Tame Moose》 台北中山捷運站美食 | 餐酒館Bistro

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

位於咖啡店林立的 中山捷運站旁的Tame Moose 常被定義為下午茶餐廳, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到Tame Mosse的2017年春夏新菜單裡的歐陸式料理和多種調酒飲料.
Tame Moose Restaurant is located near Zhongshan MRT station. Most people would think this restaurant as afternoon tea restaurant. However, Tame Moose also offers European Style cuisine and several alcoholic beverages.



Tame Moose的Logo是一隻手持啤酒罐的麋鹿, 彷彿告知客人這是一家有賣酒精的餐酒館. 走進類似都市工業風的設計, 色彩繽紛的桌椅和可愛的小小兵玩偶裝飾讓少女們紛紛拿起手機拍照.
Tame Moose’s logo is a moose holding a beer bottle which symbolizes Bistro. The indoor has Industrial theme but with Minions decoration.

* 菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


English Name: Sexy Lip-Smacking Squid Ink Risotto
Price: $330
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

台北西式料理餐廳鮮少看到墨魚燉飯, 大部分都是墨汁義大利麵, 朋友很誠實地解釋,點這道料理的原因是名字取得太迷人. 端上桌時, 主廚頗具巧思地將涼拌小章魚與熱燉飯分開, 互不會因為溫度而影響口感. 品嚐一小口長粒米燉飯,頗濃稠的長粒米中帶有滿滿的海鮮風味, 黑得發亮的燉飯中也加了許多歐陸香料而變得更加美味, 小章魚因為用涼拌而口感更加帶有彈性, 以$330的價格能吃到5~6隻小章魚也是很划算.
Most Taipei Italian Restaurants only sell Squid Ink Pasta instead of Risotto. My friend mentioned that the dish name is way too interesting NOT to order. The cold squid and hot risotto are placed separately. Tasting the first bite at the risotto, which has fair amount of seafood aroma. With several undetermined spices, the flavor becomes more complex and delicious. Also, all 5~6 squids are easy to chew.



English Name: Pan-Omelette Brunch Set
Price: $295
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍

Tame Moose的早午餐是全天供應. 軟嫩口感的滑蛋與少許玉米放在鬆餅上, 店家提供桌邊服務現刨起司, 也許是因為蛋味十足的滑蛋濕度, 讓鬆餅增加軟度, 鹹辣香腸切片搭配甜芒果百香果風味沙拉讓這道料理加上更多不同風味.
Tame Moose restaurant offers brunch all day. Soft egg and corns are are placed on the pancake surface. First bite is full of eggy flavor and the pancake texture becomes softer. The salty and spicy sausages are also full of flavor, which pairs with crisp cabbage and mango passion flavor dressing.



English Name: Meet Sputnik Sweetheart Chocolate Lava
Price: $220
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍

一刀切下用法國Valhora巧克力做成的熔岩蛋糕, 溫熱濃郁巧克力內餡緩緩地滴到下方明治香草冰淇淋. 蛋糕體不會過甜和乾裂, 豪邁地品嚐一口冰得透撤的冰淇淋佐滴下的巧克力內餡, 每一口都是滿足. 店家解釋研發此款甜點的靈感與名稱是來自村上春樹的一本書“遇見人造衛星”, 其實就是兩個完全不同個性的人遇上對方, 就如熱黑色巧克力蛋糕遇上米白色冰淇淋. 我非常推薦此蛋糕.
This dessert is full of visual effect. The lava cake is made by French brand Valhora Chocolate. The hot rich chocolate filling mixed with cold Meiji vanilla flavor fulfilled my dessert appetite completely. I would recommend this dessert.


調酒: 加勒比海的反撲

English Name: Caribbean Sea Counter Attack Cocktail.
Price: $270
ABV: 3%
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

Round 4 酒吧的調酒是大人系, Tame Moose的調酒就是少女系, 藍得透澈的調酒冰沙是琴酒, 藍柑橘和檸檬調和而成, 一小杯可爾必思與一小杯莓果醬放在調酒邊, 先慢慢倒入可爾必思, 視覺上如同海浪, 再倒入有果粒莓果醬, 視覺上就像鯊魚軟糖裝飾廝殺流血的畫面. 喝一口時, 冰涼的口感讓味蕾暫時停工, 漸漸地感覺到整杯創意調酒是酸甜風味十足.
If Round 4‘s  Cocktail is for adults, Tame Moose cocktail is for girls.Bright blue cocktail is mixed with Gin, blue curacao syrup and lemons. One small cup of Calico and one small cup of berry jams are placed next to the cocktail. First, you should slowly pour Calico into the cocktail, which will create a visual similar with wave. Then, pouring the red berry jam into the cocktail to make the whole picture looks like the big bad sharks are attaching. The whole iced cocktail has both citric and sweet flavors.

警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康


調酒: 大偵探福爾摩斯

English Name: Sherlock Holmes
Price: $320
ABV: 5%
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍

仔細一看, 一頂類似英式福爾摩斯的小帽子作為裝飾, Strongbow蘋果酒倒扣在有蘭姆酒的酒杯裡, 酒杯的檸檬與薄荷風味讓人會有種在喝Mojito的錯覺, 甜蘋果酒與類似葡萄的接骨木花風味會越喝越濃.
Observing carefully, there is a small black hat decoration with British Gentleman Style theme. The glass has fair amount of rum, elderflowers, and mint. This cocktail almost tastes like Mojito but with apple ciders flavor.

警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康


延伸閱讀: 台北異國料理餐酒館 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE


*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

Restaurant Name 店名: Tame Moose
Address: No.6, 6th Alley, 18th Lane, Nanking West Road, Taipei City 台北市大同區建泰里南京西路18巷6弄6號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamemoose/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan MRT station 中山捷運站
營業時間:Monday ~ Friday 11:30am ~ 9:30pm
Weekend 11 am ~ 9:30pm

菜單 Menu


