金舌頭食集 》台北民生社區下午茶 | Origins Foodist

Last Updated on 2018-09-15 by Foodelicious

金舌頭食集是台北專賣日本進口蕎麥產品的店鋪, 也是民生社區下午茶選擇之一.
Origins Foodist is one of shops that sell buckwheat product from Japan. It is also one of the afternoon tea options at Mingshen Community.

因為當天“50/50 Cuisine Française”尚未開始營業, 到處走走時意外發現這家店舖, 落地窗旁有單人座位, 也有像 “慢慢弄乳酪坊“的長桌, 小而巧的開放式廚房讓我以為是像 “直物文具 Café”是販售咖啡與甜點複合店, 進階了解後, 金舌頭食集以販售與蕎麥相關原料為主, 純白色料理台放置著與 55街合作研發的韃靼蕎啤酒.
I arrive Mingshen Community around 11:30am. “50/50 Cuisine Française” restaurant is not yet opened. I discovered this shop by surprise. There are single seats by the window. There are also long tables, similar with “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. The open kitchen is small but seemed to have everything. I first thought that this shop is similar with “Plain Stationary Cafe”, which sells coffee and dessert. After chatting with the store manager, I realized this shop is mainly focus on buckwheat product series. The buckwheat beer, which they cooperated with 55th street beer company, is also placed at the Kitchen counter.

延伸閱讀: 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide


冷泡韃靼蕎麥茶 + 日本烤麻糬

Ice Buckwheat Tea + Japanese baked Mochi
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

經過店長講解, 蕎麥茶分為甜蕎麥與苦蕎麥, 韃靼蕎麥屬於苦蕎麥, 熱飲較可感受到蕎麥茶的香味醇厚, 由於當天微熱, 選擇點冷泡茶.蕎麥茶和大麥茶風味相近, 久煮不可, 但蕎麥營養價值較高. 在窗戶邊喝著透澈翠綠色蕎麥茶, 麥香雖然不及熱飲, 但品酌時的清爽細緻正適合台北的潮濕熱天氣, 相當推薦這款茶飲.
The buckwheat series have sweet buckwheat and bitter buckwheat. The one that I ordered is categorized as the bitter buckwheat. But surprisingly, it is not bitter at all. Instead, the taste is similar with the Barley Tea. Drinking the refreshing tea by the window is one of the great experiences in Taipei City.


日本烤麻糬的擺盤相當簡單, 純淨白色是原味麻糬, 深綠色則是艾草風味麻糬,烤後的麻糬表層頗有彈性, 艾草麻糬並沒有想像中的濃郁中藥味, 建議原味沾一旁的濃稠花生醬. 這家店很適合附近居民享受下午茶時光的地方.
Japanese baked Mochi is quite simply. The white mochi is original flavor, which I recommend to dip into the peanut dip sauce. The green mochi is Chinese mugwort. But surprisingly, it doesn’t have the typical Chinese medicine flavor. Instead, it offers a bit of the grassy flavor. Generally speaking, this store is suitable for neighbors to gather and have an afternoon tea.





店名: 金舌頭食集
地址: 台北市松山區富錦街460號 (Map)
捷運: 南京三民捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Restaurant Name: Origins Foodist
Address: No. 460, Fujin Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Nanking Sanmin MRT station
Tel: 02-2766-0360
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


