IVY GARDEN TAIPEI 》台北微風美食餐廳 ( 內有菜單 )

Last Updated on 2023-05-02 by Foodelicious

Ivy Garden 餐廳 2023 台北新開幕餐廳 , 也是微風廣場 7樓美食餐廳之一. Ivy Garden 菜單以歐式與日式兼容的套餐為主.
Ivy Garden restaurant is one of the 2023 Taipei new restaurants. It is also one of the Taipei Breeze Center restaurants. Ivy Garden menu focuses on European cuisine and Japanese cuisine fusion contemporary set. .

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Ivy Garden 微風 – 訂位與低消

Ivy Garden Breeze Center – Reservation & Minimum Charge

新開幕的 Ivy Garden 位於微風廣場 7樓, 離忠孝復興捷運站五號出口約 5 ~ 10 分鐘路程, 復興南路的大門進去搭電梯或是手扶梯即可, Ivy Garden 餐廳的室內花園造景裝潢令人印象深刻, 從餐廳外是看不到裡面用餐的客人. 若是能像 台北101 4F “IL MERCATO TAIPEI 101 “ 採光更明亮會更好. Ivy Garden 訂位是採用 inline ( https://inline.app/booking/-NRDFmVV9A4LlKXjubzI:inline-live-3 ).低消是每人一份套餐. 目前有午餐時段與晚餐時段, 未來會有下午茶時段.
Newly-opened Ivy Garden is located at Taipei Breeze Center 7F. It is about 5 ~ 10 minutes walking from Zhongxiao Fuxing No.5 Exit. You can enter and take the elevator or escalator from the entrance at Fuxing South Road. The restaurant design is indoor garden style, which is quite impressive. People from outside won’t see you dining there. However, I wish that the overall light can be as bright as Taipei 101 4 F “IL MERCATO TAIPEI 101”. You will need to reserve via inline ( https://inline.app/booking/-NRDFmVV9A4LlKXjubzI:inline-live-3 ). The minimum charge is one set per person. Now, they have lunch time and dinner time. In the future, they might have afternoon tea time.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Ivy Garden 微風 – 包廂

Ivy Garden Breeze Center – Private Dining Room.

Ivy Garden 包廂是 6 人座位, 若是 6 人以上, 可以直接將一個座位區包場 (圖二) .
Ivy Garden private dining room is for 6 people. If you have more than 6 people, you can reserve at one of the area (Pic 2).

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining


Ivy Garden Menu ⭐

2023. 5 月菜單如下,

2023. 5 月菜單
✅ 午餐 Lunch: NTD $1680 +10%
✅ 晚餐 Dinner: NTD NTD $2280 + 10%
** 低消是每人一份套餐

2023. May menu as following,

2023. May Menu
✅ Lunch: NTD $1680 +10%
✅ Dinner: NTD NTD $2280 + 10%
** The minimum charge is one person per set.

MENU LINK: https://inline.app/booking/-NRDFmVV9A4LlKXjubzI:inline-live-3



Ivy Garden- 晚餐套餐 Review

Ivy Garden – Dinner Set Review


Cold Soup / Gazpacho
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

菜餚設計感與 “Hidden by DN 隱丹廚” 的試管開胃菜湯品有些類似, 拿起試管先喝一小口, 湯品喝起來如同西班牙冷湯般濃稠, 有經過細心過濾, 讓每一口都有感受到十足的台灣玉米甜味, 很適合即將到來的夏天.
This dish design is similar with the Gazpacho at “Hidden by DN”. After tasting one sip, the soup tastes as thick as Gazpacho. It is filtered and the tastebuds can sense full amount of Taiwanese sweet corn flavor. The theme is quite suitable for the upcoming summer.

延伸閱讀: Hidden by DN 隱丹廚 》 信義安和捷運站美食推薦 | Taipei Spanish Restaurant


絲稠起司 / 五色番茄 / 青醬

Stracciatella / Rainbow Tomatoes/ Pesto
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

 我在 “Anima” 有吃過類似的菜餚設計主軸 – 義式卡布里沙拉 (Caprese) , Ivy Garden 主廚發揮一些意想不到的巧思. 例如採用台灣製的慢慢弄品牌絲稠起司, 再用日式漬物工法調配出來不同酸度的五色番茄, 伴隨著微青草香的初榨橄欖油與清爽青醬入口, 些許杏仁片增加不同層次口感.
The design concept is Italian Caprese , which I tasted at “Anima Taipei”. Ivy Garden chef adds a few interesting touches – For example, they use Made-in-Taiwan Man Mano brand cheese. They also use Japanese marinated method to develop different acidity levels for the rainbow tomatoes. The overall taste also has grassy flavor EVOO and refreshing pesto sauce. The almonds create different texture as well.

