MOON DOG BEER 》澳洲精釀啤酒 Australian Beer | 羅勒國際實業有限公司

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

台灣羅勒國際實業有限公司近期引進 澳洲 Moon Dog 啤酒品牌, 討喜俏皮酒標和獨特風味讓 Moon Dog 品牌在澳洲迅速走紅的主要原因, 我有這個榮幸與媒體記者們受邀參加 Moon Dog 新品牌記者發表會.
Taiwan JRBY International Co, Ltd recently imported Moon Dog Craft Beer Brand from Australia. Interesting beer label and special flavor might be the main reason that Moon Dog became popular within short time. Now I have the opportunity to attend their new product event.


羅勒國際實業原本就是比利時聖富勒啤酒和澳洲拿破崙精釀啤酒的代理商, 這次引進 Moon Dog 品牌做足準備, 包下台北東區啤酒餐廳 “ABV Bar & Kitchen 地中海餐酒館” 舉辦產品記者發表會, 一走進餐廳時, 馬上注意到代理商將 Moon Dog 啤酒整齊排列在冰箱裡, 視覺感相當壯觀, 文末有各個啤酒中英文名稱一次排開, 羅勒國際實業也同時邀請到澳洲駐台辦事處到場致詞.
JRBY International Co, Ltd is already the importer and distributor of ST. FEUILLIEN and NAPOLEONE beer brand. They already had experiences by hosting several new product events. Walking into the event at “ABV Bar & Kitchen”, Moon Dog brand beers are displayed at the restaurant large refrigerators. Besides the brewery owners, JRBY International Co, Ltd also invited the staffs from Australian Office in Taiwan for a short speech before brand introduction.


延伸閱讀: ST. FEUILLIEN’ SAISON 》比利時聖富勒農夫啤酒 | Belgian Beer

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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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當 Moon Dog 精釀啤酒負責人與 代理商致詞時, 工作人員也依序將各款 Moon Dog 啤酒倒入酒杯讓受邀嘉賓品酌. 由於品款眾多, 我會從常態商品寫到特殊商品, 由於品酌份量較少, 只能敘述初飲 2 ~ 3 口的Review, 關於進貨價格, 需直接詢問羅勒國際實業有限公司.
While the owner of Moon Dog Brewery owner and distributor are giving speech, staffs start pouring different types of beers. Since there are many types of beers, I will start from the regular item to the limited edition beer. As for the beer price, you would need to ask JRBY International Co, Ltd.


提醒您:禁止酒駕 飲酒過量有礙健康


Moon Dog Beer Can

中文名稱: 啤酒行不行?
備註: 常態商品
ABV: 4.2%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款啤酒是 Larger (拉格) , 用鋁罐裝的拉格氣泡相當充足, 一拿起酒杯迅速嗅到濃郁芒果與水蜜桃香氣, 麥香反倒是在放置幾分鐘後才較明顯, 瓶罐上的淺藍底色與繽紛紅橘黃文字就像充滿熱帶風情的海灘派對. 這款啤酒相當適合初飲者, 尤其是女生. 因為這款 Beer Can 並沒有經典的拉格苦味, 相當不錯.
Moon Dog Beer Can is larger. Besides the enough bubbles, the mango and peach aroma and flavor are thick. The barley flavor is not obvious until a few minutes after. The blue color and colorful words matches the theme of tropical beach party. The beer is suitable for first-time drinker, especially females, since it doesn’t have the classic bitterness.


Old Mate!

中文名稱: 那個誰!
備註: 常態商品
ABV: 5%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款啤酒是美式淡艾爾. 清爽酒體顏色與淺橘色酒標一致, 有著經典酒花顯著特性, 麥芽風味中有少許苦味, 隱約柑橘風味並不容易察覺, 中規中矩應該是這款啤酒的最佳形容詞.
This beer is America Pale Ale. The orange color beer body color matches its orange beer label. It has the obvious classic hops flavor along with bitterness. The citrus flavor is hidden in between. I would call this beer as the typical America Pale Ale.


Mack Daddy!

中文名稱: 棒棒der
備註: 常態商品
ABV: 5%
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

Mack Daddy! 是黑艾爾 (Dark Ale), 不得不說, 這款啤酒的中英文名稱都相當俏皮, Mack Daddy! 是澳洲俚語用來稱呼神一般的人物, 中文名稱也引用台灣鄉民俚語 “棒棒 der” , 相當有趣. 可惜的是當天我沒有喝到這款啤酒 (或是我錯過).
Mack Daddy! is Dark Ale. Honestly, both Chinese and English beer names are interesting. Mack Daddy is a local slang for calling idol. Taiwanese importer named this beer by using Taiwanese slang. However, I didn’t taste this beer.


Sun Cat

中文名稱: 太陽貓
備註: 在澳洲是常態產品, 但在台灣是限量版
ABV: 6%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款是 IPA, MOON DOG 將這款啤酒取名為 SUN CAT, 與 MOON DOG 成對比, 記憶點十足. 這款啤酒有兩種啤酒花 (Mosaic 和 Azacca ) 加持, 剛開始喝的時候, 鳳梨風味比芒果風味強勢, 苦味屬於細膩, 而非衝擊,可惜的是賞味期限只有四個月, 在台灣只限量 240 瓶, 並沒有在零售通路, 目前我知道有販售這款啤酒的餐廳是 ABV BAR & KITCHEN.
Sun Cat is IPA. Moon Dog names this beer “Sun Cat”, as the opposite of “Moon Dog”. This beer has two different hops – Mosaic and Azacca. When taking the first sip, the pineapple flavor is stronger than mango flavor. The bitter flavor is light and pleasant. However, there are only 240 bottles limited quantity selling in Taiwan. Now, I only know ABV Bar & Kitchen is selling this beer.


