聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點

Last Updated on 2025-01-09 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) 聚苑 Ju Yuan2022 新開幕台北無菜單料理餐廳, 主廚簡捷明設計且創造出不分派系的預約制私房桌菜料理, 讓饕客們紛紛訂位嚐鮮.
(Closed Down) Ju Yuan Restaurant is a Taipei 2022 newly-opened restaurant. Chef Jian designed the reservation-only omakase menu.

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About Ju Yuan Reservation & Private Dining Room

聚苑餐廳是台北民生社區餐廳美食之一, 離小巨蛋捷運站與松山機場捷運站比較近, 地址在台北市松山區民生東路四段131巷21號, 餐廳紅色的招牌在巷弄內頗為顯眼. 聚苑是預約制餐廳, 不能 Walk-In. 訂位有 inline ( Link: https://reurl.cc/lZ5Nr6 ) ,  現在聚苑接午餐時間的散客, 換句話說, 一人也可以訂位. 詳細菜單部分建議打電話方式 02-8770-5505 詢問. 主要原因是有專屬人員可以與你們仔細討論菜單, 聚苑也有包廂 (圖3 & 圖4)
Ju Yuan restaurant is one of the Minsheng Community Restaurants. It is near Taipei Arena MRT station and Songshan Airport MRT Station. The address is at No. 21, 131th Lane, 4th section, Mingshen East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. The red restaurant appearance is quite obvious. Ju Yuan Restaurant is reservation-only. The restaurant has inline to reserve ( Link: https://reurl.cc/lZ5Nr6 ).  Now, they offer Lunch Set, even one person can reserve. However, I would suggest to call 02-8770-5505 to discuss with details Ju Yuan restaurant also has private dining room (Pic 3 & Pic 4).



延伸閱讀: 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide


Ju Yuan Price and Corkage Fee

聚苑的開瓶費是 NTD 500/瓶  .聚苑是台北無菜單料理餐廳, 套餐價位可能會因為食材而波動. 我會建議直接到訂位網頁查詢, 價位資料比較齊全. 訂位 inline ( Link: https://reurl.cc/lZ5Nr6 ) 
Ju Yuan Restaurant Corkage Fee is NTD $500/one bottle.  The set price may be vary due to ingredient price. I would suggest to go to reservation inline ( Link: https://reurl.cc/lZ5Nr6 )  to get more detailed and correct price information. 


Ju Yuan Parking

The parking lot is at the opposite side of the restaurant.



 u Yuan Omakase Menu Content

2024 年的價格請自行詢問. 在此提醒聚苑是不分派系的餐廳 , 與”朧粵中餐廳 Longyue “有些不同. 感謝朋友協助紀錄菜餚名稱.
Please ask for the update 2024 price. Please note that Ju Yuan is a restaurant with various area of cuisines. It is a bit different from “Longyue”. Thanks to my friend to take notes of the cuisine name

延伸閱讀: 朧粵 Longyue 》 菜單除了叉燒皇還點哪些菜餚 (內有訂位資訊)




My Favorite Dishes


Roasted Chicken with Red Fermented Beancurd

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

在主廚簡捷明為總監的另一家 ”朧粵 Longyue” 有吃到手吊脆皮雞, 聚苑餐廳的吊燒雞應該是我在台北最喜歡吃的吊燒雞, 外皮極脆, 每一口雞肉吃起來多汁軟嫩, 入味挑起食慾, 我個人是喜歡單吃, 南乳醬對許多饕客們是加分. 我個人推薦點.
I tasted the Roasted Chicken at “Longyue restaurant”, which is also supervised by Michelin Starred Chef Jian. Ju Yuan Restaurant’s roasted chicken is probably my favorite roasted chicken at Taipei City. The appearance is crispy and every bite is juicy and tender.I prefer eating the chicken without sauce. Red Fermented Beancurd is definitely a plus for many foodies. I would recommend to order.

延伸閱讀: 朧粵 Longyue 》 菜單除了叉燒皇還點哪些菜餚 (內有訂位資訊)



Mapo Tofu with Lobster, Wagyu Beef and Shirako
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

聚苑的辣度偏溫和. 味蕾可以感受到明顯的麻度, 且並不會將龍蝦的鮮彈度降低. 不錯吃.在中式餐廳吃到白子食材是驚喜. 這裡的辣度並不會像 “鄒記食舖 Zou Ji ” 直球般強辣度, 而是適度的辣麻香, 搭飯很適合. 
The spiciness is on the milder side. The numbing sensation is prominent but does not overpower the fresh and bouncy texture of the lobster. It was a pleasant surprise to see shirako on the menu at a Chinese restaurant. The level of spiciness here is not as aggressively bold as the direct heat from “Zou Ji Restaurant”. Instead offers a balanced combination of spice, numbing sensation, and fragrance, making it a perfect pairing with rice.

