RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )

Last Updated on 2024-08-03 by Foodelicious

(12/31/2024 結束營業)   RAW 餐廳 是眾所皆知的 2022 台北米其林二星餐廳美食, RAW 訂位 2022 方式更改,  此篇文章是關於 RAW 新主廚王奕翔 Ben 與 主廚 Andre 推出的 2021 ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單.
( Closed at 12/31/2024 ) RAW TAIPEI is a Taipei Michelin 2 Stars Restaurant. 2022 Raw reservation link changed. My friends and I tasted their 2021 ANDRÉ IS BACK menu, which is designed by new Chef Ben and Chef Andre.

RAW 菜單 在文末 》RAW Menu is at the end of Article

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RAW 訂位與停車

RAW Reservation and Parking

RAW 餐廳離劍南站三號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘的路程, 與 “祥雲龍吟” 與 “態芮 Taïrroir ” 都在樂群三路, RAW 位於一樓, 落地窗裝潢非常顯眼. 停車位就在餐廳對面 (圖一) , 如果再找不到停車位, 可考慮到附近的美麗華停車場. RAW 餐廳訂位是透過 inline ( https://inline.app/booking/-KNpaiPJTgaq1YCKT_Lr/-KNpaiPKXiwVcUym_BXg ) , 只是不好訂
RAW Restaurant is about 10 ~ 15 minutes walking distance from Exit No. 3 Jiannan MRT station. RAW is near “Shoun RyuGin” and “Taïrroir”. The parking lot is across the restaurant (Pic 1).  RAW reservation is via inline ( https://inline.app/booking/-KNpaiPJTgaq1YCKT_Lr/-KNpaiPKXiwVcUym_BXg )

延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




RAW 候位區

RAW Waiting Area

多數米其林星級餐廳都有候位區 , RAW 的候位區比 “侯布雄” 寬敞許多, 而且 RAW 的店員會端上迎賓飲料給客人, 所以我會建議早點來, 不用在外面等朋友, 直接到餐廳候位區內享用迎賓飲料.
Many Michelin Starred Restaurants has waiting area. RAW waiting area is bigger than “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei”. The staff would offer you the welcome drink. So, I would suggest to come earlier to enjoy the waiting time.

延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點


RAW 主廚餐桌座位區

RAW Chef’s Table

RAW 並沒有包廂, RAW 主廚餐桌 (Chef’s Table ) 位於餐廳最後方, 共可坐 20 位, 也是最靠近廚房的座位區. 有趣的是, 我朋友網路訂到 8 位座位, 價格是 NTD $3500套餐/人, 被安排在 Chef’s Table.
RAW doesnt have private dining VIP room. They only have Chef’s Table, which is located near the kitchen. The Chef Table is suitable for 20 people. My friend reserved via online for 8 people seats. The price is NTD $3500 set /per person. We were seated at the Chef’s Table.




我是2021年五月初去吃 RAW , 套餐價格為 NTD $3500套餐 + 10%/人, 每季的價格請以官方網站公布為主.
I tasted ANDRÉ IS BACK menu at May 8, 2021. The price is NTD $3500 set/per person. Each season menu price is based on restaurant’s announcement.


黑森林膠囊 – 新加坡版本

Capsule of Black Forest – Singapore Version
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道有兩個版本 – 新加坡版本與台灣版本. 一端上桌, 店員提醒需要盡快吃, 以免融化, 外型類似巧克力球甜點, 原本以為需要咬, 孰不知一放進口裡就直接融化, 味蕾瞬間感受到黑櫻桃,黑醋栗, 與巴薩米克醋的主調風味, 巧克力與櫻桃系列是不敗的經典組合, 甜度與酸度皆微高, 非常適合當一道開胃菜.
Capsule of Black Forest has two versions – Singapore and Taiwan version. The staff mentioned that this dish will need to be finished fast. The appearance looks like chocolate ball. I thought that you would need to bite. However, when you put this chocolate into your mouth. The warm temperature melts the chocolate. The tastebuds would suddenly sense black cherry, black currant and balsamic flavor. The chocolate and cherry is a classic combination. Both acidity and sweetness are balanced, which is suitable for an appetizer.


