Holt Taipei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的三個重點

Last Updated on 2024-08-03 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) Holt 餐廳台北米其林一星餐廳 , 這篇文章會包括訂位方式 , 主廚 Jeffrey DownsHolt 菜單與評價.
(Closed Down ) Holt Restaurant is Taipei Michelin one-star Restaurant. This article includes Holt Restaurant reservation , Holt menu made by Chef Jeffrey Downs , and review.


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Holt 訂位

Holt Restaurant Reservation

Holt 餐廳的地址為台北市松山區民生東路三段113巷6弄11號 , 離中山國中捷運站 8 ~ 10 分鐘路程. 餐廳外觀頗低調. Holt 並無置物籃, 但是有桌邊掛鉤. 洗手間的擺設也有米其林一星的架勢. 餐廳氛圍輕鬆 , 服務親切, 會主動問需不需要掛外套. 窗邊座位最受歡迎, 我跟朋友被安排至中間的座位. Holt 訂位是用 inline網路訂位(Link). 我跟朋友則是吃午餐套餐 NTD $3850+10%/人
Holt Restaurant is located at No. 11, Alley 6, Lane 113, Section 3, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It’s about 8 to 10 minutes away from Zhongshan Junior High School MRT Station. The exterior of the restaurant is quite understated. The restroom is designed with a Michelin one-star ambiance. The atmosphere in the restaurant is relaxed, with friendly service. They will ask you if you need to hang the coat. Window seats are the most popular. However, my friend and I were assigned to seats in the middle. Holt restaurant accepts reservations through inline (Link) . My friend and I chose to have Lunch NTD $3850+10%/person at Holt restaurant.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

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Holt 菜單與價位 ⭐

Holt Set Menu and Price

✅ 午間套餐價格: NTD $3850 +10%/人
✅ 晚間套餐價格: NTD $3980 + 10%/人
a.我是吃 NTD $3850 +10%/人的午間套餐菜單
b.我不確定有無 “中文”菜單, 可能我朋友訂位是用英文訂位.

✅ Lunch Set Price: NTD $3850 +10%/person
✅ Dinner Set Price: NTD $3980 + 10%/person
a.I ate NTD $3850 +10%/person Lunch Menu
b.I am not sure if they have Chinese menu. I got the English only menu since my friend reserved with her English name.



Holt 菜單 – 午間套餐評價 

Holt Menu – Lunch Set and Review


Smoked Mackerel Tartelette
Tomato, Raspberry & Shiso
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

不同於 “earnestos 餐廳” 的小金杯, Holt 的塔皮較為紮實. 建議先咬一小口. 塔底是以酸甜主導的醃漬番茄, 適合開胃. 再堆疊起煙燻鯖魚, 適量的鹹鮮程度也讓人期待接下來的菜餚.
Unlike the delicate Kueh Pie Tee at “Earnestos Restaurant” , the tart crust at Holt restaurant is more robust. I would suggest to take a small bite first. The tart base is dominated by sweet and sour pickled tomatoes, making it appetizing. Stacked on top is smoked mackerel, and the right balance of saltiness adds anticipation for the upcoming dishes.

延伸閱讀: earnestos Taipei 》 關於 earnestos 餐廳 的五個重點



Bread and Butter
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Holt 餐廳與 “FRASSI 餐廳” 一樣都是自己製作酵母酸種麵包. 麵包不錯吃. 麵包可續, 不怕海鹽奶油份量太多.
Holt Restaurant, like “FRASSI Restaurant” , bakes its own sourdough bread. The bread is delicious and refillable, making it suitable for those who enjoy pairing it with generous portions of sea salt butter.

延伸閱讀: FRASSI 》關於這一家台北大直義大利餐廳的五個重點



Charcoal Kissed Sea Bream
Roasted Corn Tosazu , Okra & Bee Pollen
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Holt 餐廳這一季的菜單是以海鮮為主打. 微炭燻烹調手法曾在日式 “ 花蕉Hanasho” 的板前看過. 表層炭燻後, 更能帶出更多的海鮮風味. 秋葵與烤玉米絲的口感更能顯現出鯛魚的鮮嫩. 印象深刻的是高湯凍與日本土佐醋的組合, 輕描淡寫的酸度讓整道菜餚延伸得更立體.
Holt Restaurant’s menu this season focuses on seafood. I saw the charcoal-kissed cooking technique at high-end “Hanasho Japanese restaurant”. After fish surface charring, it brings out even more seafood flavors. The texture of okra enhances the tenderness of the sea bream. What left a lasting impression is the combination of consommé jelly and Japanese Tosa vinegar, with a subtly expressed acidity that elevates the entire dish.

