El Marqués Tapas Bar 》台北大安區西班牙餐廳美食 | 新開幕 | Spanish Cuisine
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
台北市大安區西班牙美食餐廳名單又一枚, El Marqués Tapas Bar除了海鮮飯外, 也提供正統西班牙Tapas, 西班牙紅酒和西班牙啤酒.
Newly-opened El Marqués Tapas Bar now is one of Taipei City Da’an District Spanish restaurants. Besides paella, they also offer traditional Spanish Tapas, Spanish Wines and Spanish Beers.
Menu is at the end of article. Menu 在文末.
大安區餐酒館眾多, 難免會被拿來比較, 跟ABV 餐酒館比, El Marqués Tapas Bar 提供較多種類的西班牙紅酒, 因為也有販售老酒, 餐廳內也有醒酒瓶. 跟DOMANI 義式餐廳相比, El Marqués Tapas Bar 則是較講究朋友分享的歡樂氣氛 (當然也很適合約會囉). 走進餐廳室內, 先看到了全新吧台與舒適高腳椅, 酒櫃裡也擺滿了西班牙酒.
There are many Bistros in Da’an district. Comparing with ABV Bar & Kitchen, El Marqués Tapas Bar has various Spanish wines. Comparing with Domani Italian restaurant, its atmosphere is more like friends’ gathering and a place to date as well.
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連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
此家餐廳的海鮮飯需要事先預訂且為兩人份, 這次要寫的是西班牙Tapas, 若光臨這家餐廳只點海鮮飯似乎單調了點.
You would need to pre-order Paella in advance since they would need to prepare their ingredients. However, this time, I am going to review about tapas instead of the paella.
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連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating
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*菜單跟酒單在文末 The Menu is at the end of article
English Name: Roasted Mushroom with Aioli Sauce (4 pcs)
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍👍
許多台灣人對Aioli醬的認知是亮黃色的“香蒜蛋黃醬”, 但其實正統西班牙Aioli醬呈白色, 就是無加蛋黃, 主要食材只有橄欖油, 大蒜與少許鹽, 主廚的作法似乎是只加少許蛋黃, 在燈光下呈現象牙白色.
Most Taiwanese know Aioli sauce as the bright yellow color garlic egg yolk sauce. However, the traditional Spanish style is olive oil, garlic and salts. The chef seemed to use only a few egg yolks. The appearance looks white under the dim light.
四顆大小相似的蘑菇外表烤得恰到好處, 軟嫩且依舊多汁, 濃郁的Aioli醬則是帶有誘人的大蒜風味, 但卻不會覆蓋住菌菇風味, 整體來說是一道非常出色的Tapas.
Four identical mushrooms are roasted perfectly with tender and juicy texture. Thick and creamy Aioli sauce brings out garlic flavor but doesn’t cover the mushroom aroma. General speaking, this is an outstanding tapas.
English Name: Potatoes “Revolconas Style” with Low Temperature Egg & Deep Fry Pork Belly
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
英文菜名“Revolconas Style”其實就是經典西班牙馬鈴薯泥, 橘紅色如同濃稠醬汁的馬鈴薯泥放在深藍色的鑄鐵鍋, 用木杓攪拌時發現鍋底內有著完整的半熟蛋黃, 讓人惹不住先咬一口讓滑順的蛋黃流出.
“Revolconas Style” is classic Spanish Style mashed potato. Using the wooden spoon to stir the thick sauce, the half-boiled egg yolk is placed at the bottom of the iron pot. The yolk is smooth and would satisfy the appetite.
酥脆炸豬腹肉加上少許辛香料(紅椒粉)則是絕配, 也形成完全不同的口感, 此道料理搭配店內知名的海鮮飯更美味, 讓海鮮飯的鍋巴不會過於乾澀.
The crispy fried pork belly pairs great with spices. There are layers of flavors. This dish is a perfect match for Paella if you don’t like the dried rice.
English Name: Tortilla de Patatas (Spanish Omelette)
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
台灣人所熟悉的西班牙烘蛋是偏乾, 我則是選擇較正統的濕潤西班牙烘蛋,若想品嚐偏乾也是可以告知. 烘蛋上方搭配酸奶油與番茄切塊, 綿密的烘蛋內有脆洋蔥切片與馬鈴薯切片, 若搭配海鮮飯, 可讓海鮮風味更加美味.
Most Taiwanese only know dried Spanish Omelette. However, I chose the classic Spanish style, which is moist. You can also ask the chef to cook the dried omelette. On the top of omelette, there are sour cream and tomato chunks. Inside the omelette, there are sliced onions and potatoes.It is delicious dish to pair with paella as well.
English Name: Chef Special Gin Tonic
Price: NTD $400
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
西班牙籍老闆兼主廚Jorge有提到Gin Tonic在西班牙十分流行, 甚至有酒吧專門在賣Gin Tonic. 為要求完美, 主廚會先跟客人溝通想要哪一種Gin Tonic, 除了準備適當廣口大酒杯外, 冰塊則是在專業Whisky Bar 才看得到的球型圓滑冰塊, Tonic 則是用台灣酒吧不常用且較為昂貴的英國品牌Fever Tree, 而不是採用Schweppes. 裝飾的部分則是用紅胡椒小顆粒和迷迭香, 品嚐時如預期的是強烈杜松風味, 搭配紅胡椒的辛辣味, 整杯調酒的濃度破表, 連平常不點調酒的我都覺得此款調酒不錯喝.
The owner Jorge mentioned that Gin Tonic is very trendy in Spain. There are even bars selling only Gin Tonic. Jorge would communicate with the customer first before making the cocktail. Besides preparing the large glass, the restaurant also prepares round shape ice just like you see at professional whisky bars. High cost British Brand Fever Tree is used instead of Schweppes brand. The garnish are small red pepper seeds and rosemary. The ABV of this cocktail is powerful, which I like it very much.
♛ Eatpire 會員餐廳優惠連結頁面: El Marqués Tapas Bar
延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide
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If interested in cooperation, please Email to globalfoodelicious@gmail.com
Restaurant Name店名: El Marqués Tapas Bar 西班牙餐廳
開瓶費: NTD $500
Address: No.259, Yangji Street, Taipei City 台北市大安區延吉街259號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/el.marques.tapas.bar/
電話:0927-270-009 (Use FB to reserve seats)
Nearby MRT station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station 信義安和捷運站
營業時間:5:30 pm ~ 12am (Tuesday Off 星期二休)