Malavida 餐廳 》新開幕台北西班牙餐廳 (內有訂位方式與菜單)
Last Updated on 2023-09-25 by Foodelicious
(結束營業) 台北 Malavida 西班牙餐酒館 有著紅色燈光的異國風格裝潢, 是 國父紀念館站美食 之一, Malavida 菜單 除了有現代創新西班牙菜餚, 也有傳統家常西班牙菜餚.
(Closed Down ) Malavida Spanish restaurant indoor design is quite eye-catching since it is red light. It is also one of the 2021 new restaurants in Taipei City. Malavida menu includes both traditional Spanish dishes and modern Spanish dishes.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Malavida 訂位
Malavida Reservation
2021 年新開幕的 Malavida 西班牙餐廳靠近國父紀念館捷運站 2 號出口, 餐廳位於台北市大安區光復南路280巷48號 , 在 “ CYCLO 洛城河粉餐廳“ 的巷弄內, 墨綠色餐廳白天不容易錯過 (圖一) , 夜晚則是有如同西班牙國旗顏色的餐廳室內紅光 (圖二官方圖片) . Malavida 訂位是網路訂位 (inline: ) . 菜單是以單點為主, 2021.11 月開瓶費是 NTD $500/瓶, Malavida 也有酒單.
Malavida Spanish restaurant is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station Exit 2. The address is No. 48, 280th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City. The green restaurant outdoor design is easy to recognize (Pic 1). The red light is much brighter during the night. You can reserve seats via inline ( inline: ). It is mostly single order dishes. The corkage fee at November, 2021 is NTD $500/bottle. They also offer wine menu.
延伸閱讀: CYCLO PHO Taipei 》人人稱讚的台北東區 CYCLO 洛城牛肉粉
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Picture 2 Photo Credit: Malavida Facebook
Malavida 用餐環境
Malavida Dining Environment
Malavida 餐酒館的窗邊有四人座位區域, 靠近廚房則是很適合公司部門聚會的 8 人座位 (圖二). 裝潢最特別的就是餐廳內霓虹色燈光, 以下照片皆是在白天拍, 有自然光的協助. 整間餐廳越晚越暗會越紅. 若是想拍不被紅色燈光干擾的照片, 建議訂位確認以後與店員確定可不可以坐窗邊.
Malavida Bistro has 4-people sofa seating area. The 8-people seating area is near the kitchen. The following pictures are taken during the lunch time. During the night, the whole restaurant will become darker with way more neon red color. If you do not want to be disturbed by the red light, you can call to re-check if you can reserve seats near the window.
Malavida 菜餚
Malavida Dish
Seafood Paella
Price: NTD $760
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
此款西班牙料理需要預約. 圖片是我的一人份西班牙海鮮飯, 實際上菜單販售則是兩人份, 蝦的種類與數量可能會更改, 迷你魷魚切塊藏在海鮮飯裡, Malavida 菜餚外型與其他台北的西班牙海鮮飯不太相同, 並沒有淡菜與檸檬的點綴. 西班牙籍主廚的烹調方式是採用「 Paella Alicantina 阿利坎特法 」, 比例完全照他在西班牙的煮法, 並沒有調整風味. 主廚另外準備熬煮許久的胭脂蝦高湯, 注入與西班牙米一起煮. 偏硬燉飯入口有著濃郁海鮮風味, 尤其是蝦風味 , 偶而也會吃到迷你魷魚切塊, 值得一提的是主廚採用體型較大的角蝦, 甚至帶有蝦卵, 完全就是意料之外. 建議點白酒搭配, 我個人覺得不錯吃, 因為我喜歡 Malavida 海鮮飯的微硬口感與濃郁海鮮風味.
