Ascent Way Italian Wine 》Donnafugata 葡萄酒搭配 Cantina del Gio 料理

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

這次餐酒館晚餐是 越昇國際 代理的義大利西西里酒莊 Donnafugata 葡萄酒 搭配 Cantina del gio 菜單上的義大利料理.
I was invited by Ascent Way International Corp. to have a Donnafugata Wine Pairing Dinner at Cantina del Gio Italian Restaurant.

Cantina del gio 菜單 2020 在文末 》 Cantina del Gio Menu 2020 is at the end of article


Donnafugata 酒莊葡萄酒

Donnafugata Winery Wine

越昇國際是台灣少數專門進口義大利酒與食材的進口商, 已有 23 年的進口銷售經驗.  Donnafugata 酒莊位於義大利長靴地形尾端的西西里島上, 地中海氣候與火山豐富礦物質土壤造就種植葡萄的最佳環境. Donnafugata 酒莊 的Rallo 家族釀酒已超過百年, 在 1983 年創造 Donnafugata 品牌, Donnafugata的中文翻譯是“逃跑的女人”. Donnafugata 酒莊的酒標讓人印象深刻, 除了顏色顯明的酒標外, 不難發現酒標上皆有不同女人的肖像, 例如逃難的Maria Carolina 皇后或是神話裡的美人魚. 這次越昇國際準備的葡萄酒有:

安希莉亞白酒 ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017
利格亞白酒 LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017
施達拉紅酒 SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016

Ascent Way International Corp has been working in Taiwan for 23 years. It is one of the few importers that solely imports original Italian wines and food ingredients from all the beautiful regions of Italy.  Donnafugata winery is located at Sicily, which is an island and a region of Southern Italy. Its Mediterranean weather and volcano mineral soil build up a perfect environment for growing grapes. The Rallo Family established Donnafugata brand, which means run-away woman. Donnafugata Wine labels are impressive and remarkable with colorful and different women portrait. Ascent Way International Corp. prepares three wines for the dinner

ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017
LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017
SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016


ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017

ABV: 12.5%
Bottle Price: Ask Facebook:
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

以 Donnafugata 西西里酒莊的安希莉亞白酒 ( ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017) 作為第一款酒, 酒標為金髮女人肖像, 義大利有許多葡萄品種, 這款酒主要是Catarratto 白葡萄品種, Catarratto 是在西西里島種植最廣泛的葡萄品種, 酒體為清澈金黃色, 單獨品酌時的檸檬風味與水蜜桃果香並存且充沛, 甜度並沒有第二支酒高.  這次準備的三款酒裡, 我個人比較喜歡這支 ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017.
We have ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 white wine as our first wine. Its label is a blonde woman. There are various grapes in Italy. This wine is mainly made from Catarratto, which is widely grown at Sicily. The wine is clear with golden color. There are fair amount of mixed lemon flavor and peach fruity flavor. However, the sweetness level is not as high as the second white wine. Among all three wines, I would prefer this white wine – Anthilia Sicilia DOC 2017.

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Scallops & Truffle (4 Pieces)
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 白酒搭配 Cantina del gio 義大利餐廳的松露干貝料理. 我原本以為是松露醬, 孰不知菜餚端上桌時, 我很驚訝看到一片完整的義大利松露刨片, 干貝瞬間成為配角, 先將干貝切一小塊吃, 微焦勾勒出干貝的嫩度, 搭配ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 白酒就如同注入些許檸檬風味元素, 海鮮風味更為鮮甜, 白酒並沒有覆蓋住松露獨特風味.
Scallops & Truffle pairs with ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017. I have to say that I am surprised to see slice of real truffle placing on the scallop.  The grilling mark is on the scallop appearance. The scallop is tender at the inside. ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 offers small amount of lemon flavor, which  enhances the sweet and fresh seafood flavor. Also, the white wine doesnt cover the truffle aroma.



Crocchetta al Baccala & Prosciutto (4 Pieces)
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 搭配 Cantina del Gio 餐廳的酥炸鱈魚馬鈴薯可樂餅佐生火腿. 外層酥脆的義大利炸丸子有著濃郁海鮮風味的鱈魚內餡, 完全沒有被生火腿的肉香或是馬鈴薯可樂餅的澱粉味蓋過, 搭配 ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 的檸檬與白桃香氣中和了這道可樂餅的濃郁鮮味, 間接解除了油炸食物的油膩感.
ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 pairs with Crocchetta al Baccala & Prosciutto from Cantina del Gio Restaurant. Every bite has crispy texture along with thick seafood flavor since Baccala has fair amount of salty flavor. It is surprising to sense that the meaty and starch flavor are covered by the fish flavor. Pairing with ANTHILIA Sicilia DOC 2017 would decrease the greasy level and fish flavor.

延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》無庸置疑是南京復興餐酒館推薦 (牛尾可樂餅)


LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017

ABV: 12.5%
Bottle Price: Ask Facebook:
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款酒標如同神話裡的美人魚令人印象深刻. Donnafugata 西西里酒莊有種植優良的 Zibibbo 老藤, 經過解說才知道 Zibibbo 葡萄品種其實是 Moscato 品種系列裡的古老品種, 難怪還沒喝到這款利格亞白酒 ( LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017 ) 之前就已經嗅到熱帶水果的濃郁荔枝甜香, 餘韻長且些許柑橘風味, 相對礦物質感其實不太明顯.
The wine label is dedicated to the famous mermaid of the Italian romance called “Lighea”, which talks about a love story between a mermaid and a man.  Donnafugata winery grows high-level Zibibbo old vines, which is one of the Moscato grapes. No wonder I can sense its aromatic before drinking. It is full of tropical fruit flavor, Lychee to be specific. The end is long with citric flavor. However, the mineral flavor isn’t strong.

