春大直主廚市場懶人包 》Chun Place Chef Market Guide

Last Updated on 2024-05-17 by Foodelicious

(2024.5 更新) 2022 新開幕 主廚市場 CHEF MARKET 位於春大直, 讓 春大直餐廳美食 名單多了和牛研究室 , 瞞著爹立吞 , POKE Lee , Woolloomooloo Yakka 與其他知名店家.
(2024.5 Update) At 2022, CHEF MARKET is opened at Chun Place 1F at Dazhi area . There are several new brands – Wagyu Lab, POKE Lee , Woolloomooloo Yakka and other famous brands.

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About Chun Place Chef Market

新開幕主廚市場 Chef Market 的地址為台北市中山區樂群三路303號春大直1F, 離劍南路捷運站3號出口約 10 分鐘路程, 直接穿過美麗華到樂群三路, 往 “RAW” 與 “Taïrroir 態芮“ 的方向抵達春大直. 一進門即可看到 Woolloomooloo Yakka 店鋪. “朧粵 Longyue ” 則是在春大直二樓. 此篇文章跟媒體新聞稿不太一樣, 第一段關於主廚市場各店鋪的品牌介紹, 第二段則是我自己的感想.
Chun Place Chef Market address is 1F, No. 303 , Le Qun 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking distance from Jiannan Road MRT station. In between, you would pass “RAW” and “Taïrroir”. You will see Woolloomooloo Yakka when you first entering. “ Longyue Cantonese Restaurant” is located at 2F. This article is different from other magazine news articles. The first part would be about the brand, and the second part would be my personal review.

延伸閱讀: 朧粵 Longyue 》 菜單除了叉燒皇還點哪些菜餚 (內有訂位資訊)

延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )

延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳



Chun Place Chef Market Parking

英迪格酒店與春大直商場皆有停車場, 也有許多人直接停路邊, 主廚市場各個店鋪皆有自己的停車場優惠條件, 請自行詢問.
Chun Place and Hotel Indigo has parking lots. There are also many people just park on the road side. Each store/shop in CHEF MARKET has its own parking discount.



Chef Market Public Dining Area

當天在春大直, 有看到附近上班族與大直居民到主廚市場用餐, 有些人是簡單喝個咖啡, 有些人則是吃商業午餐. 這裡需要自行收餐盤到回收台.
During my visit day, I saw nearby office staffs and nearby residents to dine in Chef Market. Some are just there for simply coffee and some for business lunch. When you finish eating, you will need to put the tray at the recycle counter.


主廚市場美食 & 酒


和牛研究室 (已結束營業)

Wagyu Lab (Closed Down)

和牛研究室 Wagyu Lab 在春大直入口後向右走即可看到. 和牛研究室最特別的莫過於「 只提供 」 日本最高等級三大和牛之一: 日本近江和牛. 和牛研究室品牌是由苗林行公司創造, 苗林行公司自己本身就是和牛進口代理商, 因此價格很友善. 和牛研究室與 “肉 RÒU by T-HAM” 一樣也是精品肉舖, 提供專業分切包裝. 和牛研究室主廚設計午間套餐, 晚間套餐, 單點與近江牛珠寶盒下午茶, 店內也有提供酒類. 和牛研究室高腳椅用餐區可透過 inline 訂位 ( https://inline.app/booking/wagyulab ) , 也可預約下午茶時段! 最多可訂到六人.
You will see the “Wagyu Lab” sign at your right hand side when entering the front door of Chun Place. The most important part would be that Wagyu Lab ONLY offers Japanese Sennaritei Omi Wagyu Beef. Wagyu Lab brand is created by Miaolin Foods, which is also the importer/distributor in Taiwan. The overall price is quite friendly. Wagyu Lab is also similar with “RÒU by T-HAM” , which offers different parts of Wagyu Beef slicing and packaging. The chef also designs Lunch Set, Dinner Set, Single Order dish and Afternoon Tea Set. They also offer alcohols at the store. You can reserve seats via inline ( https://inline.app/booking/wagyulab ) at the counter high chair seats. You can reserve up to 6 people.

