麟聚 Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine 》關於這家粵菜私廚的五個重點

Last Updated on 2023-11-12 by Foodelicious

麟聚餐廳2023 新開幕的台北私廚 , 此篇文章會包括客製化粵式麟聚菜單, 評價,訂位,價位, 包廂五個重點.
Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine is a 2023 new Taipei private kitchen restaurant. This article will include the custom-made Cantonese Cuisine menu, review, reservation, price and private dining rooms.


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Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine Reservation

麟聚私廚餐廳地址為台北市松山區敦化北路100號, 位於茹曦酒店一樓 . 離小巨蛋捷運站一號出口約 5 ~ 10 分鐘路程. 一進去飯店可沿著 check-in 櫃檯直走再左轉. 麟聚餐廳位於飯店 7-11 便利商店的後方.麟聚私廚餐廳採預約制. 一週前訂位且決定菜單內容 . 麟聚座位區並不像一般私廚都是大桌, 麟聚有4 ~ 6人座位也有三個包廂. 不用湊到十位就可以用餐. 麟聚訂位方式是用電話 02-2712-2700 , 也可在 Facebook 或是 Instagram 留言, 會有專人回覆客人. 

✅ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lin.Ju.Modern.Chinese.Cuisine
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linju__modern_chinese_cuisine/

Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine restaurant’s address is No. 100, Dunhuan North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 ~ 10 minutes walking distance from Taipei Arena MRT station. When entering the “ILLUME TAIPEI Hotel”, you can just follow the check-in counter at the alley and turn left at the end. Lin Ju Restaurant is behind the Hotel 7-11 sign. Lin Ju Restaurant is a private kitchen, which only accept reservation 7 days prior. Unlike other Taipei Kitchens, Lin Ju restaurant has 4 ~ 6 people seating area and also have three private dining rooms. You can reserve via phone call 02-2712-2700 or Facebook/instagram message. They will reply to your questions.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine Chef Collection

麟聚主廚劉冠麟 Eddie 收藏許多珍貴乾貨 – 乾鮑魚,關東參,黃魚母膠公膠. 可以請店經理跟你們介紹. 這次是Eddie 主廚介紹,他拿出晚上有賓客要求入菜的大鮑魚 (圖三). 主廚 Eddie 是遠東香格里拉的餐飲顧問, 也是徐旭東董事長御廚.
Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine restaurant Executive Chef Eddie collects lots of luxurious ingredients – abalone , sea cucumber, fish maw..etc. You can ask the restaurant manager to introduce you those ingredients. This time, I am honored to have Executive Chef Eddie introducing those expensive ingredients. He even showed us the huge abalone that the customer specially ordered for dinner. (Pic 3). Executive Chef Eddie is a Five-Stars Hotel restaurant consultant, and also the CEO’s appointed chef.


麟聚包廂 & 開瓶費

Lin Ju Private Dining Room and Corkage Fee

麟聚私廚餐廳有散客座位 – 2 位, 4 位與6 位. 包廂有三個, 圖一大包廂可坐 20 ~ 22 人 . 也有兩個 8 ~ 12 人中型包廂.  六人用餐達到低消, 也可預約包廂, 請自行詢問細節. 麟聚有販售酒類. 大部分客人都是自己帶酒. 餐廳會換酒杯. 葡萄酒開瓶費為 NTD $500, 烈酒 NTD $1000.
Lin Ju restaurants has 2 people, 4 people, 6 people seating area. Picture one is the large private dining room, which can fit 20 ~ 22 people. There are also two 8 ~ 12 people medium dining rooms. As long as the the overall fee fulfill the minimum charge, even 6 people can dine at the private dining room. Lin Ju restaurant also offers wines. However, most people bring their own wine. The wine glasses are also professional too. The wine corkage is NTD $500. The spirits corkage fee is NTD $1000.

延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳美食懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant Guide


麟聚價位 (客製化菜單)

Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine Menu Price (Custom-Made )

麟聚私廚餐廳採預約制, 且是客製化粵菜菜單. 麟聚價位以人頭計算.

私廚客製化菜單價格有 NTD $3500/人, NTD $4500/人, NTD $5500/人, NTD $6500/人, 也可客制化提供至 NTD $10,000/人的菜單.
✅ 平日中午商務套餐 : NTD $2000/人 ; NTD $2500/人   (需三天前預訂, 可先跟餐廳要求套餐菜單看)
** 這次我跟朋友們吃的是 2023.11 月 NTD $3500/人的客製化菜單 , 有些菜餚呈現方式為一人份套餐.

