Sonscakes Pastry 》品嚐森禾菓日式銅鑼燒,鳳凰酥與鳳梨酥

Last Updated on 2023-03-21 by Foodelicious

手工製作的日式銅鑼燒台灣哪裡買得到? 答案是森禾菓的網路訂購自取或宅配. 森禾菓也製作鳳梨酥與有鹹鴨蛋蛋黃的鳳凰酥.
Where can I purchase Japanese Dorayaki (Red Bean Pancake ) at Taiwan? The answer is to order via Sonscakes website for pickup or home delivery. They also offer Pineapple with Egg Yolk pastry and Pineapple Pastry.


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關於 森禾菓 品牌

About Sonscakes Brand

「 森禾菓 」品牌名稱看似進口日本品牌, 實則「 森禾菓 」是台灣製作日式點心與中式酥餅的品牌名稱. 森禾菓品牌故事並沒有遠赴日法學成歸國的輝煌背景, 概念也沒有將台灣食材與國外點心的刻意融合 ( Fusion ). 森禾菓品牌故事與概念很單純, 爺爺為了孫子而製作出家人喜歡吃的點心與酥餅. 多年以來, 在森禾菓老闆眼裡 , 爺爺是所謂的職人, 多款中式酥餅與日式點心的獨特配方皆是來自爺爺的傳承.
The Chinese name of Sonscakes sounds like imported Japanese brand name. In fact, Sonscakes Brand Japanese and Chinese pastries are all Made in Taiwan. The brand story is simple instead of glorious working experience nor fusion style. The owner’s grandfather made the pastries for the grandson and families with love. Working in Bakery industry for many years, the owner’s grandfather has adjusted and improved the Sonscakes Pastry special recipe.



Sonscakes Gift Box Display and Content Design





Sonscakes Pastry – You can choose Pick-Up or Home Delivery

森禾菓產品皆是預訂接單生產制, 訂購方式為

✅ 少量訂購: 網站下單 ( )
✅ 企業大量採購: 可用 Line ID: @sonscakes 或是 電話 02-2729-6151, 我建議先用 Line@ 溝通


✅ 森禾菓自取地址是台北市信義區松仁路194號2樓 (不開放參觀)
✅ 可選擇黑貓或是新竹貨運宅配

All Sonscakes products are ordered in advance prior making. You can order

✅ Small Quantity: Order via website( )
✅ Large Quantity: Order via Line ID: @sonscakes or phone 02-2729-6151. I would suggest to communicate via Line@ first.

The customer can also select the delivery methods

✅ Pickup Address is 2F, No. 194 , Song-Ren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Not Open to Public)
✅ Home Delivery (T-Cat or HCT Delivery )



森禾菓網站下單 SOP

How to Order at Sonscakes Website

森禾菓官網為 , 想要的產品直接到官網訂購即可, 森禾菓網站下單 SOP 如下

Step 1: 先到網站上方的「所有商品 」
Step 2: 再選擇想購買的商品
Step 3: 再按「加入購物車 」
Step 4: 點選購物車標示後, 會顯示「 訂單結帳 」頁面
Step 5: 再選擇送貨及付款方式即可

森禾菓官網訂購的優點是 – 訂購可以不用註冊會員 , 對我這種常忘記會員登入密碼的人是一大福音. 森禾菓的樂天市場連結是 , 請注意招牌日式銅鑼燒只在森禾菓官網販售, 並沒有在樂天販售.

Sonscakes website is . You can order via the website. The following steps:

Step 1: Click in「All Products 」at the top side of the website
Step 2: Select the product that you want
Step 3: Click the 「Add To the Shopping Cart 」
Step 4: Click the Shopping Cart Sign, it will show 「 Payment 」Page
Step 5: You will need to select delivery method and payment method as the final step.

You do not need to register as memeber to order from Sonscakes website. It is great for people who always forget the login password. Another Sonscakes purchase link is at . However, please note that Japanese Dorayaki Gift Box is not sold at Rakuten Website.




