川揚郁坊小館 是少數台北市適合家庭聚餐的平價中式餐廳 , 此篇文章會提到川揚郁坊小館菜單除了樟茶鴨 , 還推薦點哪些菜餚. Yu Fang Restaurant is a Taipei price-friendly Chinese restaurant that is suitable for family gathering. This article will recommend severa...
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 是 台北大直 NOKE 忠泰樂生活餐廳之一 , 也是 米其林入選的台北 Fine Dining 美食 , 這次與朋友品嚐 La Vie 短版菜單. La Vie by Thomas Bühner is a Taipei Michelin Selected Fine Dining Restaurant , which is located a...
小後苑信義是信義新光三越美食之一, 也是台北威士忌酒吧與台北餐酒館. 菜單除了單點外, 我這次品嚐了海島之島主題的晚間套餐與威士忌 Pairing. Backyard Jr. Xinyi restaurant is a Taipei Whisky Bar and Taipei Bistro at Xinyi District. Besides al carte dishes, I tasted t...
(2024.11 更新) 台北市信義新光三越美食餐廳非常多, 尤其是新光三越A11, 此篇信義新光三越美食懶人包僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2024. 11 Update) There are many restaurants at Xinyi Shinkong Mitsubishi Department stores, especially A...
台北喜來登大飯店是台北捷運週邊的國際連鎖飯店住宿之一 , 這篇文章會著重在台北喜來登豪華客房的評價, 也包括飯店早餐與其他介紹. Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel is one of the international major Hotel chains near Taipei MRT station. This article will focus on the Delu...
台北喜來登安東廳 近期成為饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦 , 這次品嚐安東廳菜單的牛排套餐, 沒想到龍蝦湯也成為我的安東廳推薦菜餚之一. Antoine Room in Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel becomes one of the Taipei Steakhouse recommendation among foodies. This time, we tried the...
(2025.1更新) 這次找到好用的中文 Portaly , 不僅是 Instagram 多連結工具推薦, 也是打造可以賣數位產品的中文微型網站, 文末有贈送免費頂級會員一個月的連結 (價值: NTD $450) (2025.1 Update) Portaly is not only the instagram Link-in-bio with Chinese version , you can ...
再訪 2023 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦 - A CUT 牛排館 , 品嚐 A CUT 菜單上的商業午餐, 餐廳搬新家後, 依然在我的台北牛排推薦名單! I revisited A Cut Steakhouse, which is a 2023 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose Business Lunch Set...