阿香工作坊是屬於低調且美味的新北市私廚餐廳推薦, 預約制家常江浙菜的私廚桌菜更深得饕客們的喜愛, 尤其是茄汁獅子頭. A-Xiang Private Kitchen is a New Taipei City Private Kitchen recommendation with low profile and delicious foods. Its reservation-only Jiangs...
(2023.10 更新) 這篇文章是 台北肉桂捲懶人包 , 有標 “🔥 Fire.jpg” 是我的 台北肉桂捲推薦 , 類別有實體店面與網購肉桂捲. (2023.10 Update) This article is regarding Taipei Cinnamon Roll Guide. The ones with “🔥 Fire.jpg” is my Taipei cinnamon roll...
Oli 餐酒館 是新北餐酒館 之一 , 也是新店區的歐陸餐廳, 從 Oli 菜單 觀察, 餐廳已漸漸由西班牙菜系轉型成為時尚歐陸菜系 , 也有創新調酒菜單. Oli Bistro is a New Taipei Bistro that is located at Xindian District. Oli menu has changed from Spanish cuisines to cre...
(2024.8 更新) 台北平價餐廳美食不好找, “月光族”在月底覓食是一件很困難的任務, 因此我決定做了一個台北平價美食推薦懶人包讓大家一目瞭然, 而且是有經過篩選, 僅限Foodelicious Review過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2024.8 Update) During the end of the month, people always look for budge-wi...
(2023.8 更新) 許多人對淡水美食與淡水老街有興趣, 也有許多人到淡水一日遊看煙火與夕陽. 這篇文章持續更新中. (2023.8 Update) Many people are interested in Tamsui Food and Tamsui old street. Many people would plan to have a Tamsui One Day trip as wel...
(2025.3 更新置頂) 新開幕台北餐酒館 越來越多, 因此製作這篇 台北餐酒館 2025 懶人包 , 也會註明 台北餐酒館推薦 , 有標 “🔥Fire.jpg” 就是我推薦的餐廳. (2025.3Update and Pin to the Top) There are many Taipei Bistros. So, I will keep editing this Taipei Bis...
新北市哪裡可以買起司? 新開幕 Le Comptoir 康拓洋行是一家可內用的板橋起司吧, 康拓洋行起司吧菜單有起司鍋, 起司火腿拼盤, 葡萄酒, 與法式輕食. Where can you buy cheese at New Taipei City? Newly-opened Le Comptoir is a dine-in Cheese Bar at Banqiao District. Le ...
(2022. 8 更新) 新北市與台北市冰品專賣店眾多, 因此做了一個 ”新北與台北冰品懶人包”讓大家消消暑. 僅限Foodelicious Taiwan Review過的店家, 之後會陸續更新! (Update 2022.8 )There are many iced desserts shops in Taipei City and New Taipei ciTY. Therefore, I e...