森禾菓 產品

Sonscakes Products

日式銅鑼燒禮盒 (9入)

Japanese Dorayaki Gift Box ( 9 units)
Price: NTD $490
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

9入日式銅鑼燒禮盒價格是 NTD $490 , 唯獨在森禾菓官網 販售. 日式師傅傳承銅鑼燒餅皮配方給爺爺, 純手工製作, 用鐵板煎餅皮, 而不是機器製. 銅鑼燒 Size 與手掌差不多大, 充滿日式元素, 個個飽滿, 直徑為 9 ~ 10 cm, 且頗有重量 (105g+) . 透明包裝可輕鬆撕開, 不會破壞銅鑼燒外型. 即使冷藏後, 森禾菓日式銅鑼燒餅皮依舊鬆軟, 如同海綿蛋糕, 搭配店家自製的萬丹紅豆內餡入口, 優質萬丹紅豆賦予香濃的紅豆香氣,  甜而綿密的豆沙餡有顆粒感與視覺感. 整體不錯吃, 由於市面上較少看到銅鑼燒禮盒, 建議買來與朋友分享.
Japanese Dorayaki Gift Box ( 9 units) is NTD $490. It is sold exclusively on Sonscakes website . Japanese Pastry Chef taught the recipe of Japanese Dorayaki (Red Beam Pancake ) to the owner’s grandfather. The Japanese Dorayaki is hand-made instead of machine. The size of the pancake is about the palm size (the diameter is 9~ 10cm). Each unit is weighted around 105g+ and filled with fair amount of red bean paste. The transparent package is easy to open without damaging the pastry appearance. After refrigerating, the pancake itself texture is still soft and tastes like a sponge cake. While eating it, the nose can sense the thick red bean aroma.  The tastebuds can sense the sweetness from the custom-made Taiwanese red bean paste. I can also taste the “actual” red bean in the filling texture. Overall, the taste is quite good. Since You don’t usually see the Japanese Dorayaki Gift Box, I would suggest to purchase and share with friends.

購買連結 Purchase Link:日式銅鑼燒


鳳凰酥禮盒 (10入)

Pineapple with Egg Yolk Pastry Gift Box
Price: NTD $590
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

10入鳳凰酥禮盒價格是 NTD $590 , 攜帶方便的小 Size 長型禮盒有兩層. 很多人說鳳凰酥是鳳梨酥的進化版, 我個人認為鳳凰酥是具有潛力的糕點, 融合嚴選紅土鹹鴨蛋黃與冬瓜鳳梨餡 . 森禾菓的獨特鳳凰酥餅皮口感頗紮實, 吃的時候, 並不會有過多酥餅碎屑.濃郁的鹹蛋黃風味並沒有覆蓋住冬瓜鳳梨餡的香甜, 森禾菓鳳凰酥內餡比例賦予立體且雙層次的美味, 如果你喜歡「蛋黃酥 」也喜歡「鳳梨酥」,不妨嘗試這一款鳳凰酥.
The 10 units gift box is NTD $590. The small size gift box has two layers. Many people mentioned that Pineapple with Eggy Yolk pastry is the upgrade version of Pineapple pastry. However, I would consider this special pastry has its potential. Combining the saltiness from the salty egg yolk and sweetness from the pineapple winter melon filling is quite special. While eating the dense pastry appearance, you won’t have much leftover pastry crumbs. Surprisingly, the salty egg yolk flavor didn’t cover the sweet pineapple winter melon flavor. The tastebuds can sense the two flavors combining together. If you like both original egg yolk pastry and the pineapple pastry, You can also try this Pineapple with Egg Yolk Pastry too.

購買連結 Purchase Link:鳳凰酥



鳳梨酥禮盒 (10入)

Pineapple Pastry Gift Box
Price: NTD $490
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

10入鳳梨酥禮盒價格是 NTD $490 , 禮盒背面有用貼紙作標記, 森禾菓老闆提到他們的的冬瓜鳳梨餡是有顆粒感, 第一口就像在吃老婆餅 (冬瓜內餡) , 鳳梨香甜風味裡也有Q度的口感,  並沒有土鳳梨內餡的酸度與纖維感, 許多人(包括小朋友) 應該會蠻喜歡吃.
The 10 units gift box is NTD $490. Sonscakes Pineapple pastry filling is pineapple winter melon paste instead of the traditional pineapple paste filling. The owner mentioned that their paste has a bit of grainy texture. Unlike the traditional flavor, this particular pineapple pastry doesn’t have the acidity nor fiber texture. Overall, it tastes glutinous and sticky along with sweet pineapple flavor. Most people, includes kids, might like it.

購買連結 Purchase Link:鳳梨酥


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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森禾菓 資訊

Sonscakes Information

品牌名稱: 森禾菓
自取地址: 台北市信義區松仁路194號2樓 (不開放參觀)
電話: 02-2729-6151
Line ID: @sonscakes

Brand Name: Sonscakes
Pick-Up Address: 2F, No. 194 , Song-Ren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Not Open to Public )
Tel: 02-2729-6151



