CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE 》二訪菜單與美味程度皆升級 (米其林入選)

Last Updated on 2023-07-02 by Foodelicious

采采食茶餐廳 CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine 2023 米其林入選台北法式餐廳, 這次二訪與朋友品嚐 2023 CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine 菜單 – 晚間套餐.
CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine is a Taipei Michelin Selected French Restaurant. My friend and I revisited to taste the new Dinner Set Menu.


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Cha Cha 采采食茶餐廳地址為台北市大安區復興南路一段219巷23號, 離忠孝復興站 15 號出口約 5 ~ 8 分鐘路程, Cha Cha The Cuisine 訂位是用 inline ( ). 走進去會先看到 High-End 茶葉與茶點禮盒店面, 後方才是 CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine 餐廳座位區, 桌面有像 “Tutto Bello ”的白桌布, 座位區有舒適沙發區, 也有四人座與雙人座, 適合約會與朋友聚餐.
Cha Cha The Cuisine restaurant’s address is No. 23, 219th Lane , 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Daan District, Taipei. It is about 5 ~ 8 minutes walking distance from Exit 15 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. You can reserve seats via inline ( ). You will see the high-end tea gift box after entering the restaurant. The seating area has white table cloth just like “Tutto Bello”. The restaurant has comfy sofa area along with four-people seats and two-people seats. This place is suitable for dating and friends’ gathering.

延伸閱讀: Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Cha Cha The Cuisine 菜單價格

Cha Cha The Cuisine Menu Price

Cha Cha The Cuisine 午餐菜單與晚餐菜單不一樣 , 2023 7 月午間套餐類似“Bencotto “ 午間套餐, 皆是以三道式, 四道式與五道式選擇方式. 不用擔心, Cha Cha 招牌的龍蝦手工麵有在午間套餐選項裡. 我這次是與朋友享用 2023 夏季晚間套餐. 這次菜單設計有羅盤與經緯線, 菜餚則是以環島台灣各個城市特色為發想.

✅ 2023 夏季午間套餐價格:NTD $1280 ~ NTD $1980 +10%
✅ 2023 夏季晚間套餐價格: NTD $3280 +10%
✅ 低消: 每人ㄧ份套餐

Cha Cha The Cuisine Lunch menu and Dinner menu are different. 2023 July Lunch Set menu is similar with “Bencotto” set menu, which has 3 courses, 4 courses and 5 courses selection. No worries, Cha Cha signature Lobster noodle is at the Lunch Set menu. My friends and I tasted their 2023 Summer Dinner Set Menu. The menu design has compass, longitude and latitude artwork. The dishes are inspired by the unique characteristics of various cities around Taiwan, which creates a culinary journey

✅ 2023 Summer Lunch Set Price:NTD $1280 ~ NTD $1980 +10%
✅ 2023 Summer Dinner Set Price: NTD $3280 +10%
✅ Minimum Charge: One Set per person

延伸閱讀: Bencotto 》二訪文華東方酒店義大利餐廳品嚐義籍主廚的新菜單


Cha Cha The Cuisine 晚間套餐內容

Cha Cha The Cuisine Dinner Set Content

2023. 夏季晚間套餐價格: NTD $3280 +10%
2023 Summer Dinner Set Price: NTD $3280 +10%


附餐麵包 & 奶油

Complimentary Bread & Butter
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

佐餐麵包與 “Orchid 蘭餐廳” 一樣都是一片麵包 ,店家自製的昆布奶油搭配熱且酥脆的麵包非常美味.
The restaurant only offers one slice of complimentary bread, just like at “Orchid restaurant”. Custom-made Kelp butter is quite delicious when pairing with the hot and crispy bread.

