【 忠孝復興 | Taipei Food 】新開幕 | 路地氷の怪物 | Roji Ice Cream Shop | 台北市民大道店

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) 愛甜點的螞蟻人應該都知道路地氷の怪物台北市市民大道開幕 (位於之前原創花雕雞的店面), 路人們看到這棟微藍且設計頗新潮的兩層樓時 ,都會停下拍照.
(Closed Down) Most dessert-craving people already knew about this ice cream shop – Roji Ice Cream Shop, which is originated from Taichung. Now, they open up a two floors shop with light blue appearance at Taipei City near Civil Blvd.




走進門口的右手邊有一座牆上放滿冰的選項, 選一種冰且拿它的卡  ->  可點飲料 -> 結帳 -> 自行到後方的開放式廚房端自己點的冰.在等待的空暇, 可拿起手機開始照1~2 樓的內部簡約日本裝潢和討人喜歡的妖怪們, 不管是哪個角度拍都是放在Instagram的好素材.


The fastest SOP would be the following

Choose Ice Cream Base and pick up the card on the shelf   -> Choose 2 Side Dishes and stamp at the card  -> Order the drink (if any)  -> Pay at the counter  -> Pick up your finished dish at the open kitchen at the back of the store. -> While waiting the staffs to make your dish, you can take the time to take all the Instagram-friendly pictures at the first and second floor adorable Japanese style interior designs.

宮古島雪鹽花生霜淇淋 (配兩道配料) $200

English Name:Soft-served Okinawa Sea Salt Peanut Soft-served Ice Cream (with 2 side dishes)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍭🍭

討喜俏皮的擺設加上多層霜淇淋立體效果獲得顧客們的稱讚, 女生們更失心瘋地狂拍照, 可惜的是整體霜淇淋應該是花生米色, 但是我的卻是很明顯地分兩種顏色 – 上層為白色原味和下層為花生米色, 店家採用台灣花生, 賦予霜淇淋強烈的花生香氣,雪塩是必須使用宮古島島下地層特有的海水,才能孕育出來的鹽, 結構比其他海鹽細緻, 霜淇淋最重要的牛乳則是來自北海道十勝鮮乳, 比其他牛奶更滑順且安全.  第一口雖然帶有濃郁花生香氣與濃厚牛奶香,質地細膩且滑順, 結構完美無粉末或是雜質, 也許是味蕾暫時被凍結, 因為接下來幾口並不如最初的風味.
The adorable display with many layers of soft-served ice cream won many customers’ “wow”.  Unfortunately, my ice cream is separated into two parts- top two layer is original flavor , the other layers are peanut flavor with beige color. After re-assuring with the staff, the whole display is supposed to beige.  The store uses Taiwan peanut, which has heavier peanut aroma.  The Okinawa Sea Salt’s structure is finer and delicate than other salts. Unlike other ice cream shops, the store use high-cost Hokkaido Milk. Eat the first bite, strong peanut aroma appears at the taste bud along with creamy milk flavor. The ice cream texture is right on the spot, which is a bit softer than ice cream and much more silky. The structure is also completed without any powder nor  substance. However, the taste is average.



外層並無任何風味, 當開始品嚐到中間的櫻花部分, 過度鹹味侵犯味蕾, 但是很多人會提到這種風味才是傳統櫻花凍風味.

As for the side dish, the sakura jelly doesn’t have any flavor the moment that you taste. When you start to eat the sakura in the  middle, the overwhelmed salty flavor appears. It wasn’t pleasant but many would say this is how sakura jelly should taste like.


紅豆玉子是百搭的配料, 紅豆泥不會過甜且不過度軟爛, 顆粒的部分則是粒粒分明, 玉子本身比台式小湯圓有嚼勁但不過硬. 台式小湯圓採用糯米粉製成, 口感比較軟.
The red bean rice ball is surprisingly delicious. The red bean carries fair amount of sweetness. The small rice ball’s texture is chewy and not hard at all. This is a absolutely great side dish.




延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店/2017 Taipei New Restaurants and Cafes Guide



Restaurant Name 店名: Roji Soft-served Ice Cream Shop 路地氷の怪物
Address: No. 10, Section 4th, Civil Blvd. , Taipei City 台北市大安區市民大道四段10號 (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roji2taiwan/
MRT station 捷運站: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station 忠孝復興站
Tel: 02-8773- 9997
營業時間: 11 am ~  11 pm

