Water Selection 品水師嚴選 》兩位台灣侍水師所創立專門販售水的網購平台

Last Updated on 2019-01-28 by Foodelicious

兩位台灣侍水師於2018 年創立 Water Selection 品水師嚴選網購平台, 如同網站名稱, 由專業侍水師把關挑選且在網路平台販售全球優質水.
Water Selection Online Store” is created by two Taiwanese Water Sommeliers at the year of 2018. As the name stated, they tested and selected high-quality brands of sparking and mineral waters to sell online.


Water Selection Online Shop 品水師嚴選網購平台
Website: https://www.waterselection.com

“為何要到這個網購平台購買水? 大賣場跟其他網購平台也有賣.”, 我的答案是 ”因為專業“. 在 Water Selection 網站裡, 品水師與營養師合作, 將每款水的 PH質與礦物質做成易懂的圖片, 也列出水與健康息息相關的內容,
You might ask: “Why purchase on Water Selection? Why not just purchase at the supermarket or other online stores?”. I would answer “Because they are professionals”. In Water Selection Website, you would see related information about water’s PH rate and minerals. Also, the Water Sommeliers cooperated with Nutritionists in order to add remark of health related information.

此外, Water Selection 網站也會不定期推出各種水的禮盒組合, 現在幾乎每個網購平台最低訂購量都是一整箱, 有時像我只是想嚐鮮, 我個人就會覺得很麻煩. 兩位品水師也提到未來有可能會販售更特別的水 – 例如北極冰山水,相當特別.
Also, Water Selection Online Shop would promote different type of Mixed Water Gift Box set. In most Taiwan online stores, the MOQ is always one carton.  Both Water Sommeliers also mentioned that they might sell waters that do not appear in Taiwan yet (For example, Polar Iceberg Water)



Water Selection 品水師嚴選活動
Water Selection Event

台灣有侍酒師和品油師, 近期才知道原來台灣也有國際認證侍水師, 而且全台灣只有兩位, 一位是夏豪均, 目前是開平餐飲學校副校長, 另一位是吳侑諭, 之前是美國法律碩士, 現任是開平餐飲學校老師.  我很榮幸地受邀至 Water Selection 品水師嚴選 活動, 文末有更詳細的活動剪影影片. 由兩位品水師擔任品評水課程的講師. 在專業講解後, 我了解到氣泡水或礦泉水的歷史與來源形成階段, 也了解到品酌水與品酌酒類似, 味蕾會體驗到不同風味. 最有趣的莫過於原來水的結晶體也會因環境與氛圍而改變, 就跟放音樂給牛聽是一樣的概念.
Taiwan has Wine Sommeliers and Oil Tasters. Recently, I noticed that there are only two Water Sommeliers in Taiwan. One is Howard Hsia, who is the vice principle of Kai Ping Culinary School.   The other one is Yvonne Wu, who has the master Law degree, and now becomes one of the professor at Kai Ping Culinary School. I am honored to be invited to this Water Selection event and to meet both Water Sommeliers.  There is detailed video at the end of article. Both professionals talked about the history of Water and the process from the origin to the bottling. I also learned that tasting water is similar with tasting wines, which the tastebuds would sense different types of flavors. The most interesting part is that the water crystal would change due to the environment and atmosphere. It is the same concept of letting the cows listen to delightful music.




我不僅品酌了平常喝不太到的進口氣泡與礦泉水, 甚至也喝到全球限量的北極冰山水, 講師也拿出一款水裡面有金箔的空瓶, 活動內容也有水搭配食物的講解課程, 課程內容相當專業.
In this event, not only that I tried out various imported sparkling and mineral waters. I also tasted the rare Polar Iceberg Water. I also saw the Natural Gold Water. During the event, I also learn how to pair food with water, which is a quite special experience.



♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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