黑森林膠囊 – 台灣版本

Capsule of Black Forest – Taiwan Version
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

雖然號稱 ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單, RAW 餐廳還是有將經典菜餚重新詮釋, 這道菜餚的外型反而成為輕柔典雅類型, 艷紅色外表是紅酒凍 (Jelly) , 紅酒凍很薄且不易破碎, 入口時才發現完整黑醋栗, 因為有橄欖油與桂花蜜調和, 整體酸度並不高, 醃漬櫻花讓這道有唯美視覺感.
Even though the menu theme is “ANDRÉ IS BACK”. RAW chef still add a bit twist on the classic dish. Taiwan version of Capsule of Black Forest is the best example. The appearance of appetizer becomes quite elegant. The red color jelly is made with red wine. The jelly doesn’t break easily. I noticed the whole black currant after I tasted the red wine jelly. Since there are also olive oil along with Osmanthus honey, the overall acidity is not too high. The pickled sakura adds elegant style to this appetizer.



Kombu Tartine
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道也是開胃小點之一, 建議先喝一口水再吃, 此道主角為熟成100多小時左右的帆立貝, 昆布脆片與昆布粉賦予適量海味, 帆立貝的濃郁鮮味則是屬於細水長流型. 值得一提的是食材裡有低溫烹調燉煮檸檬, 在鮮味裡仍可感受到些許清新感. 可能是考慮有些客人不喜歡熟成海鮮的鮮味?!
This is also one of the appetizer. I would suggest to drink water before tasting it. The main character is the scallop that aged 100+ hours. The kombu/seaweed and its powder offer fair amount of seafood flavor. The aged scallop have the so-called “Umami” flavor. The most interesting part would be this dish also has lemon confit. You can easily sense the refresh taste. Maybe some customers do not like the umami flavor from the aged scallop?!



European Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我不確定是不是每桌都有, 我們主廚桌是不用額外加錢, 四人分一個RAW 手工裸麥麵包, 店員也端上 RAW 自製奶油, 混合著蕎麥顆粒與可可, 抹在溫熱麵包上入口, 口感不會像一般歐式麵包硬, 整體比預期地好吃非常多.
I am not sure if every table has the bread. We didn’t pay extra for this bread though. Four people would share this large rye bread, which has crispy and soft texture. Their custom-made cream can be mixed with buckwheat and cocoa. The overall taste is way better than expected.



Toro a la Nicoise
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

在台灣西式餐廳幾乎很少吃到來自法國南部的尼斯沙拉 ( Salade Niçoise ), RAW 版本尼斯沙拉則是用炙燒台灣黑鮪魚中腹代替鮪魚罐頭, 醃漬洋蔥與紅酒醋小晶球作為裝飾. RAW 的黑鮪魚切面看似全熟, 油脂間接增加煙燻海鮮風味, 店員提到可以搭配盤裡不同的醬汁吃 – 煙燻羅勒, 芥末綠海藻. 雖然 RAW 版本顏色沒有比傳統尼斯沙拉鮮豔, 但是RAW 複雜度絕對勝出.
You don’t see Salade Niçoise at Taiwan western restaurants much. The chef uses smoked toro fish to substitute for canned tuna for RAW version. The pickled onion and mini-balsamic spherification for decoration.The toro fish is well-done. The fish fats enhances the overall smoked seafood flavor. The staff mentions that the fish can dip into difference sauces – smoked basil and kale wasabi. Even though the RAW version Salade Niçoise color is not as bright as the traditional one. However, RAW definitely wins the complex part.



Uni-peanut Butter Cappellini
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

其實這不是我第一次吃到海膽出現在西式義大利麵菜餚, 我上次吃海膽義大利麵是在 “Anima Taipei” , 海膽比例偏高. RAW 除了馬糞海膽, 也加入芽蔥, 胡桃與花生醬, 拌勻食用, 意外地很搭, 有鮮味也有堅果風味, 只是整體並沒有留下太多深刻印象.
This is not my first time to eat sea urchin at a western restaurant. Last time I had sea urchin pasta is at “Anima Taipei”. The percentage of the sea urchin is high. Besides the sea urchin, RAW chef also puts peanut, pecan and green onion. After mixing it, the pasta would have both umami and nutty flavor. But, the overall dish didn’t leave Michelin level impression.

延伸閱讀: Anima Taipei 》會再二訪的 2020 台北米其林餐盤推薦餐廳



Popcorn Trio

There are three dishes in this popcorn trio (obviously).


