我在 MOMO 購物 買了哪些產品 》What do I purchase at Momo E-Commerce Taiwan

Last Updated on 2023-08-07 by Foodelicious

(2023.8 更新 )MOMO 購物網 」一直是我的台灣電商購物平台 , 反而不是 淘寶台灣 , 這一篇是紀錄自己的 MOMO 購物產品開箱文, 也給各位做參考.
( 2023.8 Update ) I always purchase products on Momo E-Commerce Taiwan instead of Taobao. This is the article to document my product review for your reference.



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UPDATED: 2023.8.7

前言 Preface – Must Read

台灣有很多電商平台, 很多產品在每個平台皆有不同價格與組合.

文章裡會放多個購物平台連結. 也會放我自己拍的產品照片.
✅ Momo 購買產品連結
✅ Pinkoi 購物產品連結
✅ 博客來購買書籍連結
❌目前每月更新一次, 有些產品連結會失效, 請見諒

There are many E-Commerce platforms in Taiwan. Many products have difference price and combination.

I put many E-Commerce product links. I will also put the product pictures.
✅ Momo Purchase Product Link
✅ Pinkoi Purchase Product Link
✅ Book Your Life Purchase Book Link
❌ I will update once a month. Please be kind to understand that some products link might be inactive.


1. Momo 購買官網連結  [ Momo Website Link ]

2. Pinkoi 購物官網連結  [ Pinkoi Website Link ]

3. 博客來 購物連結  [Books Website Purchase Link ]



Momo 買 – 化妝保養品

Momo Buy – Cosmetics and Skincare

Vella 青春緊緻無痕頸霜

Vella Neck Cream 50ml

平價頸霜在台灣不好找, 之前有找到 “韓國 Vella 青春緊緻無痕頸霜 50ml” , 我有購買金瓶包裝與高階黑瓶包裝. 因為平價, 我也將此款產品做為 Body Cream. 我是一直使用高階黑瓶. 圖片裡是大黑瓶包裝, 2023.8月 Vella 廠商也換了包裝.
It is not easy to find price-friendly neck cream. I found Korean Brand Vella Neck Cream 50ml with reasonable price. I purchased the Golden Package and the High-End Black package. Since it is reasonable price, I also use it as the body cream. I always use the black package. Vella brand changes its package on August, 2023.

► 產品開箱文 Product Review Link

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


TT 經典重現美肌魔力組

TT Facial Mask

TT 應該是台灣最知名的面膜品牌, 我買四個不同效果的面膜組合, 我買的是TT 經典重現美肌魔力組(40片/箱) , 最喜歡藍色 (保濕) 與 白色 (美白).
TT is probably the most famous Made-in-Taiwan facial mask brand. I purchase 4 different functions facial mask.I purchased the 40 units/box.  I prefer the blue (moisture ) and white (whitened the skin) type.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]



Chatzutang Body Wash (Incense Cedar Leaf Balancing)

我買的是茶籽堂肖楠葉平衡沐浴露 330ml , 我一向都很喜歡木質系香味, 而不是花香或是果香, 之前有到信義誠品 2F 試聞與試用 , 就決定上網買這一款香茶籽堂肖楠葉平衡沐浴露.
I purchased Chatzutang Body Wash (Incense Cedar Leaf Balancing) 330ml. I always prefer the wooden aroma instead of fruity nor floral. I tried out and smelled the aroma at Eslite Xinyi Store 2F Chatzutang Counter. So, I decide to purchase online for this brand.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]

Pinkoi 購物連結  [ Pinkoi Purchase Link ]


Momo 買 – 品木宣言

Momo Buy – Origins

我ㄧ直都是品木宣言的愛好者, 因此直接在文章大綱設定「 Momo 買 – 品木宣言 」.
I always love Origins Brand! So, I edit a section as -「 Momo Buy – Origins」.

Dr. WEIL青春無敵潔膚

Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Face Cleanser

習慣清潔保養都用同一品牌與系列 , 所以就買 Dr. WEIL青春無敵潔膚乳150ml(居家必備 溫和不刺激 靈芝潔膚乳. 洗完不會過於乾燥.
I always like to use same brand for cleanser and lotion. So, I decided to purchase Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Face Cleanser. The skin won’t be too dry after cleaning.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]



Origins Facial Exfoliation

我個人會建議去百貨專櫃先試用 這一款 “一舉兩得去角質按摩霜75ml(角質柔嫩發光) ”, 此款去角質的顆粒偏厚一些, 建議一週用一次即可.
I would suggest to try out this Origins Facial Exfoliation 75ml at the department store first. The texture is a bit thick. I would suggest once a week.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


