Wild Donkey Taipei 》野驢小餐館菜單是 Farm To Table 的最佳代表作

Last Updated on 2020-03-22 by Foodelicious

Wild Donkey Taipei 野驢小餐館台北大安區餐酒館之一, 由華泰集團少東經營的野驢訂位依舊搶手.
Wild Donkey Restaurant is one of Taipei Bistros at Da’an District. As a 2019 newly-opened restaurant, its reservation is still popular.


野驢小餐館菜單 2020 在文末 》 Wild Donkey Taipei Menu 2020 is at the end of article


關於野驢餐廳訂位 About Wild Donkey Reservation

首先, 野驢小餐館和華泰飯店驢子餐廳是兩間獨立餐廳, 很多人會以為是姐妹店之類. 野驢小餐館鄰近忠孝敦化捷運站3號出口, 步行約 15 ~ 20 分鐘即可抵達. 純白俐落裝潢的野驢餐廳在巷弄內非常顯眼, 與 “南村私廚”在同一條巷子. 步入餐廳時第一印象是擁擠座位和突兀的門邊雙人座位擺設, 我個人比較不喜歡與隔壁桌太靠近, 半開放包廂就是野驢小餐館想創造溫馨多人家庭式用餐環境, 比較不適合約會的地點.野驢小餐館採用線上訂位 (Link: https://pse.is/HE75T ), 當天發生一件有趣的事情, 開店時我第一個到, 想換到窗邊位置被拒絕, 原來訂位想選窗邊位置可在線上訂位時備註, 而不是 First Come First Serve. 野驢小餐館採單點方式而不是套餐, 而且只營業晚餐時段, 菜單並不是固定, 當天晚餐的菜單是當天才印出來, 我直接從我喜歡的料理開始寫.
First of all, Wild Donkey Taipei Restaurant and L’IDIOT RESTAURANT are two different and independent restaurants. Wild Donkey Taipei is near No. 3 Exit of Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station by walking 15 ~ 20 minutes. The white simple restaurant appearance is quite eye-catching at the alley along with “44 SV Bistro”. My first impression of the restaurant is crowded seats. Maybe Wild Donkey restaurant wants to create a cozy family gathering environment?! This restaurant is more suitable for family gather instead of dating. Wild Donkey Taipei uses online reservation (Link: https://pse.is/HE75T ). However, if you like the seats nearby the window, you would need to mention at the reservation. It isn’t first come first serve. I will start writing with my favorite dish since Wild Donkey only supports al carte instead of set. Also, they only operates at Dinner Time. And their dinner menu changes every day depends on their ingredients inventory and creative ideas. 

延伸閱讀: 南村 私廚‧小酒棧 》忠孝敦化捷運站眷村菜美食 | 44 SV Bistro



嘉義布拉塔起司, 無花果, 迷迭香橄欖油

Chiayi Burrata with Fennel, Fig, and Rosemary Olive Oil
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

野驢小餐館大概是我看過將 “產地直送餐桌”概念發揮最淋漓盡致的台北西式餐廳, 幾乎每道都有台灣食材. 我本來以為這道料理的布拉塔起司 ( Burrata Cheese) 是來自 ” 慢慢弄乳酪坊“ ,孰不知是來自嘉義! 切開乳白色新鮮布拉塔起司時完全可以感受到柔順質地, 並沒有像進口起司般有彈性, 吃起來有經典濃郁奶香風味, 台灣無花果不僅水份多也夠甜香, 搭配些許橄欖油, 除了美味沒有更好的形容詞.
Wild Donkey Taipei is probably the only Taipei Western restaurant that executes “Farm to Table” in every single dish. I thought that the Burrata Cheese is from “Man Mano Cheese Lab” at Taipei City. It turns out that Burrata cheese is from Chiayi. You can just sense the silky texture just by cutting it. I love the classic thick milky flavor. The figs from Taiwan is always sweet and juicy. Pairing with olive oil is absolutely delicious.

延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese


燉台灣嘉義牛小排,炒羽衣甘藍, 菠菜

Braised Chiayi Short Ribs with Sautéed Kale and Spinach
Price: NTD $990
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

很多台灣人不知道台灣黃牛其實很珍貴, 台北人都會專程到台南品嚐溫體牛肉,往往在台北牛排餐廳菜單 (例如 “168 牛排館”) 看到都是國外進口牛肉. 野驢小餐館則是採用我個人蠻喜歡的 “御牛殿” 鈜景肉品.朋友一刀切下就感受到牛小排有經過長時間燉煮的嫩度, 品嚐時的嚼勁與濃郁肉汁讓我跟我朋友都稱讚不已, 可惜一旁的蔬菜偏苦. 整體 NTD $990 價格是在合理範圍之內. 熟客們都知道台灣黃牛系列是野驢的招牌料理.
Many Taiwanese don’t know that Taiwanese Beef is very precious. Even Taipei people would go to Tainan (South of Taiwan) to taste the beef. People usually see imported beef at Taipei Steak House (such as “168 Steak House”). Wild Donkey Taipei uses “Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle”. While cutting down, I can sense the tenderness from braising for a long time. The juicy and meaty aroma is delicious. However, the vegetable is a bit bitter. The price NTD $990 is just the right amount. Wild Donkey customers would know Taiwanese Beef series is their signature dish.