Sweet Corn Sheet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

完整無缺玉米刨片的視覺感十足, 也很費工, 店員提到玉米薄片底下有義式麵疙瘩 ( Gnocchi ) 與辣烏魚子醬, 也許是甜玉米的甜度太出色, 辣烏魚子醬並沒有帶給味蕾過度衝擊.
The display of this dish is impressing. The corn sheet/slice is in perfect shape, which means RAW has experienced chef team. There are gnocchi and spicy mullet roe sauce under the corn. But, maybe the corn sweetness is too delicious, the spicy mullet roe sauce didn’t bring much stimulation.



Corn with Duck Fats
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

圖片最右邊的矮杯是鴨油封玉米, 在 “TK Seafood & Steak” 有看過似曾相識的容器, 也是裝類似 Cappucino 泡沫. 在光滑質地如同蒸蛋的玉米奶泡裡勺起玉米與青豆入口, 店員解釋玉米有用鴨油進行油封且煎炒, 所以玉米有著更濃郁的玉米香.
The cup shape container at the right hand side is corn with duck fats. At “TK Seafood & Steak”, I saw the similar container for similar cappuccino foam. The corn cappuccino foam texture is silky, just like steamed egg. The content includes corn and peas. The staff explains that the corn goes through confit process with duck fats and stir-fried a bit. So, the corn would taste has thick corn aroma and flavor.

延伸閱讀: TK Seafood & Steak 》TK 牛排餐廳是較少人知道的台北東區約會餐廳



Corn Molecular Cuisine
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我相信台灣人對分子料理不陌生, 比較常見的應該就是晶球化 ( Spherification ) , 店員先解說高腳杯裡的晶球是玉米與香草製作而成, 接著另一位店員推出一車的香料食材, 我跟朋友圍繞著店員聽她解說與操作, 店員將薏仁,蕎麥, 咖啡, 荳蔻… 等香料與雞湯一起手壓沖泡. 再將完成後的雞湯倒入高腳杯裡, 雞湯溫度將晶球融化, 有趣的是我依舊可以感受到玉米香甜風味, 並沒有全部被香料與雞湯蓋住.「 驚艷 」 大概是我給這道料理的形容詞.
Taiwanese are similar with molecular cuisine, especially Spherification. The staff explained that the ball-shape spherification is the remix of corn and vanilla. And then, the other staff starts to put buckwheat, pearl barley, coffee , cardamom ..etc spices with the chicken soup together by using AeroPress. Then, the staff would pour the chicken soup into the glass in order to melt the spherification. The interesting part would be that I can still sense the sweet corn flavor, which is not covered by the spices and chicken soup. Overall, it is quite impressive.



Sayori Roulades
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

最近在西式餐酒館 (例如: “草頭西”), 常看到尖梭魚捲. 這次在 RAW 則是吃到更細緻更迷你的炙燒水針魚捲, 從上方看可到炸芽小麥, 兩種顏色的蕎麥脆片則是置放於兩側, 雖然店員建議脆片,水針魚, 焦化味噌醬一起吃, 我則是分開吃, 因為脆片太容易破碎.
Recently at western restaurants (for example: Catouxi Bistro ), we would see Great Barracuda fish roll. This time at RAW restaurant, I tasted more delicate and mini shape of Lined Sayori fish. The staff mentioned that we should use the buckwheat chip to scoop the fish and the burnt miso sauce together to taste. I eat separately since the buckwheat chip is easily broken.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》訂位困難的 草頭西 餐酒館值得再訪



Abalone Risotto
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

筍子一向是我愛的食材, 就像我春夏去 “鼎泰豐” 都會點冷筍沙拉. 這道菜餚上桌時, 反而是Size 像海葡萄的魚子醬最顯眼, 間接增加黑鮑魚的海鮮風味, 燉飯的綿密搭配春筍脆口感讓整道菜餚不錯吃.
I always order seasonal bamboo salad dish at “Din Tai Fung restaurant”. That is how much I like bamboo. The Gold Osetra Caviar catches most people’s attention. Eating all together with black abalone, seaweed, risotto and caviar has strong seafood flavor. The creamy risotto pairs great with the crispy texture of the bamboo.