延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)



Stir-Fried Egg White with Milk and Shrimp
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我沒有聽過或吃過傳統名菜 “大良炒牛奶”. 這是第一次吃到用鮮奶與蛋白清炒出類似醬泥的菜餚, 口感非常滑嫩, 也帶有獨特風味. 與清炒蝦仁一起入口添增多層次風味. 炸蝦頭不僅是裝飾品, 呈現不同的微硬且酥脆口感. 我個人會推薦點.
I never heard or tried the Stir-Fried Egg white with milk. This is the first time to try this dish. The paste in the middle is similar with semi-boiled scramble egg white. The texture is smooth with interesting flavor. The stir-fried shrimp brings multi-flavors to the dish. The fried shrimp head is not only for decoration. It presents a bit hard texture but crispy texture. I would recommend this dish.



Braised Beef Tongue with Peppercorn and Malta Flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

麻辣牛舌切得方正, 滷得透徹. 除了嫩口感外, 麻辣風味不會過膩或是過於香辣, 我個人很喜歡.
The spicy beef tongue is neatly cubed and thoroughly braised. Beyond its tender texture, the spicy mala flavor is well-balanced—not overly rich or excessively spicy—which I personally find delightful.



Broth with Lotus Roots , Squid and Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

店家將蓮藕,上肩胛豬肉與其他食材分開放一盤先端上 , 讓客人自行品嚐. 經過長時間悶燉, 蓮藕入味, 有肉香與章魚賦予的鮮香風味. 湯品經過過濾後 , 呈現毫無雜質卻濃郁溫醇的湯品. 我會推薦點.
The restaurant serves the lotus root, pork shoulder, and other ingredients separately on a platter, allowing guests to savor each component individually. After being slow-braised for an extended period, the lotus root absorbs the rich flavors of the pork and the umami imparted by the squid. I would recommend to order.




Rice with Shrimp, Abalone ,Chicken and Sea Cucumber
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

浸在濃稠鮑汁高湯裡的撈飯非常美味, 每一口飯皆吸收濃香的鮑汁高湯, 鮑魚口感嫩軟, 雖然是接近尾聲才上菜, 我還想再吃一碗撈飯.
The rice absorbs large amount abalone broth becomes incredibly delicious. The abalone is tender too.




Stir-Fried Fish Fin with Eggs
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

上一次吃到的魚翅是“德馨坊” 的佛跳牆 , 這次主廚運用魚翅食材在截然不同的菜餚. 菜餚名稱裡雖然有桂花, 實際上並沒有桂花食材. 而是將蛋炒得像桂花辦. 最特別的是雞湯煨煮魚翅, 雞湯風味搭配蛋香不錯吃. 餐廳會協助分成每人一小碗. 我個人建議如果有 8 ~ 10 人就可以點.
The last time I had fin was in the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall dish at “De Xin Fang Restaurant “. This time, the chef incorporated shark fin into a completely different dish. Although the dish’s name includes “osmanthus,” it doesn’t actually contain osmanthus flowers. Instead, the egg is stir-fried to resemble the appearance of osmanthus petals. The standout feature is the fish fin simmered in chicken soup, where the rich chicken broth pairs wonderfully with the aroma of the egg. The restaurant helps portion the dish into individual small bowls for each guest. Personally, I recommend ordering this dish if you’re dining with a group of 8 to 10 people.

延伸閱讀: De Xin Fang Restaurant 》關於德馨坊的三個重點



Mapo Tofu with Australian Lobster
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

麻婆豆腐似乎成為台北高級中式餐廳的必點菜餚之一, 例如 “鄒記食舖” 的麻婆蝦仁豆腐, ”捌伍添第餐廳“ 的麻婆冷豆腐 , 與 “晶華軒”的生拆膏蟹燴麻婆豆腐. 之前聚苑之前也有出過和牛麻婆白子蝦仁豆腐. 相較之下, 我個人比較喜歡這一道龍蝦麻婆豆腐. 聚苑的辣度偏溫和. 味蕾可以感受到明顯的麻度, 且並不會將龍蝦的鮮彈度降低. 不錯吃.
Mapo Tofu dish seemed to be a must-order dishes in Taipei high-end Chinese restaurant. For example at “Zou Ji “ , “85 TD” and “Silks House”. Comparing with the previous Mapo Tofu with beef and shirako, I would prefer this lobster mapo tofu. This dish’s spicy level is mild and also with stimulation. The combination is delicious as expected.