延伸閱讀: 御牛殿牛肉麵 》Taipei Beef Noodle | 比台北永康牛肉麵更好吃

延伸閱讀: 168 Steak House Taipei New Chapter 》168 牛排館 2019 新主廚新菜單

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梨山水梨, 鮮奶油 花生糖

Braised Lishan Pear with Whipped Cream Candied Peanuts
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

上次吃到水梨甜點是在 “HUGH LAB”, 我朋友在紐約吃過米其林三星甜點是整顆水梨, Wild Donkey 版本是比較大顆的梨山水梨, 水份與甜份都較多, 鮮奶油蓬鬆不膩, 花生糖的甜和水梨的甜是不同程度, 整體甜點非常不錯, 我個人蠻推薦!
Last time I tasted Pear dessert is at “HUGH LAB”. My friend ate the dessert with whole pear at New York Michelin 3 Star restaurant. Wild Donkey version is larger and juicy Pear from Taiwan. The whipped cream is fluffy. The sweet flavor from the peanut flavor and the sweet from the pear are delicious in different level. Overall, I would definitely recommend this dessert.

延伸閱讀: HUGH LAB 》台北預約制甜點私廚也許是未來的飲食新潮流



Price: NTD $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

野驢餐廳水資為 NTD $80, 也有販售單杯酒. 這杯來自義大利的 ZARDETTO Private Rosé 氣泡並不強, 有明顯櫻桃風味, 甜度適量但是俐落, 並不會停留在舌尖.
Wild Donkey restaurant’s water fee is NTD $80. They also offer single glass wine. The bubbles from this Italian Wine – ZARDETTO Private Rosé – is not too strong. It has obvious cherry flavor. The fair amount of sweetness comes with the clean end. The sweet wouldn’t stay at the tastebuds.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


燉冬山葛瑪蘭豬胛心, 手工義大利麵

Braised Dongshan Pork Ragu with Handmade Tagliatelle
Price: NTD $720
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

很多人都說野驢小餐館是法式台菜, 我個人認為是歐式台菜風格, 這道義大利麵端上桌時, 醬過於稀釋, 導致肉香與起司風味被降低. 也許野驢本來就沒打算作成像傳統的義大利麵吧?
Many people say that Wild Donkey Taipei is Taiwanese ingredients with French Cuisine type. I think that Wild Donkey Taipei is definitely Taiwanese ingredient but with European Cuisine type. The sauce is too watery. The meaty flavor and cheese flavor are decreased as well. Maybe they never plan to make a traditional Italian Dish?!

台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


鴨肝壓肉, 白蘭地, 火龍果

Foie Gras Terrine with Brandy and Dragonfruit
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店員解釋由於這道料裡剛解凍, 質地會比較硬. 端上桌時, 店員講解黃色部份是鴨油的精華, 吃法是一刀切下將鴨肝和鴨油凍 (?!) 放在麵包切片上入口, 火龍果則是解膩. 我個人是覺得似乎尚未完全解凍, 導致口感偏硬, 鴨肝經典甜美沒有完全釋放於口裡. 但是我朋友常吃法餐, 她覺得不錯吃.
Wild Donkey restaurant staff mentions that this dish just defrosted, so its texture is hard. The staff explains that the yellow part is duck oil essence. The way to eat this dish is to put the Foie Gras Terrine along with Dragronfruit sauce on the bread and eat. However, it is not completed defrosted, so the texture is harder than usual. The classic Foie Gras flavor didnt come to the mouth. However, my friend always eat French Cuisine and she likes this dish.


麵包 & 奶油

Bread & Butter
Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

麵包吃起來冷硬, 奶油也是硬質地, 很難抹平在麵包上, 雖然是免費佐餐麵包, 但是若能serve熱麵包會給客人好的第一印象.
The bread is cold and too hard to eat. The butter is also in hard texture, which is not easy to spread. Even though this dish is free, but it would give people first good impression if serving warm bread.


台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



店名: Wild Donkey 野驢小餐館
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷33弄5號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 0912-390-398
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilddonkey.tw/
Website: https://www.fudychen.com/wilddonkey
Restaurant: Wild Donkey Taipei
Address: No.5, 33th Alley, 216th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 0912-390-398
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

野驢小餐館 菜單 2020 》 Wild Donkey Menu 2020