延伸閱讀:Din Tai Fung 2021 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2021 推薦美食排名



“Memory 1997” – Signature Dish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

RAW 店員先將刻著 Memory的湯匙給每位客人, 接著解說此道經典黑松露鴨肝暖凍是 Chef Andre 1997 年在法國感官花園餐廳 (Le Jardin des Sens ) 所做的料理. 記得用湯匙將黑松露與鴨肝一起勺起入口, 一次體驗兩種經典法國食材讓人印象深刻.
RAW staff would give every customer this spoon with Memory word on it. They would start to explain this particular dish is made by Chef Andre during 1997 at Le Jardin des Sens restaurant at France. It is a great impression to taste both two classic ingredients – black truffle and duck liver.



Anaori Beef Rice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

RAW 餐廳是無國界料理派系, 因此在 RAW 吃到這道有日本風格的菜餚並不會驚訝. 店員一邊解說主廚是採用日本米, 一邊將碳鍋打開, 澳洲和牛,昆布與香菇一起悶煮. 每個客人都有一道小釜飯, 建議先切一小塊鴨肝吃, 之後再搭配微硬焦香米飯吃, 每一口的和牛皆是軟嫩不錯吃,我個人蠻喜歡這道釜飯.
RAW is not categorized as Western nor Asian cuisine restaurant. So, I am not surprised to eat Japanese style dish at RAW. The chef uses Japanese rice. Austrian Wagyu Beef steamed-cook with kombu (seaweed) and mushroom at the pot. Every customer has small rice pot. I would suggest to cut slice of duck liver to taste first. Then, you can pair the duck liver with the rice. Every bite of the wagyu beef is tender and delicious. I personally like this Anaori Beef Rice.




Brie de Meaux
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當我在菜單看到這一道時, 我以爲會像 “候布雄” 的乳酪拼盤, 很難想像這道布里耶外型極像 “時飴 approprié “千層蛋糕, 每位客人分一片. RAW 用布里耶乳酪搭配可麗餅皮一層層疊起, 吃的時候除了濃郁乳酪風味外, 也有些許黑松露與奶油風味. 我個人也蠻喜歡一旁有適量甜度的蜂巢, 讓乳酪千層不會過膩.
When I see “Brie” on the menu, I thought that it is going to be like cheese platter at “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei”. It is hard to imagine the this dish appearance is similar with “Approprié Mille Crepe”. RAW uses Brie cheese along with crepe into layers. Besides the thick cheese flavor, there are also back truffle and cream flavor. I personally like the honey-sweet flavor from honeycomb next to the dessert.

延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點

延伸閱讀: 時飴 approprié 》會想再訪的台北千層蛋糕推薦



Dark Chocolate Praline
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

RAW 店熟練地將「Affogato al Cafe (Espresso + Gelato) 」擠在網狀巧克力片上方裡, 店員神秘地滴少許黑芝麻油在 Affogato 上, 甜點盤右邊冰淇淋則是由開心果, 堅果,牛軋糖製作而成. 我先吃 Affogato 與巧克力, 沒有感覺到黑芝麻油?! 冰淇淋搭配放在盤底的焦糖餅乾, 有不同的口感. 我個人本來就喜歡堅果,咖啡與焦糖風味的經典組合, 不錯吃.
「 Affogato al Cafe (Espresso + Gelato) 」is placed on the chocolate . The staff also drip a few black sesame oils on the Affogato. The ice cream on the left hand side is mixed with pistachio, walnut, and nougat. I started with the Affogato and chocolate, however, didn’t sense the black sesame oil. I ate the ice cream along with the caramel cookie, which has different textures. I personally like the combination with nuts, coffees and caramel.



Charcoal Financier
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

多數台灣人對費南雪不陌生, RAW 則是將普通烤箱烘焙的費南雪升級為桃木燻烤的費南雪, 再噴上艾雷島十六年泥煤威士忌(Whisky Lagavulin) , “小後苑 Backyard Jr.” 之前也有用威士忌噴霧點綴菜餚, 通常食物的溫熱會將酒精濃度降低, 仍保存些許酒香. 所以別擔心, 這道炭焙費南雪沒有濃烈酒精味.
Most Taiwanese is familiar with financier. RAW upgrades with oven-baked financier to charcoal-baked financier. The chef also spreads Whisky Lagavulin on the financier. “Backyard Jr. “ also uses the same method for the dish as well. Usually the hot/warm temperature would decrease the ABV but still preserve the whisky aroma. So, no worries, this dessert doesn’t have much alcohol flavor.