延伸閱讀: 85TD Restaurant 》關於台北 101 捌伍添第餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)


Stewed Grouper With Peeled Pepper and Pickled mustard green
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

之前在 “請客樓” 有吃過 泡椒酸筍龍膽斑 , 只有單純的辣香. 這次在聚苑吃到的泡椒酸菜水煮老虎斑是湯品. 伴隨濃郁白湯入口的有酸菜與泡椒, 花椒與辣椒的點綴缺一不可. 酸與麻的結合讓饕客們欲罷不能, 幾乎每人都喝兩碗.
Previously at “The Guest House” , I tried their spicy flavor stewed grouper. This time, we tried the similar dish. It is stewed grouper with Peeled Pepper and Pickled mustard green. There are also peppercorn and peppers. The acidity and stimulation combination is foodie’s favorite.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)




Stewed Fish broth with loofah and fungus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我一訪時有吃過聚苑的海味絲瓜, 這次吃到的魚湯白木耳浸絲瓜也不錯 , 鮮濃魚湯非常美味, 同時也可以品嚐到絲瓜的甜脆.
I once tasted their stewed loofah with seafood. This dish is pretty delicious. The fish broth is thick along with the sweetness and crisp loofah.



Shrimp Roll with Fried Vermicelli
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一道菜餚與我在 “Allez Bistro” 吃到的酥炸千絲蝦外型類似. 師傅解釋金絲鳳尾蝦菜餚是農曆年菜. 運用兩款蝦 – 明蝦與鳳尾蝦. 明蝦打成蝦漿, 再均勻包裹著鳳尾蝦. 再以細麵線圍繞著蝦, 再進行油炸. 外層酥脆且不油, 整體吃起來比預期地細緻, 味蕾更是能感受到適量海鮮風味.
This dish appearance is similar with the fried shrimp roll dish that I had at “Allez Bistro”. The chef explains that this dish is a traditional dish during Chinese New Year. They use two types of prawns. One is to make shrimp paste and cover around the second type of shrimp. The chef uses vermicelli to wrap and through frying process. It is crispy as expected and quite delicious. The tastebuds can sense the seafood flavor as well.

延伸閱讀: ALLEZ BISTRO 來酒館 》再訪品嚐更美味的新菜單推薦



Chef Jian’s Special -BBQ Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

其他中式餐廳的叉燒皇皆是用梅頭肉 (上肩肉) (例如:  “ 東方樓” ). 聚苑的簡式秘製黑叉燒則是台灣溫體黑豬肉的豬五花. 我之前吃的都是單純的蜜汁叉燒, 這次的秘製醬汁有意想不到的海鮮醬與南乳, 風味還是以鹹多於甜為主導. 慢烤讓肥瘦相間的五花肉更為柔嫩. 如果你愛吃叉燒, 可點來品嚐.
Most Chinese Restaurants use pork shoulder. Ju Yuan restaurant’s Chef Jian uses pork belly. This time, the secret sauces include seafood sauce and fermented beancurd. The savory flavor still dominate the tastebuds. Slow -roast process makes this BBQ pork more tender. If you like BBQ pork, you can consider ordering it.

延伸閱讀: The Orient Restaurant Taipei 》在台北南港漢來東方樓菜單點哪些菜餚



Abalone with Pig Knuckles and Shiitake Mushroom
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

鮑魚堆疊在豬蹄上方, 鮑魚Q彈口感搭配充滿膠質黏口的鹹香豬蹄不錯吃, 花菇不同的口感與風味更是增添多一層風味. 有人生日可以考慮詢問可不可以有這一道在菜單裡.
The abalone is placed on the top of the Pig Knuckles. The abalone texture is great pairing with the gelatin from the pig knuckles. The shiitake mushroom offers different texture and different flavor. If someone is celebrating birthday, you can ask if you can have this dish on the menu.





Other Dishes



Fried Sliced Cod with Salted Egg Yolk

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道是當時朋友們公認的下酒菜,金沙鱈魚條寬度比其他家餐廳的金沙鱈魚條寬了許多,鹹香的風味也更為濃厚, 酥脆口感更讓每個人吃了都一片接一片.
My friends all consider this dish is great pairing with the alcohols. The size is thicker and wider. The salty egg flavor is much more thicker than expected. I also love the crispy texture, just like eating snacks.