Lin Ju restaurant is reservation-only with custom-made Cantonese cuisine menu. The menu price is based on per person.

The menu price is NTD $3500/per person, NTD $4500/person, NTD $5500/person, and NTD $6500/person. If you want, you can also enjoy the NTD $10,000/per person menu.
✅ Weekday Business Lunch Set  : NTD $2000/person  ; NTD $2500/person (Reserve 3 days prior. You can ask for the set menu in advance.
**My friends and I selected NTD $3500/person menu price on November ,2023. A few dishes are displayed in one person set.


桌菜 vs 一人份套餐

Lin Ju Table Dishes vs One Person Set

麟聚菜單價位以人頭計算, Serve 方式有兩種, 價格是一樣的.
✅ 桌菜呈現(圖一照片朋友提供 )
✅ 一人份套餐 (圖二) , 圖二照片可以讓你們看到桌菜每人分到的份量.

Lin Ju restaurant price is based on per person. There are two serving methods. The price is the same.
✅ Table Dish Display (Pic 1): Picture 1 is provided by my friend
✅ One Person Set (Pic 2): This picture is to show how many quantity that each person has.


麟聚評價 ⭐

Lin Ju Review


Dried bean curd sheet with black truffle oil and sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

麟聚餐廳的英文名稱是「Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine 」 , 並非菜單皆是 Fushion 料理. 實際上, 當天麟聚私廚菜單只有這一道黒松露油拌腐竹的調味偏西式. 此道為涼拌前菜. 主廚劉冠麟 Eddie 將西方調味融入中式食材.巧妙地運用黑松露油和黑松露醬, 賦予這道菜獨特的西式風味, 讓每一口腐竹都充滿蕈菇香氣與風味.
Not every dish at Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine restaurant is Fusion cuisine. There is only one dish , which is dried bean curd sheet with black truffle oil and sauce, has Western-style seasoning. This dish, served as a cold appetizer, showcases Chef Eddie Liu’s skill in incorporating Western flavors into Chinese ingredients. With the clever use of black truffle oil and black truffle sauce, this dish imparts a unique Western flavor and style. The bean curd adeptly absorbs the dual seasoning, creating a delightful combination of mushroom aromas and flavors in every bite.



Black Fungus / Sliced Sea Whelks / Celery
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這一道冷式前菜的木耳與螺片有兩種不同的且嫩脆口感, 最特別的莫過於品嚐響螺片時, 舌尖感受到花椒賦予的微麻彈跳與調味, 與芹菜清新香氣融合, 爲之後的肉類與海鮮菜餚重啟味蕾.
This cold appetizer offers two distinct and tender-crisp textures with the black fungus and sea whelks. What sets it apart is the subtle numbing spice of peppercorns on the sea whelks, combined with the fresh aroma of celery. This flavor combination serves as a refreshing and aromatic prelude, preparing the tastebuds for the upcoming meat and seafood dishes.




Braised Beef Tongue
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

牛舌最常出現在日式料理 ( “上吉燒肉“)或是 西式餐廳 ( “黑馬小廚” ) . 麟聚餐廳的料理皆是主廚劉冠麟 Eddie 的私房料理, 主廚運用秘製豉油滷紐西蘭牛舌 3 個小時後, 再悶半小時. 厚切方正型牛舌是中段部位, 一人一片為單位. 豐富油脂賦予嫩度, 透軟依舊有些許厚度存在感
Beef tongues always appear at Japanese restaurant ( “Jokichi Yakiniku” ) or Western cuisine ( “Heyma Restaurant” ). The dishes at Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine are all creations from Chef Eddie. The chef utilizes a secret soy sauce braising for three hours followed by a half-hour of steaming. The thick and square-cut beef tongue comes from the middle section, with one slice served per person. The richness of the fat contributes to its tenderness.

延伸閱讀: Jokichi Yakiniku 》上吉燒肉菜單連週末也有超值午間套餐

延伸閱讀: Heyma Restaurant 》黑馬小廚菜單推薦點哪些



Steamed and Deep-Fried Rice Roll
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

粢飯條是上海油炸類糕點. 如同牛軋糖的方正造型, 結構緊密不易散落. 糯米與白米運用火腿汁與干貝汁蒸煮, 再經冷凍塑型後油炸而成. 很難想像這一道菜餚其實是費時費工. 整體黏牙微硬, 外層微焦香, 內部則是軟糯米口感, 且夾帶少數瑤柱. 這道料理在台北中式餐廳確實是獨具特色。
Steamed and Deep-Fried Rice Roll is a Shanghai Pastry. This dish doesn’t fall apart easily due to its compact nougat-shape structure. Glutinous rice and white rice are steamed with ham and scallop broth, molded with freezing, and then deep-fried. It is hard to imagine the amount of time and effort that goes into creating this dish. The overall texture is slightly sticky and a bit hard. It has a crispy outer layer and a soft and glutinous interior, featuring a few dried scallops. This dish is truly unique among Chinese restaurants in Taipei.




