Taipei Teppanyaki 》台北鐵板燒推薦 | 明水然鐵板燒之超值龍蝦牛排海陸套餐

Last Updated on 2019-02-06 by Foodelicious

明水然鐵板燒是在中價位台北鐵板燒推薦名單裡, CP 值高的龍蝦牛排海陸套餐是餐廳招牌. 我這次去的是明水然鐵板燒慶城店.
Minsui Zen Teppanyaki is on one of my Taipei Teppanyaki Recommendation List. Its price-friendly Lobster & Steak Surf and Turf Set is the signature dish.


明水然菜單在文末 Minsui Zen Teppanyaki Menu is at the end of article


明水然鐵板燒全名為 “明水然 無菜單鐵板燒”, 別被誤導, 其實菜單只有一頁敘述無菜單鐵板燒, 其他則是中價位的鐵板燒套餐組合. 若是坐捷運, 餐廳位於南京復興捷運站 7 號出口附近, 先會經過大創百貨, 不用走到 “春美冰菓室” 旁的 7-11, 抵達明水然鐵板燒後才驚覺原來在Hooters 餐廳旁邊, 兩層樓建築招牌在白天反而不顯著. 若是開車, 附近有汽機車的路邊停車格;慶城街與長春路交叉口附近也有收費停車場.
Minsui Zen Teppanyaki is near Nanking Fuxing MRT station Exit 7, which is near Brother’s Hotel. You would need to pass the Daiso Store. But, if you walk pass through the 7-11 near “Chun Mei Ice Shop”, you have walked too far. The restaurant location is exactly near Hooters Restaurant. Two floors building restaurant sign is surprisingly not too obvious during the day. There is also parking lot near the restaurant.

延伸閱讀: 其他台北鐵板燒餐廳 》Other Taipei Teppanyaki Restaurants

延伸閱讀: Chun Mei Ice Shop 春美冰菓室 》招牌手打杏仁豆腐讓主廚江振誠驚豔

延伸閱讀: 其他南京復興站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Nanking Fuxing MRT station


步入一樓, 左邊是跟 “大初鐵板燒” 一樣的活龍蝦水族箱, 右邊則是像 “IL MERCATO 天母“ 的酒窖, 行動不方便者請注意沒有電梯到二樓, 只能走樓梯上二樓, 二樓挑高與氣派明亮的用餐空間就像來到五星級飯店餐廳, 除了典型 ㄇ字型鐵板燒座位外, 也有沙發休息區和隱密包廂區, 相當適合公司部門聚餐, 因為有兒童餐選項, 也相當適合家庭聚餐, 若不介意小孩吵鬧, 也蠻適合約會. 建議提早訂位, 若是慶生要訂位, 請記得在電話裡告知店員是慶祝生日, 聽說會有驚喜慶生禮或是餐點.
Walking through the front door, there is a lobster aquarium, similar with “Da-Chu Teppanyaki”. There is also a walk-in wine cellar like “IL MERCATO “. Please note that there is no elevator to go to the 2nd floor. I am amazed by the 2nd indoor design. There are lots of seats, sofa resting area and also private dining room. It is suitable for department dinner, family gathering, and also dating. If you are going to celebrate the birthday there, you can tell the restaurant prior. They might have a surprise for you.

延伸閱讀: 大初鐵板燒 》市政府捷運站美食推薦 | Taipei Teppanyaki



波士頓龍蝦海陸套餐 A

Boston Lobster Surf and Turf Set A
Price: NTD $1390


水 & 佐餐麵包

Water & Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

明水然鐵板燒的水資是 NTD $65/人, 與 “Stagiaire 實習生餐廳” 的水資價格一樣值得讚嘆, 因為台北水資平均 $80/人. 佐餐麵包香蒜吐司簡單明暸, 大蒜奶油風味實在很誘人.
Minsui Zen Teppanyaki water fee is NTD $65/person. The price is reasonable just like at “Stagiaire Restaurant”. The average water fee in Taipei is NTD$80/person. As for the bread, the tastebuds is fulfilled with buttery mixed with garlic flavor.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區餐酒館推薦 》Stagiaire 實習生餐廳料理與甜點皆美味


