Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚
Last Updated on 2024-01-18 by Foodelicious
小酌之家是 2023 台北米其林必比登餐廳美食之一 , 小酌之家必點除了鮮鮑烏骨雞湯, 還推薦點哪些菜餚. 文章也會提到小酌之家訂位方式.
Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant is one of the Taipei BIB Gourmand Restaurant. Besides its must-order Black-Boned Chicken Broth with Abalone, I also recommend other dishes. The article will also mention the reservation method.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
小酌之家 訂位
Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Restaurant Reservation
小酌之家 是 2023 台北米其林必比登餐廳的新進餐廳 , 地址為台北市中山區吉林路420號 , 位於行天宮捷運站與中山國小捷運站皆有 5 ~ 10 分鐘路程. 附近有知名的 “牛肆火鍋餐廳” . 座位雖然不多, 用餐環境乾淨, 適合家庭與朋友聚餐. 小酌之家訂位是線上訂位 inline ( link ), 選位人數最少為四人, 人數偏少建議直接打電話詢問 02-2598-8067.
✅ 只收現金
✅ 平日只有晚上營業, 週末則是有午餐與晚餐時段
✅ 鮮鮑烏骨雞湯需要預訂, 請自行打電話確認有無預訂成功
“Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Restaurant” is a new addition to the 2023 Michelin BIB Gourmand in Taipei. It is located at No. 420, Jilin Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is conveniently situated within 5 to 10 minutes’ walking distance from both Xingtian Temple MRT Station and Zhongshan Elementary School MRT Station. The famous “Niu Si Hot Pot Restaurant” is nearby. The dining environment is clean and suitable for family gatherings and outings with friends. Reservations can be made via inline (link), with a minimum reservation for four people. If you have a smaller group, it’s advisable to contact them directly at 02-2598-8067.
Please notice three important points
✅ Cash Only
✅ Weekdays only dinner time available. They are opened during weekend lunch and dinner.
✅ You will need to reserve black-bone chicken broth with abalone. Please call to check if the reservation is successful.
延伸閱讀: 牛肆 Beef Hot Pot 》關於這家訂位困難台北溫體牛肉火鍋的五件事
♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)
小酌之家 菜單
Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Restaurant Menu
小酌之家的 inline 有菜單, 有餐廳配置好的 “合菜” , 也有單點. 餐廳小白板也有標示新鮮漁貨的價格.
The restaurant puts the menu on inline. They also have set and al carte dishes. Their little white board also shows the seafood price.
2023.12 月 Menu Link:
延伸閱讀:台北平價美食推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants (By District)
小酌之家 評論 ⭐
Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Restaurant Review
Fried Pig Intestine with Dried Tofu and Green Beans
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
小酌之家的台式干煸肥腸並不會辣. 酥炸肥腸入口不會過於油膩. 與其他餐廳不同, 肥腸的乾爽微酥脆口感讓人印象深刻. 期望餐廳未來能夠提供顧客選擇是否加價增加更多肥腸的選項. 這一道是我當天最喜歡且推薦的菜餚.
The Taiwanese-style Fried Pig Intestine with Dried Tofu and Green Beans
at “Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Restaurant ” is not spicy. The dry and slightly crispy texture of the fatty intestines leaves a deep impression. I hope the restaurant can offer customers the option to add more fatty intestines for an additional charge in the future. This dish was my favorite dish of the day and is highly recommend.
Steamed Fish
Price: Price may vary
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
在許多台式餐廳吃過清蒸鮮魚 (例如: “台北儂來會館“ 與 ”喜相逢“ ) , 也知道自己喜歡的漁貨烹調方式是清蒸. 小酌之家的清蒸鮮魚並不是重口味, 僅以青蔥與淡醬油的提香, 而魚皮豐富的油脂使得每一口魚肉都非常鮮嫩且細緻. 我喜歡這一道菜還有另一個原因 , 餐廳運用清蒸鮮魚留下來的油與醬汁製作成魚香煎蛋.
I have tried steamed fish in many Taiwanese restaurants (such as “Nong Lai Restaurant” and “Xi Xiang Feng Restaurant”). I found that the steamed fish at “Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant” is not heavily seasoned. It relies on the aroma and flavor of green onions and light soy sauce. The rich oil content in the fish skin ensures that every bite of the fish is tender and delicate. I like this dish for another reason – the restaurant uses the oil and sauce left from steaming the fish to make the pan-fried egg dish.
