天母美食推薦懶人包 》Tianmu Restaurant Recommendation
Last Updated on 2024-02-29 by Foodelicious
(2024.2 更新) 台北天母美食懶人包持續更新中, 包括石牌美食 , 芝山站美食 與 明德站美食 , 也包括天母冰淇淋店, 有標 “🔥Fire.jpg” 就是我推薦的天母餐廳.
(2024.2 Update ) Taipei Tianmu Restaurant Guide includes restaurants near Shipai , Mingde , and Zhishan MRT station. The one with “🔥Fire jpg ” are the ones that I recommend.
UPDATED: 2024.2.10
♛ The Newest Review Link 最新文章連結: 深杯子 La Copa Oscura 》不僅有單杯酒也有火腿與甜點 (內有菜單)
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read
對許多人來說, 天母區域如截圖 , 天母美食皆在石牌捷運站, 明德捷運站與芝山捷運站區域附近.
For many people, Tianmu area is shown at the pictures. All restaurants & cafes are near Shipai , Mingde , and Zhishan MRT station.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Tianmu Dessert & Ice Cream Store
On the Road 🔥
On the Road Gelato
On the Road 義式手工冰淇淋專賣店是天母下午茶甜點推薦之一, 最特別的是 On The Road 也有外送與自取, 冰淇淋口味也是每天不同.
On The Road Gelateria at Tianmu is one of the Taipei Gelato recommendations. They also have delivery and pickup. The Gelato flavor may vary everyday.
SWEET 16 甜點店
甜典 16 號 ( Sweet 16 Patisserie ) 是知名天母甜點店之一, “一碗檸檬“ 檸檬塔蛋糕則是 Sweet 16 的招牌甜點.
Sweet 16 Patisserie is one of the famous dessert shops at Tianmu, Taipei City. Its lemon tart is their signature dessert.
Tianmu Western Restaurant
FirePlay Taipei 🔥
FirePlay 台北餐廳主廚 Nick 精湛直火烹飪與醬汁搭配
FirePlay Taipei Chef Nick offers great performance of Fire interacting with ingredients and sauce pairing skill. Indeed,
Sprout 初芽 🔥
Sprout 初芽為台北早午餐美食餐廳之一, 也是位於美國學校附近的親子友善餐廳, 最受歡迎的料理是美式三明治系列.
Sprout restaurant is one of the Tianu Brunch restaurants. It is also one of the restaurants near American School. Their famous dishes would be sandwiches series.
Pino Pizzeria Taipei
Pino Pizzeria 餐廳是台北天母披薩店之一, 最特別莫過於 Pino 羅馬披薩系列和米蘭披薩系列.
Pino Pizzeria Ristorante is one of the pizza restaurants at Tianmu. It is famous for two types of pizza – Rome Pizza and Milano Pizza Series.
Coffee Smith 石牌店
Coffee Smith
Coffee Smith是台北市北投區石牌捷運站咖啡和早午餐店家之一, 也非常適合平日下午茶輕食的聚會地點.
Coffee Smith is one of the Brunch restaurant near Shipai MRT station at Beitou district. This is also a great location for weekday afternoon tea and light food.
Tianmu Japanese Restaurant
Tun Ma Japanese Restaurant
如果你常去吃 NTD $2500 + 的米其林等級日本餐廳, 你已經回不去了, 所以我建議你不要去這一家餐廳, 豚馬並不適合你.
If you often eat at NTD $2500 + Michelin Level Japanese Restaurant, I would suggest you ignoring this restaurant. This restaurant is not for you.
TORI TETSU Restaurant
鳥哲餐廳全名是鳥哲燒物專門店, 是天母芝山居酒屋之一, 也是少數販售全雞部位的台北雞串燒餐廳,
TORI TETSU Restaurant is one of the Tianmu Restaurants. It offers different and rare parts of chicken Yakitori.
Katsumasa Tonkatsu restaurant
台北天母SOGO日本美食餐廳眾多, 勝政日式炸豬排則是這些餐廳裡我比較感興趣的.
There are many Japanese restaurants at Taipei Tienmu SOGO department store. Katsumasa Tonkatsu restaurant is one of a few restaurants that I am interested in.
Tianmu Chinese Restaurant
金蓬萊 🔥
Golden Formosa Restaurant
金蓬萊餐廳成為台北米其林一星餐廳後, 價格也偏高, 有包廂適合宴客.
Golden Formosa Restaurant is one of the Taipei Michelin One Star restaurants. The price is a bit higher. They have private dining room for large group.
Da-Wei Chinese Restaurant
大為廚坊是天母美食之ㄧ, 由於位於天母, 價格偏中上, 但還是比金蓬萊平價. 除了天母附近的居民外, 我也聽說有人去完陽明山後來這裡吃飯, 有經過再吃就可以
Da Wei Restaurant is one of the Tianmu restaurants at Shilin District. Because its location, the price is above average. But it is still cheaper than Golden Formosa Restaurant. Besides Tianmu residents, there are some Yangming Mountain tourists dine here too. When you are at Tianmu, you can try out this place.
其他天母餐廳 & Cafe
Other Restaurants & Cafe at Tianmu
La Copa Oscura
深杯子概念店 La Copa Oscura 是少數台北提供多款單杯酒的店面 , 令人意外的是深杯子菜單有巴斯克蛋糕甜點與手工現切西班牙熟成火腿.
La Copa Oscura is one of the few stores that offer single glass wines. Surprisingly, La Copa Oscura menu also has Spanish Monte Nevado Aged Serrano sliced Ham and Basque Cheese Cake.
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