The Orient Restaurant Taipei 》在台北南港漢來東方樓菜單點哪些菜餚
Last Updated on 2023-10-26 by Foodelicious
2023 新開幕東方樓頂級粵菜 是台北南港漢來大飯店餐廳美食之一 , 此篇文章會提到四人在台北漢來東方樓菜單點了哪些菜餚, 價位與東方樓包廂圖片.
2023 newly-opened The Orient Restaurant is one of the Grand Hilai Taipei Hotel Restaurants in Nangang District. This article will mention what we ordered from The Orient Restaurant menu, price and also private dining rooms pictures.
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ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
目錄 / Table of Contents
The Orient Restaurant Reservation
台北東方樓頂級粵菜地址是台北市南港區經貿一路168號3F , 位於台北南港漢來大飯店的3 樓, 離南港展覽館捷運站四號出口大概 5 ~ 10 分鐘路程. 進入台北漢來大飯店後直接坐電梯即可到東方樓. 餐廳佔地頗大且寬敞, 採光明亮. 2023 .10月的訂位方式是打電話 02-2788-1618 , 線上訂位尚未開放.
The Orient Restaurant is located at 3F, No. 168, Jingmao 1st Road, Nangang District, Taipei City , Taiwan. It is at the 3rd Floor of Grand Hilai Taipei Hotel.It is about 5 ~ 10 minutes walking distance from Exit 4 of Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Metro Station. You can take the elevator to the 3rd floor from the Hotel lobby. The restaurant is quite large with many seats along with sunlight. 2023.10 reservation method would be to call the restaurant 02-2788-1618. The online reservation is not yet operated.
延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳美食懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant Guide
The Orient Restaurant Private Dining Room
台北東方樓與 “捌伍添第餐廳 “ 一樣有許多包廂. 我跟朋友是在圖一的小包廂 ( 4 ~ 6 人包廂) , 東方樓的大包廂可坐 24 人, 有自動轉盤, 沙發與獨立洗手間. 包廂低消費用請自行詢問.
Similar with “85 TD restaurant” , The Orient Restaurant has many private dining rooms. My friends and I dined in the small private dining room at picture 1 (4~ 6 people). The large and premium private dining room can fit in 24 people with auto-rotating table, sofa and an independent restroom. Please ask them for the private room minimum charge.
Small Size Private Dining Room
Medium Size Private Dining Room
Premium Private Dining Room
The Orient Restaurant Menu
2023.10 Online Menu Link:
The Orient Roasted Peking Duck served in two ways
Price: NTD $3200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
東方樓烤鴨需要事先預訂. 建議電話訂位時, 直接預訂烤鴨. 我跟朋友共四人, 點的是東方樓片皮鴨二吃.
✅ 一吃則是經典的捲餅
✅ 二吃則是老火鴨絲粥
**總共價格是 NTD $3200
You will need to reserve the Roasted Peking Duck in advance via phone. We four people ordered “The Orient Roasted Peking Duck served in two ways”
✅ 1st way: Classic Sliced Roasted Duck Roll
✅ 2nd way: Roasted Duck Broth Porridge
**Total Price is: NTD $3200
一吃: 片皮鴨捲餅
1st Way: Classic Sliced Roasted Duck Roll
東方樓選用 2.8 KG ~ 3.2 KG 宜蘭櫻桃鴨 . 除了經過複雜的爐烤工序外, 店員也特別提到是以蜂蜜代替傳統的麥芽糖. 師傅熟練地將整隻爐烤全鴨切片, 片皮時的脆響勾起食慾. 不同於 “香宮” , 東方樓的餅皮是原味且偏薄. 咬一口時, 很明顯感受到鴨皮的酥脆口感. 油脂賦予厚片鴨肉更多的嫩度. 喜歡吃烤鴨的人可以考慮點.
The Orient Restaurant restaurant uses 2.8 KG to 3.2 KG Yilan duck. In addition to a complex roasting process, the staff also mentioned that they use honey instead of traditional maltose. The chef skillfully carves the whole roasted duck into slices, and the crispy sound when slicing the skin whets the appetite. Unlike “Shang Palace” , The Orient Restaurant’s roll is plain and slightly thinner. With each bite, I can clearly feel the crispy texture of the duck skin. The fat gives the thick duck meat more tenderness. It is a great choice for those who love roasted duck.