延伸閱讀: SENNARITEI OMI BEEF 》苗林行代理日本近江和牛的五個問題


近江牛珠寶盒 Review

Omi Wagyu Box of Treasures

這次我吃的是近江牛珠寶盒 (NTD $1280) , 每天只提供 3pm ~ 5pm 時段 , 只能在和牛研究室的高腳椅座位享用, inline 訂位 ( https://inline.app/booking/wagyulab ) 可直接訂 3pm. 珠寶盒 Display 非常法式典雅, 六道小點皆是 Tapas Size , 全部小點皆有些許日本近江和牛元素, 我個人推薦這款近江牛珠寶盒, 我直接從我最喜歡的開始寫
This time, I tasted Omi Wagyu Box of Treasures (NTD $1280). They only offer this item during 3pm ~ 5 pm in the afternoon time. You can only taste this set at their high chair area. You can reserve seat via inline ( https://inline.app/booking/wagyulab ). The Box of Treasures display is quite elegant with French Style. All six tapas have some characters of Omi Wagyu Beef. I personally recommend this set. I will start writing with my favorite tapas.


2022.4月 近江牛珠寶盒

1. 近江紐約客, 芥末, 牛奶吐司

Omi Wagyu New York Strip, Wasabia, Milk Toast

這款和牛三明治要趁熱吃, 近江紐約客油炸得十分完美, 中間依舊保有和牛應有的嫩紅視覺感. 第一口可以說是爆汁且嫩, 芥末美乃滋完全不會蓋住和牛的肉香, 反而增加風味層次, 非常好吃! 我個人真心希望這一道和牛三明治有單點選擇.
You would need to eat this hot Wagyu sandwiches quickly. The Omi Wagyu New York strip is tender and yet fried perfectly. It tastes juicy as expected. The mustard/wasabia mayo does not cover the meaty flavor from the beef. Instead, it increases layers of flavors. It is very delicious. I sincerely wish that I can order this Wagyu sandwiches separately.


2.近江牛, 鮭魚卵, 蟹, 烏骨雞蛋

Omi Wagyu, Salmon Roe, Crab, Silky Fowl Egg

我沒有想到這一道會是我第二喜歡的小點, 由烏骨雞蛋做成的滑嫩蒸蛋, 有近江和牛澄清高湯元素. 鮭魚卵與蟹腳堆疊出海鮮風味, 味蕾更是可以享受到來自和牛澄清高湯的肉香風味. 整體很特別, 也很值得一試.
The smooth steamed egg is made with the silky fowl egg. Wagyu Beef Consommé offers the meaty aroma. The seafood flavor comes from the crab and salmon roe. Overall dining experience is quite special and worth the try.


3.法國吉拉多生蠔, 和牛塔塔, 魚子醬

France Girardeau Oyster, Omi Wagyu Tartar, Caviar

新鮮現開法國吉拉多生蠔的海洋鮮味搭配法國魚子醬已經非常奢華, 店員提到和牛塔塔是由和尚頭部位製作而成, 油脂不多,但是口感細緻, 我還故意分兩口吃, 意猶未盡是我吃後的感想
Fresh France Girardeau oyster pairs great with the upscale Caviar. The staff also mentioned that the tartar is made with Wagyu Beef Knuckle. There isn’t much fats but still taste tender. “I want more” is my only thought after finishing it.


4. 玉米, 燻蛋, 焦糖海鹽爆米花

Corn, Smoked Eggs, Salted Caramel Popcorn

此款的發想是和牛飼料 – 玉米, 近江和牛元素則是牛油, 爆米花吃起來有焦糖的甜味, 薄塔皮底的燻蛋更像醬, 讓爆米花吃起來更有趣.
This inspiration is Wagyu ’s feed – corn. This dish’s Wagyu character is Wagyu Beef Fats (Butter). The popcorn tastes with caramel sweetness. The smoked egg at the bottom tastes similar with sauce. The overall dining experience becomes quite more fun.


