(改名為橫濱牛排) “橫濱物語”位於南京微風3樓, 也是小巨蛋週邊美食之一. (Changed to Yokohama Steak House) Japanese Yokohama Monogatari Restaurant is located at BREEZE NANJING Department store 3F. It is also one of the restaurants nea...
(Closed Down) “橋下大叔 BRIDGISAN” 是台北華山文創園區美食之一, 這是一家有傳統台式料理卻有年輕靈魂的小坪數中式餐酒館. (Closed Down) BRIDGISAN restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT Station. It offers traditional Taiwanese cuisine, bu...
台北中山區美食 “POPINA” 是台北餐酒館裡少數回客率高的餐酒館, 也常被饕客拿來跟附近的台北晶華酒店與大倉久和裡的餐廳做比較, POPINA 通常是處於優勢. POPINA Bistro, which is located near Taipei Zhongshan District, is one of the bistros that has high customer return r...
不久之前, Youtuber “Simon and Martina” 在日本東京銀座的五明餐廳享用秋田牛鐵板燒時, 提到秋田黑毛和牛(Akita Beef) 比 神戶牛 (Kobe Beef) 更美味. Youtuber “Simon and Martina” dined in Gomei Restaurant in Tokyo, which offers Akita Beef. They men...
(已結束營業, 有其他分店) 爐鍋咖啡大稻埕分店知名度高漲, 近期又新開幕爐鍋咖啡中山地下街分店. (Closed Down, but it has other branches) Luguo Cafe Dadaocheng branch opened a while back. Recently, Luguo Cafe opened another branch located at Eslit...
誠品中山地下書街 (R79) 如同忠孝東路四段地下街般, 可從一個捷運站從地下走到下一個捷運站, 中山地下書街則是可從中山捷運站走到雙連捷運站. Eslite Zhongshan Underground Book Street (R79) is similar with Zhongxiao East Road Underground street. You can walk from one MR...
Fika Fika Cafe 內湖店之前新開幕, 但由於交通因素, 我跟朋友還是選擇在松江南京捷運站的伊通街分店. Fika Fika Cafe recently opened a branch store at Neihu District. However, due to the distance, my friends and I chose the other branch store n...
台北的肥前屋鰻魚飯最有名, 台中則是大東屋鰻魚飯, 聽說跟台北一樣是排隊名店. Taipei 肥前屋うなぎ (I couldn't find its English name) near Zhongshan MRT station is quite famous. And the famous eel house in Taichung would be 大東屋 (prounce Da-Don H...