SUNMAI BAR 》金色三麥精釀啤酒吧 | 下班後的品酌小確辛
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(已結束營業) 台北東區酒吧推薦又一間, SUNMAI BAR 是金色三麥啤酒餐廳開的台北精釀啤酒吧, 除了下酒菜外, 在SUNMAI BAR安和店也喝得到限量精釀啤酒.
(Closed Down) SUNMAI BAR is one of the Taipei Craft Beer Bars at Taipei East District. In here, you can drink limited edition of craft beer from their brewery.
SUNMAI BAR 菜單連結在文末 SUNMAI Bar Menu Link is at the end of article
SUNMAI BAR 位於敦南誠品書局附近, 鄰近忠孝敦化捷運站. 午後走進酒吧, 明亮落地窗的設計, 符合人體工學的高腳酒吧椅, 與 “麥芽堂精釀酒吧”一樣有木型長型桌, 最特別的莫過於像 Lounge Bar的桌椅, 是 “台北大稻埕米凱樂啤酒吧”所缺乏的時尚理念.
SUNMAI BAR is located near Eslite Book Store Duanhua branch, which is near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station.Unlike “Mikkeller Bar Taipei“, the design is similar with the restaurant with lounge bar. It also has the long wooden table and high chair, just like at “My Yacht Taproom”.
延伸閱讀: 台北酒吧 》TAIPEI BAR GUIDE
與”柏克金啤酒餐廳”最大的不同是餐點, 柏克金啤酒餐廳提供為完整餐點, 連甜點都有, SUNMAI BAR 提供大部分為下酒菜. 經營模式與” 臺虎精釀的啜飲室”有少許類似, 但是在 SUNMAI BAR 店員屬於較為親切且會主動推薦適合的啤酒.
“Buckskin Beerhouse” offers completed set or dish or dessert,but SUNMAI BAR is more like delicious bar dish. The operation style is a bit similar with “Taihu Brewing Landmark” But I prefer SUNMAI Bar because their staffs are much more friendly.
Beer Flight Set (4 Units)
Price: NTD $380
備註: 四款酒款不能重複
Remark: The customer cannot order the same beer repeatedly on this set
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
幾乎每家精釀啤酒吧都有綜合啤酒組, 朋友皆可分享. SUNMAI BAR 則是四款啤酒組合, 平均一杯才 NTD $95 , 金色三麥的啤酒我大部分都是喝過, 唯獨酒吧內的限定啤酒款項. SUNMAI BAR 並沒有柏克金啤酒餐廳一樣會標示啤酒號碼, 方便讓客人知道自己喝得是哪一款啤酒, 慶幸的是金色三麥精釀啤酒的個性都相當鮮明, 連初飲者都可以分辨得出來.從左到右分別是 開場白白啤 ( Wit Beer), 桂花釀 (Sweet Olive Ale ) , 三重春啤 ( Spring Ale ), 黑頭車陶特 ( Sumai Stout ).
Almost every craft beer has beer set for sharing. SUNMAI BAR offers 4 units set. Most beers have obvious and easy-to-detect characters. The customer wont need to worry about the mix-up. From left to right is Wit Beer, Sweet Olive Ale, Spring Ale and Sunmai Stout.
剛開始喝比利時白啤酒(最左邊) 時, 酒體輕盈且風味簡單, 品酌時才陸續感受到胡椒粒的柔和辛香, 整體喝起來並沒有苦味. 尚未喝桂花釀 (左二) 時, 即可嗅到迷人的桂花香氣, 品酌時味蕾完全被桂花風味所包覆, 快喝完的時候才會喝到微苦風味, 我會建議喝這款啤酒時不要搭配下酒菜, 會糟蹋了桂花的高雅風味. 取名為三重春啤(右二) 是因為釀酒廠在新北市三重, 柑橘與苦味個性較強烈, 不喜歡啤酒苦味的人不太適合這款精釀啤酒.
The Wit Beer is light and refreshing. When continuing drinking, the obvious but soft spice flavor would appear. There is not bitterness in this Wit Beer. I can sense the Osmanthus aroma right away before drinking the Sweet Olive Ale. The tastebuds are surrounded by the Osmanthus for a while. In the end, there would be hints of bitterness in this beer. I would suggest NOT to pair this beer with any dish though. However, the Spring Ale has obvious bittiness and tangerine flavor.
SUNMAI BAR 的Stout有兩種, Coffee Stout 與 Sumai Stout. 我點的是Sumai Stout, 與 “英國生蠔海鮮小屋”販售的 Guinness 啤酒是一個酒款,泡沫綿密, 酒體飽滿, 味蕾感受到濃郁麥芽風味, 咖啡尾韻並沒有 Coffee Stout 明顯, 很適合搭配辛香的下酒菜.
There are two types of Stout at SUNMAI BAR, Coffee Stout and Sunmai Stout. I order Sumai Stout, which is the same type as the Guinness at “British Seafood Shed”. The texture is thick with foam. The tastebuds would sense the barley but with only hints of coffee flavor. It is suitable to pari with spicy dish.
Kung Pao Peanuts
Price: NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
SUNMAI BAR 的串燒是招牌料理, 若只是像我一樣只是要搭配啤酒的小點, 建議點這道椒朋友鹹花生, 吃起來跟中國的黃飛紅麻辣花生一樣, 脆又唰嘴, 不得小看紅辣椒的辛辣, 建議搭配風味較重的啤酒.
There are several signature dishes at SUNMAI BAR. But, I still order the Kung Pao peanuts to pair with the beers. The peanut is tasty and honestly I couldn’t stop eating. The overall taste is perfect pairing with beers with thick flavor.
店名: SUNMAI BAR 金色三麥精釀啤酒吧(安和店)
地址: 台北市大安區安和路一段55號1樓 (MAP)
捷運: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話:(02) 2751-0055
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Restaurant Name: SUNMAI BAR
Address: No.55, 1st section, An-he Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua
Tel: (02) 2751-0055
Operation Hour: Check Facebook