延伸閱讀: 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO



ANDRÉ IS BACK Extra Charge Dessert


Peach-Pione Rosace
Extra Charge 加價: +NTD $500
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我不確定每季菜單的加價甜點都是 + NTD $500 , 通常訂位後, 會被詢問要不要加價限量甜點, 我相信多數人的心態都是「都來 RAW 了, 當然就要吃加價甜點, 點好點滿」. 端上桌時, 我被這道 RAW 甜點精湛視覺感驚艷到, 細緻刀功造就具有美感的葡萄平面, 吃的時候有感受到兩種風味- 微酸覆盆子與適量甜白桃, 粉紅香檳與貓眼葡萄風味融為一體, 整體很美味, 終於有不是以巧克力/咖啡/香草為主角的甜點, 加價 NTD $500 很值得.
I am not sure if every season extra charge dessert is + NTD $500. Usually after reservation, they would call to see if you want to reserve the extra charge dessert. Most people would think that「 I am already at RAW. So, I might as well order the Michelin Level Extra Charge Dessert. 」 . I was stunned by the beautiful image of RAW dessert. The delicate knife work of the grape is impressive. While eating, you can sense the raspberry acidity and white peach sweetness. The rose wine and Pione Grape combine well together. Overall, it is very delicious. Finally, it is not a chocolate/coffee/vanilla based dessert. Extra charge NTD $500 is worth it.


Wine Pairing Menu



結論 Conclusion ⭐

歷年來, RAW 有兩極化的評論, 熟客們覺得每季都頗精彩, 也有一群客人們覺得偏普通. 我來分享一下我的想法吧.

✅「妳會再去 RAW 嗎? 」
我2021年的答案: 會, 應該會是 RAW 年度精選菜單.
我2022年的答案: 因為疫情,價格漲了很多, 目前可能不會考慮
✅「再去 RAW 的原因? 」
我2021年的答案: 現在台北私廚或是西式餐廳套餐價格動不動就 NTD $3000+ /人,  RAW 與 “logy” 都是米其林二星餐廳, 套餐價格都尚未超過 NTD $3750/人, 價格符合高級食材與美味程度
我2022年的答案:因為疫情,價格漲了很多, 目前可能不會考慮去
✅「 訂位秘訣? 」
沒有, 我朋友是乖乖地網路訂位. 建議訂四人, 因為兩人座位不多.
✅「 需注意哪些事情?」
-3 ~ 3.5 小時用餐時間, 結帳大約 20 分鐘.

Customers always have different options regarding RAW restaurant. Most returned customers consider that every season is wonderful. And some customers reviewed it as average. Allow me to share with my opinion.

✅「Will you go to RAW again? 」
My 2021 Answer: Yes. It would be Yearly Selected Menu at the end of the year.
My 2022 Answer: Probably not because the price raises quite much.
✅「Why re-visit RAW? 」
My 2021 Answer: Nowadays, some Taipei Western restaurants or private kitchen charge set price above NTD $3000+/per person. RAW and “logy” are both Michelin 2 Star restaurants. Set price is not yet charged above NTD $3750/per person. The set prices matches the high-cost ingredients and delicious level.
My 2022 Answer: Probably not because the price raises quite much.
✅「 Any reservation tip? 」
No. My friend reserved via online instead of asking staffs for assistance. I would suggest to reserve four people. There aren’t much 2 people seats at RAW.
✅「 Any remark?」
-You should order the extra charge dessert
-Be there earlier, so you can enjoy the welcome drink at the waiting area.
-It would be 3 ~ 3.5 hour dining time. The check might take 20 minutes though.


RAW 短秒影片


RAW 餐廳資訊

RAW Restaurant Information

餐廳: RAW
地址: 台北市中山區樂群三路301號 (Map)
捷運站: 劍南站
電話: 02-8501-5800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rawtaipei/
2022 New Website: https://www.raw.com.tw
Restaurant: RAW Restaurant
Address: No. 301 , Lequn 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Jiannan MRT Station
Tel: 02-8501-5800




