iPad Air Review 》Apple iPad 使用者想問的五個問題

Last Updated on 2024-02-25 by Foodelicious

這篇是 Apple iPad Air 4 開箱 , 也包括 Apple Pencil 第二代使用心得, 也會提到 iPad Air 與 iPad Pro 的比較.
This article is about Apple brand iPad Air 4 review. It also includes Apple Pencil 2 review. I also mention iPad Air vs iPad Pro comparison.

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iPad Air 4 在哪裡買最優質?

Where to purchase iPad Air 4 is the best choice?

我是到 Apple 官網購買 ( https://www.apple.com/tw/ipad/ ).

在 Apple 官網購買的優點包括:
1. 運送速度極快: 下單後不到 24 小時就收到, Apple 與順豐快遞合作, 抵達後會發簡訊給收件人.
2. 產品包裝良好: 外箱與產品盒子有固定住, 以免碰撞.
3. 較多有價值的優惠: 可在 iPad 可免費雷射鐫刻, 一年免費 Apple TV 與遊戲.

I purchased at Apple Store website ( https://www.apple.com/tw/ipad/ ).

There are a few advantages purchasing at Apple website:
1. Shipping is fast: I received the product within 24 hours. Apple cooperates with SF Express. When the products arrived, they would message the receiver.
2. The package is protective: The product box is well-protected and not moving around.
3. There are more valuable promotions: You can laser print at iPad for free. It also comes with one year Apple TV and games.

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要買 iPad Air 4 64 GB 還是 256 GB?

Should I purchase iPad Air 4 64 GB or 256 GB?

iPad Air 4 64 GB 價格是 NTD $18,900 , 我是選 iPad Air 4 256 GB (NTD $23,900 ) .

A. 如果你只是用 iPad 來看劇或是看 eBook 電子書, 買 64 GB 就夠.
B. 如果你要用 iPad 拍照或是用 Procreate App 畫圖, 或是工作, 可買 256 GB. 我買 256 GB 是因為以後會帶 iPad Air 去開行銷會議.

iPad Air 4 64 GB price is NTD $18,900. However, I purchased iPad 4 256 GB (NTD $23,900 ) .

A. If you only use iPad to watch movies/dramas or read eBooks. I would suggest 64 GB.
B. If you only use iPad for photo shooting or to draw with Procreate App or work, you can purchase 256 GB. I purchase 256 GB is that I might bring iPad Air for marketing meeting.


我應該要買 iPad Air 4 還是 iPad Pro?

Should I purchase iPad Air 4 or iPad Pro?

老實說, 兩者重量沒有差太多. iPad Air 4 256 GB 價格是 NTD $23,900 . iPad Pro 256 GB 價格是 NTD $ 28,000.

A. 如果你是要用來剪輯影片, 製作動畫或是股票看盤, 建議買 iPad Pro , 甚至可選 1 TB 容量. 顏色選擇只有太空灰與銀色
B. 如果你要用 iPad 看 eBook, 做 Goodnotes App 圖文並茂筆記, 並沒有用 iPad 做影音處理, 建議購買 iPad Air. 而且有五種顏色 – 天空藍, 綠色, 玫瑰金, 銀色與太空灰色

Honestly, the weight of both items are quite similar. iPad Air 4 256 GB price is NTD $23,900 . iPad Pro 256 GB price is NTD $ 28,000.

A. If you are going to edit video or stock operation, I would suggest to purchase iPad Pro. You can even select 1TB. However, the color options only have grey and silver color.
B. If you are going to read eBook or taking notes via Goodnotes App, you can purchase iPad Air. There are five colors – blue, green, golden rose, silver and grey.


要不要買 Apple Pencil 第二代 ? (使用心得)

Should I purchase Apple Pencil 2? (Review)

Apple Pencil 2 價格是 NTD $4190. 我買 Apple Pencil 2 的原因是可用螢光筆的筆刷在 eBook 畫重點, 或是 PDF 檔案簽名, 偶而會用 GoodNotes App 代替紙本手寫一些每日待辦事項. 你也可以買Apple Pencil 2 來畫圖. Apple Pencil 2 不會像鉛筆滾來滾去, 而且可以磁力吸附在 iPad Air 上充電, 用起來還算順手. 如果筆尖壞掉或是筆摔到, 建議預約 Apple 直營維修. 我的筆有一次摔倒地上, 筆尖與筆身分離 , 有碎片在筆身內. 拿到 Appl 維修中心後, 店員取出碎片後說只需要買筆尖 (圖四) , 不需維修費.
Apple Pencil 2 price is NTD $4190. I purchased Apple Pencil 2 to highlight at eBook, sign at PDF file, and sometimes use GoodNotes App to write down Daily to-do list. You can also buy Apple Pencil to draw pictures. Apple Pencil does not move around like a regular pencil. You can also re-charge Apple Pencil on the iPad Air. The overall experience is quite positive. If your pencil tip is disconnect and broken, I would suggest you to make appoint with Apple. They will take a look to see if you will need buy the pencil tip only or buy a new pencil. My situation is to take the broken parts out and purchase new pencil tip (no fixing fee required).


需要買其他 iPad Air 的配件嗎?

Should I purchase other iPad Air accessories?

最有名的 iPad Air 配件有鍵盤與保護套. 我沒有買鍵盤, 如果需要做大幅度文書處理, 我會用 Mac 筆記電腦. 至於保護套, 我有買但是不好用, 雖然可以將 iPad 立起來, 可是並不是很固定, 而且保護套是沒有保護到在 iPad 充電的 Apple Pencil, 所以我不會推薦Apple品牌的保護套.
iPad Air accessories include keyboard and protection ( iPad Smart Folio ). I didn’t purchase the keyboard because I have a Mac laptop. As the protection, iPad Smart Folio is just average. You can use it as standup equipment, but it sometimes fails. Also, the protection doesn’t protect Apple Pencil. So, I don’t recommend iPad Smart Folio.


iPad Air 4 結論

iPad Air 4 Conclusion

我買 iPad Air 4 因為跟隨我 6+ 年的 iPad 壞了, 之前 iPad 舊螢幕之前有修過, 這次iPad 壞掉就決定直接買新的. 我是在 Apple 官網買 iPad Air 4 256 GB (NTD $23,900 ) . 除了 Size 與螢幕較大外, 兩個揚聲器在 iPad Air 兩側, 喜歡看劇的我覺得音響品質變好. 如果你的預算夠, 我個人推薦買 iPad Air 4.
I purchase iPad Air 4 because my old iPad broke down after 6 years +. I purchased iPad Air 4 256 GB (NTD $23,900 ) via Apple Online Store. Besides the size and monitor are bigger, iPad Air also has 2 speakers. I like the better sound since I use iPad Air 4 to watch dramas as well. If you budget is enough, I would recommend iPad Air 4.



