黑馬小廚是 2023 新開幕的台北義大利餐廳, 也是台北餐酒館推薦之一, 除了招牌 Chorizo 炒小卷, 黑馬小廚菜單也有手工義大利麵與單杯酒. Heyma Restaurant is 2023 new Taipei Italian Restaurant. It is one of the Taipei Bistro recommendation. Besides Squid with Cho...
Bencotto 義大利餐廳是台北米其林入選餐廳之一, 這次我到台北文華東方酒店 6 樓 品嚐新任義大利籍主廚與副主廚 的 2023 Bencotto 菜單 . Bencotto at Mandarin Oriental Hotel is one of the Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurants. This time, I tasted 2023 Bencot...
ANTICO FORNO 老烤箱義式披薩餐酒是公認台北義大利餐廳推薦之一 , 此篇文章會包括老烤箱訂位, 低消, 與菜單推薦菜餚. Antico Forno is on my Taipei Italian Restaurant recommendation list. This article includes Antico Forno reservation, minimum charge, a...
預約困難的花滔廚房菜單推薦點什麼?我都覺得不錯吃, 因此放在我的小巨蛋站美食推薦名單上, 這篇二訪文章包括花滔廚房訂位與新的營業時間. What dish do I recommend at La Cucina di Flora Restaurant Menu? I personally consider most dishes are delicious. This 2nd visit arti...
Cucina Man Mano 慢慢弄乳酪義大利餐廳 是 2022 新開幕民生社區餐廳美食, 將在台灣製造的慢慢弄品牌乳酪入菜, 也可直接在延壽街店面購買新鮮乳酪. Cucina Man Mano is a 2022 newly-opened Italian Restaurant at Taipei Minsheng Community. The chef uses Made-in-Taiwan ...
Black Pepper 義大利餐廳 是 2022 新開幕台北餐酒館, 也是忠孝復興美食之一, 文章內容包括 Black Pepper 訂位與 Black Pepper 菜單 Black Pepper Bistro Bar is a 2022 new Taipei bistro, which is located near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station. This ar...
邊緣食堂 是 2022 新開幕台北義大利餐廳, 這篇文章會包括大家最關心的 Antichi Sapori 邊緣食堂訂位, 菜單內容... 等五個重點. Antichi Sapori is a 2022 Taipei new Italian Restaurant. This article has five important points, which include Antichi Sapori...
(2024.1 更新) SAPORI 義品味小餐屋是許多饕客的台北義式餐廳推薦, Sapori 菜單並不存在, 這裡只有前梅帝騎餐酒館主廚 Riccardo Ghironi 準備的小白板菜餚. (2024.1 Update) SAPORI d’Italia is one of the Taipei Italian Restaurant recommendation. Sapori menu doe...
這一家台北 Pizza 餐廳全名是「⠀BANCO 棒可 窯烤 PIZZA . 自製生麵⠀」, 三訪有品嚐到 雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合 外, 也吃到 BANCO Pizza 菜單上的燉飯與其他菜餚. BANCO Pizza is one of the Taipei Pizza Restaurants. At my third visit, i tried their “Pizza & ...