Sony RX100M5A Review 》相機初學者想問的 5 個問題與實拍照片

Last Updated on 2019-05-18 by Foodelicious

這篇文章是自費購買Sony RX100M5A 使用心得, 文章內也包括iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 自動模式未修圖實拍照片比較.
This article is regarding self-purchased Sony RX100M5A review. It also includes several unfiltered nor adjusted pictures comparison with iPhone X and Sony RX100M5A Auto.


身為一個產品自由接案者 (Freelancer) 和美食部落客 (Food Blogger), 需要照非常多照片. 產品照片算是簡單, 因為可以慢慢調位置和構圖, 甚至用 iphone X 就可以達到漂亮的景深效果. 但我依舊買了SONY RX100M5A, 原因一, Sony 捕捉低光源相當不錯, 我去的餐廳大部分是餐酒館, 幾乎都是低光源或是黃光, 並不會是自然光, 原因二,很常參加活動, 通常活動都是要捕捉一瞬間, iPhone X 這部分比較弱. 原因三, 攜帶方便,我不喜歡大包小包帶出門, 單眼相機對我來說太麻煩, 相機小也間接不會打擾到餐廳客人 (也減少機率被脾氣不好的店家趕走)
As a freelancer and a Food blogger, I need to take lots of pictures. Products pictures are easy because I can adjust the picture right away. I can take amazing product pictures with Phone X in depth of field status. But, I still purchase Sony camera. The 1st reason is that Sony is great at catching the dim light source. I often visit Bistros, which always have dim or yellow light instead of natural light. 2nd reason is that I often attend the event, which is always required to catch the moment. iPhone X isn’t great for this type of function. 3rd reason is that I don’t like to carry lots of things, the SLR camera is too difficult to carry.


延伸閱讀: 台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)

延伸閱讀: 其他 Lifestyle 文章 》Other articles of Lifestyle



在買SONY RX100M5A 之前有做過很多搜尋, 幾乎寫的都是給專業攝影師看, 例如光圈大小之類, 但是我是一個初學者, 我其實只想要看強大 iPhoneX 與 Sony RX100M5A的差別, 以下照片皆經過壓縮, 因為 WordPress限制 2MB像素以下才能上傳.
Before purchasing SONY RX100M5A, I did lots of research. But most articles are for professional photographer. I am still a beginner, so, I am more interested in the comparison with iPhoneX and Sony RX100M5A. All the pictures are under 2 MB due to WordPress policy.



1. iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 照片實際尺寸(畫素) 差異
What is the pixel difference between iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A?

初學者只需要知道 RAW 檔是印刷用, 因為像素非常大, JPEG檔可放在網路上, 專業攝影師或是想賣照片的人大部分都是 RAW 檔和 JPEG 一起拍. 我現在要提的實際尺寸和檔案大小是 JPEG 檔案, 而且是直接從手機或是相機傳到電腦的尺寸, 檔案大小則是依照場地不同會有不同的 MB, 但是八九不離十.
The beginners only need to know RAW file is for printing because the pixel is very large. JPEG file is more likely to display online. Most professionals take pictures in both RAW and JPEG. Now, I am talking about the JPEG files that are uploaded from iPhone X and Sony RX100M5A.

iPhone X Picture Size: 4032 x 3024   3.2 MB

SONY RX100M5A Picture Size: 5472 x 3648    3.7 MB

1st Picture (iPhoneX) , 2nd Picture  (Sony RX100M5A)


2. iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 在白天室外的色調差異?
What is the color difference between iPhone X and Sony RX100M5A in day light outdoor status?

iPhone X 照出來的戶外照片不會過曝, 色調也比較美, 也是所謂的 HDR類型的照片. 反觀 Sony, 色調反而比較暗沈, 需要再靠調整數據或是修圖軟體變亮.
Due to HDR, iPhone X picture is more beautiful. However, Sony picture’s color is a bit darker than expected. I would need to adjust datas from the camera in order to take great pictures from Sony. The Auto function doesn’t work too well on this situation.

Picture 1: iPhone X
Picture 2: SONY RX100M5A
Picture 3: iPhone X
Picture 4: SONY RX100M5A
Picture 5: iPhone X
Picture 6: SONY RX100M5A


3. iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 在白天室內的色調差異?
What is the color difference between iPhone X and Sony RX100M5A in day light indoor status?

這裡的白天室內是指有自然光或是光源亮的室內, Sony RX100M5A 偏藍色調, 只需要用修圖軟體調亮光後即可, iPhone X 顏色較平均.
The daylight indoor means there is natural light or bright indoor light. Sony RX100M5A is a bit toward the blue color. iPhone X color is balanced.

Picture 1: iPhone X
Picture 2: SONY RX100M5A
Picture 3: iPhone X
Picture 4: SONY RX100M5A
Picture 5: iPhone X
Picture 6: SONY RX100M5A




4. iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 在晚上室外的色調差異?
What is the color difference between iPhone X and Sony RX100M5A in night light outdoor status?

從圖一和圖二比較可看到 Sony RX100M5A 夜晚室外拍攝還是比 iPhone X 強.
Comparing picture one and two, you can see the night view is more beautiful if the picture is taken by SONY RX100M5A.

Picture 1 & 3 : iPhone X
Picture 2: & 4 SONY RX100M5A


5. iPhone X 和 Sony RX100M5A 在晚上室內的色調差異?
What is the color difference between iPhone X and Sony RX100M5A in night light indoor status?

這裡是指室內燈光較暗的室內, Sony RX100M5A 顏色較為均勻, 我個人比較喜歡 SONY 色調.
The night light indoor means dim light. Sony RX 100M5A is quite balanced. I personal like the Sony picture color.

Picture 1 &3 &5 : iPhone X
Picture 2 &4 &6 : SONY RX100M5A


SONY RX100M5 酒瓶酒杯照片
Wine Bottle Pictures that are taken by Sony


SONY RX100M5A 缺點 & 結論
SONY RX100M5A Disadvantage

Money-Worthy 值得購買程度: 👍👍👍👍

缺點是螢幕並不是觸控式對焦, 我尚在適應相機的對焦方式. 另一個缺點則是SONY RX100M5A 的室外最好是不要用自動模式, 需要調整功能才能照出美照, 比較麻煩一點. 結論就是如果工作性質與攝影沒有關係, 我覺得 iPhone X 已佔相當大的優勢, 但是我覺得我需要低光源相機的輔助才能照出滿意的照片, 所以從工作角度來看, SONY RX100M5A 算是值得買.
The disadvantage would be the panel is not touch panel. The other disadvantage is that you would need to adjust the function if taking pictures for outdoor. The conclusion is that if you work is not camera-related, the iPhone X is far enough for you. But, since I purchase the camera for work, I would say SONY RX100M5A is money-worry for me.


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