主廚例湯: 牛肉清湯

Chef’s Soup: Beef Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

明水然鐵板燒主廚例湯通常有 3 ~ 4 種選項, 當天我用餐的例湯選項是蘑菇濃湯, 南瓜濃湯, 海鮮濃湯, 牛肉清湯. 我選牛肉清湯, 原本以為會像 “Le Feu 鐵板燒” 直接湯碗裝, 沒想到是像 “al sorriso 義大利餐廳”一樣是桌邊服務, 微厚生牛肉, 紅白蘿蔔切片與菇類皆置放在湯盤中央, 店員專業地帶著黑手套將牛肉清湯注入湯盤, 牛肉片瞬間由生轉熟, 紅白蘿蔔並不會過硬, 只是湯頭偏微鹹.
There are 3 ~ 4 options of soup. I select the beef soup. I thought the restaurant is going to use a soup bowl, just like at “Le Feu Teppanyaki”. But, surprisingly, they offer the table service ( similar with “al sorriso restaurant” ). The sliced carrot and daikon are placed in the middle of the soup plate along with the raw beef meat. Then, the staff pours the hot broth into the soup plate. The overall broth is a bit salty but full of meaty flavor.

延伸閱讀: Le Feu 鐵板燒 》台北大安區平價鐵板燒 | Taipei Teppanyaki


主廚特選沙拉: 松露菌菇沙拉

Chef’s Salad: Truffle Mushroom Salad
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

明水然鐵板燒的年輕廚師幫每一位客人準備的沙拉都是一樣, 除了置放在清脆生菜上的溫熱菌菇外,明水然鐵板燒廚師很有誠意地放了一大匙亮黑松露蘑菇醬, 讓客人感受到這道獨特風味的餐點.
Everyone’s salad is the same. Besides the warm mushroom, the chef also scooped fair amount of black truffle mushroom sauce on the top of the salad. So, the customer can enjoy the unique flavor from the salad.


季節鮮魚: 黃魚

Seasonal Fish: Yellow Fish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一條完整金黃色澤黃魚呈現眼前, 魚腹的肥美程度完全出乎我意料之外, 即使沒有明顯香煎焦痕, 魚皮仍舊酥脆, 豐富油脂讓魚肉在口中散開, 雖然可以沾椒鹽, 但我更喜歡原始的海鮮風味, 雖然我座位偏角落, 我可以看到明水然鐵板燒廚師專心且細心的準備這一道香煎黃魚, 明水然鐵板燒還提供一項相當特別服務, 協助挑魚骨頭, 但是要提早告知店員, 我相當推薦這一道料理.
This whole yellow fish appearance is golden color with crispy skin. Surprisingly, there are fair amount of fats at the belly. Even though they offer pepper & salt, I personally prefer the original seafood. This restaurant also offers an interesting service – they can pick the fish bones for the customer. I would definitely recommend this dish.


Grant Burge Benchmark Pinot Grigio 2015

Price: NTD $160/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

明水然鐵板燒酒單裡有意想不到的單杯氣泡酒, 但是我選擇這款來自澳洲的Pinot Grigio 白酒, 金黃色澤酒體釋放出濃郁果香, 入口西洋梨風味主導, 圓潤口感加上尾韻長, 我認為相當適合單喝, 我原本是想搭黃魚與龍蝦, 後來發現比較適合搭配黃魚沾椒鹽, 但是這杯酒會將龍蝦的鮮美稍微掩蓋住, 也許搭氣泡酒會比較適合?!?
I am thrilled to see there is single glass sparkling wine at the wine menu. But, I select this Pinot Grigio 2015 from Australia. The golden color wine has fair amount of fruity aroma. The pear flavor dominates this full-body wine. I originally is going to order this wine for pairing the fish and lobster. However, I found out that this wine is only suitable for pairing the salt & pepper fish. As for the lobster, the white wine might cover the refreshed seafood flavor from the lobster. Maybe sparkling wine is more suitable for the lobster?!

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


波士頓龍蝦 (半隻)

Lobster (Half)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

“大初鐵板燒” 規定單數人無法點龍蝦, 換句話說一個人在大初鐵板燒是無法享用龍蝦. 但是在明水然鐵板燒, 單人也可享用半隻龍蝦. 通常店員會將活龍蝦拿來給客人照相, 當天用餐則是廚房直接先切好放在鐵板燒旁, 放到鐵板上時, 瞬間白煙往挑高空間飄, 鐵板上滋滋作響挑逗每位饕客的食慾, 當龍蝦從鐵灰色逐漸邊成暖紅色時, 就是舌尖開始蠢蠢欲動的時候.
You cannot order half lobster if eating alone at “Da-Chu Teppanyaki”. But in this restaurant, one person can enjoy eating the lobster. The staff might show the live lobster in front of you to take pictures.


