信義安和咖啡店 》 Le Partage 樂享小法廚 | Taipei Coffee Shop
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
其實位於台北信義安和捷運站附近的Le Partage 樂享小法廚是一家法式料理餐廳, 本來想去 HOOKED TO GO 咖啡店, 不料座位已滿, 就決定去Le Partage 樂享小法廚喝個下午茶咖啡.
Le Partage Restaurant, which specializes in French Cuisine, is located near Taipei Xinyi Anhe MRT station. We were planning to go to HOOKED TO GO coffee shop but sadly the seats are full. Therefore, we choose Le Partage for our afternoon coffee place of the day.
木質的裝潢搭配不一致但很摩登的傢俱, 有舒適雙人座也有讓人慵懶的沙發, 櫃檯冰箱裡放著氣泡水, 整體室內設計讓人有種在Bistro用餐的感覺.
Wooden design pairs with different but modern furnitures, such as comfortable sofa. The sparkling water is placed at the refrigerated display shelf near the cashier. The whole design theme is fit for Bistro Style.
**飲料菜單在文末 Drink Menu is at the end of the article **
冰卡布奇諾 Iced Cappuccino
Price: $140
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍
設計新潮的杯子裡裝著顏色對比顯著的咖啡, 自己輕輕地攪拌後轉變成淡褐色咖啡, 放置在店家頗具設計巧思如同棧板的淺米色的杯墊. 這次並沒有問關於咖啡豆產地, 當下只想專心地享受室外暫時放晴的感覺. 一不注意喝下一大口時, 冰冷的感覺暫時讓味蕾凍結, 漸漸感受到經典的咖啡與鮮奶融合, 可惜的是咖啡風味略為遜色, 但鮮奶品質極佳, 讓我有種衝動想要品嚐他們的熱可可. The Ice Cappuccino with white and brown color is placed at the tall modern cup on the baige pallet-like pad. The color transfers to light brown color when stir evenly. I didnt ask the coffee origin since I just want to enjoy the short moment of sunny day. When gulping down the ice coffee, the tastebuds couldn’t sense any flavor momentarily. However, eventually, the classic Cappuccino flavor, which is coffee mixed with milk, appears. Sadly, the coffee tastes only average but their milk is excellent with creamy taste.
奇異果果汁 Kiwi Juice
Price: $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
端上桌時, 顏色跟印象中的深綠奇異果汁不一樣, 也許這就是所謂的天然奇異果汁吧, 為了要證實這一點, 小酌了一口 , 心裏想著 “嗯, 有果粒, 果汁帶點奇異果該有的酸味, 應該99.99%是現打的果汁”, 由於只喝了一口, 不太方便評分.
The light green color of the Kiwi Juice is different from dark green kiwi juice that I used to see at the market. Maybe the light green color is supposed to be the natural color. I take a small sip of the juice. There are actual kiwi grains with the natural kiwi sour flavor. This is 99.99% natural kiwi juice. However, since I only take a small sip, it would be impossible to rate it.
Restaurant Name 店名: Le Partage 樂享小法廚
Address: No. 35, Lane 90, 1st Section, An-He Road , Taipei City 台北市大安區安和路一段90巷35號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT: Xinyi Anhe MRT station 信義安和捷運站
Wifi: Yes
Wall Socket: No
營業時間:星期一至五 Weekday 11:30 am ~ 10pm
星期六與日 Weekend 11:00am ~ 10pm