延伸閱讀: 台北粵菜餐廳 & 港式飲茶 懶人包 》Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei Guide
延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》台北遠企香宮
二吃: 老火鴨絲粥
2nd Way: Roasted Duck Broth Porridge
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
東方樓的烤鴨二吃選項眾多. 比起湯的選項, 我個人偏好「 粥 」. 東方樓的老火鴨絲粥偏鹹香, 再搭配油條與蔥, 遠比 “喜來登辰園” 鴨粥美味, 我大概吃了三碗. 也許你會問剩下來的鴨肉怎麼處理? 店家將剩下的鴨腿肉分切, 且搭配冰梅醬.
The Oriental Restaurant offers a wide range of options for serving the 2nd way. I personally prefer the「 porridge 」 over the soup option. The porridge is savory and aromatic, especially when combined with crispy dough sticks and green onions. It is far more delicious than the duck congee at “The Dragon Taipei” . You might wonder what happens to the leftover duck meat. The restaurant will slice the remaining duck leg meat and serve it with plum sauce.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)
Caramel Puffy Egg Tart
Price: NTD $138 (2 units)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
一份是兩個蛋塔, 價格是 NTD$138 , 平均一個蛋塔是 NTD $69. 我在許多台灣高級粵菜餐廳幾乎都有點蛋塔 (例如: “朧粵” & “晶華軒” ). 東方樓師傅手工製作的蛋塔外層酥皮層次是立體且偏酥脆, 內餡則是類似葡式蛋塔的 Custard 滑嫩內餡. 最重要的是甜度適中. 我會推薦給喜歡港式甜點的人.
One set (NTD $138) has 2 units of caramel puffy egg tarts. Each egg tart is NTD $69. I tasted quite a few egg tarts in several high-end Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei ( “Longyue” & “Silks House” ) . The egg tarts are handmade by the chefs at The Orient Restaurant. It has a crispy and flaky crust, while the filling is delightfully smooth, reminiscent of Portuguese egg tarts. The best part is that the egg tarts are not overly sweet. I would recommend them for anyone who enjoys Hong Kong-style desserts.
延伸閱讀: Longyue Restaurant Taipei 》 朧粵菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜)
Classic Braided Pastry
Price: NTD $268 (2 units)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
此道需預訂,午晚餐時段皆有. 一份為兩個經典編織酥, 平均一個是 NTD $134 . 近看時, 不得不讚嘆編織酥的交織紋路. 費時費工造就立體感. 白芝麻與金箔將此道經典編織酥呈現出類似高級精緻皮包的外型. 先是感受到如預期般的酥脆 , 內餡的滑順細緻度讓我一度無法猜出是鵝肝與波特菇. 中式酥餅概念搭配歐式優雅美感. 整體有視覺感且不錯吃. 可接受鵝肝的人可考慮點.
This dish requires a reservation and is available for both lunch and dinner. One serving includes two Classic Braided Pastry with an average price of NTD $134 per pastry. When I look closely, I can’t help but admire the intricate patterns of the puff pastry. It is clear that a lot of time and effort have been put into creating this three-dimensional texture. White sesame seeds and gold foils give this this pastry the appearance of a high-end, elegant handbag. I first experience the expected crispiness. The smooth, delicate texture of the filling is made with foie gras and portobello mushrooms. The combination of Chinese puff pastry and European elegance creates a visually appealing and tasty pastry. If you are willing to taste foie gras, I would recommend giving this dish a try.
Shrimp Dumpling with Caviar
Price: NTD $238/unit
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
東方樓的魚籽蝦餃皇是一籠一個, 一個是 NTD $238. 午晚餐皆可點. 這道蝦餃 的 Size 與內餡皆比其他粵菜的蝦餃皇大. 端上桌時, 首先注意到點綴的 Kaviari 魚子醬與金箔. 接著注意到蝦餃皮的折跟“鼎泰豐小籠包“ 一樣講究. 雖然亮橙色的蝦餃皮是枸杞子湯汁做成, 品嚐時並不帶有枸杞風味. 明蝦與紅尾蝦賦予了豐富的海鮮風味, 搭配爽脆口感更具立體感. 這道魚籽蝦餃皇不錯吃. 若是初訪, 我個人會建議兩人分享一個.
