手工製作的日式銅鑼燒在台灣哪裡買得到? 答案是森禾菓的網路訂購自取或宅配. 森禾菓也製作鳳梨酥與有鹹鴨蛋蛋黃的鳳凰酥. Where can I purchase Japanese Dorayaki (Red Bean Pancake ) at Taiwan? The answer is to order via Sonscakes website for pickup or home delive...
台北哪裡可以上 WSET 烈酒認證課程? 這篇上課心得是關於 珍愛AOW學苑主辦,王鵬老師主講的WSET 烈酒第一級認證課程. Where can I enroll for WSET Spirits Level 1 Class in Taipei? This article is regarding WSET Spirits Level 1 Class that are hosted by Mr....
這篇文章是包括 NO MEATING 一植肉品牌 的「 茶香鬆石虎聯名禮袋組 」與 在 Miss Green 蔬食餐廳吃專屬聯名植物肉餐點 - 酥炸植物素鱈魚排漢堡. This article is about「 NO MEATING Brand Feature Taipei Zoo - Vegan Meat Floss Gift Bag 」and tasting exclusive plant...
上吉 Yakiniku 是台北燒肉推薦之一, 上吉燒肉菜單近期增加平日與週末 (除了週五) 的 NTD $880 元超值日式燒肉午間套餐. Jokichi Yakiniku is one of the Taipei Yakiniku Restaurant recommendations. Jokichi restaurant now has weekday (exclude Friday) and...
(2023. 8月 更新) 新開幕 梁湯良湯港式煲湯.鍋物 餐廳在我的台北火鍋推薦名單, 可先試喝菜單裡的三款天然食材湯頭 , 饕客們最喜歡金湯花膠雞湯鍋. (2023. 8 Update) Leung Soup Restaurant is a Taipei new restaurant that offers Cantonese Style Broth Hot Pot. You can tria...
這次二訪海峽會辰壽司割烹會席 , 多了一個新類別 - 會席 , 品嚐日籍料理長門間賢彥準備的雙活蟹會席料理美食, 日本鱈場蟹與松葉蟹一次吃好吃滿! This is my second visit of Taipei CS Club Sushi Kappou Kaiseki restaurant. They have a new category -Kaiseki. The new Kaiseki ...
紐西蘭巧克力推薦哪一個品牌? 我建議可考慮 紐西蘭 Whittaker’s 巧克力 , 品牌近期推出新系列 - 惠特克 WHITTAKER’S 匠人系列巧克力. Which is the New Zealand Chocolate Brand recommendation? I would suggest New Zealand Whittaker’s Chocolate. Recently, t...
Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集是內湖美食餐廳之一, 也是少數有水族箱的台北西式海鮮餐廳. 波波海鮮市集菜單的龍蝦系列菜餚最受歡迎. Taipei Seafood & Meat Market is one of the Neihu Restaurants. Surprisingly, this western restaurant has small aquariums....
coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店是 2022 新開幕台北東區下午茶甜點店, 難得有戶內外座位, 也可內用, 可外帶每日新鮮出爐的布朗尼回家享用. coco Brownies Store Guangfu Branch is a 2022 new Dessert Store near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. There are outdoor/indoo...
很多人都知道內湖大直 The Roman 維多利亞式玻璃屋適合辦台北戶外婚宴與派對, 孰不知 The Roman 餐廳 也是少數有台北尾牙春酒包廂的西式餐廳之一. The Roman Restaurant at Dazhi is known for Taipei Outdoor Wedding and Party location. This western restaurant is also ...