延伸閱讀: Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳 》二訪菜單的威靈頓牛排與羊排皆美味


仙人掌果實 / 生蠔 / 海葡萄 (澎湖)

Cactus Fruit/ Oyster/Sea Grapes (Penghu)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

第一道菜餚從澎湖開始, 許多旅客到澎湖都會享用仙人掌冰, 店員先將廣島生蠔端上桌, 再將鮮豔紫紅色的仙人掌果實冰加入碗裡, 仙人掌果實冰帶有微果香的酸甜風味, 搭配多汁廣島生蠔與彭湖海葡萄同時入口, 勾勒出更明顯的海鮮鮮甜味 (umami ) .
The first dish is inspired by Penghu City. Many tourists indulge in the refreshing Cactus Ice. This dish features Hiroshima oysters paired with vibrant purple-red cactus fruit ice. The cactus fruit ice adds a subtle fruity tang to complement the succulent oysters. Overall, it creates delightful harmony of flavors that highlight the seafood’s natural sweetness (umami).


酒煮章魚 / 金時地瓜 / 水梨 / 高粱荷蘭醬 (金門)

Octopus/ Sweet Potato/ Pear / Sorghum Hollandaise ( Kinmen )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

Cha Cha The Cuisine 的主廚以巧思將金門高粱酒巧妙融入西式菜餚,讓我想起上次在“聚苑 Ju Yuan”品嚐的中式菜餚. 這一道菜餚設計有法式美感, 方塊狀的金時地瓜有綿密口感, 比預期地細緻與香甜. 菜餚有兩個亮點- 酒煮章魚與高粱荷蘭醬 , 主廚運用 38度金門高粱酒燉煮章魚, 且加以炭烤, 作法與 “Solo Pasta” 的拿坡里燉章魚有點類似. 荷蘭醬則是添加高粱 (add-on), 增添醬的濃郁質感與風味. 金門高粱酒讓這一道菜餚加分許多, 美味且不帶酒精感 . 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚之一.
Cha Cha The Cuisine’s chef ingeniously incorporates Kinmen Sorghum liquor into Western-style dishes. It reminds me of the Chinese dish I had at “Ju Yuan” last time. This dish showcases a French-inspired aesthetic. The cubed golden sweet potatoes offer a dense and unexpectedly delicate sweetness. There are two highlights to this dish: the simmered octopus in liquor and the Sorghum hollandaise sauce. The chef braises and stews the octopus in 38-degree Kinmen Sorghum liquor and then grills it, similar to the preparation of the Octopus Stew at “Solo Pasta.” The hollandaise sauce, with the addition of Sorghum, adds richness and flavor to the dish. The presence of Kinmen Sorghum liquor elevates this dish, delivering deliciousness. It was one of my favorite dishes of the day.

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Solo Pasta Taipei 》除了拿坡里燉章魚還推薦點什麼


螃蟹 / 檸檬 / 布里歐麵包 (基隆)

Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

這道菜餚以基隆廟口的營養三明治為靈感, 頂層佈滿亮眼的魚子醬, 加金箔作為華麗點綴, 美感展現 Fine Dining 水準. 先咬一口, 經過煎烤的布里歐麵包外酥內脆,多汁蟹肉餅內餡, 微辣是拉差香甜辣椒醬 ( Sriracha Chili Sauce) 的存在感不容忽視. 整體令人印象深刻.
This dish is inspired from the famous sandwiches around in Keelung City. The top layer is adorned with eye-catching caviar, and the addition of gold foil adds a touch of elegance, showcasing its Fine Dining level of display. With the first bite, I experience the crispy texture of the pan-fried brioche bread, accompanied by a juicy crab cake filling. The subtle spiciness from the presence of Sriracha Chili Sauce adds an irresistible element. Overall, it leaves a lasting impression, showcasing its impressive combination of flavors and textures.