Barbecue Iberico Pork
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

我之前在 “朧粵中餐廳 Longyue“ 吃過伊比利叉燒. 這次在 NTD $3500/人麟聚菜單也吃到伊比利叉燒. 用餐前先烤 1.5 小時 , 酒紅色叉燒外層呈現些許焦香, 肉的油脂搭配特製蜜汁滋潤著舌尖. 主廚選用選梅頭肉(上肩肉), 油脂比預期地多, 一切即分開, 嫩口感與美味程度令人食慾大開. 這一道是我當天最喜歡的菜餚, 非常推薦.
Previously, I had Barbecue Iberico Pork at “Longyue Restaurant”. This time, I tasted the Barbecue Iberico Pork at Lin Ju restaurant NTD $3500/person menu. The extensive preparation and 1,5 hours slow roasting certainly bring out its savory and sweet flavors and tender texture. The chef uses pork shoulder with lots of fats, which offers the extreme tenderness. This is my favorite dish of the day. I would definitely recommend it.

延伸閱讀: Longyue Restaurant Taipei 》 朧粵桌菜與港點



Roasted Duck Served in Sliced and Roll
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

麟聚的烤鴨只有一吃 – 片皮鴨捲餅. 一吃的原因可能是菜單還有臘味雙腸煲仔飯. 主廚採用的75 天宜蘭櫻桃鴨, 成鴨 Size 比預期地大, 足夠 10 ~ 12 人品嚐. 經過爐烤後的烤鴨呈現亮褐色, 片皮時除了勾起食慾的脆響外, 還有爆汁的視覺效果. 外場經理熟練地將爐烤全鴨片皮, 再快速做成片皮鴨捲餅. 也將多餘鴨肉與鴨皮放在盤上. 麟聚有尋找特製餅皮廠商, 餅皮偏厚不會過薄, 品嚐可感受到皮脆肉嫩且多汁, 會一口接著一口吃.
Lin Ju restaurant only has “Roasted Duck Served in one way – Roll “. The chef opts for a 75-day-aged duck, which turns out to be larger than expected, suitable for a delightful serving for 10 to 12 people. After the meticulous roasting process, the duck presents itself in a delicious brown color . During the carving process, the skin not only delivers a satisfying crunch but also delights with visually appealing bursts of succulence. The manager mentioned that Overall, the crispy, tender, and juicy are upon tasting. Overall, it is delicious enough for me to try another duck roll.



Assorted Ingredients in Chinese Casserole
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

不同於”明福佛跳牆” , 麟聚運用比較高級食材在這道佛跳牆, 例如 –  鮑魚, 海參, 干貝, 魚肚. 這款佛跳牆並沒有芋頭. 老母雞,金華火腿,瑤柱, 花膠一起細火慢燉 4 小時, 造就金黃色澤的雞湯. 餐廳店員服務分配一人一碗湯, 視覺上珍貴食材都是每人一份. 料多過於湯. 湯清澈無雜質, 濃縮食材精華, 風味濃郁, 是我喜歡吃的佛跳牆類型.
Unlike “Ming Fu” , Lin Ju restaurant uses higher-end ingredients -such as abalone, sea cucumber, scallops, and fish maw. I am glad that they skips the use of taro. A concoction of old hen, Jinhua ham, dried scallops, and fish maw simmers over low heat for four hours, resulting in a golden-hued chicken broth. The restaurant’s service includes serving one bowl of soup per person, visually presenting precious ingredients individually for each customer. The clear and impurity-free soup boasts a rich flavor, making it the type of broth that I prefer.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin 》在明福台菜海鮮餐廳除了點佛跳牆也要點糯米雞




Baked Crab Shell Stuffed with crab meat and matsutake
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道的“蟹粉松茸焗蟹蓋”裡, 主打手拆花蟹肉絲. 並搭配洋蔥,松茸與豐富的大閘蟹粉 (蟹肉蟹膏蟹黃炒出的佐料 ). 經過焗烤後, 蟹肉絲口感綿密, 海鮮風味依然鮮明, 洋蔥白醬與松茸食材也是這一道菜餚不可或缺的元素, 一人份的蟹粉松茸焗蟹蓋吃起來頗有滿足感.
In this dish, “Baked Crab Shell with Crab Meat and Matsutake Mushrooms,” the highlight is the hand-pulled crab meat strands. These are combined with onions, matsutake mushrooms, and a rich mixture of seasoning made from crab meat, crab roe, and crab fat. After baking, the crab meat strands retain a velvety texture, and the seafood flavor remains vibrant. The elements of onion white sauce and matsutake mushrooms are essential components of this dish. A serving of Baked Crab Shell with Crab Meat and Matsutake Mushrooms provides a satisfying dining experience.