Shrimp Dumpling with Caviar at The Orient Restaurant is available for both lunch and dinner, priced at NTD $238 for one dumpling. This dumpling is larger in size compared to other Cantonese-style shrimp dumplings, both in terms of the wrapper and the filling. When it is served, you will first notice the Kaviari caviar and gold foils as garnishes. Then, the intricacy of the dumpling’s folds, similar to “Din Tai Fung’s Xiao Long Bao” will catch your eye. Despite the bright orange color of the dumpling wrapper, which is made from wolfberry broth, it doesn’t have a distinct wolfberry flavor. The combination of two different shrimps imparts a rich seafood taste. The crisp shrimp texture adds depth. This caviar and shrimp dumpling is quite delicious. If it is your first visit, I would suggest two people sharing one dumpling.
延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2023 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2023 推薦美食排名
Stir-Fried Vegetables with Elm Fungus
Price: NTD $620
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
「榆耳 」對我來說是一個陌生食材, 店員有提到是生長在榆木墩上. 外型看似淺褐色的猴頭菇. 品嚐時, 感覺是有厚度的脆木耳. 這一道四寶蔬的調味十分單純, 完全展現櫛瓜,蘆筍, 甜豆, 百合的各自風味與脆爽程度. 而且很適合點來搭配粵菜.
I am not familiar 「Elm Fungus 」. Its appearance is similar with light brown color hericium. While tasting, it is a bit like crunchy fungus with thick layer. The seasoning for this dish is refreshingly simple, allowing the distinct flavors and crisp textures of zucchini, asparagus, sweet peas, and lily bulbs to shine through. It is considered a good choice to pair with Cantonese cuisine.
Garlic-Baked Swamp Eel
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
也許你看到這一道菜餚名稱時, 你會有跟我同樣的問題: 「 鱸鰻出現在粵菜餐廳?金不換是什麼?」. 金不換是類似九層塔的香料. 鱸鰻食材通常是以「 季節性或是主題性菜單 」出現在台灣的粵菜餐廳. 東方樓不僅放在常規菜單, 甚至將這一道金不換蒜子焗鱸鰻菜餚以 桌邊烹調方式 呈現. 鱸鰻已經先用紅糟醃漬調味, 再與蒜頭, 金不換 (九層塔) 一起在極熱的鍋裡快炒. 蓋鍋後淋上高粱混合紹興酒點火 , 視覺秀加分不少. 再加以燜製 , 醬汁包裹著鱸鰻, 口感軟嫩, 除了鹹香外, 九層塔香氣與微酒香有著直球般的香醇衝擊. 會有一種在品嚐三杯雞的感覺 .
You might have similar questions when you see this dish – Swamp Eel appears in Cantonese cuisine? What is Thai Basil?. Swamp eel is typically featured as the seasonal theme ingredient in Taiwanese Cantonese restaurants. However, The Oriental Restaurant not only includes it in their regular menu but also presents this dish through table side cooking and serving. The eel is marinated with red rice wine lees, then stir-fried quickly with garlic and Thai basil in a very hot wok. After covering the wok, they pour a mixture of Sorghum and Shaoxing wine, creating quite a visual show. The eel is tender and flavorful with the sauce. Besides being savory, the aroma of basil and the hint of alcohol create a delightful and bold impact, somewhat akin to the experience of tasting Taiwanese three-cup chicken.
Signature Barbecue Pork
Price: NTD $880 (8 pcs)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
此道招牌叉燒皇需要預訂. 東方樓主廚選用台灣溫體豬, 部位則是選梅頭肉(上肩肉). 酒紅色且油亮的厚切叉燒令人食慾大開. 油花分布均勻, 口感比預期地軟嫩, 肉的油脂搭配特製蜜汁滋潤著舌尖, 我個人喜歡東方樓採用兩段火溫翻烤, 賦予微焦風味.