鴨賞火腿 / 綠蘆筍 / 柑橘 / 杏仁 (宜蘭)

Smoked Duck / Green Asparagus / Citrus / Almond (Yilan)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

店家精心運用炭火與甘蔗煙燻技法, 將鴨肉火腿打造出截然不同的煙燻鴨肉火腿, 品嚐時, 鴨賞火腿賦予的鹹香與柑橘荷蘭醬的甜美並存於舌尖, 綠蘆筍無纖維感 , 呈現脆爽口感, 烤杏仁賦予整道菜餚不同脆口感與核果風味, 整體具有美感與美味.
The chef team uses charcoal and sugarcane smoking techniques to create a distinctively smoked duck ham. When savored, the smoky aroma of the duck harmonizes with the saltiness, while the citrusy hollandaise sauce adds a touch of sweetness on the palate. The green asparagus delivers a crisp and refreshing bite. The roasted almonds lend a unique crunch and a hint of nuttiness to the dish. Overall, this dish offers a delightful combination of aesthetics and deliciousness.


新竹米粉 / 金瓜澄清湯 / 柚子 / 鮭魚卵 (新竹)

Rice Noodles / Pumpkin Consommé / Yuzu / Salmon Roe
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這是我首次品嚐米粉搭配金瓜澄清湯, 以法式澄清湯方式製作出的金瓜澄清湯並沒有過多的南瓜風味, 鮭魚卵附著在米粉上, 彈跳口感搭配滑順的米粉口感, 鮭魚卵的鮮味時不時提醒台灣是環島國家.
This was my first time savoring the combination of rice noodles with pumpkin consommé. The pumpkin consommé, crafted using the French technique, offers a delicate infusion of pumpkin flavor without overpowering the dish. The salmon roe provides a delightful burst of freshness, complementing the silky texture of the rice noodles. The savory and umami essence of the salmon roe reminds me of Taiwan’s coastal allure as I indulge in this dish.


炭烤鮑魚 / 馬鈴薯麵疙瘩 / 蛤蜊 / 百合 (彰化)

Grill Abalone / Gnocchi / Clam /Lily Root ( Changhua )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

炭烤南非鮑魚與馬鈴薯麵疙瘩置放於盤底. 我上次吃馬鈴薯麵疙瘩是在“SAPORI” , 口感偏軟. 這次在 Cha Cha 吃到的馬鈴薯麵疙瘩則是偏酥脆 , 後來得知主廚自製馬鈴薯麵疙瘩時有加入彰化肉圓的經典Q彈酥脆口感, 令人印象深刻.
Charcoal-grilled South African abalone and potato gnocchi are elegantly plated at the bottom. The last time I had potato gnocchi was at “SAPORI” and it had a softer texture. However, the potato gnocchi I tasted at Cha Cha had a delightful crispy exterior. Later, I discovered that the chef incorporates the classic crunchy texture of Changhua meatballs into the homemade potato gnocchi. It left a lasting impression on me.

延伸閱讀: SAPORI 義品味小餐屋 》期待再訪這間台北義大利餐廳


A5 鹿兒島紐約客 / 和牛牛頰 / 牛舌 / 澄清湯 (台南)

A5 Japanese Kagoshima Wagyu Steak / Beef Cheek / Beef Tongue / Beef Consommé (Tainnan)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

這一道的牛肉食材皆來自不同國家與部位 – A5 鹿兒島紐約客, 澳洲和牛牛頰與美國牛舌. 50g (約 1.5oz) 的 A5 鹿兒島和牛紐約客的口感並沒有過多的嚼勁, 反而是嫩多過於韌, 飽滿肉香與鹹香入口有著幸福感. 之前在 ”IVY GARDEN” 有吃過牛肉搭配昆布鹽, 這次在 Cha Cha 則是吃到昆布醬與昆布薄片搭配牛肉.最令人驚艷的是牛肉澄清湯裡有罕見的曇花食材, 整道菜餚如同台南牛肉鍋一樣討喜且美味.
This dish features beef sourced from different countries and section – A5 Kagoshima strip loin steak, Australian wagyu beef cheeks, and American beef tongue. The 50g (approximately 1.5oz) A5 Kagoshima strip loin offers a tender texture with a rich meaty and savory flavor that brings a sense of happiness upon each bite. Unlike its chewiness, it leans towards tenderness. Previously, at “IVY GARDEN,” I had beef paired with kelp salt. At Cha Cha restaurant, I experienced the combination of beef with kelp sauce and thin slices of kelp. The most astonishing element was the rare addition of the edible epiphyllum flower in the beef consommé. This dish reminiscent of the beloved Tainan beef hotpot, which is quite delicious.

