HUGH LAB 》台北預約制甜點私廚也許是未來的飲食新潮流
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
(已搬家) HUGH LAB 是 2019 新開幕且最受歡迎的台北私廚甜點, 是一家有預約制的甜點店, 以如同藝術品般的盤式甜點套餐征服許多饕客.
(Moved) HUGH LAB is the 2019 newly-opened Private Dessert Kitchen at Taipei City. The owner only takes reservation. Its beautiful dessert plate layout has attracted many dessert foodies.
HUGH LAB 菜單在文末 HUGH LAB Menu is at the end of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
HUGH LAB 預約 & 營業時間 HUGH LAB Reservation
Hugh Lab 目前平日不營業, 與 “和合青田”一樣是預約制, 店家每月會在 Facebook 和 Instagram 不定期公佈可預約時間和價格, 但不會公開每個月不同的菜單, 每月20號店家開始接受 FB & IG 私訊下個月的訂位, 而不是像 “門前隱味牛肉麵“ 只能用網站預約. 圖ㄧ則是 Hug Lab FB 貼文範例.
Hugh Lab doesn’t open during weekdays and only takes reservation. The store would post the free reservation schedule and price at Facebook and Instagram. But, Hugh Lab doesn’t announce their different monthly menu. Hugh Lab takes reservation via Facebook IG private message for next month on 20th each month. The customer doesn’t have to book via website like “Hidden Beef Noodle”.
延伸閱讀: 預約制台北茶館包廂推薦 》 和合青田 | Taipei Tea House Recommendation
延伸閱讀: 門前隱味牛肉麵 》板橋府中捷運站美食 | Taipei Beef Noodle
Hugh Lab 交通 Hugh Lab Traffic
Hugh Lab 最靠近大橋頭捷運站二號出口, 與延三夜市相反方向, 沿著台北橋走, 再轉進蘭州街, 雖然住址是在蘭州街上, 但其實入口是在建築物後的防火巷, 按電鈴再走樓梯上四樓, 踏進 Hugh Lab 甜點店時, HUGH LAB 是台北大同區常見的老宅私廚文青裝潢風格, 主廚則是在 “逗號洋行” 私廚看到的廚房中島準備甜點, 店內並沒有像平常甜點店的冷藏蛋糕展示櫃,
Hugh Lab is located near No. 2 of Daqiao Tou MRT station. Even though the address is on the street. The entrance is at the back alley of the building. The Hugh Lab is located at the 4th floor. The indoor has the kitchen in the middle, just like at “Curio Comma Taipei”.
延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理
延伸閱讀: 其他大橋頭捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Daqiao Tou MRT station
包括: 開胃小點, 前菜, 主菜, 茶/咖啡, 佐茶/咖啡小點
HUGH LAB Dessert Set
Includes Appetizer, Pre-Dessert, Main Dessert, Petit Four
Price: NTD $750/Set
慢燉蘋果 / 金萱茶蛋糕 / 茶香脆餅
Sliced Apple, Tea Cake, Tea Cookie
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道甜點如同 “168 牛排館” 的 Amuse Bouche, 以 Tapas 視覺形式作為開場, 拿起這款甜點觀察, 以金萱茶風味的磅蛋糕為底, 主廚以新鮮蘋果切片將燉蘋果切丁隱藏, 再疊上極薄的茶香脆餅. ㄎㄠˇ 一聲來自脆餅, 味蕾立刻感受到一抹蘋果清香風味, 磅蛋糕的適量茶香與奶香則是口齒留香, 相當不錯.
This dessert tapas style is similar with the Amuse Bouche at “168 Steak House”. The pound cake with tea flavor is placed at the bottom. The fresh apple slices hide the stewed apple dices in the middle. There is crispy tea cookie at the top. The tastebuds would sense the refreshing apple flavor. The fair amount of the tea flavor and buttery flavor from the pound cake is quite good.
延伸閱讀: 168 Steak House Taipei New Chapter 》168 牛排館 2019 新主廚新菜單
鳳梨薄片千層, 香草檸檬凍,優格馬里布風味雪酪
Sliced Pineapple Layers, Vanilla Lemon Gelatina, Yogurt Sorbet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
色調與 “Logy Taipei” 的亮黃色夏季甜點相似, 最搶眼的莫過於鳳梨千層, 外型如同 “Stagiaire 實習生”的馬鈴薯千層, 充沛鳳梨酸香與果香和底層的檸檬凍融合, 有時甜多過於酸, 有時酸多過於甜, 難以預測. 優格雪酪綿密口感與微弱椰子風味就像停頓點, 讓味蕾休息. 整道甜點相當適合夏天.
The dessert color is bright yellow, which is similar with “Logy Taipei” summer dessert. The sliced pineapple layers has the visual impact of the day. The pineapple appearance just like “Stagiaire” potato layers. The fair amount of acidity along with sweetness are balanced bite by bite. Pineapple fruity flavor pairs quite well with the vanilla lemon gelatina. The yogurt sorbet has creamy texture with hints of coconut flavor. The dessert is suitable for summer time.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林一星 logy 餐廳美食
延伸閱讀: 台北東區餐酒館推薦 》Stagiaire 實習生餐廳料理與甜點皆美味
白葡萄慕斯, 水梨薄片, 酒香薄凍捲水果Salsa, 君度柚子雪酪
White Grape Mousse, Sliced Pear, Fruity frozen roll, Cointreau Grapefruit Sorbet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
如同藝術般的甜點呈現於眼前, 凍卷與 “Verde Taipei “小黃瓜與寒天結合如同果凍般的表層相似, 君度柚子雪酪內餡並沒有明顯的酒香. 主廚採用整齊白葡萄圓型切片與與銀箔裝飾於水梨薄片卷上, 細緻程度極高, 微甜白葡萄慕斯內餡勾勒出清新水梨果香與清脆口感, 多層次風味討人喜歡, 這款迷人盤式甜點有著 Fine Dining 等級.
This dessert presentation is an impressive food art. The roll is similar with the gelatin at “Verde Taipei”. The Cointreau Grapefruit Sorbet doesn’t have alcohol aroma. The chef places the sliced white grape on the sliced pear roll. This dessert is The hints of sweet from the grape pairs great with the refreshing pear fruity flavor. This dessert plate has the fine-dining level.
延伸閱讀: Verde Taipei 》2019 米其林餐盤餐廳之蔬食饗宴
手沖單品咖啡 (熱)
Pour-In Single Origin Coffee (Hot)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
熱口手沖咖啡溫醇, 坦尚尼亞咖啡豆有經典果酸風味, 但是也許茶會更適合搭配甜點.
Hugh Lab offers Tanzania coffee bean for the pour-in coffee. Maybe tea would be better option?!?
Petit Four
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
一黑一白甜點視覺搭配完美. 先咬一口小檸檬塔, “啊 ~ 原來那是白色棉花糖”, 切面可看到檸檬餡與百香果軟糖, 酸甜檸檬風味主導著這款甜點. 巧克力亮面搭配著巧克力慕斯內餡, 再加上濃郁巧克力戚風蛋糕如同巧克力三重奏, 如果喜歡巧克力風味的人應該會愛上這款甜點.
The white dessert is lemon tart with marshmallow. The filling is lemon paste with passion fruit gummy. The lemon flavor dominates this dessert. The black dessert is dark chocolate ganache appearance with chocolate cake and mousse. If you like Chocolate flavor, you will love it.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
地址:台北市大同區蘭州街60號4樓 (Map)
捷運站: 大橋頭捷運站
Restaurant: HUGH LAB
Address: 4F, No. 60, Lanzhou Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Daqiao Tou MRT station