CS Club Sushi Kappou 》2023 辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴

Last Updated on 2023-11-01 by Foodelicious

這次吃的是台北海峽會辰壽司割烹2023 大閘蟹宴菜單 , 不僅有蟹肉 omakase , 也有 鍾謦謙料理長 準備的各種蟹黃 , 海膽, 黑鮪魚菜餚.
We dined at CS Club Sushi Kappou restaurant at Taipei City for its special and seasonal crab menu. Besides crab meat omakase, Chef Zhong also prepared various maguro, crab roe and sea urchin dishes.


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前言 Preface –Must Read⭐

這一篇是偏紀錄的文章, 照片也沒有多做編輯. 我比較少吃高級日式料理美食 , 平常幾乎不吃螃蟹. 我吃的日本料理並沒有歐美料理與中式料理多. 在此感謝朋友幫忙紀錄菜餚名稱與詢問細節.
This article is toward taking notes about what I tasted at CS Club Sushi Kappou restaurant. I didnt edit pictures. I don’t usually eat high-end Japanese cuisine, let along crabs. My database of Japanese cuisine is way less than my European/American cuisine and Chinese cuisine. Thanks to my friend for taking notes regarding the dishes.



About CS Club Sushi Kappou Hairy Crab Menu

✅ 2023辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴套餐: NTD $9800 +10% /人
大閘蟹宴販售日期: 2023/10/20 ~12/10
**我跟朋友兩人是吃 2023.10月的大閘蟹宴套餐, 主廚採用來自江蘇洪澤湖的大閘蟹.

2023 CS Club Sushi Kappou Hairy Crab Set Menu: NTD $9800 +10% /person
Limited Time: 2023/10/20 ~12/10
**My friend and I tasted 2023.October hairy crab set menu. The crab is from Jiangsu, China.



CS Club Sushi Kappou Reservation

海峽會辰壽司割烹會席地址為台北市松山區敦化北路167號B1 , 離小巨蛋捷運站 1 號出口約 10 分鐘路程. 請記得海峽會的餐廳都需要事先預約 , 不能 Walk-in. 辰壽司割烹訂位專線為 02-7707-6666 . 不用擔心, 即使不是海峽會的會員也可以用餐!
CS Club Sushi Kappou Kaiseki Restaurant’s address is B1 , No. 167, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking distance of Exit 1 of Taipei Arena MRT station. Please note that you would need to reserve seats in advance. The reservation phone number is 02-7707-6666. No worries, you don’t need to be the CS Club member to dine there.


蟹宴- 印象深刻且不錯吃菜餚

Hairy Crab Set – Impressive and Delicious Dishes


Hairy Crab Meat / Hokkaido Sweet Corn

「辰壽司‧割烹」是 生食 50% + 熟食 50%. 此道即是熟食裡的其中一道菜餚. 在許多台北餐廳裡 (例如: “破壞者珈琲食堂” ) , 水果玉米以天婦羅的烹飪方式. 鍾謦謙料理長則是用微炭烤的水果玉米原型呈現. 盤底是濃稠的蟹湯, 堆疊起蟹肉與玉米, 再以魚子醬點綴. 水果玉米的甜度與蟹肉的鮮甜互相襯托, 入口後, 魚子醬的鮮味更是增添風味. 鹹鮮甜的美味與視覺印象皆令人滿意.
CS Club Sushi Kappou offers Raw 50% + Cooked 50% Japanese cuisine. This dish is one of the highlights of the cooked dishes. In many Taipei restaurants, such as “Provider Coffee Shokudo “, you’ll often find fruit corn prepared in tempura-style. However, Chef Zhong presents the original form of fruit corn with char-grilled. At the base of the dish is a rich crab soup, layered with crab meat and corn, and garnished with caviar. The sweetness of the fruit corn complements the freshness of the crab meat. When I take a bite, the caviar adds an extra burst of seafood flavor. The savory-sweet combination and the visual presentation make this dish truly satisfying.