延伸閱讀: IVY GARDEN TAIPEI 》台北微風美食餐廳 ( 內有菜單 )


甘蔗青茶 Sorbet

Sugarcane Light Oolong Tea Sorbet

吃完牛排後, 店員端上甘蔗青茶Sorbet, 清味蕾.
After finishing beef, I taste this sugarcane light oolong tea sorbet to refresh the tastebuds.



Select One in the Noodle Dish Category

北海道干貝手工麵 (高雄)

Hokkaido Scallop / Homemade Noodles/ Meat Sauce/ Scallion Oil (Kaohsiung )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

一訪我是吃龍蝦手工麵, 這次我選北海道干貝手工麵. 手工麵上佈滿蔥花, 樸實 Display 就像一般台灣小吃- 蔥油麵. 附著在麵條上的肉醬是由香腸製作而成, 些許花椒勾勒出更多肉香與濃郁蔥油的蔥香. 嫩度高的北海道干貝則是隱藏於盤底, 干貝食材正是呼應高雄海港的概念.
I tasted the lobster noodle at my first visit. I choose Hokkaido Scallop noodle dish at my 2nd visit. The handmade noodles were garnished with spring onions, presenting a humble display reminiscent of typical Taiwanese street food – scallion oil noodles. The meat sauce clinging to the noodles was made from sausage. A touch of Sichuan peppercorn enhanced the meaty flavor and the rich aroma of scallion oil. The tender Hokkaido scallops were hidden beneath the noodles, symbolizing the concept of Kaohsiung Harbor.


龍蝦手工麵 (+NTD $320)

Lobster /Homemade Noodles/ Spicy Chili Oil, Citrus (+NTD $320)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

這次是我朋友加價 +NTD $320 點龍蝦手工麵, 之前的麵體是陽春麵麵體, 這次的麵體則是改成日式拉麵, 能夠吸收更多香料辣油醬汁, 柑橘的甜美果香讓這道更具有記憶點. 如果你是一訪, 我會推薦你加價點龍蝦手工麵.
This time, my friend ordered Lobster noodle with extra NTD $320. They change the noodle to Japanese Ramen noodle, which can absorbs more spicy chili oil. The citrus fruity aroma leaves a great impression. If it is your visit, I would recommend to pay extra to order Lobster Noodle.


香瓜 / 金萱茶 / 龍蒿 (美濃)

Honeydew / Jin Xian Tea / Tarragon ( Meinong )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

采采食茶餐廳 CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine 有甜點主廚 (Pastry Chef ) . 此道甜點有著淺綠色香瓜的清爽視覺感, 品嚐香瓜冰沙時, 仍舊可品嚐到些許香瓜切塊. 龍蒿在西式餐廳通常是香料的角色, 例如 “Oli 餐酒館” 的龍蒿油 , “Fermi “ 的龍蒿葉. 在這道甜點中,龍蒿的加入提升了風味層次,融合了香瓜的果香、金萱茶的茶香和龍蒿的微淡草本香,為甜點帶來了獨特的味道。
CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine has its own Pastry Chef. This dessert features a refreshing visual appeal with its light green honeydew melon. When tasting the honeydew smoothie, you can still enjoy the delightful presence of diced honeydew melon. In Western cuisine, tarragon typically plays the role of a herb, as seen in dishes like tarragon oil at “Oli Wine & Dine” or tarragon leaves at “Fermi.” However, in this dessert, the inclusion of tarragon elevates the flavor profile, blending the fruity aroma of honeydew, the tea fragrance of osmanthus tea, and the subtle herbal notes of tarragon. It adds a unique taste to the dessert.