延伸閱讀: 儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳
延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易
Pan-Fried Egg with Fish Oil and Sauce
Price: Price may vary
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
猶如前奏, 餐廳運用清蒸鮮魚留下來的油與醬汁, 製作成魚香煎蛋 . 雖然菜單上有提供單點的選擇 , 我個人推薦兩道都點. 不同於 “喜相逢” 的魚汁烘蛋, 看似魚汁與醬汁並沒有預期地多. 品嚐時有鮮味 (Umami ) 與微蛋香組合而成的獨特風味.
The restaurant uses the oil and sauce left from steaming the fish to make the pan-fried egg dish. Even though the menu offers this dish as al carte dish, I would recommend to order both steamed fish and the egg. It may seem that there isn’t an abundant amount of fish and soy sauce, but the unique flavor resulting from the combination of freshness (umami) and a hint of egg fragrance is delightful when tasted.
延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易
鮮鮑烏骨雞湯 (需預訂)
Silky Fowl / Black-Boned Chicken Broth with Abalone (Need to Reserve)
Price: NTD $2800
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
鮮鮑烏骨雞湯是小酌之家的招牌菜餚, 需要預訂. 鮑魚的嫩度極高. 我都是在台式餐廳吃到烏骨雞 ( “元味” 與 “雞家莊”) , 烏骨雞似乎成為臺菜的雞肉類料理代表. 烏骨雞湯會讓人聯想到濃郁的中藥養生雞湯, 小酌之家的烏骨雞湯有著金色清澈湯頭. 品酌時, 有少許的醇香中藥風味, 重點是喝起來不會苦澀, 比之前我在曉鹿鳴樓 喝到的“峭壁石斛燉雞湯“ 更美味且平衡.如果初訪且用餐人數 6 ~ 8 人, 我會推薦點.
This particular chicken broth is their signature dish and need to reserve in advance. The tenderness of the abalone is exceptional. I have tried black-bone chicken at other Taiwanese restaurants like “ Yuan restaurant“ and ”Chi Chia Chuang Restaurant”. The black-bone chicken is almost considered the representative chicken dish in Taiwan. Unlike common black-bone chicken broth, this particular soup has clear golden color. When tasted, there is a subtle herbal fragrance, and importantly, it’s not bitter. It’s more delicious and well-balanced. If it is your first visit and you have a party of 6 to 8 people, I would recommend ordering it.
延伸閱讀:台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide
延伸閱讀: Taipei Fried Rice 元味料理 》饕客公認台北炒飯推薦與台式手路菜推薦餐廳
延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦
延伸閱讀: Tai Da Table Restaurant 》曉鹿鳴樓菜單輕鬆吃
Oyster with Garlic
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
在許多台式餐廳, 鮮蚵通常被製作成炸蚵捲 ( “隱食家 Inns+ ” ) 或是 火鍋川燙的食材 (“秀花鍋” ) 或是鮮蚵麵線 ( “面線町” ) . 我喜歡的不是這一道的蒜泥風味,而是鮮蚵的飽滿度, 多汁程度也是我意想不到.
In many Taiwanese restaurant, the oyster ingredient is often made for fried oyster roll ( “Inns +” ) or hotpot ingredient ( “Showhua Hot Pot” ) or oyster vermicelli ( “Mei-Xian-Ding” ) . I like the oyster juicy texture instead of its garlic flavor.
延伸閱讀: 隱食家 Inns+ 》菜單除了紅糟肉還推薦哪些菜餚
延伸閱讀: 秀花鍋 Showhua Hot Pot 》菜單裡的海陸套餐很值得推薦
延伸閱讀: Taipei Vermicelli 》面線町的海王子麵線系列不錯吃可ㄧ試
Stir-Fried Fish
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
小酌之家的乾煎魚與清蒸魚都美味. 餐廳事先將魚輕劃切片. 也可俐落地將魚骨挑出. 乾煎外皮極為酥脆, 表皮下的魚肉卻非常嫩. 如果喜歡炸的烹調方式, 建議點這一道乾煎魚.
Both steamed fish and stir-fried fish are delicious.The restaurant pre-slices the fish lightly, and the fish bones can also be neatly removed. The pan-fried exterior is extremely crispy, while the fish meat beneath the skin is very tender. If you enjoy fried cooking methods, I recommend ordering this pan-fried fish dish.
烤豬腳 (需預訂)
Pork Knuckle
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
許多人到小酌之家都是點烤鹹豬肉, 有趣的是台灣米其林頁面則是小酌之家的烤豬腳. 網站提到店家是選用選用台灣黑毛豬的前豬腳, 兩天製作時間才完成這一道菜餚, 因此需要預訂. 端上時的份量足夠 8 ~ 10 人分享, 肉香十足且不會偏鹹, 外皮Q彈且肉質嫩滑, 不錯吃.