This signature dish,equires a reservation at Oriental House. The chef uses Taiwanese pork, particularly the top shoulder part. The thick-cut honey-glazed pork, gleaming in its wine-red color, is incredibly appetizing. The distribution of the fat is even, and the texture is surprisingly tender. The pork’s fat, combined with the special honey glaze, enriches the palate. I personally appreciate that they use a two-stage roasting technique, which imparts a slight charred flavor to the dish.
Spicy Crispy Mud Eel
Price: NTD $460
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我比較常吃到的鱔魚料理是上海餐廳的清炒鱔魚 (例如 “曉鹿鳴樓” 與 “台北上海鄉村信義137” ), 我上次吃到的炸脆鱔是在 “請客樓”的芝麻脆鱔. 東方樓主廚採用台灣鱔魚. 香辣脆鱔是小辣, 也有些許柑橘果香. 可惜油炸脆鱔吃起來有些口感是偏濕軟, 有些口感是偏硬.
I usually taste stir-fried mud eel dish at Taipei Shanghai restaurant (For example: “Tai Da Table Restaurant” and “Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137” ). Last time, I had fried mud eel with sesame at “The Guest House”. In the Orient Restaurant, the chef uses Taiwanese mud eel with mild spiciness. Some dark brown fried mud eel is a bit soft, and some are a bit too hard. The tastebuds can sense the tangerine fruity flavor while tasting.
延伸閱讀: Tai Da Table Restaurant 》曉鹿鳴樓菜單輕鬆吃
延伸閱讀: Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137 》少數人也可以品嚐上海鄉村信義137 菜單
延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
結論 Conclusion ⭐
✅ 住南港/內湖/汐止區附近很適合到東方樓用餐
✅ 有車的人適合到東方樓用餐
✅ 包廂眾多
4 ~ 6 人的小包廂很適合小家庭聚餐. 有隱私且服務到位. 大型聚會可選擇坐 24 人的大包廂
✅ 4 ~ 6 人建議點哪些?
1. 烤鴨二吃 (吃不完可外帶)
2. 焦糖酥皮蛋塔
3. 經典編織酥 (可吃鵝肝的人, 一人一個比較適合)
4. 魚籽蝦餃皇 (初訪建議兩人分享一個)
5. 榆耳炒四寶蔬
6. 金不換蒜子焗鱸鰻 (可接受類似九層塔香氣的人)
** 備註:
這次點的比較傾向家庭聚餐或是偏 casual 用餐. 如果要宴客 , 東方樓菜單上也有許多高級且Fancy 的菜餚 ( 2023.10 Online Menu Link: )
✅ People who live near Nankang/Neihu/Xizhi district are suitable to dine here. There isnt a high-end or high-scale hotel restaurants near the area.
✅ People with car are suitable to dine here.
You don’t need to worry about the parking problem.
✅ There are many private dining rooms.
The small private dining room for 4 ~ 6 people is suitable for small family. It has certain privacy and the service is on point. You can also choose to dine at the 24 people large private dining room.
✅ What do 4 ~ 6 people suggest to order?
1. Roasted Duck served in two ways ( You can take it as to-go if you didnt finish)
2. Caramel Puffy Egg Tart
3. Classic Braided Pastry (One unit per person. This dish is suitable for people who can taste foie gras)
4.Shrimp dumpling with Caviar (I would suggest that two people share one if first visit)
5. Stir-Fried Vegetables with Elm Fungus
6. Garlic-Baked Swamp Eel ( This dish is for people who can accept basil aroma)
** Remark:
Those dishes that we ordered is toward family gathering or casual dining. If you want to treat guests, the menu also has many high scale and fancy dishes. ( 2023.10 Online Menu Link: )
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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台北東方樓頂級粵菜 資訊
The Orient Restaurant Taipei Information
店名: 台北漢來東方樓頂級粵菜
地址: 台北市南港區經貿一路168號3F (Map)
捷運站: 南港展覽館捷運站(BR24 / BL23 )
電話: 02-2788-1618
Restaurant: The Orient Restaurant Taipei
Address: 3F, No. 168, Jingmao 1st Road, Nangang District, Taipei City , Taiwan (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Metro Station (BR24 / BL23 )
Tel: 02-2788-1618