延伸閱讀: Fermi Pasta 》訂位困難的台北手工義大利麵餐廳

延伸閱讀: Oli 餐酒館 》菜單除了歐式料理也要點 Weekly Special


味噌鳳梨 / 茉莉花 / 椰子 / 柚子 (屏東)

Miso Pineapple / Jasmine / Coconut / Yuzu ( Pingtung )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這次甜點主題為屏東, 台灣的屏東地區盛產鳳梨, 屏東鳳梨的香氣濃郁. 絲綢般的椰子奶油賦予濃郁椰子風味, 吃到的切塊白味噌鳳梨甜度比酸度高, 搭配茉莉花冰沙帶出的花香頗具優雅感.
The dessert theme is Pingtung, which is known for its abundant pineapple production. Pingtung pineapples are known for their rich aroma. The silky coconut cream adds a creamy and rich coconut flavor to the dessert. The chunks of white miso-marinated pineapple provide a sweetness that balances well with its acidity. Paired with the jasmine flower smoothie, it brings an elegant floral fragrance to the dessert.


茶點 & 茶

Petit Four & Tea
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Cha Cha 茶點比其他米其林星級餐廳準備的茶點出色許多, 品嚐刺蔥餅時, 可明顯感受到檸檬風味奶油乳酪, 荔枝風味牛軋糖更是特別. 搭配阿薩姆紅茶也其他餐廳的套餐咖啡更有特色且不錯喝.
Cha Cha’s Petit Four is better than other Michelin-starred restaurants. When tasting the scallion pancake, I can distinctly sense the lemon-flavored cream cheese. The lychee flavored nougat is quite special too. Both items are great pairing with Assam black tea.


Wine Pairing Menu


結論 Conclusion ⭐

之前一訪很滿意, 這一次二訪品嚐的是晚餐套餐, 每一道菜餚美味程度與餐盤設計皆在水準之上, 也更進步, 我會推薦 CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE 想嘗試台北 Fine Dining 的饕客.

✅ 發揮巧思讓每一道菜餚美味程度提升. 例如: 荷蘭醬則是添加高粱 (add-on), 增添醬的濃郁質感與風味.自製馬鈴薯麵疙瘩時有加入彰化肉圓的經典Q彈酥脆口感, 令人印象深刻.
✅ 食材光是那一道牛排就有三款來自不同國家與部位的牛肉, 也包括和牛. 而且牛肉澄清湯裡有少見的曇花食材
✅ CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE 有 In-House 甜點主廚, 不僅雙甜點美味, 連 Petit Four 都有精心設計過
✅ 晚餐套餐 10 courses + Petit Four + 茶, 價格 NTD $3280 , 套餐價格漲幅在台北市餐飲業算是合理

I was satisfied with my first visit. This 2nd visit was to taste dinner set. Each dish display and delicious level are above average. I would recommend foodies who want to try Taipei Fine Dining restaurant.

Reasons that I recommend the menu of this season
✅ Chef ingeniously incorporates ingredients and upgrade the delicious level of each dish. For example, the hollandaise sauce, with the addition of Sorghum, adds richness and flavor to the dish. The chef incorporates the classic crunchy texture of Changhua meatballs into the homemade potato gnocchi.

✅ This steak dish features beef sourced from different countries and section (including Wagyu Beef). The most astonishing element was the rare addition of the edible epiphyllum flower in the beef consommé.
✅ CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE has In-House pastry chef. Two desserts are delicious. Even the Petit Four is well-designed and delicious too.

✅ The dinner set has 10 courses + petit four + Tea. The price is NTD $3280. The set price is quite reasonable among Taipei restaurant industry.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Cha Cha The Cuisine 餐廳資訊

Cha Cha The Cuisine Information

店名: 采采食茶餐廳 CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段219巷23號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝復興捷運站 (BL15 & BR10)
電話: 02-8773-1818


Restaurant: CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine
Address: No. 23, 219th Lane , 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Daan District, Taipei (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station(BL15 & BR10)
Tel: 02-8773-1818