You would need to reserve the Seafood Paella. The picture shows one person portion of Seafood Paella. However, the menu offers 2 people portions. Shrimp type and quantity might change. Many squid dices are hidden inside the paella. However, there aren’t any mussel nor lemon slice though. The Spanish chef uses 「 Paella Alicantina 」. He didn’t adjust his recipe for Taiwan customers. The chef cooks the Spanish rice with shrimp broth. The Paella rice is toward hard texture. The taste has thick seafood flavor, mostly shrimps. I tasted the mini dice of squids along the way. Surprisingly, the shrimps have shrimp roes. I would suggest to order white wine to pair with this dish. Overall, I like Malavida Seafood Paella because of the hard texture and thick seafood flavor.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Red Prawn Carpaccio Dressed with Lime peel
Price: NTD $590
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
端上桌時, 菜餚顏色調配如同春天. Malavida 廚師團隊刀功細緻, 胭脂紅蝦如同薄片, 再以嫩綠芝麻葉苗與亮黑魚子醬作為點綴, 與其他台灣西班牙餐廳不同的是 – 主廚運用適量西班牙初榨橄欖油 , 而不是幾滴而已, 如果你有吃過國外餐廳, 就會知道橄欖油是一款不可減量的重要食材. 初次入口, 紅蝦清爽鮮味蔓延於舌尖, 接下來幾口則是以初榨橄欖油風味為主導, 微酸萊姆皮與芝麻葉則是喚醒清爽且細緻的鮮蝦存在感. 這道是我當天蠻喜歡的菜餚.
The dish color display is beautiful. The shrimps are cut into thin slices. The arugula and caviars are placed on the top for decoration. The chef uses fair amount of Spanish EVOO instead of just drizzle. If you tried restaurants at Europe, you would know Olive Oil is an essential ingredients. At first, the tastebuds can sense the refreshing from shrimp. The following flavor is dominated by the olive oil. This dish is my favorite dish of the day.
Truffle and Porcini Croquette
Price: NTD $310
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
可樂餅 (Croquette ) 大概是台灣人近年來最熟悉的歐陸小點, 在台灣餐廳提供的可樂餅內餡很多元, 我曾經吃過有白醬 ( “ La Mesa 餐廳 “ ) , 也曾經吃過 “Bottless 非瓶餐酒館“ 的牛尾可麗餅. Malavida 餐廳主廚選用成本較高的牛肝菌作為內餡, 請記得拍照速度要快, 品嚐的時候可樂餅外層才會酥脆, 內餡細緻黏牙, 松露菌菇風味濃郁, 這道適合喜歡菌菇風味的 2 ~ 4 人分享.
Most Taiwanese know about Croquette dish. In Taiwan Spanish restaurants, croquette fillings are different and have its own character. I have tried Béchamel filling at “La Mesa Taipei”. I also tried oxtail filling at “Bottless Bistro”. Malavida chef uses higher cost Porchini as the filling. Please take the pictures fast. So, you can taste the crispy appearance and creamy filling. The porcini flavor is quite obvious. This dish is better to share with 2 -4 people who like the mushroom flavor.
延伸閱讀: La Mesa Taipei 》台北東區西班牙餐酒館 | 換季新菜單登場
延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》無庸置疑是南京復興餐酒館推薦 (內含菜單)
Tortilla de Patatas with Caramelized Onion
Price: NTD $310
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
台灣人所熟悉的西班牙烘蛋是偏乾, Malavida 餐廳的西班牙烘蛋則是正統偏濕潤, 整體沒有多餘的點綴, 趁熱直接分食, 內餡吃起來綿密, 可感受到微脆洋蔥口感.
Most Taiwanese are used to have Tortilla with dry texture. Malavida’s tortilla is toward traditional type with moist and creamy filling. You can sense the caramelized onion.
Malavida 甜點
Malavida Dessert
西班牙烤焦糖米布丁配肉桂, 檸檬皮
Spanish Rice Pudding with Cinnamon, Lemon Peel, and Sugar Crust
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
西班牙籍主廚推薦這一道甜點, 最特別的莫過於主廚採用的是西班牙米, 與平常在台灣甜點咖啡店 ( “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee “ )吃到的米布丁口感不一樣, 顆粒口感微明顯, 整體吃起來與 Creme Brulee 滑順口感相似, 檸檬香氣加以點綴, 建議點這道西班牙布丁兩人分享.