Steamed Egg White with Crab, scallops , and Chinese Yellow Wine
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

瑤柱花雕蒸蛋白看似燴飯的基底, 隨後店家端上一鍋飯讓客人隨意添加. 花雕酒增加香氣與微甜風味, 並不會有酒香. 瑤柱的鮮味也不會太明顯.  整體來說, 這是一道非常適合搭配飯的菜餚.
The Steamed Egg White with Dried Scallops and  Chinese Yellow Wine resembles the base of a saucy rice dish at first glance. The restaurant later brings out a pot of rice, allowing guests to add as much as they like. The Huadiao wine enhances the dish with a subtle aroma and a hint of sweetness without an overpowering alcoholic scent, while the umami of the dried scallops remains understated. Overall, this is a dish that pairs perfectly with rice.



Steamed Mud Crab with Sticky Rice

粵菜版的秘製紅蟳米糕還不錯. 2 隻紅蟳拆解費時費功, 蟹黃與蟹肉的份量很多 , 偏蓬鬆的糯米糕頗入味. 喜歡台式紅蟳米糕也可試試不同版本的紅蟳米糕.
Cantonese version of Steamed Mud Crab with Sticky Rice is tasty. They uses two crabs, which are fair amount of quantity. The fluffy texture of sticky rice is full of seafood flavor. If you like Taiwanese version crab sticky rice, you can try the Cantonese version.



Chicken Broth with Fish Maw and Pork Belly

之前喜歡的花膠雞湯是 “請客樓“ , 聚苑的豬肚花膠雞湯品嚐起來頗有不同. 一般雞湯都是土雞與金華火腿長時間熬煮, 聚苑廚房團隊則是用豬肚, 花膠與雞, 先嗅到迷人的雞湯香氣, 我喜歡品嚐這款 Clean (有過濾) 卻濃郁微黏嘴的雞湯. 我個人也推薦點.
I used to like “The Guest House” Chicken Broth. Ju Yuan Restaurant Chicken broth is a bit different. Besides Chicken and Fish Maw, Ju Yuan chefs uses pork belly instead of Jinhua ham. You can smell the great chicken broth aroma. I like the clean (filtered) but yet thick chicken broth. I would also recommend to order.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)



Mapo Tofu with Shrimp, Waygu Beef , and Shirako

這一款菜餚奪得相當多媒體版面, 除了美味外, 聚苑也將白子與和牛加進菜餚裡, 我上次吃白子是在”樂魚料亭 “, 在中式餐廳吃到白子食材是驚喜. 這裡的辣度並不會像 “鄒記食舖 Zou Ji ” 直球般強辣度, 而是適度的辣麻香, 搭飯很適合.我個人推薦點
This dish is probably their signature dish considering the exposure in many medias and magazines. Besides deliciousness, Ju Yuan restaurant also adds Shirako and Wagyu Beef into this dish. It is quite surprising to eat Shriako at a Chinese restaurant. Last time I had Shirako at “Leyu Ryotei Japanese Restaurant”. The spicy level is not as strong as “Zou Ji Restaurant”. I can taste fair amount of spicy aroma & flavor. It is great pairing with rice. I would recommend it.

延伸閱讀: 樂魚料亭 Leyu Ryotei 》關於這家中壢日式無菜單料理的四個重點

延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)



Loofah with Scallop

我很喜歡吃 “鼎泰豐” 絲瓜小籠包 與 “九記” 鹹魚薑米炒勝瓜, 我完全就是絲瓜控,聚苑這道的絲瓜微脆而且嫩, 海鮮風味與絲瓜是經典組合, 份量頗多的干貝將這款菜餚升級,
I like the steamed loofah dumpling at “Din Tai Fung” and the loofah dish at “Jui-Ji Seafood”. This loofah dish at Ju Yuan Restaurant is delicious and a bit of crispy and soft at the same time. Seafood flavor and Loofah are the classic combination. There are fair amount scallops to upgrade this dish.

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2022 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2022 推薦美食排名

延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)



Salt-cured Fish with Rice.

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台灣人還是比較喜歡冷盤滷味小菜, 而不是以飯與鹽醃魚為基底的冷盤小菜.
Taiwanese tend to prefer cold appetizers like braised dishes rather than cold dishes based on rice and salt-cured fish.




