(Closed Down) 台北信義區美食除了百貨公司外, 信義誠品6F也有不錯的餐廳- 例如1010新湘菜, 菜餚不僅適合朋友一起享用, 也很適合家庭聚會的餐廳. (Closed Down) In Taipei XinYi District, there are still many restaurants besides department stores. For example, ther...
由於之前住在美國郊區, 較沒有機會參加市區的品酒會, 現在回來到台北, 加進FB 精釀啤酒社群和葡萄酒或烈酒社團, 間接知道“品酒會懶人包“ App可以查詢各個品酒會資訊, 但是初學者通常對品酒會都會有一些迷思. I didnt have to opporuntity to attend any trial taste event back at USA since I lived at the...
現在台灣市面上有販售很多價格昂貴的改良式起司蛋糕, ChizUP! 甜點主廚不惜成本,堅持手工, 100%天然食材, 低糖低脂且使用水浴烘焙法製作起司蛋糕, 較費時費力的水浴烘焙方法可讓起司蛋糕的表層完美無瑕無破裂. Nowadays, there are many adjusted versions of cheesecakes selling at very high price in Tai...
(快閃店已結束) 琉球通堂拉麵為了配合統一時代百貨沖繩展而設置快閃店, 饕客只能在短短21天內(至4/15/2017)享受帶有濃厚日本味的沖繩知名拉麵店. 至於將來會在台灣哪個城市設店, 社長應該還在評估中. (Closed Down) You wouldn't call TONDU Ramen a Ramen restaurant because it is a 21 days pop-up...
在美國的中式料理其實很少看到有搭配鍋粑的, 但是在美國韓式料理點了石鍋拌飯, 吃到最後就有鍋粑可以品嚐. Back at US, we don't have much Chinese cuisine that has crispy rice in it. But, in Korean restaurants @US, we sometimes would order Bibimbap. When ...
(已結束營業) 愛甜點的螞蟻人應該都知道路地氷の怪物在台北市市民大道開幕 (位於之前原創花雕雞的店面), 路人們看到這棟微藍且設計頗新潮的兩層樓時 ,都會停下拍照. (Closed Down) Most dessert-craving people already knew about this ice cream shop - Roji Ice Cream Shop, which is orig...
Event Name活動名稱: 《 格蘭利威品影幻境》 Glenlivet VR + Tasting Event Event Price 活動價格: Free 免費 Location地點:Taipei 台北 不管是少男少女 ,還是熟男熟女, 這次《 格蘭利威品影幻境》活動絕對值得你們去嘗試! No matter who you are or how old you are, Glenlivet V...
(已結束營業) 雞二拉麵為大安區新開幕的拉麵美食之一, 位於台北遠企附近和辦公室林立的巷弄內. 值得一提的是雞二拉麵並不是日本海外分店. ( Closed) Unlike other Ramen restaurants, G2 Ramen is NOT a oversea branch from Japan. This restaurant is established by Taiwanese ...
剛開始講課的時候, 講師有提到其實很多台灣人對軒尼詩品牌不是很了解, 甚至有人誤認軒尼詩是威士忌, 這堂課的用意在於教育消費者關於酒的不同和關於這個法國品牌的故事. At the beginning of the class, the brand ambassador mentioned that majority of Taiwanese are not familiar with Henne...