Son Of a Plum

中文名稱: 世紀之握!
備註: 夏季限定版
ABV: 4.5 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款是酸艾爾 (Sour Ale). 酸度明顯到還沒喝入口就已嗅到, 酸啤與濃烈李子風味結合, 極度相似台灣酸梅汁風味, 水蜜桃甜美風味反而被蓋過, 若平常喜愛喝酸梅汁的台灣人應該會愛不釋手.
Son of a Plum is Sour Ale. The acidity is quite strong. The sour beer combines the strong plum, which makes this beer taste a bit like Taiwanese Plum Juice. The peach sweet flavor is covered by the sour flavor. I would recommend this beer to the people who like to drink plum juice.


Cake Hole

中文名稱: 閉嘴快喝,黑森林蛋糕!
備註: 季節限定版
ABV: 6.5 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款是 Stout, 但與在 “英國生蠔海鮮小屋”和在 “SUMAI BAR” 喝到的 Stout 截然不同, 這款啤酒有濃郁櫻桃與苦巧克力交錯的複雜風味, 酒體和 “麒麟一番搾黑啤酒” 一樣綿密, 建議給愛喝濃郁啤酒的人, 初飲者較不適合.
Cake Hole is Stout. But, it is different from the Stout that I drink at “British Oyster Seafood Shed” and “SUNMAI BAR”. This beer has mixed thick cherry and bitter chocolate flavor. The beer body is creamy just like “Kirin Stout”. I would recommend this beer to the people who like to drink strong flavor beer.


Bad Boy Bubbly – Barely Champagne

中文名稱: 大賣酒!
備註: 特別版
ABV: 13 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這款啤酒相當奇特,將大麥以香檳製程釀造. 創造這款啤酒顛覆成規, 呼應 Moon Dog 在釀酒界頑童這個綽號, 看似荒唐, 其實跟 “Glenfiddich 格蘭菲迪威士忌” 近期首創用精釀啤酒IPA過桶的創新理念有些相似. 可惜我當天並沒有喝到 ( 或是錯過 ).
This beer is quite interesting. Moon Dog Craft Beer Brewery follows the Champagne manufacturing process but with barley. The creative idea is similar with “Glenfiddich Whiskey IPA”. Sadly, I didn’t drink this beer (or I miss it?)


Big Truffle in Little Porter

中文名稱: 松露大逃亡
備註: 特別版
ABV: 9.6 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款是波特酒 (Porter), 而且同時有黑松露和鹽味風味, 光是聽到文字敘述就讓人迫不及待想嘗試. 仔細詢問, 原來 Moon Dog Brewery 是採用澳洲知名黑松露, 與地方產業結合. 酒體濃黑, 品酌時先喝到明顯鹹味, 松露獨特菌菇風味久留在舌尖, 我會推薦給喜好新創風味的精釀啤酒, 因為是大 SIZE, 建議與朋友分享.
Big Truffle in Little Porter is obvious a porter, but with black truffles and salty flavor. Moon Dog Craft Beer Brewery uses Australian black truffle. The beer color is dark black. At the beginning, the salty flavor appears. The special truffle/mushroom flavor long stayed at the tastebuds. I would recommend this beer to the people who like to drink creative beers.


My Blue Heaven

中文名稱: 藍色天堂
備註: 特別版 (已完售)
ABV: 8.5 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款是 英式 IPA , 酒體混濁, 最獨特的是酒體顏色, 呈現混濁青草綠顏色, 看似清淡, 實際喝起來卻有飽滿酒體, 苦味低, 濃郁覆盆子風味與經典的英式 IPA 的濃郁熱帶水果香氣不同, 但羅勒國際實業有限公司只進口 24 瓶而且已完售.
My Blue Heaven is New England IPA. The most special part would be the beer color, which is greenish color. The beer body is full-bodies with low level of bitterness. The special and thick raspberry flavor is different from the typical New England IPA. However, Taiwan JRBY International Co, Ltd only imports 24 bottles and sold out.


ABV Bar & Kitchen Catering

這次舉辦記者會地點是在 ABV Bar & Kitchen 地中海本店, 除了這家店與加勒比海分店, ABV Bar & Kitchen 2018年九月初也會在板橋府中捷運站開新分店. 這次記者會準備豐富料理, 炸雞腿與義大利麵是最為出色的料理.
ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean branch hosts this new product brand event. Besides Caribbean branch, ABV Bar & Kitchen has Mediterranean branch and also will open another branch in Fuzhong MRT station. Their fried chicken and pasta are delicious dishes.


延伸閱讀:【 忠孝敦化 | Taipei Food 】ABV 加勒比海餐酒館 | ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean | 精釀啤酒 | 朋友聚會



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♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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啤酒品牌釀酒廠: Moon Dog Craft Beer Brewery
國家: 澳洲
台灣進口商和總代理: 台灣羅勒國際實業有限公司
電話: 02-8666-8184
Address: 新北市新店區安康路一段298巷27-5號
Beer Brand: Moon Dog Brewery
Country of Origin: Australia
Taiwan Importer and Sole Distributor: JRBY International Co, Ltd
Address: No. 27-5, 298th Lane, 1st Section, An-Kong Road, New Taipei City
Tel: 02-8666-8184