延伸閱讀: 花蕉 Hanasho 》二訪品嚐台北 Omakase 日料晚餐菜單



Spanish Mackerel Cooked Over Charcoal
Spinach, Verbena & Whey
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

土魠魚 (Spanish Mackerel) 在秋冬季節常出現在許多台北 Fine Dining 餐廳 (例如 “Orchid 蘭餐廳” 與 “earnestos Taipei ” ). Holt 主廚 Jeffrey Downs 將魚子醬置放於半熟土魠魚旁 , 間接增添不同層次的鹹鮮風味. 費時費工的手撥青豆賦予不同口感. 由於這一道的海鮮風味偏濃郁, 覆蓋住馬鞭草油與乳清泡沫想表達的佐醬特色.
Spanish Mackerel often appears in many Taipei Fine Dining restaurants during the autumn and winter seasons, such as “Orchid Restaurant” and “earnestos Taipei”. Holt Chef Jeffrey Downs places caviar next to semi-cooked Spanish Mackerel, indirectly adding layers of savory flavors. The time-consuming hand-picked green peas provide a different texture. Since this seafood dish tends to have a rich flavor, it somewhat overshadows the distinctive characteristics that the tarragon oil and whey foam aim to express.

延伸閱讀: Orchid 蘭餐廳 》再次品嚐新主廚的日法風格晚餐菜單




Crispy Shitake Mushroom & Sea Urchin
Hazelnut Caramel & Kampyo
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

許多台北西式餐廳很常將 “海膽食材“ 作為一道 Fusion 菜餚的主角, 例如在另一家 “Ad Astra Taipiei” 吃到的海膽鬆餅. 我必須說 Holt 餐廳在菜餚英文命名很聰明, 寫的是 “Crispy Shitake Mushroom 炸花菇 “ 而不是 “ Shitake Mushroom 花菇日式天婦羅“. 可惜炸花菇口感是偏溫軟而不是脆 , 並沒有與馬糞海膽口感形成強烈對比. 鮮美海膽與焦糖榛果一同入口則是創新的 Fushion 組合.
Many Taipei Western-style restaurants often feature “sea urchin” as the protagonist in a fusion dish, like the sea urchin pancake at “Ad Astra Taipei”. I must say that Holt restaurant is very clever in naming its dishes in English, calling it “Crispy Shitake Mushroom” rather than “Shitake Mushroom Japanese Tempura”. Unfortunately, the texture of the fried shiitake mushrooms is more on the soft side than crispy. It doesn’t create a strong contrast with the texture of the sea urchin. However, the innovative fusion combination of sea urchin with caramelized hazelnuts upon tasting is noteworthy.

延伸閱讀: Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點



Gently Cooked Yilan Abalone
Confit Chicken Wing, Morels & Vin Jaune
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

不同於一些粵式餐廳 , Holt 的慢煮宜蘭鮑魚口感鮮嫩. 上次吃竹地雞是在 “空盤 Komboi 餐廳” . 這次在 Holt 吃到的是油封竹地雞翅, 皮脆且肉不乾柴. 雞與鮑魚搭配白色豆漿山葵醬與黃酒鮑魚肝醬是不錯的體驗. 由於個人喜好, 我對過貓和龍鬚菜入菜偏無感.
Unlike some Cantonese restaurants, the slow-cooked Ilan abalone at Holt has a tender texture. The last time I had Umameat Hakka Chicken was at “Komboi Restaurant”. This time at Holt, I tried the confit Confit Chicken Wing , with crispy skin and moist meat. The combination of chicken and abalone with soy milk wasabi white sauce and Chateau Chalo abalone liver sauce was a pleasant experience. Due to personal preferences, I didn’t have a strong feeling toward the vegetables in this dish.