延伸閱讀: Provider Coffee Shokudo 》在破壞者珈琲食堂續攤是不錯的選擇




Hairy Crab Meat Tempura with Zucchini Blossom

在法國料理裡, 有一道櫛瓜花鑲肉 ( Fleurs de Courgettes Farcies ) . 炸櫛瓜花菜餚則是常出現在義大利餐酒館裡. 這次則是櫛瓜花包裹著蟹肉, 以花朵形狀的蟹肉揚呈現. 料理長先刨30個月熟成帕瑪森起司 , 再撒上沖繩宮古島雪片鹽. 細緻酥脆的薄外層, 內餡有著飽滿嫩鮮蟹肉. 味蕾也可以感受到濃郁起司風味. 食材看似基本標配, 但採用不同等級食材而做出所謂的美味割烹日式料理.
In French cuisine, there is a dish called “Fleurs de Courgettes Farcies,” which typically involves stuffing zucchini flowers. Fried zucchini blossoms are commonly found in Italian trattorias. In CS Club Sushi Kappou, zucchini flowers are used to encase crab meat, forming delicate flower-shaped parcels of crab. The chef first scraps 30-month-aged Parmesan cheese, and then sprinkles it with Okinawa Miyako Island snowflake salt. The result is a finely crispy outer layer with a rich and tender crab meat filling. The taste is enhanced by the savory notes of the cheese. While the ingredients might seem basic, using high-quality components is what elevates this dish.



Hairy Crab Roe Hand Roll

很難不喜歡這一款大閘蟹蟹膏手卷, 畢竟平常很少吃螃蟹, 更別說蟹膏.
It is hard not to like this dish. I rarely eat crab, let alone crab roe.



Japanese Shine Muscat Grape with Ice Cream

對我來說, 日本晴王麝香葡萄是屬於奢華水果, 平常不太可能會買一整包. 坐在板前看整道甜點製作過程頗療癒. 甜點由晴王麝香葡萄, 店家自製冰淇淋, 與法國甜白酒凍組合而成, 再滴上特級陳年25年等級的義大利巴薩米克醋. 很多人不知道陳年巴薩米克醋是甜且有果香. 這一道甜點遠比去年的麝香葡萄甜點好吃.
For me, the Japanese Shine Muscat grape is a luxury fruit. I don’t usually buy a whole pack. Sitting at the counter and watching the entire dessert-making process is quite therapeutic. The dessert is composed with Shine Muscat grapes, house-made ice cream, and sweet wine jelly, topped with Extra Vecchio grade 25-year aged Italian balsamic vinegar. Most people don’t know that aged balsamic vinegar is sweet and fruity. This dessert is much better than the shine muscat grape dessert from last year.



蒸生豆乳 /蟹肉蟹膏

Steamed Soybean with Egg White / Crab Roe

這一道菜餚遠比一般蟹肉茶碗蒸更複雜. 料理長提到這一道是蒸生豆乳蛋白, 沒有熟悉茶碗蒸的微蛋香,但卻保留了同樣的的細緻滑嫩口感.料理長先將蟹肉絲鋪滿表層, 大閘蟹蟹膏與北海道鱈魚白子則是賦予的濃郁海鮮風味. 不錯吃.
This dish is much more complex than your typical crab mea chawanmushi. The chef mentioned that this dish is Steamed Soybean with Egg White. It doesn’t have the familiar eggy aroma of a classic chawanmushi dish. But it retains the same delicate and smooth texture. The chef first spreads crab meat on the surface, and the richness of the crab roe and Hokkaido cod milt (shirako) gives it a thick seafood flavor. It is overall quite delicious.



Nigiri – Pacific Saury

料理長的刀工讓這一道秋刀魚的亮澤迷人 , 品嚐也不會有濃郁鮮味 ( Umami ). 值得一提是辰壽司割烹的醋飯並不會偏酸硬, 不會搶走秋刀魚的風采.
The chef’s knife skills make this saury dish visually stunning, and the taste isn’t overwhelmingly rich in umami. The sushi rice is not overly acidic or firm, allowing the saury to be the center of attention.




Sushi – Crab with Japanese Hand-made Tofu Skin

在許多台灣饕客的認知裡 , 豆皮壽司一直是平價壽司. 辰壽司割烹料理長準備的這一道與常見的稻荷壽司/豆皮壽司不同. 不僅使用了日本福岡手工豆皮,還融入了蟹肉和蟹膏。這道料理伴隨著料理長分享他父親曾經帶給他當宵夜的溫馨故事。好吃嗎? 我覺得不錯吃, 前段有熟悉的豆皮香氣, 中段有微量蟹肉海鮮風味, 後段則是溫潤壽司飯的口感.
In the perception of many Taiwanese food enthusiasts, Inarizushi (Tofu-skin Sushi ) has always been considered affordable sushi. However, the Inarizushi prepared by the chef is different from the common Inarizushi. It not only uses handmade Tofu Skin Sheet from Fukuoka, Japan but also incorporates crab meat and crab roe. This dish is accompanied by the chef sharing a story of his father bringing him this as a late-night snack. Is it delicious? I find it quite tasty. It has the familiar inari aroma in the beginning, a hint of crab meat and seafood flavor in the middle, and a smooth sushi rice texture towards the end.


