Top 5 2018 台北聖誕節約會餐廳推薦 》2018 Top 5 Taipei Dating Restaurants for Christmas
Last Updated on 2018-12-01 by Foodelicious
你正在搜尋適合約會的台北聖誕節餐廳嗎? 但是又不太喜歡參與昂貴餐廳聖誕節活動, 那你相當適合看這篇 “Top 5 2018 台北聖誕節約會餐廳推薦”.
Are you searching for the suitable restaurant for Christmas dating restaurant at Taipei City? But, you don’t want the so-called expensive Christmas set. This article might give you some ideas about restaurant options.
以下餐廳名單全部都是餐酒館, 評估標準除了用餐氛圍佳外, 料理則是從前菜到甜點都是相當有水準. 若以下 Top 5 餐廳你/妳都去過, 你也可以閱讀以下文章找尋其他餐廳:
All the restaurants at the following are Bistros. It is judged by the restaurant dining environment and dishes. If you already visit all the top 5 restaurants down below, you can also find other suitable restaurants at the following links.
延伸閱讀: 台北適合約會的餐廳 》Taipei Romantic Restaurants
延伸閱讀: 台北餐酒館懶人包 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE
延伸閱讀: 2019 紅蝦評鑑 – 台灣 》2019 Gambero Rosso International – Taiwan
Top 5: Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳
Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳地下室和 “WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳” 一樣有專業溫濕控酒窖, 餐廳附近停車位較難找, 建議直接搭大眾運輸工具到國父紀念館捷運站或是市政府站. 餐廳用餐環境不會過於吵鬧, 相當適合約會, 用餐完後也可走到信義區有相當多聖誕樹裝飾.主廚 Zoe 最拿手料理是海鮮系列, 尤其是現流漁貨, 文章 Review 是關於軟殼龍蝦與酒.
Chateau Zoe Restaurant’s basement has professional wine cellar, similar with another Taipei restaurant called “WINE-derful Restaurant”. It is not easy to find parking space. I would suggest to take the MRT to SYS Memorial Hall or City Hall MRT station. The dining environment is quite pleasant and suitable for dating. Chef Zoe is famous for her mad skill at seafood. The review article is regarding the lobster and wine.
►WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳 》 台北民生東路餐酒館美食 | 多款葡萄酒搭美食首選
► Chateau Zoe Review :台北信義區餐酒館 》Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳 | 酥炸軟殼龍蝦餐
Top 4: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant
我為何會選擇 Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant, 而不選名廚林明健其他餐廳, 例如 “Chou Chou”? 因為 Chou Chou 給我的感覺比較適合“平常情侶約會”, 而不是”特別節慶會去的情侶餐廳” 原本想選 “A Cut Steakhouse” , 但是因為上次去的用餐氛圍過於喧嘩, 大人小孩吵雜聲音感覺有點像菜市場. Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 的音量較小, 也許是因為客層年紀是上班族居多吧?! 因為餐廳在百貨公司內, 停車相當方便. 菜單項目以直火燒烤牛排居多.
Why did I choose Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant instead of “Chou Chou”? I personally see “Chou Chou Restaurant” as the routine dating restaurant instead of special occasion restaurant. Also, I didn’t choose “A Cut Steakhouse” since it is way too noisy. Since the restaurant is located at the department shopping mall, you can easily find the parking space.
► Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant Review: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦
► Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳 》忠孝敦化捷運站美食 | Taipei French Restaurant
Top 3: JE Kitchen
這間是米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 餐廳附近停車位較難找, 建議直接搭大眾運輸工具到國父紀念館捷運站. JE Kitchen 跟 “nkụ Taipei” 一樣都是低調內斂北歐風格裝潢, 將北歐永續概念用在少許食材裡, 與新鮮食材做結合, 套餐料理較多, 建議留 2 個小時在這用餐.
JE Kitchen is one of the Michelin Plate Restaurants. It is not easy to find a parking space, therefore, I would suggest MRT as the transportation. Same with “nkụ Taipei”, Nordic cuisine is more like a theme, which is to aim to make maximum use of ingredients. There are quite a lot of dishes in one dining set. I would suggest to save up 2 hours dining time here.
► JE Kitchen Restaurant: JE KITCHEN 》台北東區米其林餐盤餐廳推薦
► nkụ Taipei 》 台北大安區柴燒料理餐廳 | Taipei Bistro
Top 2: L 先生義法餐廳 Monsieur L Restaurant
L先生義法餐廳是眾所皆知的約會餐廳之一, 位於民生東路安靜巷弄內, 停車場剛好就在餐廳隔壁, 相當方便. L 先生義法餐廳的料理並不會過於著重於擺盤, 而是料理本身的風味. 值得一提的是也有比較經濟實惠的 “週末午餐”, 選對時間用餐, 價格並不會過於昂貴.
Monsieur L Restaurant is famous as dating restaurant. The parking lot is right next to the kitchen. Monsieur L Restaurant focus more on the ingredient flavor than the plate display. It also has price-friendly “weekend lunch”.
► Monsieur L Restaurant Review: Monsieur L Restaurant 》L先生義法餐廳 | 米其林餐盤實至名歸
Top 1: 50/50 Cuisine Française
50/50 Cuisine Française 應該算是後起之秀?!? 餐廳位於富錦街, 情侶中午用完餐也可到附近走走感受台北最文青的巷弄, 到 50/50 Cuisine Française 用餐的人除了住在民生社區的居民, 也有一群饕客鐵粉. Review 文章是關於招牌料理龍蝦濃湯與羊肚菌麵捲.
50/50 Cuisine Française is located at Fujin Street. Besides the locals, there are quite a few foodies visit here regularly. It is perfect for a quiet dining restaurant for Christmas. The review article is regarding Lobster Bisque and Morel Mushroom Cannelloni.
► 50/50 Cuisine Française Restaurant Review: 50/50 Cuisine Française 》 民生社區餐酒館推薦 | Taipei Bistro
► 延伸閱讀: 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide