和蒔炭火割烹 Wamaki Taipei 》搬到新地址的台北割烹餐廳美食
Last Updated on 2024-12-22 by Foodelicious
(2024.12 更新) 和蒔炭火割烹 是 台北松江南京站美食 之一, 大家都喜歡 和蒔菜單 裡的和牛滷肉飯, 搭配特殊調味鹽是這家台北日本無菜單餐廳的特色.
(2024.12 更新) Wamaki Japanese Restaurant is near Songjiang Nanjing Station . Everyone loves the braised Waygu beef rice. Using various salts is also one of the selling points of this restaurant.
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此篇是舊文章, 新地址環境與價格也未更新
This is an old article. New address environment and price are not updated.
目錄 / Table of Contents
Wamaki Reservation
原本以為有 “炭火” 兩個字就會像日式居酒屋, 孰不知,餐廳外觀並不像居酒屋裝潢, 而是有點像 “鳥哲” 日式餐廳外觀裝潢. .預約專線02-25427700
. The restaurant appearance looks similar with “TORI TETSU Restaurant”. The restaurant has Japanese style counter seating area. Reservation tel: 02-25427700
延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Wamaki Menu Price
和蒔炭火割烹菜單 是 Omakase 套餐, 菜單不定期更換. 2022.2 月價格是 NTD $3000/人. 記得在訂位時再次詢問當時的價格.
Wamaki set menu is omakase, which means the content changes from time to time. Feb, 2022 menu is NTD $3000/person. Remember to confirm the set menu price at the present time.
Wamaki Menu
我們共有 10 ~ 12 人都坐板前, 我從當天我最喜歡的菜餚開始寫.
We have 10 ~ 12 people at the counter area. I will start writing from my favorite dishes.
Rice with Braised Wagyu Beef Tongue and Ground Beef
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
上層鋪滿和牛牛舌與糯米椒, 在旁邊拍照都聞得到肉香,主廚拌飯時更是讓在座所有朋友期待, 和蒔主廚提到米是用台灣長濱米,主廚盛飯後淋上老滷牛肉燥, 再加上一個小 Size 鵪鶉溫泉蛋, 牛舌與 “鄒記食舖” 的牛舌一樣軟嫩.適量鹹香風味, 一口接著一口, 我吃了兩碗 (當時的份量也只准許我吃兩碗) , 這是我當天最喜歡的一道菜餚, 記得訂位時詢問店家可不可以指定和牛牛舌滷肉飯.
The chef uses Taiwanese rice, Wagyu Beef tongue and sweet chili. You can smell the meaty aroma while taking the pictures. Everyone is looking forward for this dish. Both wagyu beef tongue and braised ground beef are very delicious with mild salty level. It is perfect to eat with the Taiwanese rice. The beef tongue is as tender as the beef tongue at “Zhou Ji”. I ate two bowls, since there are not much quantity. This dish is my favorite dish. Remember to ask the restaurant if you can have this particular dish – Rice with Braised Wagyu Beef Tongue and Ground Beef.
延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)
Fried Prawn Shrimp with Rice Cracker
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
遠看以為是薄麵衣的炸蝦天婦羅, 近看是澎湖明蝦裹滿碎米果, 再將其炸得金黃, 有著酥脆且顆粒狀口感, 蝦肉口感有些許彈性, 炸蝦搭配的茭白筍也非常好吃! 同樣記得訂位時詢問店家可不可以指定米果炸明蝦.
From far away, I thought it was regular tempura. Looking up-close, it is fried Taiwan prawn shrimp with rice cracker. The golden crispy appearance is perfect with sounds. The shrimp and the bamboo are both yummy. Remember to ask the restaurant if you can have this particular dish too – Fried Prawn Shrimp with Rice Cracker.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我曾在 “Podium 西式餐廳” 吃過立鱗馬頭魚搭配 Sauce, 這次在和蒔餐廳吃到的是立鱗馬頭魚搭配達那鹽, 沒有複雜 Sauce 的襯托, 魚皮極度地酥脆, 魚的嫩香程度極高, 魚的份量如果再多一塊應該會更完美.
I tasted Amadai with sauce at “Podium Western Restaurant”. This time at Wamaki Restaurant, it is just simple Amadai with salt. The appearance is extremely crispy. The fish meat is tender and quite juicy. It would be perfect if there are more fish.
延伸閱讀: Podium Taipei 》法國料理美感與東南亞風格並存的台北私廚
Rice Straw Smoked Bonito
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
上次吃到好吃的熟成生鰹魚是在 “nku 餐廳“ , 這次在和蒔吃到的是表層微焦脆且用稻草煙燻的厚切台灣鰹魚, 上菜時有聞到燻香, 仔細看, 主廚在生鰹魚紅肉撒上些許獨特稻草煙燻鹽, 特殊調味料有帶出鰹魚濃郁的海鮮味, 不得不說和蒔主廚將調味鹽發揮地淋漓盡致.
Last time I had delicious raw bonito was at “nku restaurant”. This time at Wamaki restaurant, I tasted the Rice Straw Smoked Bonito. The appearance is cause by a cooking method- Tataki. The smoky aroma increases the appetite. The chef also spreads small amount of smoky salts at the fish. The salts bring out the thick seafood flavor. I have to say that the chef knows how to enhance the flavor by using flavored salts.
