甜典 16 號 》SWEET 16 甜點店 | 天母新光三越週邊下午茶推薦
Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious
甜典 16 號 ( Sweet 16 Patisserie ) 是知名天母甜點店之一, “一碗檸檬“ 檸檬塔蛋糕則是 Sweet 16 的招牌甜點.
Sweet 16 Patisserie is one of the famous dessert shops at Tianmu, Taipei City. Its lemon tart is their signature dessert.
飲料Menu 在文末 Drink Menu is at the end of article
由於甜典 16 號位於天母新光三越附近, 交通較為不方便, 需要從芝山捷運站坐公車或計程車, 因為現在新光三越已取消接駁車服務, 建議若剛好要去天母東路附近再去這家甜點店. 當天我跟朋友去 ” IL MERCATO “餐廳用餐後才轉戰到這家室外裝潢相當搶眼的甜點店. 此外, 行銷手法較為特別, 月初接受“每月16號都是我的甜點日“的報名與事先匯款 NTD $699, 每個月的16號當天會提供10 款蛋糕和指定茶飲, 相當受到當地人的歡迎.
This dessert is closed to Tienmu Shin Kong Mitsukoshi (SKM Mall). If you are not a local, it would be better to take the bus or taxi from Zhishan MRT station. I was having lunch with a friend at “IL MERCATO” restaurant, and visit Sweet 16 Patisserie later on. Their marketing strategy is very unique. Every 16th date of each month, they would charge NTD$699 for all you can eat dessert and drink buffet. However, you would need to pay in advance and reserve.
Weekday Afternoon Tea Set
Price: NTD $300
內容: 任選 NTD $150 的冷藏蛋糕, 飲料任選, 附贈燒果子和手工餅乾
Content: Select NTD $1500 cake and preferred drink along with cookies.
English Name: Lemon Tart
Price: $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
從蛋糕展示櫃上方看, 外型看似圓型白巧克力慕斯, 有著柔白色光滑表面, 在五顏六色的甜點中顯得相當高貴典雅. “一碗檸檬”外型不是像 Fika Fika Cafe 的限量檸檬塔或榮總附近的安德斯葡式蛋撻, 倒是有點像碗狀. 店員提到原物料是新鮮檸檬汁, 而非市面上常見的檸檬糖漿, 店員也同時提到老闆是從日本大阪學成歸國, 堅持高品質的原料 (例如:法國鐵塔奶油).”ㄧ碗檸檬”外層的白巧克力慕斯並不會過甜, 內餡則是檸檬海綿蛋糕, 與外層慕斯一起品嘗時, 蛋糕體相當綿密, 檸檬香氣十足, 並不會過酸, 反而有著適量甜度,
By looking at the Display shelf from above, this dessert dish looks like round shape white chocolate mousse. The beige and smooth appearance looks very elegant among all other desserts.By looking up close, the appearance is different from Fika Fika Cafe Lemon Tart. The waiter mentioned that the pastry chef use fresh lemon juice and world-famous French Brand Elle & Vire butter. Taking a bite of white chocolate mousse and the lemon chiffon cake together, the lemon flavor is thick. I like this dessert because it balanced well between acidity and sweetness.
English Name: Latte
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
拿鐵風味並不如預期地濃郁, 奶泡結構並沒有很紮實, 也許下次可以試他們的花草茶.
Latte doesn’t have much flavor than expected. Maybe I should try their tea next time.
English Name: Nutella Financier
Price: N/A (With Afternoon Tea Set)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
下午茶組合有贈送芝麻餅乾和榛果費南雪, 費南雪口感類似磅蛋糕, 但蛋糕體相當濕潤, 內餡的Nutella 榛果醬也相當的美味, 整體也不會過甜, 我會建議喜歡吃堅果系列的餅乾或是蛋糕的人試試.
The afternoon tea set comes with sesame cookie and Nutella Financier. Financier’s taste is a bit like pound cake, but yet not dry. The Nutella filling is very delicious and not overly sweet. I would suggest to people who like to eat nut series dessert or cake.
Restaurant Name 店名: 甜典 16 號 Sweet 16 Patisserie
Address: No. 16, Tianmu East Road, Taipei City 台北市士林區天母東路16號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sweet16patisserie/
Nearby MRT station: Zhishan MRT station 芝山捷運站
電話: 02-2876-6616
營業時間: 11 am ~ 7pm
Drink Menu