延伸閱讀: Anima Taipei 》台北義大利餐廳


魚子醬 / 鵪鶉蛋 / 烤餅

caviar / quail eggs / grilled bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一道菜餚只有晚餐套餐有提供. 入口時, 上下兩層烤餅賦予的豐富奶油風味與酥脆口感, 點綴的魚子醬鹹味被包裹在有著滑順感的油封鵪鶉蛋黃與 Sour Cream , 細節裡有不少隱藏的歐式風格 – 例如油封, 自製澄清奶油 (Clarified Butter) ,魚子醬佐酸奶的搭配方式,整體吃起來有意想不到的堆疊風味.
Only dinner set offers this dish. While tasting, I am quite impressed by the great amount of buttery flavor from the grilled bread. The confit quail egg yolk and sour cream cover the caviar’s seafood flavor. There are several hidden European cooking styles in this dish – for example confit cooking method, clarified butter, and caviar sour cream pairing. Overall, I can taste multiple flavors from this dish.


法式手工麵包 / 昆布 / 奶油

Handmade French Bread/ Kombu /Butter
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Ivy Garden 與 Maison Kayser 麵包店合作. 熱騰騰且酥脆的 Maison Kayser 法式麵包可續, 昆布是一道許多台灣西餐廳常用的食材 ,也展現出許多種製作方式 – 例如 “蘭餐廳” 沾金線魚的昆布奶油醬, 甚至在 “ RAW” 也出現過海味昆布脆片. 先單純嚐了一些 Ivy Garden 的昆布奶油, 奶油份量非常足夠, 海味與奶油香氣並存, 搭配麵包不錯吃, 我個人麵包建議再續.
Ivy Garden cooperates with Maison Kayser Bakery. You can ask for more hot and crispy Maison Kayser french bread. Kombu is a common ingredient in Taiwan high-end restaurants. For example, the Kombu butter sauce at “Orchid restaurant” and Kombu crisp at “RAW”. Both seafood and buttery flavors appear in Ivy Garden’s Kombu butter. The bread is more delicious with the Kombu butter. I will suggest to ask for more breads.

延伸閱讀: Orchid Restaurant 蘭 餐廳 》台北約會餐廳之適合喜歡法式料理的情侶們

延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )


有機蔬菜/味噌/ 黑礦鹽

Organic Vegetables / Miso / Black Salt
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店員桌邊服務將蓋子打開, 瞬間些許煙霧繚繞, 接著解釋此道菜餚主題與煙霧迷漫意境皆是來自陽明山, 盤裡的四種台灣小農蔬菜不定期更換, 也用四種不同烹調方式, 我這次吃的有 – 玉米筍, 炭烤青花筍,炙燒無花果 與炸金針菇. 我上次吃台灣無花果是在 “ 野驢小餐館 Wild Donkey “, 這次在 Ivy Garden 餐廳吃到的是來自台灣彰化埔心的炙燒無花果, 依舊多汁甜美, 也可將其他蔬食沾些許黑礦鹽與味噌醬汁堆疊出多層次風味.
The smoke comes out the dish while the staff opens the dish. This smoky dish design and concept are from Yangming Mountain. Four organic vegetables may be vary. I tasted corn, bamboo shoot, grilled figs, and enoki mushroom with four different cooking methods. I tasted Taiwanese figs at “Wild Donkey”. This time at Ivy Garden restaurant, I tasted the figs from Changhua, Taiwan. Even though the fig is grilled, it is still juicy and sweet. You can also pair with the black salt or miso sauce on the side to create layers of lavors.

延伸閱讀: Wild Donkey Taipei 》野驢小餐館菜單是 Farm To Table 的最佳代表作


干貝 / 白花椰 /蘆筍

Scallop / Cauliflower / Asparagus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道只有晚餐套餐有. 北海道生食 L 等級干貝 一直是台灣 Fine Dining 餐廳常用的食材, Ivy Garden 的煎干貝吃起來頗嫩且有著些許海鮮風味, 高級食材2A 級白蘆筍如預期地無纖維且鮮脆, 松露白花椰泥佐兩道食材不違和, 且不會覆蓋住雙主角的光芒與美味程度.
This dish is only offered at Dinner set. Hokkaido scallop is a common ingredient at Taiwan Fine Dining restaurants. The pan-fried scallop tastes tender along with seafood flavor. The 2A level white asparagus is fiberless and crisp. The cauliflower sauces pair well with both ingredients.