5. 熟成和牛培根, 有機貝比生菜, 酸豆

Omi Wagyu Bacon, Organic Lettuce, Capers

和牛研究室自己熟成且風乾近江和牛培根, 吃起來不會過硬, 而且帶有濃郁肉香, 生菜清脆感搭配柚子橄欖油, 可以解膩.
Wagyu Lab aged and air-dried Omi Wagyu bacon. The texture isn’t too hard and it has thick meaty flavor. The lettuce is crisp and refreshing with the grapefruit EVOO.


6. 近江牛油馬告費南雪/ 近江牛油威士忌馬德蕾

Omi Wagyu Maqaw Financier, Omi Wagyu Whisky Madeleine

和牛研究室品牌是由苗林行公司創造, 苗林行也有進口麵粉與其他烘培原料, 採用近江和牛油來製作馬告費南雪與威士忌馬德蕾, 呈現專業度, 我個人比較喜歡威士忌馬德蕾.
Wagyu Lab brand is created by Miaolin Foods, which imports flour and related baking ingredients as well. They use Wagyu Beef fats (Butter) to make Financier and Madeleine professionally. I prefer the whisky madeleine.



Taipei Wine Co.

Taipei Wine Co. 的中文名稱是勃艮第酒藏有限公司, 以進口頂級法國酒與法國獨立小農酒款為主 , 已有大安區獨立店面, 這次在春大直主廚市場設立店面, 溫濕度控制的酒窖內收藏著法國頂級酒款, 專業店員會依照客人的喜好而給予酒款建議 (圖三). 冷藏展示櫃也有販售起司, 建議可以 4-5 人到Taipei Wine Co.開一瓶酒, 再請店員切起司搭酒, 單杯酒也是Taipei Wine Co. 特色之ㄧ.
Taipei Wine Co. imports high-end French wine and Natural French Wine. They already have an independent store at Daan district. This time, they opened another store/shop at Chef Market. High end French wines are displayed at temperature controlled and humidity controlled cellar. The staff would recommend wines per your reference (Pic 3) . The refrigerator also display cheese. I would suggest to visit Taipei Wine Co., with 4 ~ 5 people to open a bottle of wine. You can ask the staff to cut the cheese to pair with wine. They also offer single glass wines!


單杯酒 Review

Single Glass Wine Review

單杯酒 Menu 不定期更換 , 最特別的是有單杯氣泡酒與單杯甜點酒, 我這次在Taipei Wine Co. 喝到兩款單杯酒 – 一白一紅.
They would change the wine menu. The most special part would be that they also have bubble wines and dessert wines with single glass. This time I drank one red wine and one white wine in Taipei Wine Co.


Gewurz 2020 (White Wine)

Gewurz 2020 格烏茲甜白酒 單杯酒價格是 NTD $420/杯 , 100% Gewurztraminer 有著荔枝,蜂蜜, 與白桃的豐富香氣,來自法國阿爾薩斯的芬芳型甜白酒一向是我喜歡的白酒類型.
The single glass of Gewurz 2020 (White Wine) is NTD $420/glass. 100% Gewurztraminer has fair amount of lychee, honey and peach aroma and flavor. This white wine is from Alsace, France. I personally love this type of aromatic white wines.


Le Petit Clos IGP d’Hérault Rouge 2017 (Red Wine)

此款單杯紅酒價格是 NTD $380/杯, 葡萄品種包括 Syrah, Grenache, Carignan , 在橡木桶陳年 12 個月, 有覆盆子, 黑醋栗與香料風味, 建議先靜置醒酒, 單寧才會更為圓潤.
This single glass of red wine is NTD $380/glass. The grapes include Syrah, Grenache, and Carignan. It is aged in barrel for 12 months. Overall, it has raspberry and spice flavor. The tannin will get softer after the decant process.



Manjedad Standing bar

瞞著爹是台灣知名連鎖日本料理餐廳, 以新鮮海鮮出名, 這次在春大直主廚市場設立瞞著爹魚舖立吞店, 有俐落的立吞區, 可直接與師傅單點握壽司或是現切生魚片, 瞞著爹菜單也有各式各樣的海鮮丼. 店員提到每逢週末會有師傅在中島處理魚的 Show (如圖三)
Manjedad is a famous Japanese restaurant with many branches in Taiwan. It is famous with fresh seafood. This time at Chef Market, Manjedad opens a standing bar. You can stand there, order the sashimi/nigiri/donbiri , and then enjoy the dining while standing up. The staff also mentions that the chef would have a chef’s fish cutting show during the weekend (Pic 3)


生魚片 Review

Manjedad Sashimi Review

我上次吃日料立吞是在台北上引水產立吞, 瞞著爹立吞燈光較明亮, 師傅的刀工細緻, 魚很鮮美, 吃完我會想外帶瞞著爹的海鮮丼飯.
Manjedad Standing bar is more bright. The chef’s knife work is delicate along with fresh sashimi. After eating, I would wish to purchase take-out seafood donbiri.



Manjedad Menu




春大直主廚市場裡也有專賣清酒的店面, SAKEMARU日本酒藏在台灣日本清酒愛好者裡非常有名, 因為有每月嚴選日本酒訂閱宅配服務, 每月選的酒皆是限量與難得一見具有特色的清酒. 唎酒師介紹 SAKEMARU選的酒款幾乎都是「 沒有 」經過過濾, 巴斯德消毒, 稀釋的過程, 讓清酒本身保持原有的顯著特質. 當天唎酒師則是拿出值得一試的兩款酒- Sakemaru 限定的虹虎 Kotora Sake 與 六號酵母 Kyokai No. 6.
SAKEMARU locates at Chef Market. It is a famous sake store that offers monthly limited edition sake home delivery. The Sake Sommelier stated that SAKEMARU sake DID NOT go through the following process – filtering, pasteurizing and diluting. So, each sake keeps its special feature. The Sake Sommelier introduced us two special sakes – Kotora Sake and Kyokai No. 6.




SAKEMARU 空運 玉泉正宗 KEG DRAFT SAKE 純米吟釀來台, 圖片裡的杯子是給我跟其他媒體試飲, 若是一杯 NTD $120 會用其他容量較大的酒杯裝, 只喝一口清酒覺得新鮮 Sake 喝起來就是不一樣, 清酒愛好者可來嘗試.
SAKEMARU air-ships KEG DRAFT SAKE. The sake glass in the picture is for trial drink for media. If it is NTD $120/glass, there will be bigger sake glass. I only trial taste one sip, the experience is refreshing and flavorful. I would recommend sake lovers to visit here.


Poke Lee

Poke Lee Classic

POKE Lee 夏威夷丼飯餐廳本店在天母非常有名, 目前在台北信義區與高雄皆有分店, 一進門就在春大直入口後向右走即可看到 POKE Lee. 各式各樣的美乃滋醬料是品牌成功的其中一個原因, 其他原因則是有炙燒烹調方式, 有賣現做 Smoothie , 而且還有當季海鮮.
POKE Lee is very famous at Tianmu. Now, they have branch stores at Xinyi District and Kaohsiung. POKE Lee is at the right hand side of the entrance. Various mayos is one of the successful reason. Other successful reasons would be that it has grilling ,seasonal seafood, and smoothie.



我對夏威夷丼飯向來都有好印象 , 上次我吃 Poke Bowl 是在 “KUKUI POKE TAIPEI ”, 這次很可惜沒有吃到 Poke Lee的 Poke Bowl 與喝到他們的 Smoothie, 我很想吃配料區的干貝與螢烏賊.
Last time, I had Poke Bowl at “KUKUI POKE TAIPEI ” and had a great impression. Sadly, I didn’t  Poke Lee’s poke bowl and drink smoothie this time. I really want to try their scallop and squid.

延伸閱讀: KUKUI POKE TAIPEI 》原來夏威夷生魚波奇飯可以很美味 (內有菜單)


Woolloomooloo Yakka

應該大家都知道信義區的 Woolloomooloo , 除了開在中山區的 Woolloomooloo Simply Joy , 也在春大直開 Woolloomooloo Yakka , 經營型態類似咖啡甜點店與高檔食品複合店, 除了有進口食品外, 也有 Made in Taiwan 的食品.
Woolloomooloo is famous. Besides Woolloomooloo Simply Joy, they also open Woolloomooloo Yakka at Chun Place Chef Market. It combines coffee, dessert and high-end food grocery. Besides import foods, they also have Made in Taiwan food.



