒甲魚肝
✅ 山藥燒烤香魚煮
✅ 燉煮澳洲黑鮑魚酒餚
✅ 鱉蛋甲魚雜炊
✅ 麝香葡萄大福
✅ 紅豆銅鑼燒
✅ 抹茶
**會因季節不同而改變菜單, 這次的價格是 NTD $6500/人
Hatsuume Soft-Shelled Turtle Menu Content
✅ 8 Japanese Appetizer dishes
✅ Soft-Shelled turtle Pot Wine
✅ Sashimi & Seafood
✅ Soft-Shelled Hot Pot
✅ Fried Item
✅ Soft-Shelled Turtle Chawanmushi
✅ Fried Soft-shelled turtle and Braised turtle liver
✅ Grilled Ayu sweetfish with Yam
✅ Braised and Cooked Australian Abalone
✅ Soft-Shelled Turtle Porridge with turtle egg
✅ Japanese Shine Muscat Grape Mochi
✅ Red Bean Dorayaki
✅ Matcha
**The menu may be vary due to the season. This menu is NTD $6500/per person.
8 Japanese Appetizer dishes
看似樸素, 實際上要保持每道下酒菜的溫度與脆度不太容易.
It looks quite simple. However, it is not easy to keep every dish in its temperature and crispy texture. There are 8 different types of dishes. It won’t be necessary to translate into English since the omakase menu might change in the future.
Soft-Shelled turtle Pot Wine
甲魚的意思是烏龜, 也就是鱉. 吉田師傅還特別讓我們看圖二浸泡甲魚製作酒的酒壺.
The chef showed us the pot that he used to make wine (Pic 2).
Sashimi & Seafood
圖片裡是四人份, 我們有八位, 所以初梅店員端上兩大盤. 端上時, 每個人都搶著拍照. 每一款食材都讓人迫不及待想要嘗試. 跟其他日本高級日料餐廳 ( “花蕉日料餐廳” ) 一樣, 吉田師傅會將生魚片的來源地與捕捉方式寫在紙上.宮城金華青花更是少見. 每一款都不錯吃
The picture shows 4-people portion. Since we have 8 people, the staff brings out two large dishes, which are quite photo-friendly. Each ingredient looks quite delicious and can’t wait to taste. Same as other high-end Japanese restaurants ( such as “花蕉 Hanasho” ), the chef documented the origin of sashimi on the paper. Every ingredient is quite delicious. There are 10 ingredients. It won’t be necessary to translate into English since the omakase menu might change in the future.
延伸閱讀: 花蕉 Hanasho 》二訪品嚐台北 Omakase 日料晚餐菜單
Soft-Shelled Turtle Hot Pot
我是後來才知道原來在日本吃甲魚非常昂貴, 能在台北吃到也是很幸運.吉田師傅解說這次為壽星朋友準備的甲魚湯比較特別, 主要食材是一隻母甲魚與兩隻公甲魚. 初梅甲魚湯的顏色並不會像 “請客樓”甲魚湯如此深色, 也沒有中藥風味. 這一道火鍋裡只有單純的煎豆腐, 甲魚, 烤大蔥與甲魚酒, 不用擔心, 並沒有酒味.我個人最喜歡吃這一道的豆腐, 吸收許多湯頭精華.
It is expensive eating soft-shelled turtle at Japan. And I am lucky to taste this ingredient at Taipei City. The chef mentioned that this soup ingredients are quite special – which includes one female turtle and two male turtles. The broth color is not as dark as the one at “The Guest House”. And it doesn’t have any Chinese medicine or alcohol aroma. This hot pot only has grilled tofu, soft-shelled turtle meat, shallot and turtle pot wine. I personally like the tofu in this dish, which absorbs lots of broth essence.
延伸閱讀:The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
Fried Item
Soft-Shelled Turtle Chawanmushi
之前在台北餐廳吃過各式各樣的茶碗蒸, 例如 “logy“茶碗蒸與 “辰壽司割烹”的蟹肉茶碗蒸.初梅甲魚茶碗蒸很特別也不錯吃.
I had various Chawanmushi in Taipei City, such as “logy” and “CS Club Sushi Kappou”.Soft-Shelled Turtle Chawanmushi at Hatsuume is quite special and delicious.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2022 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食
延伸閱讀: CS Club Sushi Kappou 》2023 辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴
炸甲魚 & 紅燒甲魚肝
Fried Soft-shelled turtle and Braised turtle liver
Grilled Ayu sweetfish with Yam
Braised and Cooked Australian Abalone
Soft-Shelled Turtle Porridge with turtle egg
初梅雜炊的概念就跟 “牛肆”一樣.吉田主廚將甲魚湯與米一起熬成粥. 因爲這次食材有母甲魚, 因此有許多鱉蛋. 吉田主廚非常小心地攪拌鱉蛋於其中, 再分裝給大家. 美味且濃醇. 這是當天我最喜歡的一道菜餚.
The porridge concept is similar with “Niu Si Taiwanese Beef Hot Pot ”. The chef cook the rice with the soft-shelled turtle broth. Since this time, there is female turtle, there are lots of turtle eggs. The chef carefully stirred the eggs into the porridge. Overall, it tastes delicious and flavorful. This is my favorite dish of the day.
延伸閱讀: 牛肆 Beef Hot Pot 》關於這家訂位困難台北溫體牛肉火鍋的五件事
Japanese Shine Muscat Grape Mochi
Red Bean Dorayaki
味処初梅 資訊
Hatsuume Information
店名: 味処初梅
地址: 台北市中山區松江路362巷57號 (Map)
捷運站: 行天宮捷運站 (O09)
電話: 0909-921-192
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/%E5%91%B3%E5%87%A6-%E5%88%9D%E6%A2%85Hatsuume-100063701006201/
Restaurant: Hatsuume Japanese Restaurant
Address: No. 27, No. 362 Lane, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Xingtian Temple Metro Station (O09)
Tel: 0909-921-192