Stir-Fried Various Ingredients

主廚將薑絲, 腰果與韭菜花, 加進干貝與鮮魷絲一起翻炒. 每人只分到一小部分,相較於其他菜餚, 此道並沒有很出色
The chef stir-fried sliced ginger, cashew , leek flowers along with scallop and squid. Everyone can only get a small portion. Comparing with other dishes, this dish is average.



Pig Kidney with Shaoxing Wine

腰花吃起來頗脆, 黃酒香氣也讓這道菜餚升級.
The pig kidney texture is crispy and the shaoxing wine definitely upgrades this dish.



Stir-Fried Pig Intestine with Pickled Mustard Green & Fermented Black Beans

我個人比較喜歡臺菜餐廳 – “小酌之家” 的乾扁肥腸.
I prefer the Taiwanese version of Pig Intestine dish at “Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚




Crispy Pig Knuckles

目前我心中第一名的避風塘系列是在 “九記海鮮” – 瑤柱粥 & 避風塘海草蝦. 這一道去骨的脆皮豬手也是運用避風塘手法. 鹹香又酥脆.
My No. 1 of Cantonese deep fried garlic dish is at “Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood”. This pig knuckles is also deep-fried and with garlic. The flavor is quite savory with crispy texture.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)




Stir-Fried Beef with egg and tomato

It tastes good pairing with rice.



Hot Soft Tofu Pudding

Quite tasty.



Red Bean Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

The texture is thick but overall not too sweet.




Stir-Fried Seasonal Vegetables with Egg
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍



美國牛肉 & 龍蝦

USDA Prime Ribeye Slice & Lobster ( Panulirus Ornatus)

這兩道食材是用豬肚花膠雞湯涮與煮 , 很特別的組合.
Those ribeye and lobster are cooked with the chicken broth above. It is an interesting combination.



Lamb Stew with Bean Curd Sheet

台灣有羊肉爐 (例如 “豐光溫體羊肉爐” ) , 香港有羊腩煲 , 例如聚苑的枝竹羊腩煲. 帶皮羊肉沒有羶味, 而且肉質軟嫩適中, 不錯吃, 湯喝起來並沒有預期地香料或中藥味, 最後也會放茼蒿一起煮.
Taiwan has Lamb Hot Pot ( For example: “Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot” ), and Hong Kong also has Lamb Stew. Ju Yuan Restaurant also offers lamb stew. The lamb meat is tender and quite delicious. The broth doesn’t have the spice or Chinese medicine flavor as expected. They also cook the vegetable with the stew.

延伸閱讀: 豐光溫體羊肉爐 Lamb Hot Pot 》如果不點全羊大餐那推薦點什麼



Stir-Fried Rice with Spicy Flavor

這道魔鬼炒飯是鹹, 辣與香並存, 粒粒分明. 喜歡吃辣的人會喜歡這道菜餚.
The Stir-Fried rice is spicy, salty and full of spicy aroma. If you like spicy food, you will like this dish.



Abalone with Pig Knuckles

鮑魚堆疊在豬蹄上方, 鮑魚Q彈口感搭配充滿膠質黏口的鹹香豬蹄不錯吃, 老實說, 我好想配飯.
The abalone is placed on the top of the Pig Knuckles. The abalone texture is great pairing with the gelatin from the pig knuckles. Honestly, I want to eat this dish with rice.



Pig Kidney with Shaoxing Wine

專業的聚苑外場店員迅速地將這一道黃酒腰花菜餚分 10 碗給我們, 速度掌握地非常好, 因此腰花吃起來頗脆, 黃酒香氣也讓這道菜餚升級.
The restaurant staff is trained well. They rapidly let us have 10 separated bowls. The pig kidney texture is crispy and the shaoxing wine definitely upgrades this dish.



Pig Liver

I don’t usually eat internal organs.



Rib with Garlic Flavor

I personally consider other dishes are more impressive.



Snail with Kaoliang Spirit and vermicelli

高粱酒香味瞬間瀰漫在空氣, 蝸牛的Q度明顯, 粉條也有入味.
Kaoliang Spirit aroma is pleasant. The snail texture is obvious. The vermicelli absorbs fair amount of the sauce.



Guiling Jelly

The tastebuds can sense both bitterness and sweetness.



聚苑 Ju Yuan 資訊

Ju Yuan Restaurant Information

店名: 聚苑
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路四段131巷21號 (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋捷運站 or 松山機場捷運站
電話: 02-8770-5505
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084300288636
Website: https://www.juyuan.com.tw
Restaurant: Ju Yuan Restaurant
Address: No. 21, 131th Lane, 4th section, Mingshen East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Arena or Songshan Airport
Tel: 02-8770-5505