Spanish chef recommends this dessert. The chef uses Spanish rice, which is different from other Taiwan coffee shops ( “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee”). The rice texture is quite obvious. Overall, the taste is quite smooth just like creme brûlée. The lemon aroma is refreshing. This rice pudding quantity is suitable for 2 people to share.
延伸閱讀: Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee 》 台北土耳其咖啡店
Malavida 酒
Malavida Alcohol
Val de Vid Verdejo 2019
Price: NTD $300/glass
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Malavida 餐廳除了西班牙酒外, 也有義大利與法國酒, 酒單頗多品項, 單杯酒選項也比一般餐廳多, 2021.11 月的開瓶費為 NTD $500. 我點這杯白酒最主要是要來搭配西班牙海鮮飯. 這杯金黃酒體飽滿 , 酸度微高, 可品嘗到青蘋果與檸檬風味 在舌尖停留較長的時間. 即使Malavida 餐廳的西班牙海鮮飯風味濃郁, 搭配此款白酒也毫不遜色, 存在感十足, 不用怕被蓋住. 建議點來搭配海鮮飯.
Beside Spanish wines, Malavida Spanish restaurant also has Italian and French wines. The wine menu is a long list. November 2021 corkage fee is NTD $500. I ordered this white wine to pair with Paella. This golden-yellow color wine body is medium-full. The acidity is a bit high but still can sense the green apple and lemon flavor. It has long taste. Even though Malavida paella has thick seafood flavor, this particular white wine is still a good pairing.
El Lagar de Cabrera Tinto Joven
Price: NTD $300/glass
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這款西班牙紅酒葡萄是 Syrah. 因為剛開瓶, 先是聞到黑色莓果香氣, 倒出後靜置 2 ~ 3 分鐘後, 蔓越莓與櫻桃風味充沛, 單寧中等, 適合搭配紅肉類菜餚.
The Spanish red wine grape is Syrah. There is black berry aroma at the beginning. After 2 ~ 3 minutes, the raspberry and cherry flavors are released. It has soft tannin. This particular red wine pairs well with read meat.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
Malavida 餐廳的紅光裝潢很搶眼, 目前 2021年11月中午有營業, 也可選擇在中午用餐, 菜單品項有現代西班牙料理, 也有傳統西班牙料理. 值得一提的是西班牙籍主廚並沒有為了台灣顧客喜好而調整他的recipe.
我建議四人來 Malavida 餐廳
✅ 西班牙海鮮飯 – 需預訂,四位訂兩人份量即可, 才能吃得下更多其他西班牙小點, 建議網路or電話訂位完後, 再次確認海鮮飯有無預定成功
✅ 生胭脂紅蝦薄片配研磨萊姆皮
✅ 西班牙米布丁甜點
✅ 松露牛肝菌可樂餅 – 如果沒吃過西班牙可樂餅, 可嘗試
✅ 西班牙烘蛋- 如果沒吃過”濕潤型“西班牙烘蛋, 可嘗試
Malavida Spanish Restaurant’s red light is quite eye-catching. Malavida restaurant is opened during lunch time. The menu has modern Spanish cuisines and traditional Spanish cuisines. The Spanish Chef doesn’t adjust his recipe for Taiwan customers’ preference.
I would suggest 4 people to visit here
✅ Seafood Paella – You would need to reserve this dish. Four people can share two-people quantity. So, you can order more Spanish tapas. I would suggest you to re-confirm the paella reservation after reserving the seats.
✅ Red Prawn Carpaccio Dressed with Lime peel
✅ Spanish Rice Pudding
✅ Truffle and Porcini Croquette – If you never try the croquette, you can order to try.
✅ Tortilla de Patatas with Caramelized Onion- If you never tried moist Tortilla, you can order to try.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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Malavida 短秒影片
Malavida Short Video
Malavida 餐廳資訊
Malavida Information
餐廳: Malavida 西班牙餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路280巷48號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-8773-9123
Restaurant: Malavida
Address: No. 48, 280th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station
Tel: 02-8773-9123
Malavida 菜單
Malavida Menu
Malavida 酒與非酒精 Menu
Malavida Wine and Drink Menu