Lypid Kitchen 》 專利 PHYTOFAT 研發的植物五花肉比預期地美味

Last Updated on 2025-03-24 by Foodelicious

Lypid Kitchen 品牌是由台灣的活優科技股份有限公司所創立. 這次撰寫 台式滷肉纖拌麵 與 秘製雙醬纖拌麵 的評價. Lypid 植物五花肉顛覆我對 “植物肉”的刻板印象.
Lypid Kitchen brand is created by Lypid Taiwan Co., Ltd. I tried their braised pork belly konjac noodles and Chili Mahjong konjac noodles. Lypid 100% Plant-Based Meat surprised me with different taste and texture.

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關於 Lypid Kitchen 品牌

About Lypid Kitchen Brand

我平常不吃素, 很少點有素肉的菜餚 . 對素肉的刻板印象是”用豆類製作而成的素肉“. 這次吃到的專利 PHYTOFAT 研發的 Lypid 植物五花肉完全顛覆我對 “植物肉”的刻板印象.

✅ Lypid Kitchen 台灣網站: Link:
✅ Lypid Kitchen 國外網站 Link:

以上兩個網站都解釋到專利技術植物脂肪「PhytoFat™」製成的「植物五花肉」. 將此技術研發出 “素培根” , “素台式滷五花肉“..等食材.

I don’t usually follow a vegetarian diet and rarely order dishes that include plant-based meat. My impression of plant-based meat has always been “soy-based bean substitutes”. However, this time, trying the patented PHYTOFAT technology used in Lypid’s plant-based pork belly completely changed my perception of plant-based meat.

✅ Lypid Kitchen Taiwan Website:
✅ Lypid Kitchen International Website:

Both websites explain the patented PhytoFat™ technology, which enables the creation of 100% plant-based pork belly. This innovative technique has also been used to develop plant-based versions of bacon, Taiwanese braised pork belly, and more.

(Picture 2 and Picture 3 are from Lypid Kitchen Website)


Lypid Kitchen 台式滷肉纖拌麵評價

Lypid Kitchen Braised Pork Belly Konjac Noodles Review
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Lypid Kitchen 台式滷肉纖拌麵標榜的是

✅ 不含膽固醇及動物性脂肪
✅ 適合五辛素者
✅ 加熱及食, 常溫儲存
✅ 搭配的麵是低熱量的蒟蒻麵
✅ 購買連結:

Lypid 植物五花肉是以滷肉飯裡的滷肉視覺感呈現. 小方塊狀且有油脂 , 且滷得黑金透徹. 極度相似滷五花肉的黏口程度與鹹香. 花椒醬包增加多層次風味. 蒟蒻麵吃起來微脆. 此產品組合很適合在飲食控制的人. Lypid Kitchen 網站也有單獨販售植物五花肉滷肉包.

Lypid Kitchen’s Taiwanese Braised “Pork” Konjac Noodles highlights:

✅ Cholesterol-free & animal fat-free
✅ Suitable forvegetarian diets
✅ Ready-to-eat, shelf-stable at room temperature
✅ Paired with low-calorie konjac noodles
✅ Purchase link:

Lypid’s plant-based pork belly is designed to replicate the look and texture of the classic braised pork. The small, glistening cubes of “fatty” braised pork achieve a rich, deep caramelized color and deliver the same sticky and mouthful texture as traditional pork belly. The peppercorn sauce packet enhances the dish with extra layers of flavor. The konjac noodles have a slightly crisp, chewy texture, making this meal a great option for those watching their calorie intake. Lypid Kitchen also sells individual packs of plant-based braised pork belly on their website.



Lypid Kitchen 秘製雙醬纖拌麵評價

Lypid Kitchen Chili Mahjong Konjac Noodles Review
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

雙醬是指植物滷肉與芝麻醬. 先將蒟蒻麵加熱 , 再將植物滷肉包加熱. 倒出台灣雲林芝麻製作出的特級芝麻醬時, 即可聞到濃郁的芝麻香氣. 芝麻醬香與植物滷肉的鹹香相輔相成, 並不是一昧地覆蓋著植物滷肉的鹹香. 藤椒油的點綴更是讓人印象深刻.

✅ 購買連結:

The “Double Sauce” refers to the combination of plant-based braised pork and sesame sauce.To prepare, first heat the konjac noodles, then warm up the plant-based braised pork. As soon as you pour out the premium sesame sauce, made from Taiwanese Yulin sesame seeds, a rich, nutty aroma fills the air. The savory depth of the sesame sauce complements rather than overpowers the plant-based braised pork. The addition of Sichuan pepper oil provides a bold finishing touch, leaving a lasting impression.

✅ Purchase link:

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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