一個日本料理吃貨的自我修養 Book Review 》Japanese Cuisine Knowledge Guide for Foodie

Last Updated on 2018-04-09 by Foodelicious

這本 “一個日本料理吃貨的自我修養” 將 吃貨 (Foodie) 重新定義, 吃貨要了解的不僅是食材, 也需要知道其歷史由來.
This “Japanese Cuisine Knowledge Guide for Foodie” refines the meaning of foodie. Foodie must know about the ingredients and also knowledge of the cuisine.

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書籍名稱: 一個日本料理吃貨的自我修養
作家: 碗丸 與 中午十三點
Book Name: Japanese Cuisine Knowledge Guide for Foodie
Author: Food Blogger from China
ISBN: 978-986-95599881
** This book is only in Chinese version **
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!


兩位作者為中國人 Both authors are from Mainland China

我當初買這本書時, 其實我沒在注意作者, 我一直以為碗丸與中午十三點是推薦這本書的台灣美食部落客, 後來才發現這兩位作者 (碗丸 , 中午十三點) 是中國知名的日本美食作家. 兩位作者有點像台灣的NOM Magazine (online) 跟胡天蘭綜合版. 這本書其實是繁體字版本, 所以並不會有看不懂簡體字或是語法的煩惱.
I didn’t notice that both authors are famous bloggers/foodies from Mainland China. Both authors are a bit like the mixed version of Taiwan online NOM Magazine and recognizable foodie – Miss Hu. Also, this book is in Traditional Chinese wording instead of simplified Chinese. The readers do not need to worry about the language difference.


碗丸: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/wan-cuisine
食在十三: http://www.imspender.com/u/shizaishisan


想增加對日本料理知識的人必看 Recommend for people that are interested in Japanese Cuisine

2018 台北米其林餐廳名單裡有不少日本料理店, 不僅在台灣, 在韓國也將高級日本餐廳視為談洽談公事請客的選擇, 在用餐的同時, 難免會聊到日本飲食, 甚至跟日本師傅聊天, 這一本書清楚敘述從日本料理刀工到歷史的一切.
There are several Japanese cuisine restaurants in the 2018 Michelin Guide Taipei. Not only in Taiwan, the high-end Japanese restaurants are considered the perfect place to treat clients and discuss business matter. While dining, it is impossible to avoid chatting about experience of Japanese cuisine dining. Moreover, you will need the basic knowledge to chat with the Japanese chef. This book clearly offer knowledge from the cuisine history to ingredients.

延伸閱讀: 2018 台北米其林餐廳名單 》2018 MICHELIN GUIDE TAIPEI (包括 Google Map & Facebook )



附錄排列易懂 The appendix is categorized and easy to read

附錄不僅包括日本歷史與料理進化, 也清楚列出每個地區鄉土料理, 有日文與中文的對照, 不僅適合吃貨, 也適合喜歡到日本旅遊的人.
The appendix is clearly categorized – from evolution of cuisine and history. It also list out local cuisine’s Japanese name and Chinese name. It is not only suitable for foodie but also traveller.