延伸閱讀: WSET 葡萄酒 Level 1 上課心得 》Taipei WSET Level One Class Review



Black Ink Ravioli with Lobster Filling
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017 白酒搭配 Cantina del Gio 招牌料理 – 龍蝦義大利麵餃. 店家自製麵餃外皮是以墨魚醬汁染成黑色,有著偏硬的麵皮口感, 別擔心, 吃的時候牙齒並不會變黑色, 建議將麵餃沾龍蝦醬汁先咬一口, 由龍蝦膏與龍蝦殼所熬製的醬料非常香醇, LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2018 的荔枝甜美風味恰巧與龍蝦肉內餡的鹹相輔相成, 這道餐酒搭配可說是這次餐會的主角.
LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017 pairs with Black Ink Ravioli with Lobster Filling, which is one of the famous dish at Cantina del Gio Restaurant. Its al dente pasta and ravioli are made by the restaurant chefs. The black color of the ravioli is from the squid ink. I would suggest to dip the ravioli into the sauce and eat. The sauce is quite tasty since it is stewed with lobster paste and shell. The sweet from lychee flavor of LIGHEA Zibibbo Sicilia DOC 2017 collaborates with the salty lobster meat filling. This dish pairing would be spotlight of this dinner.

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016

ABV: 13.5%
Bottle Price :Bottle Price: Ask Facebook:
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

酒體顏色如同亮豔紅寶石般, 義大利西西里島廣泛種植的 Nero D’Avola 為這款紅酒的主要葡萄品種, 即使有Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah 葡萄品種混釀, 酒體依舊不會過於厚實, 單寧偏細致, 啜飲時有黑色李子風味與微辛香.
SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 wine color is bright ruby. The main grape is Nero D’Avola. Even though this wine is blended with Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, the tannin is still soft. The wine flavor is mainly plum flavor with small amount of spices.



Crab Gnocchi
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 紅酒搭配 Cantina del Gio 的招牌料理 – 手撕蟹肉麵疙瘩, 酥脆炸軟殼蟹置放於麵疙瘩上, 醬汁為蟹膏與番茄熬煮而成, 單吃馬鈴薯麵疙瘩只會有來自番茄紅醬的微酸, 並沒有明顯的澱粉味, 搭配 SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 紅酒多了些許黑色果香, 由於紅酒單寧不重, 番茄紅醬酸度偶而會蓋住 SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016的餘韻.
SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 red wine pairs with Crab Gnocchi, which is a signature dish at Cantina del Gio. The fried soft shell crab is placed on the Gnocchi. The sauce is stewed with tomato and crab paste. There isn’t obvious starch flavor from the gnocchi. Instead, you can sense the small amount of acidity from the tomato. Since the tannin is not strong nor harsh, the acidity from the tomato would cover small amount of red wine’s plum flavor.



Cod Fish Rolled with Speck, Asparagus Vanilla Sauce
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 紅酒搭配搭配這道風格截然不同的香煎鱈魚生火腿佐蘆筍香草醬, 擺盤如同在法式高級餐廳, 單吃生火腿偏鹹,包覆著充滿海鮮味的鱈魚, 蘆筍香草醬味道帶給味蕾些許清新, SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 紅酒比較適合搭配這道菜餚裡的生火腿, 建議吃一口火腿和鱈魚佐一口紅酒
SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 red wine pairs with this dish, which has a beautiful plate layout. The cod is wrapped with salty speck meat. The Asparagus sauce offers refreshens to the tastebuds. SEDÁRA Sicilia DOC 2016 pairing is more suitable for the speck.


關於 Cantina del Gio

About Cantina del Gio

餐廳全名為 Cantina del Gio 北義柴燒碳烤 , 戶外座位很適合朋友們聚會, 昏黃燈光顯得非常有情調, 適合約會, 開放式廚房櫃檯前有單人高腳椅座位, 餐廳包廂則是適合多人聚餐, 餐廳酒窖酒的品項眾多. 老闆其實在台北有三家店, 我其實有去過另外兩間 – “華山 Piccola Botega” 和 “東區 Botega del Vin”, 這次終於到 Cantina del Gio 餐廳, 我已將這家餐廳放進台北義大利餐廳推薦名單, 我會推薦手撕蟹肉麵疙瘩與龍蝦義大利麵餃, 而且一個人也可以來這家餐廳吃飯!
The outdoor seats and the private dining room is great for friends’ gathering. The yellow light and romantic dining area makes Cantina del Gio restaurant a great place to date. There are various wines in the wine cellar. I have been to “Piccola Botega” and “Botega del Vin”, which is also operates by the owner’s family. I put Cantina del Gio into my Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation. I would recommend Crab Gnocchi and Black Ink Ravioli with Lobster Filling. One person can come to Cantina del Gio Restaurant to eat as well.

台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




酒商聯絡方式 Wine Importer Information

越昇國際股份有限公司 Ascent Way International Corp
地址: 台北市中山區明水路535號1樓
電話: 02-2533-3180

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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店名: Cantina del Gio
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段170巷18弄5號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2752-2376
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Cantina del Gio
Address: No. 5, 18th alley, 170th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-2752-2376
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


Cantina del Gio 菜單 2020 》 Cantina del Gio Menu 2020