Dr. WEIL 靈芝水

Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Soothing Treatment Lotion

大家應該都知道這一款化妝水, 以前用的是倩碧 CLINIQUE , 現在改用Dr. WEIL 靈芝水, 舒服不會過於刺激.
Most people know about this facial toner. I used to use CLINIQUE toner. Now, I changed to Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Soothing Treatment Lotion. It feels quite comfortable.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]



Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Fortify Emulsion

習慣清潔保養都用同一品牌與系列 , 所以就買 Dr. WEIL青春無敵健康光潤機能乳液100ml(人氣靈芝乳液) . 白天晚上皆可擦, 台灣濕熱天氣也適合.
I like to use same brand of facial products. So, I used Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Fortify Emulsion 100ml. You can use it day and night.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


Momo 買 – Aveda

Momo Buy – Aveda

對於頭髮部分, 我ㄧ直都是 Aveda 的愛好者, 因此直接在文章大綱設定「 Momo 買 – 品木宣言 」.
As for the Hair treatment and cleansing, I always love Aveda Brand! So, I edit a section as -「 Momo Buy – Aveda」.

Aveda 蘊活光萃潤髮乳

Aveda Nutriplenish Conditioner

因為我是乾粗頭髮, Aveda 專櫃小姐有建議 Aveda 蘊活光萃潤髮乳 潤澤 250ml. Aveda 洗髮精洗完後, 用一小部分潤髮乳再靜置 1 ~ 2 分鐘, 沖洗即可, 不錯用.
My hair texture is toward dry and thick. Aveda staff suggested this Aveda Nutriplenish Conditioner 250ml. After washing the hair, just use small portion conditioner on the hair for 1 ~ 2 minutes , the wash it off. It is pretty useful and good.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


Aveda 純香洗髮精

Aveda Shampure Nurturing Shampoo

我每天洗髮, 平常都是用 Aveda 薄荷洗髮精,. Aveda 純香洗髮精是週年慶贈品. 只是香氣較為濃郁, 建議到專櫃先聞香氣再買.
I always use Aveda mint shampoo since I wash my hair everyday. Aveda Shampure Nurturing Shampoo is actually an department store anniversary gift. The aroma is quite strong. I would suggest to try the aroma at the Aveda store first.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


Momo 買 –  Apple 與產品週邊

Momo Buy – Apple products and accessories

Apple iPad Air 4

建議先到旗艦店試用再買.我是選 iPad Air 4 256 GB .Momo 網站販售是 64 GB.
I would suggest trying out the digital product at the Apple Store first. I selected iPad Air 4 256 GB. Momo website offers 64 GB.

► 產品開箱文 Product Review Link

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]

Apple Taiwan 官網購買連結 [ Apple Taiwan Link ]


Apple iPencil 第二代

Apple iPencil 2

建議先到旗艦店試用.我是跟著 iPad 一起買.
I would suggest to try the iPencil at the Apple store. I purchase the iPencil with the iPad.

► 產品開箱文 Product Review Link

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]

Apple Taiwan 官網購買連結 [ Apple Taiwan Link ]


iPad 聰穎雙面夾

iPad SmartiPad Smart Folio

建議先到旗艦店試用. 我是跟著 iPad 一起買.
I would suggest to try at the Apple store. I purchased this with iPad.

► 產品開箱文 Product Review Link

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]

Apple Taiwan 官網購買連結 [ Apple Taiwan Link ]


Momo 買 – 食品飲料

Momo Buy – Food & Beverage



因為我不煮開水, 因此直接在網路購買台鹽海洋鹼性離子水 1500mlx12入/箱.
Since I don’t boil water, I just purchased TAIYEN brand water 1500ml x 12 units/carton online.

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


永信藥品- 葉黃素軟膠囊

Yungshin – Lutein Capsule

詢問朋友都買哪一款葉黃素, 他們推薦永信藥品- 葉黃素軟膠囊 , 因此我一次買了5瓶 “永信藥品- 健康優見高單位葉黃素軟膠囊(30粒/瓶)(金盞花萃取物升級版)”.
I asked my friends which brand of Lutein to purchase. They recommend Yungshin Lutein Capsule. So, I purchase 5 bottles of Yungshin Lutein (30 units/bottle).

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]



Japanese Snack

我之前是在台灣 Costco 買天六 14袋綜合豆果子餅乾341g, 後來有在 Momo 有賣, 我就直接到 Momo 購買
I used to purchase this brand of Japanese snack 341g at Costco. Now, Momo offers it, I purchased directly on Momo.

► 產品開箱文 Product Review Link

►  Momo購買連結  [ Momo Purchase Link ]