蛤蜊 / 吊瓜 /煎餅

Clams / Loofah/ Fritter
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

午餐套餐與晚餐套餐皆有這一道菜餚, 蛤蜊與吊瓜 (絲瓜) 很少出現在台灣西餐廳餐桌上. 我個人會建議先喝一口熱騰騰且過濾地很乾淨的絲瓜湯, 搭配瓜類的甜.  有著滑順口感,   吃一口煎餅, 先是感受到極度酥脆的煎餅, ㄎㄠˇ ㄧ聲 , 並不會油膩, 味蕾感受到飽滿蛤蜊賦予的爆汁與直球般海味, 若有剩餘的炸煎餅, 可以直接搭配絲瓜湯.
Clams and Loofah don’t appear much at Taiwan western restaurants. I would suggest to taste one sip on this clearly-filtered loofah soup. It is smooth and also has thick flavor. It also comes with the sweetness. After taking a bite at extremely crispy fried fritter. the taste can sense the juicy clams and straight-forward seafood flavor. If there are fritter leftover, you can dip into the loofah soup.



Fish / Lemon Butter / Peng Hu Seaweed
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

晚餐才有提供這一道菜餚, 時令鮮魚不定期更換, Ivy Garden 主廚採用台灣飼養的肉質較紮實的海鱺魚, 而不是油脂偏厚的魚類 , 解說時有提到生食級海鱺魚經過六天熟成, 外層油煎脆香, 切開吃一口, 不僅有鮮嫩肉質, 也有著濃郁海鮮風味, 搭配檸檬奶油是經典不敗組合, 另一款澎湖海草醬也讓整體海洋風味架構更完整.
Only dinner set offers this dish. The seafood may be vary. Ivy Garden chef uses fish with less fats, such as sea bass. The staff mentioned that the sea bass is aged for 6 days. The appearance is crispy. The fish fillet has tender meat with thick seafood flavor. The lemon butter is a classic combination. The other sauce, which is Peng Hu Seaweed sauce, completes the seafood flavor structure of this dish.


雪酪/刺瓜/澳澆 (愛玉)

Sorbet / Cucumber / Aiyu Jelly
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

澳澆是愛玉的台語名稱,刺瓜是小黃瓜的台語名詞, 整體雪酪的微酸甜清爽感讓這一道菜餚有點像是半場休息時間, 特別安排在魚類料理之後, 牛排之前.
This refreshing dish has cucumber and aiyu Jelly. It brings out the sweetness and hints of acidity. It is a bit like the halftime break time in between fish and steak.


牛 /高山娃娃菜 / 昆布鹽 / 山葵

Beef/ Puntarelle / Kombu Salt /Wasabi
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Ivy Garden 餐廳顧問 Christine Lau 主理的紐約 Kimika 餐廳榮獲2022年度美國「 James Beard Award 」最佳新餐廳, 也入選美國米其林指南餐廳. 這一道菜餚的牛肉採用餐廳顧問Christine Lau 最熟悉的美國紐約客牛排. 直火炭烤 80g 美國紐約客牛排至三分熟左右, 內部有著粉嫩色澤, 外層滋潤油亮, 之後再置放在熱盤上 serve. 入口的紐約客牛排頗有嚼勁, 肉香衝擊十足, 我個人喜歡沾旁邊的昆布鹽, 喜歡微辣可以沾自製山葵醬.
Ivy Garden restaurant consultant is Christine Liu. Her New York restaurant “Kimika” won 2022 James Beard Award new restaurant category also Michelin Selected. Christine Liu designs this dish with her familiar ingredient – New York Strip steak. The 80g steak is grilled to medium-rare and served on the hot plate. The New York Strip Steak has the chewy taste along with thick meaty flavor and aroma. I personally like to dip into the Kombu salt. If you prefer spicy flavor, you can dip into the custom-made wasabi sauce.


手工冰淇淋/ 山葵/ 巧克力

Gelato / Wasabi / Chocolate
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一道甜點設計主題符合 Ivy Garden 花園元素, 有花有蜂巢有淺綠主題色, 巧克力風味蜂巢與少見的山葵風味義式冰淇淋 ( Gelato ) , 不會過於嗆辣, 反倒 Balance 不錯, 我個人覺得頗有創意.
This dessert design has Garden theme, which includes flower, honey comb, and light green color. The honey comb shape has chocolate flavor. The gelato flavor is quite special, which is wasabi. It is not overly too spicy. Instead, all are balanced quite well served. I would consider that this dish is creative and special.



I select the Tea.


Wine Pairing Menu

午餐 Wine Pairing 價格是 NTD $780. 晚餐Wine Pairing 價格是 4 杯 NTD $1380,  值得一提的是晚餐 Wine Pairing 有香檳!

Lunch Wine Pairing price is NTD $780 +10%  (3 glasses) . Dinner Wine Pairing price is NTD $1380 +10%  (4 glasses). The surprising part would be that dinner wine pairing has champagne.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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IVY GARDEN Restaurant Information

地址: 台北市松山區復興南路一段39號7F (Breeze Center ) (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝復興站
電話: 02-6600-3686

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivygarden_breeze/

Restaurant: IVY GARDEN Restaurant
Address: 7F, No. 39, 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station
Tel: 02-6600-3686