延伸閱讀: 空盤 Komboi 》在台北法式餐廳吃午餐套餐菜單美食




Slow Roasted Veal with Makrut Lime
Cuttlefish, Bamboo & Bagna Càuda
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

小牛肉 (Veal) 肉香並不會濃郁, 幾乎都需要牛骨醬汁或是其他醬來提升風味. 我會建議先吃一口無沾醬的牛肉. 慢烤荷蘭小牛肉口感如預期地嫩. 牛骨醬汁增加肉香. 義式熱沾醬( Bagna Càuda ) 的蒜香反倒是與孢子甘藍墨魚卷比較搭配. 上次吃到孢子甘藍料理是在 “Curious 素食餐廳“ . Holt 的孢子甘藍墨魚卷則是美味與創意兼具.
The meaty aroma of veal isn’t particularly strong. It often requires beef bone sauce/beef jus or other sauces to enhance its meaty flavor. I would recommend trying a bite of the veal without sauce first. The slow-roasted Dutch veal has the expected tender texture. The beef bone sauce/beef jus adds a layer of meaty and savory flavor . The garlic flavor of the Bagna Càuda ( Italian sauce) surprisingly pairs well with the brussels sprout squid roll. The last time I had brussels sprout dishes was at “Curious Vegetarian Restaurant”. Holt Restaurant’s brussels sprout squid roll is both delicious and creative.

延伸閱讀: Curious Taipei 》套餐制菜單裡的蓮花綻放瞬間令人驚艷




Sweet Potato & Salted Caramel
Blackcurrant Jam & Candied Peanuts
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

Holt餐廳與其他西式米其林星級餐廳一樣都有雙甜點. 這一道甜點的海鹽焦糖醬很適合搭配花生脆糖.
Holt restaurant, like other Michelin-starred Western restaurants, offers two desserts. The sea salt caramel sauce in this dessert pairs well with candied peanuts



Meigetsu Apple Poached in Port Wine
Red Date Chantilly & Vanilla Crumb
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

甜點二比甜點一更具味覺特色 , 也有盤式甜點的設計美感.
Dessert two has more distinctive flavors than dessert one. It also features a visually appealing plated design.


Petit 4

Pomelo & Thyme Dacquoise
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

由於是慶祝生日 , Petit 4 分開放.柚子達克瓦茲展現清新風味. 另一道甜點則是插上蠟燭成為生日蛋糕. 如果要慶生, 記得在訂位時提到慶生.
As it was a birthday celebration, the Petit 4 was presented separately. The Pomelo & Thyme Dacquoise showcased a refreshing flavor. Another dessert was adorned with a candle, turning it into a birthday cake. If you plan to celebrate birthday, remember to mention it when making a reservation.


Geisha 咖啡 (加價)

Geisha Coffee ( Extra Charge)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

套餐有附紅烏龍茶. 這次與朋友決定加價 NTD $420/人喝藝伎咖啡. 當時的想法在有侍酒師的米其林一星餐廳喝藝伎咖啡是個不錯經驗 .
The set menu comes with Red Oolong tea. This time, my friend and I decided to opt for the Geisha Coffee at an additional cost of NTD $420 per person. The idea was to enjoy the experience of having Geisha Coffee in a Michelin-starred restaurant.


結論 Conclusion ⭐

✅ Holt 餐廳是台北米其林一星餐廳. 有午間套餐是優點, 午間套餐價格 ( NTD $3850 +10%/人) 與晚間套餐價格(NTD $3980 +10%) 並不會差太多
✅ 2023 冬季菜單的主打是海鮮 , 未來的菜單主題不確定會不會改變. 由於 Holt 餐廳都需要提前訂位 , 如果擔心有不吃或不喜歡的食材, 建議直接打電話詢問比較快.
✅ 套餐份量夠
✅ 2024.2月中得知 Jeff 主廚已離開 Holt

✅ Holt restaurant is a Michelin one-star restaurant in Taipei. Having a lunch set menu is an advantage. The lunch set menu price (NTD $3850 +10%/ per person) does not differ much from the dinner set menu (NTD $3980 +10%).
✅ The main theme of the Winter 2023 menu is seafood, and it’s uncertain whether the theme will change in the future. If you are concerned about specific ingredients, it’s recommended to call directly for a quicker response.
✅ The set menu portions are sufficient to fulfill the appetite.
✅ I was informed that Chef Jeff left Holt around 2024.Feb


Holt 餐廳 資訊

Holt Restaurant Information

店名: Holt 餐廳
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路三段113巷6弄11號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站
電話: 02-2545-1113
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holt.tw/?locale=zh_TW
Website: https://www.holtrestaurant.com/#
Restaurant: Holt Restaurant
Address: No. 11, 6th Alley , 113th Lane, 3rd Section, Mingshen East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station:Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station.
Tel: 02-2545-1113