延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格
Japanese A4 Wagyu Strip Steak
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
主廚並不是用 A5 和牛因為過多油脂, 主廚採用 A4 日本鹿兒島和牛紐約客牛排,份量不多但是每一口都不錯.
Chef doesn’t use Japan A5 Wagyu, because there are too many fats. The chef decides to use A4 Wagyu Strip Steak from Kagoshima, Japan. The quantity isn’t much, but every bite is above average.
Hokkaido Sea Urchin Roll
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
誰不愛北海道海膽? 我兩口就吃完了.
Who doesn’t love Hakkaido Sea Urchin? I finished in two bites.
白玉螺, 白蘆筍
While Shell Snail, White Asparagus
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
白玉螺來自台灣長濱鄉 – 主廚的故鄉, 這道白玉螺肉吃起來嫩, 與 “儂來會館“ 硬螺肉截然不同, 主廚選擇醋味噌作為這道菜餚的日式元素, 別擔心, 味噌風味遠比醋香迷人, 這道算是我在台灣餐廳吃到比較特別的菜餚.
The chef is from Taitung, Taiwan. White Shell Snail ingredient is also from Taitung, Taiwan. The snail meat tastes quite tender, unlike the hard texture nail meat from “Nong Lai Taipei”. The chef selects the acidity flavored miso sauce as the Japanese character since this is a fusion dish. No worries, the miso flavor is far more obvious than the acidity flavor. This fusion dish is quite special.
延伸閱讀: 儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳
Grilled Amberjack Belly
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
和蒔餐廳採用備長炭, 並沒有像 “花蕉 Hanasho” 如此有動態感,花蕉主廚在客人面前將魚放在備長炭上炙燒, 和蒔主廚是在半開放式廚房炙烤, 昆布鹽賦予更多旨味, 整片魚肚肉非常鮮嫩, 可惜阿里山山葵較沒有預期地的刺激感.
Wamaki Restaurant uses charcoal to grill. But, there isn’t much of the “performance” about the grilling part. At “Hanasho restaurant”, the chef would grill the fish at the charcoal. Wamaki chef grilled the food at half-opened kitchen. The seaweed flavored salts bring out more umami flavor. The amberjack belly is extremely tender. However, the Alishan wasabi doesn’t offer the expected stimulation.
延伸閱讀: 花蕉 Hanasho 》關於這家 台北 omakase 日料餐廳的五件事
椴木香菇, 青花筍
Grilled Mushroom, Broccolini
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
烤過後的香菇與青花筍並不會像 “Fireplay” 蔬菜有焦烤的痕跡, 黑礦鹽是這道菜餚的主角, 鹹度頗高, 蠻適合搭配烤製後的蔬菜.
Unlike “Fireplay”, the mushroom and broccolini in Wamaki restaurant do not have the grill marks. Black mineral salt is the main character of this dish. The overall salty level is quite high, which is suitable for pairing the grilled vegetable.
延伸閱讀: FirePlay Taipei 》 炭燒柴燒料理都難不倒新加坡籍主廚 Nick
Grilled Scallop
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Small amount of Hawaii black salt brings out the strong seafood flavor of the scallop.
Steamed Egg with Abalone
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我希望鮑魚可以藏在蒸蛋裡, 就像茶碗蒸.
I wish that the abalone can be hidden inside the steamed egg. Yes, just like Chawanmushi.
Japanese Strawberry
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
日本草莓品種有著適量甜度, 再撒上如同雪花般的淡雪鹽, 很特別的一道水果.
The Japanese strawberry has fair amount of sweetness. It is quite special since pairing with the snow flake shape rice salt.
Miso Soup
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Hot miso soup is a must-have dish in the set.
Red Bean Soup with Grilled Mochi
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
It tastes decent.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
首先, 和蒔整體風格“並不是”像 The Ukai Taipei 以柔性菜餚設計為主, 和蒔炭火割烹餐廳是以炭火燒烤與各種調味鹽為主, 也沒有握壽司, 而且份量不多, 注意的事項如下
✅ 需訂位, 我建議兩人去.
✅ 因為是 omakase , 內容與價格都有可能更改, 記得訂位的時候問清楚
✅ 記得訂位時詢問店家可不可以指定和牛牛舌滷肉飯.
✅ 記得訂位時詢問店家可不可以指定米果炸明蝦.
First of all, Wamaki Japanese restaurant doesn’t have the same style as The Ukai Taipei. Ukai is more toward dish design and display. Wamaki restaurant focuses on grilling with charcoal and pairing with various flavored salt. And there is no nigiri. The overall quantity are not much. There are a few remarks down below.
✅ Need to reserve. Two people sitting at the counter seat would be better.
✅ Because it is omakase, the content and price may vary from time to time. Please remember to ask the price at the present time.
✅ Remember to ask the restaurant if you can have this particular dish – Rice with Braised Wagyu Beef Tongue and Ground Beef.
✅ Remember to ask the restaurant if you can have this particular dish too – Fried Prawn Shrimp with Rice Cracker.
延伸閱讀: The Ukai Taipei 》在微風南山 46 樓美食餐廳品嚐日式割烹料理
Wamaki Information
店名: 和蒔炭火割烹
地址: 台北市中山區長安東路二段36巷1號 (Map)
捷運站: 松江南京捷運站
電話: 02-25427700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wamakitaipei/
Restaurant: Wamaki Taipei
Address: No. 1 , 36th Lane, 2nd section, Chang’an East Road , Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Songjian Nanjing MRT station