我上次吃龍蝦是在 “Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳“, 兩者當然無法相對作比較, 因為Chateau Zoe 是酥炸軟殼龍蝦, 明水然鐵板燒是活龍蝦. 主廚已專業地事先將龍蝦肉挑出再重新放入龍蝦殼裡, 客人只需簡單將龍蝦肉脫殼即可享用, 龍蝦的肉質飽滿鮮甜不在話下, 我個人比較喜歡單吃新鮮海鮮, 完全將一旁的蜂蜜芥末醬置之而不理. 隨後店員端上脫殼完整的龍蝦螯鉗, 讓味蕾再度感受鮮甜海鮮. 我推薦這一道料理.
Last time I ate lobster is at “Chateau Zoe restaurant”. The customer doesn’t need to spend lots of time to separate the lobster and meat. The chef already assisted to pick the lobster meat prior serving. The lobster meat of course is with seafood flavor with great texture. I didn’t dip into the honey mustard mayo on the side though. I would recommend this dish.



主餐: 美國 Prime 沙朗

US Prime Sirloin
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

菜單上有些品項事可以加價升級, 例如美國 Prime 老饕牛排, 我當初的考量是因為吃老饕牛排似乎應該要去專業牛排館, 我則是選擇不用加價的美國 Prime 沙朗, 這時主廚會詢問每位客人需要的牛排熟度, 五分熟是主廚建議的熟度. 牛排表面並沒有因為用鐵板燒而過度焦黑, 肉香與嫩度比預期高, 相當不錯,若是沒有預算限制, 老饕牛排或許是個不錯的選擇, 若是預算有限, 我會推薦這一道美國沙朗牛排.
I select the regular US Prime Sirloin without any extra charge. Before the steak is cooked, the chef would ask everyone’s preference for the steak. The chef’s suggestion is medium.The steak appearance is grilled perfectly without over-burned. The texture is unexpectedly tender and juicy. I would recommend this dish as well.



Stir-Fried Rice with Sakura Shrimp
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

中高價位的台灣鐵板燒幾乎都會將鐵板炒飯列入菜單裡, 櫻花蝦帶有酥脆口感且不過於油膩, 帶有點醬油香且粒粒分明的炒飯相當不錯.
The stir-fried rice is always at Taipei Teppanyaki Menu. The sakura shrimp is crispy but not too oily. The stir-fried rice is perfect since it has a bit of salty flavor.


甜點: 煎香蕉

Dessert: Grilled Banana
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這時店員會告知客人移位到沙發休息區享用甜點與飲料, 明水然餐廳有兩樣甜點選擇, 通常一款是蛋糕, 另一款是煎香蕉. 溫熱金黃色香蕉上灑滿白芝麻, 帶來不同的口感與微芝麻香, 香蕉軟硬度適中也不會支離破碎, 算是一道特殊的鐵板燒甜點.
After enjoying the stir-fried rice, they would ask customers to move to the sofa area to enjoy the dessert and drink. The grilled banana is their signature dessert dish. The warm banana with white sesame brings out interesting flavor and texture. I haven’t tried grilled banana as restaurant before.


飲料: 現榨檸檬汁
Dessert: Fresh Lemonade
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

現在台北餐廳套餐裡已經很少有 “現榨果汁”, 明水然鐵板燒餐廳的現榨檸檬汁大概是我在眾多餐廳套餐內最有誠意的飲料, 不會過酸帶點微甜很不錯.
It is rare to see “Fresh Juice” as the set drink at Taipei restaurant. The flavor is hints of acidity with hints of sweet. It tastes quite pleasant.

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


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餐廳: 明水然無菜單鐵板燒-慶城店
地址: 台北市松山區慶城街18之1號 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站
電話: 02-2716-8818
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: Minsui Zen Teppanyaki
Address: No. 18-1,Qingcheng Street, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nanking Fuxin MRT station
Tel: 02-2716-8818
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


明水然鐵板燒 菜單 》Minsui Zen Teppanyaki Menu