Many people ordered for the sliced salty pork dish. But interestingly, the Michelin Taiwan page highlights the restaurant’s pork knuckle. The website mentions that the restaurant uses the front trotters of Taiwanese black-haired pigs, and it takes two days to prepare this dish. So, you will need to reserve in advance. The serving size is for 8 to 10 people to share. The meat is flavorful without being overly salty. The skin and the meat are tender and delicious.
Grilled Squid
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
不同於一般的醬烤軟絲, 小酌之家則是刷上蛋黃. 品嚐時並不會有蛋香. 微厚實且嫩的軟絲肉質令人印象深刻, 烤軟絲腳的微焦香也頗美味.
Unlike the typical sauced and grilled squid, the restaurant brushes theirs with egg yolk. Despite this, there is no egg aroma when tasted. The slightly thick and tender texture of the squid leaves a lasting impression. The slightly charred aroma from grilling the squid legs is also quite delicious.
Deep-Fried Cartilage
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
雖然是家喻戶曉且幾乎人人吃過的酥炸雞軟骨, 小酌之家將其成為桌菜.雞軟骨不會乾硬, 反倒是偏嫩, 會讓人一口接著一口, 名符其實的下酒菜.
Even though deep-fried chicken cartilage is a well-known and widely consumed dish, the restaurant has elevated it to a table dish. The chicken cartilage is not dry or tough; instead, it’s tender, making it a perfect dish to enjoy with drinks.
Squid Meatball
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
因為當天有點啤酒, 很適合搭配這一道下酒菜.
Since we ordered beer, it was a perfect match for this dish as a drinking snack
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
燙鮮烹調方式凸顯出蝦的鮮甜. 如果喜歡吃海鮮, 可考慮點這一道.
The blanching cooking method highlights the freshness and sweetness of the shrimp. If you enjoy seafood, consider ordering this dish.
Stir-Fried Rice
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
當天的炒飯偏濕軟, 我個人依舊喜歡 “元味炒飯”.
Their stir-fried rice is toward moist texture. I still like the stir-fried rice at ”Yuan restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Fried Rice 元味料理 》饕客公認台北炒飯推薦與台式手路菜推薦餐廳
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: N/A
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: N/A
結論 Conclusion ⭐
我推薦小酌之家餐廳, 我會想要帶我家人們到小酌之家聚餐有以下幾個原因
✅ 價格合理
台灣中式與台式餐廳價格越來越貴 , 小酌之家的合理價格已經非常少見. 而且有吃飽也是優點. 請記得這裡只收現金.
✅ 台菜
台北台菜餐廳的手路菜其實不多, 有時候吃膩粵菜或是其他中式餐廳, 可以考慮台北必比登選出的小酌之家. 平日只有晚上營業, 週末則是中午與晚上皆有營業
✅ 小酌之家必點
我個人是建議4 ~ 6 人, 可網路訂位. 若低於4人, 請打電話確認. 這次用餐經驗非常滿意 我自己的必點菜餚名單有 乾扁肥腸, 清蒸鮮魚,魚香煎蛋, 鮮鮑烏骨雞湯 (需預訂) , 烤軟絲與蒜泥鮮蚵.
I recommendt “Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant” and would like to bring my family there for a gathering for the following reasons:
✅ Reasonable Prices
The prices at many Taiwanese and Chinese restaurants in Taipei have been increasing highly and unreasonable. With reasonable prices, the dish quantity can also fulfill the appetite. Please note that the restaurant only accepts cash.
✅ Taiwanese Cuisine
There are not many restaurants in Taipei that serve authentic Taiwanese cuisine. If you find yourself tired of Cantonese or other Chinese cuisines, you can consider this Michelin BIB Gourmand awarded restaurant. It operates in the evenings on weekdays and both during lunch and dinner on weekends.
✅ Must-Try Dishes
I recommend going with a group of 4 to 6 people, and you can make a reservation online. If your party is fewer than 4 people, it’s advisable to call and confirm. Based on my satisfying dining experience, my must-try dishes include Dry-fried Pork Intestines, Steamed Fresh Fish, Fish-flavored Fried Egg, Abalone and Silkie Chicken Soup (requires reservation), Grilled Squid, and Fresh Oysters with Garlic.
小酌之家 資訊
Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant Information
店名: 小酌之家
地址: 台北市中山區吉林路420號 (Map)
捷運站: 行天宮捷運站 (O09) 與 中山國小捷運站(O10)
電話: 02-2598-8067
Restaurant: Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant
Address: No. 420, Jin-Lin Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Xingtian Temple Station Metro Station (O09) and Zhongshan Elementary School(O10 )
Tel: 02-2598-8067