Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel 》入住台北喜來登豪華客房的住宿 Review
Last Updated on 2023-09-22 by Foodelicious
台北喜來登大飯店是台北捷運週邊的國際連鎖飯店住宿之一 , 這篇文章會著重在台北喜來登豪華客房的評價, 也包括飯店早餐與其他介紹.
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel is one of the international major Hotel chains near Taipei MRT station. This article will focus on the Deluxe King Room Review, hotel breakfast and other introductions.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Metro Station and Address
台北喜來登大飯店地址是台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號 , 離善導寺捷運站 2 號出口不到一分鐘. 如果有提行李, 建議從善導寺捷運站三號出口. 除了位於市中心交通便利外, 台北喜來登附近美食非常多 , 例如最有名的 “阜杭豆漿”. 飯店大廳裡有許多座位休息區是加分. 台北喜來登大飯店有一整排 Check-In 櫃檯, 類似航空公司 Check-In 櫃檯, 讓即將入住的房客們不用等待太久.
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel address is No. 12, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City. It is less than 1 minute walking near Exit 2 of Shandao Temple Station. If you carry the bag or luggage , you can try No. 3 Exit. Besides the traffic convenience, there are also lots of restaurants/foods near Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel (such as “ Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei” ). There are lots of seating area in the hotel lobby. Also, there are multiple check-in counters, which are similar with airport check-in counters. As hotel guests, we don’t have to wait too long.
✅ 台北喜來登大飯店 網站 (中文):
✅ Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel (English) :
延伸閱讀: Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei 》關於台北早餐阜杭豆漿菜單
延伸閱讀: 善導寺站美食列表 》Restaurants near Shandao Temple Metro Station
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel – Room Price
可以直接到喜來登飯店網站查詢價格, 網站有中文,日文,韓文與英文. 這次我入住的房型是「 台北喜來登大飯店⠀ – 豪華客房⠀」, 入住日期是 9/12/2023, 兩天一夜. 與其他飯店網站訂房頁面不太ㄧ樣的是有非常多「喜來登入住專案優惠⠀」, 查詢價格時可以搭配專案優惠 (圖一). 最知名的台北喜來登專案是「 主題親子客房優惠住宿專案⠀」.
You can go to Sheraton Hotel website to check the room price. The website has Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English language. I live at「 Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel – Deluxe King Room⠀」on 9/12/2023. Comparing with other hotels’ booking pages, Sheraton Hotel booking page has various「 Hotel Room Promotion ⠀」. You can mix and match the price of the promotion preference (Picture 1). The most famous promotion would be「 Family with Kids Theme Hotel Room promotion ⠀」.
✅ 房型導覽 (中文):
✅ Room Guide (English):
17F 三溫暖
17F Sauna
18F 游泳池
18F Swimming Pool
戶外游泳池偏小 , 比較適合玩樂.
Outdoor Swimming Pool is a bit smaller than expected. It is more suitable for fun instead of swim exercise.
17 – 18F 健身房
17- 18F Gym
There are quite a few people exercising in the gym at the afternoon.
豪華客房 Review ⭐
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel – Deluxe King Room
台北喜來登大飯店一層樓皆有很多房間, 面對的景色都有不同, 我住的是 17 樓 , 可以看到不錯的白天與夜晚街景.
There are many rooms in one floor with different views. I lived at 17F, which can see nice day and night street view.
Bed & TV
✅ 房間為10.5坪 ( 34.71 Square Feet ) , 空間大.
✅ 有兩個舒適的獨立沙發座位
✅ King Size 床墊是採用英國斯林百蘭 Slumberland , 躺起來偏軟, 符合大眾對高級飯店床墊的期待
✅ 飯店電影都是偏新的電影
✅ 床頭櫃有插座可充電, 不用再放到書桌充電缺點:
✅ 如果有習慣睡硬床墊的人, 可能會覺得英國斯林百蘭 Slumberland 床墊太軟Selling Points:
✅ Room is 10.5 Ping ( 34.71 Square Feet ) . The room is large
✅ There are two separated comfortable sofa seats.
✅ King Size Mattress brand is Slumberland brand. Overall, It is soft and comfortable, which matches the expectation of hotel mattress.
✅ Movies are quite new
✅ You can charge the phone/electric device at the bedsideDrawbacks:
✅ If you are used to hard bed mattress, this particular Slumberland brand might be too soft for you.
✅ 浴缸乾淨, 皆有安全把手, 長輩們泡完澡要起身也有支撐點
✅ 有提供防滑墊, 比較可以不用擔心踏出浴缸滑倒
✅ 淋浴間的蓮蓬頭水壓充足, 水溫也一致
✅ 洗髮與護髮可分開, 大瓶裝比較環保.缺點:
✅ 免治馬通的水壓再強一點會更好Selling Points:
✅ The bathtub is clean and equipped with safety handles.This is an important feature for elder guests, as it provides support and stability while getting out of bathtub .
✅ They offer Anti-Slip Mat, which can avoid slippery and wet floor.
✅ The shower has strong water pressure and maintains a consistent water temperature
✅ You can wash hair and use the conditioner separately. The large bottles with refill purpose is quite educational too.Drawbacks:
✅ It would be better if the toilet pressure can be stronger.
Room Amenities
✅ 浴室備品眾多, 有適合自然捲的梳子, 不是扁梳.
✅ 備品也有潤膚乳與刮鬍刀
✅ 放瓶裝水在浴室的想法不錯, 用瓶裝水漱口刷牙感覺比較安心Selling Points:
✅ There are lots of amenities. There is a comb that is suitable for naturally curly hair.
✅ The room amenities also includes lotion and razor
✅ It is a good idea to put the bottled water at the bathroom. You can rinse the mouth and brush the teeth with the bottled water.
✅ 房間有放酒杯與冰桶
✅ 爆米花不是我喜歡的迎賓小點類型, 我比較喜歡餅乾Selling Point:
✅ There are wine glasses and ice bucket in the room
✅ Popcorn is not my favorite type of snack. I prefer cookie snack.
早餐 Review
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Breakfast Review
飯店 1 樓的 12 廚餐廳是吃早餐 Buffet 的地方 , 多樣化的早餐吃起來不錯 , 有主廚現做的Omelete, 自助式咖啡機也好操作, 直接 PO 影片會比文字更清楚.
Kitchen 12 at Hotel 1F is for Breakfast Buffet. Various types of breakfast are quite above average. The coffee machine is easy to operate. I will post the video down below.
Instagram Reels:
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel – Other Restaurants Review
台北喜來登有多家餐廳, 我去過的喜來登餐廳 Review 列表:
✅ The Lounge Review
✅ 安東廳 Review
✅ 桃山明壽司 Review
✅ 辰園 Review
✅ 請客樓 Review
I have been to many restaurants at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel. Down below is the various Sheraton Hotel restaurant review list:
✅ The Lounge Review
✅ Antoine Room Review
✅ Sushi Momo Review
✅ The Dragon Taipei Review
✅ The Guest House Review
延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳美食懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant Guide
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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台北喜來登大飯店 資訊
Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel Information
飯店名稱: 台北喜來登大飯店
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號 (MAP)
捷運站: 善導寺捷運站 (BL 13)
網站 (中文):
Website (English) :
Hotel Name: Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel
Address: No. 12, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Shandao Temple Station (BL 13)