【San Pellegrino 】Costco 好市多 | 聖沛黎洛氣泡礦泉水 | San Pellegrino Sparkling Mineral Water
Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious
你應該有聽過品酒師, 但是你有聽過品水師嗎? 不知道的人可能在想 “我可以理解酒有不同口感應該要有品酒師, 但是水不是喝起來都一樣嗎?”
You probably hear about Wine Sommelier. But, have you heard of Aqua Sommelier? You are thinking – “Wine has different taste. But, doesn’t water taste the same?”
延伸閱讀: 台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST
Product Name 產品名稱: San Pellegrino Sparkling Mineral Water [聖沛黎洛氣泡礦泉水]
Country of Origin 原產地: Italy 義大利
Water Origin 水來源: Alps 阿爾卑斯山
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
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1. Channel 購買地點: Costco
2. Total ml 總容量: 1 L x 12 Bottle [1000cc x 12罐]
3. Price: NTD $399
4. Bottle Bar Code: 8002270002045
5. 進口商: 欣臨企業股份有限公司
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Generally Speaking, there are 2 kinds of water .基本上來說 水有分為無氣泡和有氣泡
1.無氣泡: 例如斐濟水
STILL: For example, Fuji Water brand
2.有氣泡: 聖沛黎洛氣泡礦泉水
SPARKLING: San Pellegrino brand
在看這篇文章的人, 應該是對氣泡水感興趣, 聖沛黎洛品牌在許多高級餐廳都常見到, 甚至你在別人辦公室開會時,對方都會提供小罐玻璃瓶裝. 這種一公升PET包裝倒是在台灣Costco第一次看到.
If you are reading this article, it means that you are interested in Sparkling Natural Mineral Water. S. Pellegrino is the famous brand that you can see in most of the fine dining restaurants. Even when you have a meeting in other people’s office, they will offer you small bottle of S. Pellegrino.If remember correctly, this particular 1 Litter PET bottle is a new kind of package in Taiwan Costco.
倒出冰的氣泡礦泉水後, 氣泡就如香檳氣泡般的往上升, 喝下第一口時, 會較溫和地甦醒你的味蕾, 聖沛黎洛的氣泡大約在倒出後的20秒即會消失不見,比玻璃罐包裝氣泡維持的時間較少, 但整體口感為滑順且氣泡較細. 法國沛綠雅氣泡天然礦泉水和義大利聖沛黎洛都是我熟悉的品牌 ,在台灣五星級飯店的酒水單上兩個品牌都會同時出現, 滿足不同客人對於水的需求. 我個人是非常推薦此款產品, 因為餐廳的氣泡水水資都是多於 NTD $150.
When pouring out the iced sparkling water, the bubbles were coming up just like Champagne. The bubbles will disappear after 20 seconds. When taking the first sip quickly, the bubbles will gently stimulate your taste buds. The bubbles itself is not as light as another Italy brand SOLE. The best part is that with enough amount of bubbles, it can refresh your sense of taste after dining.The other reason that I purchased this brand is because I am a San Pellegrino brand and Perrier brand fan. You sometimes can see those 2 brands coexist in hotel restaurants’ drink menus. I would recommend this item since water fee is over NTD $150.