大閘蟹素麵 / 海膽

Crab Somen Noodle /Sea Urchin

份量非常多的海膽與蟹肉賦予味蕾直球般的鮮味衝擊 . 日本手工素麵與海苔新芽非常適合做為緩衝平衡的配角.
The generous amount of sea urchin and crab meat delivers a burst and straight forward of seafood flavors. The Japanese handmade Somen noodles and fresh seaweed sprouts serve as well-balanced accompaniments.



Three Appetizers in One Plate

我好像不應該稱作正式的三段重 , 因為沒有日式傳統盛裝容器. 這一道有三款不同類型的前菜. 從圖一左上的馬鈴薯脆餅開始品嚐, 蟹腿肉與白花椰慕斯是有趣的組合. 北海道新鮮生筋子入口如預期有鮮味衝擊. 料理長提到蟹肉塔上方的馬糞海膽以紹興黃酒調味, 雖然不帶有酒味, 卻帶來了更多特別的甜香風味。
This dish is composed with three different types of appetizers. Starting with the potato crisp at the top-left corner. The combination of crab leg meat and cauliflower mousse is intriguing. Hokkaido fish roe, as expected, offers a burst of sea flavor upon tasting. The chef mentioned that the sea urchin on top of the crab tower is seasoned with Shaoxing yellow wine. Although it doesn’t have a strong wine flavor, it adds a unique sweet aroma to the dish.



Nigiri – Japanese Maguro Belly – Otoro

這次的黑鮪魚是來自日本青森,油花細密均勻 ,展現壽司一貫的旨味與細緻度.
The Japanese Maguro ( Tuna ) in this dish comes from Aomori, Japan. It showcases a fine and even distribution of marbling, offering the typical umami and delicacy that one would expect from nigiri.



Crab Set: Other Dishes


Gunkan-maki – Hokkaido Sea Urchin

幾乎每一家高級日料皆會放海膽軍艦在菜單上, 也同樣考驗師傅堆疊海膽的功力. 如此多的海膽建議一口完食.
Almost every high-end Japanese restaurant includes sea urchin Gunkan-mak sushi on their menu. It is equally tests the chef’s skill in piling up the sea urchin. With this much sea urchin, it’s recommended to savor it in a single bite.



Nigiri – Japanese Maguro Nigiri – Akamai Tsuke

饕客們皆知道鮪魚背部肉的油花不多. 經過八天熟成 , 旨味轉變為明顯.
As many food enthusiasts know, this part of tuna usually has less marbling. After maturing for eight days, the flavors have become notably distinct.




Clear Broth with Mixed Crab Meatball

碗底是類似丸類 , 也就是所謂的真丈. 料理長提到這一道的真丈是以蟹肉混合鰻魚純手工製成, 我個人喜歡淡雅昆布清湯.
The chef mentioned that the meatball at the bottom is handcrafted from a blend of crab meat and eel. I personally appreciate the delicate clear kelp soup.




烘烤玉子燒外型像是蜂蜜蛋糕, 品嚐時, 是以雞蛋香氣為主.
The appearance of Hanasho Tamagoyaki looks like the Japanese Castella Cake (honey flavor cake). The major taste is still the eggy aroma along with small amount of sweet flavor.



爐烤茄子/ 蟹膏/角蝦

Grilled Eggplant / Crab Roe / Prawn

最亮眼莫過於宜蘭大角蝦, Size 已可媲美小龍蝦 , 蝦肉的海鮮風味比起蟹膏更為濃郁, 至於爐烤茄子與櫛瓜, 就如同歐式料理.
The highlight of the dish is undoubtedly the Yilan giant prawn, which is as large as a small lobster. The prawn meat has a rich seafood flavor, even more so than the crab roe. As for the grilled eggplant and zucchini, they provide a touch of European cuisine to the dish.




Nigiri: Squid

My friend takes notes refer to the squid from Kyushu. The squid has undergone a two-day aging process.



Nigiri – Japan Botan Shrimp

牡丹蝦的蝦肉如預期地爽脆 , 最初的簡單甜味則因蝦膏而提升這一道的濃郁程度.
The sweet and crisp texture of the Japan Botan Shrimp meat is enhanced by the richness of the shrimp paste, elevating this dish as expected.



Nigiri – Japanese amberjack

My friend takes note referring the Amberjack is from Hokkaido, Japan.


辰壽司割烹會席 資訊

CS Club Sushi Kappou Information

店名: 辰壽司割烹會席
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路167號B1 (Map)
捷運站: 台北小巨蛋捷運站 (G17)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070748266939
Website: http://www.csclub.com.tw

Restaurant: CS Club Sushi Kappou Kaiseki
Address: B1 , No. 167, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Taipei Arena (G17)
Tel: 02-7707-6666