Stewed Crab with Abalone and Shiitake Mushroom
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

這一道原本是鮑魚花菇扣鵝掌, 因為我不吃鵝掌, 所以換成鮑魚花菇扣蟹鉗, 這就是麟聚私廚客製化菜單的優點. 南非五頭鮑視覺感很吸睛, 細火慢燉一小時, 軟嫩與美味, 名符其實的碩大鮮美. 值得一提的是蟹扣裡有加蝦漿, 頗飽滿且有吸收鮑魚汁, 讓我覺得鵝掌換蟹鉗很值得. 每道食材吃起來軟嫩且入味, 有著濃香卻不會過於鹹香. 我個人會建議剩下的尾韻深厚的鮑魚汁不要收走,可跟我朋友一樣詢問有無白飯搭配鮑魚汁. 或是等到下一道蒸肉餅再搭配. 這是我當天最喜歡的第二道菜餚. 
This dish was originally “Braised Goose Web with Abalone, Mushroom, and Goosefoot” . But, I don’t eat goosefoot. So, this dish was customized to “Braised Crab Claw with Abalone, Mushroom, and Crab Claw.” This showcases the advantage of Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine’s customized menu.The South African five-head abalone is visually striking, slow-cooked for 1 hour to achieve tenderness and deliciousness. Shrimp paste is added to the crab claw, making it rich and able to absorb the flavor of the abalone broth. Each ingredient in the dish is tender, flavorful, and carries a rich aroma without being overly salty. The abalone broth/sauce is quite delicious. My friend asked the restaurant if they have the rice to pair with. Or, you can wait until the next dish to pair. This is my second favorite dish of the day.



Steamed Minced Ibérico Pork with Lobster and Water Chestnut
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我吃過“九記”的沙母蒸肉餅與 “晶華軒”的蟹肉馬蹄肉餅, 這是我第一次吃龍蝦馬蹄蒸肉餅. 荸薺有著獨特難忘的脆口感 肉是採用西班牙伊比利豬, 一入口即可感受到肉餅的嫩滑多汁,波士頓龍蝦則是賦予足夠海鮮風味, 讓兩種風味融合且美味. 我個人是私心希望盤底的肉汁精華多一些.
I tasted “steamed pork with crab and water chestnut” at “Silks House” and “Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood”. This time is my first time tasting the lobster one.Water chestnut provides a uniquely memorable crispy texture. The meat used is from Spanish Iberian pork, offering a smooth and juicy experience upon tasting. Boston lobster imparts enough seafood flavor to create a delicious fusion of the two tastes. Personally, I would prefer a bit more of the rich essence of the meat juices at the bottom of the dish.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜)

延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)



Claypot rice with custom-made sausages
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

你應該跟我有同一個疑問 – 臘味雙腸煲仔飯放進 NTD $3500/人 菜單? 仔細聽說菜與品嚐後, 覺得放進這客製化菜單是正確的. 不僅使用了主廚特選的台灣冠軍米,連肝腸與臘腸的比例也是主廚獨家的秘方. 店員專業地先將青菜與雙腸拿起,米飯早已吸收了豉油, 攪拌的同時將鍋巴平均分配到每一碗. 風乾臘腸帶有鹹肉香且不會太過硬, 而肝腸則是夠鹹香, 微硬鍋巴並不焦苦.
You probably have the same question as I – Claypot rice with custom-made sausages in NTD $3500/person menu? After listening to the details about the dish and tasting it, I believe that it was the right choice to include it in the customized menu. Not only does it use the chef’s specially selected Taiwan champion rice, but the ratio of sausages are also the chef’s exclusive secret. The staff professionally lifts the vegetables and sausages. The rice has already absorbed the soy sauce, and while stirring, the crispy rice is evenly distributed to each bowl.  Both sausages have meaty aroma and savory flavor. It doesn’t taste  too tough.   The slightly firm crispy rice is not bitter. Overall, this dish is on point.





Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

當天才會知道麟聚祕制美甜點 .這次吃的是芒果奶酪, 不錯吃.
The dessert item will only be revealed at the end of meal. This time, the dessert is Mango Panna Cotta, which is delicious.



結論 Conclusion ⭐

這次 NTD $3500/人菜單是與餐廳討論的結果.  我知道主揪人需注意事項, 一一列出給你們看.

雖然他們說7天前打電話 02-2712-2700 或是留言訂位, 我個人覺得 10 天前訂位比較保險. 確認菜單需要時間, 遇到假日與付訂金也需要時間

麟聚私廚菜單 NTD $3500/人是最基本的價格. 當初本來想要烤鴨換乳鴿, 餐廳告知菜單會是 NTD $4500/人. 因此只好放棄乳鴿, 維持初訪 NTD $3500/人烤鴨一吃的菜餚. 我們用餐時間是 2023.11月, 因時令食材價格, 你們吃的菜單可能會與這篇文章不一樣

多人分享桌菜 vs 個人套餐式
其實是看你跟用餐的賓客們. 中式菜餚與西式菜餚不太ㄧ樣. 中式菜餚會是一次煮好再分盤. 我個人會建議桌菜方式呈現, 以免還要等別人吃完才能吃下一道菜餚

麟聚包廂是以低消為標準, [人數 x 菜單一人價格 ] + [開瓶費] 多過於包廂低消即可坐包廂.

好吃嗎? 或是哪道必點?
麟聚是由廚藝總監劉冠麟 Eddie掌廚的私廚料理餐廳, 由於新開幕不久, 並沒有太多媒體報道. 我也是透過這次的邀約,才知道原來Eddie是遠東香格里拉的餐飲顧問, 也是徐旭東董事長的御廚. 麟聚以客製化菜單為主, 這次初訪就選 NTD $3500/人 的菜單 ,我個人認為比預期地好吃. 菜餚有記憶點 – 例如芹香木耳拌螺片的花椒麻味 , 蜜汁伊比利叉燒的嫩與油脂 ,鮑參貝肚佛跳牆的湯頭與食材 , 鮑魚花菇扣蟹鉗的食材, 臘味雙腸煲仔飯的臘味.

I can imagine what the host should notice after discussing NTD $3500/person menu details with the restaurant.

✅  Reserve how many days prior?
Lin Ju restaurant stated that the reservation would take 7 days  prior. However, reservations should ideally be made about 10 days in advance, as confirming the menu and dealing with holidays and deposit payments would take some time.

✅ Pricing and Menu Options
The base price for the Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine menu is NTD $3500 / per person.  The dish may be vary  based on ingredient costs. Customizations to the menu, like changing duck to pigeon, would increase the menu price to NTD $4500/per person. So, I stay with the roasted duck option.  It is essential to confirm the details when making reservations.

✅ Sharing Table Dishes vs. Individual Set Menus
The dining style depends on personal preferences. Chinese dishes are usually served family-style, where dishes are prepared and then shared among the group. I would suggest Sharing Table Dishes style to avoid waiting for others to finish before moving on to the next course.

✅ Private Room vs Other Seating Area
Lin Ju’s private rooms have a minimum spending requirement, calculated as [number of people × individual menu price] + [corkage fees]. If the total surpasses the minimum spending requirement, it qualifies for booking a private room.

✅ Is It Delicious? Must-Try Dishes?
Since Lin Ju restaurant is a newly-opened restaurant, there isn’t much media news. If I wasn’t invited, I wouldn’t know  that Chef Eddie is Far Eastern Hotel restaurant executive consultant. Lin Ju restaurant is  categorized as private kitchen, which the menu can be customized.  I enjoyed the NTD $3500 per person menu, considering it better than expected. Some standout dishes include Black Fungus / Sliced Sea Whelks / Celery dish ; BBQ Iberico pork; Abalone with Mushroom and Crab Claw;  ; Assorted Ingredients in Chinese Casserole ; Claypot rice with custom-made sausages.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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麟聚 資訊

Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine Information

店名: 麟聚
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路100號1F [茹曦酒店 1F ](Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋捷運站( G17 )
電話: 02-2712-2700

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lin.Ju.Modern.Chinese.Cuisine
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linju__modern_chinese_cuisine/

Restaurant: Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine
Address: 1F, No. 100, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City , Taiwan [ ILLUME TAIPEI HOTEL 1F ] (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Taipei Arena Metro Station (G17 )
Tel: 02-2712-2700