這次因為忙著拍照, 沒辦法喝他們的咖啡與吃他們知名的香蕉奶油派 (Pic 2), 下次如果跟別人約大直喝下午茶, 可以考慮這裡.
I didn’t have time to try their coffee and banana cream pie (Pic 2). Next time, if I have friends’ gathering at Neihu area, I would choose this place.


Woolloomooloo Menu


Woolloomooloo Dazhi (Dine-In)








SUN BERNO 位於瞞著爹立吞店的正對面, Pizza 烤爐明顯可見, 春大直SUN BERNO 是一家專門賣蔬食料理的店面, 我在拍照的同時可以看到師傅現做現烤Pizza , SUN BERNO 也有賣植物肉的漢堡
SUN BERNO is right across Manjedad Stand Bar. The pizza oven is quite impressive. SUN BERNO in Chef Market offers vegetarian cuisine, including pizza and veggie burger. I can see the chef making the pizza while I was taking pictures.



這次因為忙著拍照, 沒辦法吃他們的 Pizza. SUN BERNO Pizza 是拿坡里披薩類型 ( 類似 “BANCO PIZZA” ), Pizza Size 是 10 吋, 店員會協助切八片.
I am too busy taking pictures. So, I didn’t eat their pizza. SUN BERNO Pizza is 10 inch Neapolitan pizza (Similar with “BANCO PIZZA” ). The staff would assist slicing into 8 slices.

延伸閱讀: Banco Pizza Taipei 》Banco 世貿店與 Banco 八德店 都不錯吃





Ho Feng Seafood Store

閤豐本舖的主要客戶銷售對象是餐飲業/盤商/傳統市場 , 近年才有消費者可以直接購買的店面, 這次在春大直主廚市場開幕對很多愛海鮮的人是好消息, 閤豐本舖販售日本與其他國家現流魚貨, 包括魚,蝦, 貝類等海鮮, 店裡的黑板都有中文標示 (圖四).
Ho Feng Seafood Store major clients are restaurants, distributor, and traditional market. Recent years, the consumers can purchase from the store directly. Ho Feng Seafood Store at Chef Market is a great news at seafood lovers. They offer imported Japan and other countries’ seafood, including fish, shrimp and scallops. The black board stated each item (Pic 4)



Ho Feng Seafood Store

由於當天不是週末, 並沒有試吃的活動. 現場我看到有販售日本進口生食級干貝 2L, 3L Size 已經熱門到賣完, 嚴選北海道魚卵也看起來也很美味.
Because it is not weekend, there is no trial-taste event. They offer 2L imported Japanese scallops. The 3L size is too popular and sold out. The Hokkaido roe looks quite delicious as well.

Website Link: https://www.hofengbenpu.com





About Chun Place Membership Application Info

春大直館內的 Line@  ( Line@帳號:  @897vedvd ) 都會發布第一手資訊,很多品牌好吃好喝好勸敗的訊息都在 Line@!
You can join Chun Place Membership at their Line@  ( Line@ account: @897vedvd ) . They will deliver the first and updated news regarding the brands at Chun Place.




About Chun Place Delivery Service

春大直館內多家餐廳首次加入外送、線上訂位服務,從咖啡小點、異國料理到和牛名店,都可以在UBER EATS、inline上找到春大直-主廚市場限定美味!更多活動資訊請洽春大直、主廚市場粉絲專頁。
Many restaurants in Chun Place are at their first time to cooperate with delivery service and online reservation. You can  check Ubereats and inline. There are more information at Chun Place and Chef’s Market social media.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Chun Place Chef Market Information

店名: 春大直主廚市場
地址: 台北市中山區樂群三路303號春大直1F (Map)
捷運站: 劍南路捷運站
電話: 02-8502-7208
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/主廚市場CHEF-MARKET-105603088757680
Website: https://www.chunplace.com.tw
Restaurant: Chun Place Chef Market
Address: 1F, No. 303 , Le Qun 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Jiannan Road MRT station
Tel: 02-8502-7208


